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Villa Ianira Corfu

Греции, Корфу

пляж: 150m

Вилла Ianira Corfu — это современная вилла, окруженная зеленью, предназначенная для отдыха группы или семьи из 6 человек. Расслабление, волнение на природе, закаты на берегу Адриатического моря и приятное времяпрепровождение с друзьями или семьей в роскошных условиях проживания — вот что вилла Ianira может предложить вам, чтобы сделать ваше путешествие незабываемым.

Расположен среди красивых ландшафтных и ухоженных садов; Вилла Ianira Corfu оформлена в сочетании каменных стен и мебели из массива дуба с современным шикарным декором и технологиями, предлагая отличный баланс и атмосферу для тех, кто ищет что-то особенное. Роскошная вилла Ianira Corfu с открытым бассейном расположена в городе Халикунас на острове Корфу. Просторная гостиная этой современной виллы и все современные удобства заставят вас чувствовать себя как дома. Бассейн большой и окружен зеленью прекрасной природы Корфу.

Переведено Google


Греции, Корфу

Ближайшие места

пляж 150m
Ресторан 1.2km
Рынок 1.2km
Аэропорт 27km
Порт 28km

Местные услуги

Банкомат/банк • Почта • Продуктовые магазины • Услуги прачечной • Фитнес-центр • Медицинские услуги • Аптека • Полиция • Рынок • Мини-рынок

Местные достопримечательности и развлечения

Морские прогулки • Рестораны • Игровые площадки • Церкви • Водные виды спорта • Плавание • Серфинг, кайтсерфинг • Аренда яхты • Музеи • Бары • Пляжные бары • Библиотека • Пристань • Аквапарки • Верховая езда • Подводное плавание с аквалангом • Рыбалка • Катание на водных мотоциклах • Катание на водных лыжах • Плавание под парусом • Теннис • Маунтинбайкинг • Парапланеризм • Дайвинг • Виндсерфинг • Ежедневная морская прогулка • Клубы

Что говорят наши клиенты

Oтзыва: 10 / 10

Villa Ianira Corfu

Греции, Корфу

Все отзывы

Michael C.
Sep 2024

Highly recommended

A truly relaxing experience. Konstantina contacted us before arrival and as we had a very early flight time kindly arranged an early check-in where we were greeted with a fantastic spread and some well received groceries. The villa itself is immaculate…
A truly relaxing experience. Konstantina contacted us before arrival and as we had a very early flight time kindly arranged an early check-in where we were greeted with a fantastic spread and some well received groceries. The villa itself is immaculate and well appointed. Cleaners came in twice in our week and were helpful. The pool area and gardens are perfectly maintained with plenty of loungers and a great outdoor eating area. In terms of location this is very peaceful. There is a small beach a two minute walk away but within a 10 minute drive the extensive beach at Halikounas. For sunset drinks head to the Toyo Bar. There are a number of tavernas and restaurants nearby but you'll need a car for sure. Konstantina will provide a list of suggestions for eating out, shopping and excursions. Overall if looking for a quiet out of the way location in Corfu then I'd highly recommend Villa Ianira
Apr 2022

Amazing villa!

This was such a an extravagant and lovely villa to stay in! We have a great time and all the amenities included we’re true to there word, especially the large modern pool! There was only a short walk to the beach in such a peaceful neighborhood with…
This was such a an extravagant and lovely villa to stay in! We have a great time and all the amenities included we’re true to there word, especially the large modern pool! There was only a short walk to the beach in such a peaceful neighborhood with lovely neighbors that helped us when we asked for directions haha. We would most definitely come back again the hosts were so easy to contact and were helpful with all questions we had including how to get there and food recommendations!
Leyla G
Mar 2022

Вилла шикарная!

Вилла просто бесподобная, прекрасно расположена. Чистота и уют витают просто всюду, бассейны что надо, мебель подобрана со вкусом. Девушки…
Вилла просто бесподобная, прекрасно расположена. Чистота и уют витают просто всюду, бассейны что надо, мебель подобрана со вкусом. Девушки менеджеры - милейшие люди, без проблем помогли с бронированием, рассказали много интересного про остров Корфу и проявили максимальное гостеприимство. Обязательно вернемся с семьей и проведем с удовольствием время в Villa Ianira. Советую!
Muhammad A
Jan 2022

Coming back again

I had the pleasure of staying in the comfortable and luxurious Villa during my trip earlier this year. The rooms are homely with fresh and clean sheets. The view and the services are top notch.
Oct 2021

Amazing villa

We had a great time in Villa Ianira in Corfu. Went there with some friends and enjoyed the calm landscape as well as the beach next to the villa. A really refreshing trip, away from Manchester's busy everyday life. Guests were amazing, really friendly…
We had a great time in Villa Ianira in Corfu. Went there with some friends and enjoyed the calm landscape as well as the beach next to the villa. A really refreshing trip, away from Manchester's busy everyday life. Guests were amazing, really friendly and eager to meet all our queries. Will definitely visit them again!
Aug 2021

Amazing stay !

