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Assos View Villas Kefalonia

Греции, Кефалония

пляж: 10m

Assos View Villas Kefalonia - это оазис спокойствия в одном из самых живописных уголков Ионического моря, и эти недавно построенные виллы на склоне холма над гаванью были тщательно спроектированы, чтобы максимально использовать это место. Этот прибрежный комплекс состоит из трех вилл (Панорама, Плори, Петрино) и может вместить до 11 гостей.

Комфортно обставленный внутри, со всем, что создано для беззаботного отдыха, он также может похвастаться двумя частными пейзажными бассейнами на террасе снаружи, идеально подходящей для сочетания плавания с самым расслабляющим времяпрепровождением, наблюдая за океаном!

Переведено Google


Греции, Кефалония

Ближайшие места

пляж 50m
Ресторан 20m
Рынок 50m
Аэропорт 40km
Порт 35km

Местные услуги

Банкомат/банк • Почта • Продуктовые магазины • Услуги прачечной • Фитнес-центр • Медицинские услуги • Больница • Няня • Аптека • Полиция • Рынок • Мини-рынок

Местные достопримечательности и развлечения

Морские прогулки • Рестораны • Церкви • Винные туры • Водные виды спорта • Плавание • Серфинг, кайтсерфинг • Аренда яхты • Музеи • Бары • Пляжные бары • Пристань • Аквапарки • Подводное плавание с аквалангом • Гольф • Рыбалка • Катание на водных мотоциклах • Катание на водных лыжах • Плавание под парусом • Теннис • Дайвинг • Виндсерфинг • Ежедневная морская прогулка • Клубы • Наблюдение за птицами • Морские прогулки на корабле с прозрачным дном

Что говорят наши клиенты

Oтзыва: 10 / 10

Assos View Villas Kefalonia

Греции, Кефалония

Все отзывы

Sep 2024

Our stay was beyond expectations.

The accommodation was comfortable and clean and the view was exceptional.
Sep 2024

Assos, In the eye of the storm.

During the holiday a category 1 hurricane hit Assos very badly. The village was in bad shape when we left. The host provide us with warm food even though there was no electricity or running water. They looked after us so well I do not have the words…
During the holiday a category 1 hurricane hit Assos very badly. The village was in bad shape when we left. The host provide us with warm food even though there was no electricity or running water. They looked after us so well I do not have the words. Lisa, Ellie and David wish to thank Christos, Katorina and the rest of the family for all there help and Costas for driving us to the airport. Many many thanks. I hope Assos has all the help it needs and has a fantastic 2021.
Jul 2023

Undoubtedly it is the best place to stay in Assos

Undoubtedly it is the best place to stay in Assos and maybe and without exaggeration, in whole Kefalonia island. There are 3 villas, 2 of them have a private pool and all of them dispose of a huge terrace with the most beautiful view you could imagine…
Undoubtedly it is the best place to stay in Assos and maybe and without exaggeration, in whole Kefalonia island. There are 3 villas, 2 of them have a private pool and all of them dispose of a huge terrace with the most beautiful view you could imagine. The villas in the interior are big and comfortable and there is provided any kind of facility could make your stay comfortable. Top advantage are the owners who are so warm and friendly and make you feel at home. I could not recommend this place more.
Steve Hopper
Oct 2022

It doesn't get better than this.

Second time here. Beautiful appartment with it's own pool. It doesn't get better than this.
Nat Badelian
Jul 2022

Amazing location and villa

Amazing location and villa .Stunning view .Once I'll go back in greece I'll will definitely go again.very lovely and friendly owners.Whoever hasn't been yet to assos you should go for sure.You haven't seen this PARADISE .you will love it and you wont…
Amazing location and villa .Stunning view .Once I'll go back in greece I'll will definitely go again.very lovely and friendly owners.Whoever hasn't been yet to assos you should go for sure.You haven't seen this PARADISE .you will love it and you wont want to go leave.thannk you for everything Katerina,kirie Christo and kiria julia
Simon Bishop
Jun 2021

Assos is a Superb Holiday Resort

Assos is a Superb Holiday Resort which is small, friendly and peaceful. The Assos View Villas without doubt have some of the best views overlooking Assos and the Villas themselves are excellent having everything you want for a luxury holiday. Highly…
Assos is a Superb Holiday Resort which is small, friendly and peaceful. The Assos View Villas without doubt have some of the best views overlooking Assos and the Villas themselves are excellent having everything you want for a luxury holiday. Highly recommended for a family holiday.
Anait Sergeeva-Chrysafi
Mar 2020

Situated in the most beautiful and picturesque place in Assos.

Assos View Villas are situated in the most beautiful and picturesque place in Assos. The views are breathtaking, you simply dive in a dream world and get mesmerized by the turquoise waters of the Ionian Sea and the Ancient castle on the top of the hill…
Assos View Villas are situated in the most beautiful and picturesque place in Assos. The views are breathtaking, you simply dive in a dream world and get mesmerized by the turquoise waters of the Ionian Sea and the Ancient castle on the top of the hill. The design of the villas is very fresh and cozy and the owners are very friendly and helpful with everything u need! The ideal place for a dream holiday in a quite and traditional Greek destination.
Sep 2024

Our stay was beyond expectations.

10 / 10

The accommodation was comfortable and clean and the view was exceptional.
Sep 2024

Assos, In the eye of the storm.

10 / 10

During the holiday a category 1 hurricane hit Assos very badly. The village was in bad shape when we left. The host provide us with warm food even though there was no electricity or running water. They looked after us so well I do not have the words. Lisa, Ellie and David wish to thank Christos, Katorina and the rest of the family for all there help…
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During the holiday a category 1 hurricane hit Assos very badly. The village was in bad shape when we left. The host provide us with warm food even though there was no electricity or running water. They looked after us so well I do not have the words. Lisa, Ellie and David wish to thank Christos, Katorina and the rest of the family for all there help and Costas for driving us to the airport. Many many thanks. I hope Assos has all the help it needs and has a fantastic 2021.
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Jul 2023

Undoubtedly it is the best place to stay in Assos

10 / 10

Undoubtedly it is the best place to stay in Assos and maybe and without exaggeration, in whole Kefalonia island. There are 3 villas, 2 of them have a private pool and all of them dispose of a huge terrace with the most beautiful view you could imagine. The villas in the interior are big and comfortable and there is provided any kind of facility could…
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Undoubtedly it is the best place to stay in Assos and maybe and without exaggeration, in whole Kefalonia island. There are 3 villas, 2 of them have a private pool and all of them dispose of a huge terrace with the most beautiful view you could imagine. The villas in the interior are big and comfortable and there is provided any kind of facility could make your stay comfortable. Top advantage are the owners who are so warm and friendly and make you feel at home. I could not recommend this place more.
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