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Villa Daedalus Mykonos

Греции, Миконос


Вилла Дедал получила свое название от одного из самых известных и увлекательных греческих мифов о Дедале и Икаре, летевших высоко в небе. Гости действительно могут испытать ощущение того, что они находятся между небом и землей, глядя на вечный вид на воды Эгейского моря, которые касаются неба на горизонте.

Великолепная вилла, расположенная на вершине холма над пляжем Элиа, с 6 спальнями с ванными комнатами, из которых главный люкс, расположенный на верхнем уровне, имеет частную террасу с джакузи. Прекрасный интерьер полностью оборудован новейшими аудио- и видеосистемами, включая Smart TV и полностью оборудованный домашний кинотеатр с потолочным проектором.

Площадь 2.000 кв. м. участок с цветами, кактусами и другими декоративными растениями дает гостям изобилие пространства для отдыха и дает возможность расслабиться на изысканной открытой площадке с пейзажным бассейном (который окружен травой), несколькими большими холлами и обеденной зоной с бар и встроенный мангал. На территории виллы также есть частная парковка на шесть автомобилей, а регион Элия находится менее чем в 20 минутах езды от города Миконос и аэропорта острова.

Дедал расположен на вершине холма над пляжем Элиа. Можно испытать это безмерное чувство между небом и землей, глядя на вечный вид на Эгейское море.

Переведено Google


Греции, Миконос

Ближайшие места

пляж 1.3km
Ресторан 1 km
Рынок 3km
Аэропорт 9 km
Порт 12 km

Местные услуги

Банкомат/банк • Почта • Продуктовые магазины • Услуги прачечной • Фитнес-центр • Спа • Медицинские услуги • Больница • Няня • Аптека • Полиция • Рынок • Мини-рынок

Местные достопримечательности и развлечения

Морские прогулки • Рестораны • Игровые площадки • Церкви • Винные туры • Водные виды спорта • Плавание • Серфинг, кайтсерфинг • Аренда яхты • Сафари-туры • Кинотеатр • Музеи • Бары • Пляжные бары • Библиотека • Пристань • Аквапарки • Подводное плавание с аквалангом • Гольф • Рыбалка • Катание на водных мотоциклах • Катание на водных лыжах • Плавание под парусом • Теннис • Парапланеризм • Дайвинг • Виндсерфинг • Ежедневная морская прогулка

Что говорят наши клиенты

Oтзыва: 10 / 10

Villa Daedalus Mykonos

Греции, Миконос

Все отзывы

Kiet T.
Sep 2023

Beyond expectations

Pictures and words cannot capture or show how perfect and special this villa truly is. The view, pool, outdoor bar, open space and all the different and amazing en-suites exceeded our high expectations. Beyond the perfect villa for relaxing and entertainment…
Pictures and words cannot capture or show how perfect and special this villa truly is. The view, pool, outdoor bar, open space and all the different and amazing en-suites exceeded our high expectations. Beyond the perfect villa for relaxing and entertainment, there is the best professional staff to take care of all your questions and needs. Olg is amazing and definitely one of the best in the business in Property management. She made all 12 of our group's specific request from laundry, food, security, transfer service , private chef lunch and dinner for wife's birthday done perfectly and made it looks effortless. Maria and Susana are the sweetest and most sincere, hard working cleaning staff ever. Our nightime security was efficent , professional and made us feel right at home. Truly a magical villa with the perfect staff and team. Looking forward to next trip back.
Oct 2020


Everything was perfect, place, location, surroundings, comfort, decoration and each and every point about the property. Olga is the most kind person and was avilable for whatever we would need, she even went to pick up us at the port and took it to the…
Everything was perfect, place, location, surroundings, comfort, decoration and each and every point about the property. Olga is the most kind person and was avilable for whatever we would need, she even went to pick up us at the port and took it to the house where we found a big arrange of fresh fruits, frozen water and the a.c. waiting for us. She pointed us where to shop for grocery’s, have a coffee, or ask for currency change. She’s the best landlady! Also Maria and Susana were the most adorable house keepers, always smiling, asking what we need and keeping everything clean and home-like. I definitely recommend this place and will try to go again soon!
Kiet T.
Sep 2023

Beyond expectations

10 / 10

Pictures and words cannot capture or show how perfect and special this villa truly is. The view, pool, outdoor bar, open space and all the different and amazing en-suites exceeded our high expectations. Beyond the perfect villa for relaxing and entertainment, there is the best professional staff to take care of all your questions and needs. Olg is…
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Pictures and words cannot capture or show how perfect and special this villa truly is. The view, pool, outdoor bar, open space and all the different and amazing en-suites exceeded our high expectations. Beyond the perfect villa for relaxing and entertainment, there is the best professional staff to take care of all your questions and needs. Olg is amazing and definitely one of the best in the business in Property management. She made all 12 of our group's specific request from laundry, food, security, transfer service , private chef lunch and dinner for wife's birthday done perfectly and made it looks effortless. Maria and Susana are the sweetest and most sincere, hard working cleaning staff ever. Our nightime security was efficent , professional and made us feel right at home. Truly a magical villa with the perfect staff and team. Looking forward to next trip back.
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Oct 2020


10 / 10

Everything was perfect, place, location, surroundings, comfort, decoration and each and every point about the property. Olga is the most kind person and was avilable for whatever we would need, she even went to pick up us at the port and took it to the house where we found a big arrange of fresh fruits, frozen water and the a.c. waiting for us. She…
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Everything was perfect, place, location, surroundings, comfort, decoration and each and every point about the property. Olga is the most kind person and was avilable for whatever we would need, she even went to pick up us at the port and took it to the house where we found a big arrange of fresh fruits, frozen water and the a.c. waiting for us. She pointed us where to shop for grocery’s, have a coffee, or ask for currency change. She’s the best landlady! Also Maria and Susana were the most adorable house keepers, always smiling, asking what we need and keeping everything clean and home-like. I definitely recommend this place and will try to go again soon!
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