We had an amazing stay in Villa Ianira! Great space, absolutely comfortable and serene. Beautiful location too, the beach is just minutes away. Konstantina and her family provided us with everything we needed, we will definitely come back!
Immanuel Jorg
Aug 2021


I can’t think of anything bad in our wonderful stay! My wife and kids really loved the house and especially the pool.The hosts welcomed us with a big smile and also were very polite and helpful when we needed them. I think the location is ideal if…
I can’t think of anything bad in our wonderful stay! My wife and kids really loved the house and especially the pool.The hosts welcomed us with a big smile and also were very polite and helpful when we needed them. I think the location is ideal if you need a peaceful stay and the nearest beach is only 5 min away on foot.
Aug 2021

It was an amazing place and the best choice for families!

I went with my family in August. We were really impressed. The environment was really luxurious and suitable for families. We spent some a great time together!. This villa has everything you need to relax for a couple of weeks by enjoying also your privacy…
I went with my family in August. We were really impressed. The environment was really luxurious and suitable for families. We spent some a great time together!. This villa has everything you need to relax for a couple of weeks by enjoying also your privacy.
Pablo d
Aug 2021

Un paraíso dentro de otro paraíso

La villa es espectacular. Nos recomendaron el sitio unos amigos que habían estado antes y no decepcionó en absoluto. Las instalaciones espectaculares, con las habitaciones muy amplias como se ve en las fotos, todo muy limpio y muy cuidado. Lo tienen…
La villa es espectacular. Nos recomendaron el sitio unos amigos que habían estado antes y no decepcionó en absoluto. Las instalaciones espectaculares, con las habitaciones muy amplias como se ve en las fotos, todo muy limpio y muy cuidado. Lo tienen muy bien organizado y tienes mucha intimidad si quieres. Mención especial a la piscina. El trato muy amable, lo llevan unos griegos que siempre están dispuestos a ayudar y nos recomendaron también qué sitios ver por la isla, aunque casi no hace falta salir para nada porque ya digo que el sitio es espectacular y tiene la playa al lado. Se puede ver perfectamente el anochecer o amanecer casi desde la cama en silencio y tranquilidad, casi de película. En general todo es muy lujoso y no es especialmente caro por el precio que tiene, así que es de las mejores opciones para desconectar que he visto por la isla. En cuanto pueda, repito. Muy recomendable
Michael C.
Sep 2024

Highly recommended

9.8 / 10

A truly relaxing experience. Konstantina contacted us before arrival and as we had a very early flight time kindly arranged an early check-in where we were greeted with a fantastic spread and some well received groceries. The villa itself is immaculate and well appointed. Cleaners came in twice in our week and were helpful. The pool area and gardens…
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A truly relaxing experience. Konstantina contacted us before arrival and as we had a very early flight time kindly arranged an early check-in where we were greeted with a fantastic spread and some well received groceries. The villa itself is immaculate and well appointed. Cleaners came in twice in our week and were helpful. The pool area and gardens are perfectly maintained with plenty of loungers and a great outdoor eating area. In terms of location this is very peaceful. There is a small beach a two minute walk away but within a 10 minute drive the extensive beach at Halikounas. For sunset drinks head to the Toyo Bar. There are a number of tavernas and restaurants nearby but you'll need a car for sure. Konstantina will provide a list of suggestions for eating out, shopping and excursions. Overall if looking for a quiet out of the way location in Corfu then I'd highly recommend Villa Ianira
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Apr 2022

Amazing villa!

10 / 10

This was such a an extravagant and lovely villa to stay in! We have a great time and all the amenities included we’re true to there word, especially the large modern pool! There was only a short walk to the beach in such a peaceful neighborhood with lovely neighbors that helped us when we asked for directions haha. We would most definitely come back…
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This was such a an extravagant and lovely villa to stay in! We have a great time and all the amenities included we’re true to there word, especially the large modern pool! There was only a short walk to the beach in such a peaceful neighborhood with lovely neighbors that helped us when we asked for directions haha. We would most definitely come back again the hosts were so easy to contact and were helpful with all questions we had including how to get there and food recommendations!
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Leyla G
Mar 2022

Вилла шикарная!

10 / 10

Вилла просто бесподобная, прекрасно расположена. Чистота и уют витают просто всюду, бассейны что надо, мебель подобрана со вкусом. Девушки менеджеры - милейшие люди, без проблем помогли с бронированием…
читать дальше...
Вилла просто бесподобная, прекрасно расположена. Чистота и уют витают просто всюду, бассейны что надо, мебель подобрана со вкусом. Девушки менеджеры - милейшие люди, без проблем помогли с бронированием, рассказали много интересного про остров Корфу и проявили максимальное гостеприимство. Обязательно вернемся с семьей и проведем с удовольствием время в Villa Ianira. Советую!
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