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Exclusive Suite at Milos Breeze Boutique

Греции, Милос

пляж: 450m

Эксклюзивный люкс в Milos Breeze Boutique - отличный выбор для улучшения вашего самочувствия. Гидромассажная ванна дополняет роскошную ванную комнату, предлагая своим гостям бесконечные часы глубокого расслабления. Со своего балкона гости могут успокоить свои чувства, часами глядя на глубокую синеву Эгейского моря и живописную красоту Поллонии. Минималистичный декор и светлые тона интерьера еще больше усиливают преобладающее ощущение спокойствия. Его площадь составляет 25 м2, и на большой двуспальной кровати могут разместиться до двух человек.

4-звездочный бутик-отель Milos Breeze расположен в привилегированном месте, среди бескрайнего темно-синего вечного Эгейского моря, окружающего Киклады, и захватывающих закатов острова Милос. Милош. Milos Breeze, сочетающий традиционную архитектуру с элементами аутентичной роскоши, приглашает вас испытать уникальные моменты отдыха в живописной рыбацкой деревушке Поллония, предоставляя впечатляющие визуальные эффекты, которые станут бесценными воспоминаниями о расслаблении и благополучии со спокойным и прохладным бризом, который будет сопровождать ваши дни. и вечерами.

Построенный в эксклюзивном и тихом месте на потрясающей вершине утеса, Milos Breeze предлагает панорамный вид на море и близлежащие острова, которым можно любоваться и наслаждаться с балкона каждого номера или люкса: Кимолос, Сифнос, Серифос, Агиос Георгиос и Поляйго видны с впечатляющей точки зрения Милоша Бриза. Кроме того, в бутик-отеле есть уникальный переливной бассейн, обогащенный минералами магния; одно погружение, и вы почувствуете разницу.

Переведено Google


Греции, Милос

Ближайшие места

пляж 450m
Ресторан 350m
Рынок 400m
Аэропорт 12km
Порт 10km

Местные услуги

Банкомат/банк • Почта • Продуктовые магазины • Услуги прачечной • Медицинские услуги • Аптека • Мини-рынок

Местные достопримечательности и развлечения

Рестораны • Церкви • Водные виды спорта • Плавание • Музеи • Бары • Пляжные бары • Рыбалка • Плавание под парусом • Дайвинг • Ежедневная морская прогулка • Морские прогулки на корабле с прозрачным дном

Что говорят наши клиенты

Oтзыва: 10 / 10

Exclusive Suite at Milos Breeze Boutique

Греции, Милос

Все отзывы

Brian T.
Sep 2022

It was a top-notch stay

After checking in at the front desk, you are led to the outdoor bar where a free drink is waiting for you. Your room is visited with your bags. Spend some time at the bar or unwind by one of the two outdoor pools. A hotel guest will soon arrive and give…
After checking in at the front desk, you are led to the outdoor bar where a free drink is waiting for you. Your room is visited with your bags. Spend some time at the bar or unwind by one of the two outdoor pools. A hotel guest will soon arrive and give you a brief walking tour and answer any queries you may have. Very competent and practical client service. It's island-style luxury, and the view is really stunning. Would strongly advise.
Ciska R.
Aug 2022

10/10 would return!

We have a lot of wonderful things to say about our stay. The employees provided exceptional service, but the setting, pool, view, and accommodations were all excellent. Starting with the friendly greeting at the front desk, the breakfast team's helpful…
We have a lot of wonderful things to say about our stay. The employees provided exceptional service, but the setting, pool, view, and accommodations were all excellent. Starting with the friendly greeting at the front desk, the breakfast team's helpful suggestions and great food, and the pool bar staff's delectable beverages.
Sophia A.
Jul 2022

Should we find ourselves returning to Milos, we would most definitely stay here again!

We spent the most amazing time at Milos Breeze! The views were amazing, and the entire staff was warm and welcoming. The concierge assisted us in renting a car and was always willing to offer suggestions for things to do on the island.
Sam E.
Jun 2022

Whenever you visit Milos, stay here.

Stunning views of the Agean from the cliffs' top position. The swimming pool was very lovely. The people at the resort actually made it a five-star experience, in addition to being one of the best hotels we have ever stayed at. They took care of all…
Stunning views of the Agean from the cliffs' top position. The swimming pool was very lovely. The people at the resort actually made it a five-star experience, in addition to being one of the best hotels we have ever stayed at. They took care of all of our requirements and demands. They even organized a boat day for us and prepared a picnic lunch for us to enjoy while boating.
Brian T.
Sep 2022

It was a top-notch stay

10 / 10

After checking in at the front desk, you are led to the outdoor bar where a free drink is waiting for you. Your room is visited with your bags. Spend some time at the bar or unwind by one of the two outdoor pools. A hotel guest will soon arrive and give you a brief walking tour and answer any queries you may have. Very competent and practical client…
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After checking in at the front desk, you are led to the outdoor bar where a free drink is waiting for you. Your room is visited with your bags. Spend some time at the bar or unwind by one of the two outdoor pools. A hotel guest will soon arrive and give you a brief walking tour and answer any queries you may have. Very competent and practical client service. It's island-style luxury, and the view is really stunning. Would strongly advise.
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Ciska R.
Aug 2022

10/10 would return!

10 / 10

We have a lot of wonderful things to say about our stay. The employees provided exceptional service, but the setting, pool, view, and accommodations were all excellent. Starting with the friendly greeting at the front desk, the breakfast team's helpful suggestions and great food, and the pool bar staff's delectable beverages.
Sophia A.
Jul 2022

Should we find ourselves returning to Milos, we would most definitely stay here again!

10 / 10

We spent the most amazing time at Milos Breeze! The views were amazing, and the entire staff was warm and welcoming. The concierge assisted us in renting a car and was always willing to offer suggestions for things to do on the island.
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