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2 Bedroom Suite at Naoussa Hills Paros

Греции, Парос

пляж: 2.5km

Бутик-курорт Naoussa Hills (только для взрослых 13+) представляет собой роскошный комплекс, состоящий из номеров, люксов, апартаментов, двухэтажных вилл и лофтов, призванный удовлетворить все потребности гостей и сделать ваше пребывание незабываемым.

Он возвышается над холмами, возвышающимися над Наусой, откуда открывается вид на бесконечный соблазнительно-голубой цвет Эгейского моря. Острова Наксос, Миконос, Тинос и даже Икария лежат недалеко и хорошо видны невооруженным глазом. Расположенный всего в 3 км от центра города Наусса и в 5 минутах езды на машине от лучших пляжей острова, курорт окружен захватывающими дух пейзажами. Курорт был создан, чтобы удовлетворить гостей, которые ищут тихое и очень цивилизованное место с архитектурной эстетикой, которая проистекает из простоты и минимальных характеристик кикладской архитектуры и философии.

В этих просторных апартаментах есть полностью оборудованная кухня, балкон с видом на Эгейское море, 2 спальни, каждая спальня имеет собственную ванную комнату, вид на море, вид на сад, вид на бассейн, вид на горы, вид на город. Люкс площадью 70 квадратных метров рассчитан на 2-4 гостей.

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Греции, Парос

Ближайшие места

пляж 2.5km
Ресторан 50 m
Рынок 1.8km
Аэропорт 18 km
Порт 11 km

Местные услуги

Банкомат/банк • Почта • Продуктовые магазины • Услуги прачечной • Фитнес-центр • Спа • Медицинские услуги • Больница • Няня • Аптека • Полиция • Рынок • Мини-рынок

Местные достопримечательности и развлечения

Морские прогулки • Рестораны • Игровые площадки • Церкви • Винные туры • Водные виды спорта • Плавание • Серфинг, кайтсерфинг • Аренда яхты • Музеи • Бары • Пляжные бары • Библиотека • Пристань • Аквапарки • Верховая езда • Подводное плавание с аквалангом • Рыбалка • Катание на водных мотоциклах • Катание на водных лыжах • Плавание под парусом • Теннис • Маунтинбайкинг • Парапланеризм • Дайвинг • Виндсерфинг • Ежедневная морская прогулка • Клубы

Что говорят наши клиенты

Oтзыва: 10 / 10

2 Bedroom Suite at Naoussa Hills Paros

Греции, Парос

Все отзывы

Patricia E.
Sep 2024

Our accommodations were peaceful and cozy. We thoroughly enjoyed our time at this small hotel.

ne cannot compare this boutique resort to other "high" rated hotels. One significant aspect that makes it exceptional is the manager's passion and care for both his hotel and, especially, his visitors. He truly was a one-man show; he gladly checked us…
ne cannot compare this boutique resort to other "high" rated hotels. One significant aspect that makes it exceptional is the manager's passion and care for both his hotel and, especially, his visitors. He truly was a one-man show; he gladly checked us in, ensured that we were satisfied with our lodging, served us delicious coffee every day, made scrumptious meals, and honestly took the time to get to know our rather sizable company. Clean and modern, the pool.
Tom R.
Aug 2024

We strongly recommend you to book nights at this Hotel if your plans are to relax and chill !

Between the aromas of rosemary and flowers and the entrancing sound of the birds, this spot provided us a pleasant quiet impression and gave the hotel a charming and bucolic serenity. We had a warm welcome, and the entire trip we took in Naoussa was…
Between the aromas of rosemary and flowers and the entrancing sound of the birds, this spot provided us a pleasant quiet impression and gave the hotel a charming and bucolic serenity. We had a warm welcome, and the entire trip we took in Naoussa was lovely and unwinding. We could rely on the crew for tips on a variety of activities on Paros (hiking, strolling, windsurfing, eating, visiting strange areas, etc.). We adored this location so much that we postponed our ferry to Sifnos in order to extend our stay at the Naoussa Hills Boutique Resort on Paros. An added bonus: the brunch is fantastic!
Patricia E.
Sep 2024

Our accommodations were peaceful and cozy. We thoroughly enjoyed our time at this small hotel.

10 / 10

ne cannot compare this boutique resort to other "high" rated hotels. One significant aspect that makes it exceptional is the manager's passion and care for both his hotel and, especially, his visitors. He truly was a one-man show; he gladly checked us in, ensured that we were satisfied with our lodging, served us delicious coffee every day, made scrumptious…
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ne cannot compare this boutique resort to other "high" rated hotels. One significant aspect that makes it exceptional is the manager's passion and care for both his hotel and, especially, his visitors. He truly was a one-man show; he gladly checked us in, ensured that we were satisfied with our lodging, served us delicious coffee every day, made scrumptious meals, and honestly took the time to get to know our rather sizable company. Clean and modern, the pool.
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Tom R.
Aug 2024

We strongly recommend you to book nights at this Hotel if your plans are to relax and chill !

10 / 10

Between the aromas of rosemary and flowers and the entrancing sound of the birds, this spot provided us a pleasant quiet impression and gave the hotel a charming and bucolic serenity. We had a warm welcome, and the entire trip we took in Naoussa was lovely and unwinding. We could rely on the crew for tips on a variety of activities on Paros (hiking…
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Between the aromas of rosemary and flowers and the entrancing sound of the birds, this spot provided us a pleasant quiet impression and gave the hotel a charming and bucolic serenity. We had a warm welcome, and the entire trip we took in Naoussa was lovely and unwinding. We could rely on the crew for tips on a variety of activities on Paros (hiking, strolling, windsurfing, eating, visiting strange areas, etc.). We adored this location so much that we postponed our ferry to Sifnos in order to extend our stay at the Naoussa Hills Boutique Resort on Paros. An added bonus: the brunch is fantastic!
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