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Lido Blue Villa Rhodes

Греции, Родос

пляж: 250m

Вилла Lido Blue расположена в живописной деревне Пефки, всего в нескольких минутах ходьбы от ближайшего пляжа. Он предлагает потрясающий частный бассейн и джакузи без подогрева. Кроме того, это пляж, откуда открывается потрясающий панорамный вид на бескрайние изумрудные воды. Эта бесспорно великолепная вилла вмещает до 8 гостей. Lido Blue Villa - одно из многообещающих мест, где можно провести лучшие моменты на Родосе и получить незабываемое и удобное пребывание.

В отеле Lido Blue есть 4 удобные спальни с кондиционерами, каждая из которых отличается уникальным характером и стилем. Во всех номерах есть кровати размера «king-size», телевизоры Smart TV и балконы, с которых открывается фантастический вид на частный бассейн и бескрайнее море. В главной спальне есть ванна, а гостиная прекрасно спроектирована. Всего есть 3 ванные комнаты, 2 с душем и одна с ванной. К комнатам примыкают 2 стильные ванные комнаты. Современная полностью оборудованная кухня подходит для приготовления любых блюд. Также есть уютная гостиная в естественных тонах с большим смарт-телевизором с Netflix. Сочетание цветов идеально сочетается с исключительным видом из окна на море и бассейн.

Lido Blue Villa находится всего в нескольких шагах от кристально чистой воды пляжа и предлагает лучшие условия для спокойного и приятного отдыха в удобном месте. Гости найдут все необходимое в районе Пефки на небольшом расстоянии, включая супермаркеты, аптеки, бары, рестораны и прокат автомобилей. Поездка до аэропорта занимает около часа. Гости не должны пропустить Линдос с его захватывающими пейзажами и уникальным Акрополем, который находится всего в 10 минутах езды. Акрополь Линдоса - это самый изысканный археологический объект Родоса с самыми сказочными пляжами. Кроме того, посетители должны исследовать Старый город, внесенный в список Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО, расположенный примерно в часе езды от виллы.

Переведено Google


Греции, Родос

Ближайшие места

пляж 250m
Ресторан 450m
Рынок 500m
Аэропорт 52.6km
Порт 52.8km

Местные услуги

Банкомат/банк • Почта • Продуктовые магазины • Услуги прачечной • Фитнес-центр • Спа • Медицинские услуги • Больница • Няня • Аптека • Полиция • Рынок • Мини-рынок

Местные достопримечательности и развлечения

Рестораны • Игровые площадки • Церкви • Винные туры • Водные виды спорта • Плавание • Серфинг, кайтсерфинг • Кинотеатр • Музеи • Бары • Пляжные бары • Пристань • Аквапарки • Верховая езда • Подводное плавание с аквалангом • Рыбалка • Катание на водных мотоциклах • Катание на водных лыжах • Плавание под парусом • Теннис • Дайвинг • Виндсерфинг • Ежедневная морская прогулка • Клубы

Что говорят наши клиенты

Oтзыва: 10 / 10

Lido Blue Villa Rhodes

Греции, Родос

Все отзывы

Adi D.
Oct 2024

The villa is as lovely as it appears on the pictures.

There are no windows in the basement main suite, which is a large and stuffy space. You will need to get everything you need for your trip, especially if you plan to cook and clean the place. We were advised not to switch on every air conditioner in…
There are no windows in the basement main suite, which is a large and stuffy space. You will need to get everything you need for your trip, especially if you plan to cook and clean the place. We were advised not to switch on every air conditioner in the house because doing so resulted in a power failure because there appeared to be several issues with the electricity. A car is required to travel because the house is far from everything. The trip from Rhodes Town takes 1 hour.
Edgar D.
Sep 2024

Absolutely stunning villa and location

Absolutely beautiful villa and setting. Throughout our delightful two-week visit, Angela was attentive, considerate, amiable, and a pleasure to speak with. The pool and outside space were magnificent, and it is clear that much care was taken with them…
Absolutely beautiful villa and setting. Throughout our delightful two-week visit, Angela was attentive, considerate, amiable, and a pleasure to speak with. The pool and outside space were magnificent, and it is clear that much care was taken with them.
Aaron X.
Jun 2024

I heartily suggest it to anyone seeking a vacation in the sun.

Incredible. The outside area is crazy. When we had questions throughout our two-week stay, the hosts communication skills were outstanding. We simply had a great time. The scenery is breathtaking. The design is thoughtfully done. Despite the excellent…
Incredible. The outside area is crazy. When we had questions throughout our two-week stay, the hosts communication skills were outstanding. We simply had a great time. The scenery is breathtaking. The design is thoughtfully done. Despite the excellent transportation options, we decided to rent a car since we wanted the liberty to take our two small children on our own leisurely explorations of the neighborhood.
Zoe B.
May 2024

a magnificent property with breathtaking views

8 adults can stretch out in the ample outside space and great-sized pool. The distance between the location and the water is just far enough to seem remote. Good local bus service accessibility and close proximity to Lindos. There is sufficient room…
8 adults can stretch out in the ample outside space and great-sized pool. The distance between the location and the water is just far enough to seem remote. Good local bus service accessibility and close proximity to Lindos. There is sufficient room for 8 individuals to unwind completely and enjoy this lovely island's sunshine.
Adi D.
Oct 2024

The villa is as lovely as it appears on the pictures.

10 / 10

There are no windows in the basement main suite, which is a large and stuffy space. You will need to get everything you need for your trip, especially if you plan to cook and clean the place. We were advised not to switch on every air conditioner in the house because doing so resulted in a power failure because there appeared to be several issues with…
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There are no windows in the basement main suite, which is a large and stuffy space. You will need to get everything you need for your trip, especially if you plan to cook and clean the place. We were advised not to switch on every air conditioner in the house because doing so resulted in a power failure because there appeared to be several issues with the electricity. A car is required to travel because the house is far from everything. The trip from Rhodes Town takes 1 hour.
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Edgar D.
Sep 2024

Absolutely stunning villa and location

10 / 10

Absolutely beautiful villa and setting. Throughout our delightful two-week visit, Angela was attentive, considerate, amiable, and a pleasure to speak with. The pool and outside space were magnificent, and it is clear that much care was taken with them.
Aaron X.
Jun 2024

I heartily suggest it to anyone seeking a vacation in the sun.

10 / 10

Incredible. The outside area is crazy. When we had questions throughout our two-week stay, the hosts communication skills were outstanding. We simply had a great time. The scenery is breathtaking. The design is thoughtfully done. Despite the excellent transportation options, we decided to rent a car since we wanted the liberty to take our two small…
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Incredible. The outside area is crazy. When we had questions throughout our two-week stay, the hosts communication skills were outstanding. We simply had a great time. The scenery is breathtaking. The design is thoughtfully done. Despite the excellent transportation options, we decided to rent a car since we wanted the liberty to take our two small children on our own leisurely explorations of the neighborhood.
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