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Villa Amara Zante

Греции, Занте


Вилла Amara Zante - это роскошная вилла с 6 спальнями и частным бассейном. Пятиуровневая вилла Amara площадью 600 кв. м расположена в привилегированном месте на вершине холма, предлагая простор и уединение. Благодаря непретенциозному и сдержанному дизайну, использованию натуральных материалов и тканей, а также выдающемуся мастерству ручной работы, каждое изделие обладает вневременным качеством. Вилла Amara может вместить до 16 гостей и была спроектирована и построена с единственной целью создать уникальное, но роскошное жилье, где качество сочетается с комфортом.

Главный вход открывается в потрясающую гостиную с камином ручной работы и арочным окном с захватывающим видом на Ионическое море. В этом уютном и комфортабельном номере с элегантными диванами и журнальными столиками из оливкового дерева создана приятная обстановка, чтобы вы могли приятно провести время. К услугам гостей ультрасовременная, полностью оборудованная кухня, изготовленная по индивидуальному заказу, оснащенная современной бытовой техникой и такими удобствами, как паровая печь и встроенная кофемашина. Номер расположен на нижнем уровне, в него можно подняться по лестнице из гостиной. По другую сторону барной стойки через элегантную каменную арку находится изготовленный на заказ дубовый стол ручной работы, на котором могут разместиться до 16 гостей.

Вход в современный офис с великолепным дубовым столом, компьютером iMac, принтером и удобными креслами, доступный из гостиной, дает возможность не отставать от работы во время отпуска. Место на все времена года В этом просторном современном номере все продумано до мелочей. Наслаждайтесь просмотром NETFLIX или спутникового телевидения на 65-дюймовом настенном Smart TV с объемным звуком из домашнего кинотеатра или погрузитесь в игровой мир с PlayStation 4. Для соревнующихся гостей идеальным выбором станет полноразмерный бильярдный стол или мишень для дартс. Маленькие гости найдут там множество настольных игр и игрушек, в которые они смогут поиграть во время отпуска своей мечты.

Ничто так не говорит о Греции, как таверна с барбекю на открытом воздухе, грилем и традиционной дровяной печью, а также обеденным столом из местного камня и дерева. Ранний обед, романтический ужин или греческий вечер на площадке для барбекю — это незабываемые впечатления, полные традиций и праздника. Создание воспоминаний Частный переливной бассейн Infiniti с видом на очаровательное Ионическое море со встроенным детским бассейном и прилегающим к нему бассейном с гидромассажем — это абсолютная роскошь, которую вы просто не можете позволить себе пропустить. Благодаря изысканному дизайну и живописным окрестностям вы сможете отточить свои удары на полноразмерном теннисном корте Amara с искусственным покрытием. В развлекательном лаундже вы найдете множество теннисных ракеток и запас мячей, чтобы тренироваться с семьей и друзьями днем ​​и ночью при искусственном освещении.

На вилле Амара также есть Дом на дереве. Этот элегантный современный дом на дереве был спроектирован исключительно для удобства гостей. Прекрасная двухъярусная кровать, ванная комната с душем, каменная раковина с зеркалом, система кондиционирования и отопления, доступ к Wi-Fi, Smart TV со спутниковым телевидением, холодильник, шкаф и собственная веранда и диван-качели с потрясающим видом на море. Идеальное сочетание знакомости и очарования Дома на дереве превратит любой праздник в незабываемое воспоминание.

Вилла Amara также предлагает мини-гольф с индивидуальным дизайном, с различными препятствиями, ловушками, интересными фервеями и холмистыми гринами, разбросанными по красивому солнечному склону, который бросит вызов вашим навыкам игры в гольф. Соберите своих друзей и семью на турнир на 18 лунок и наслаждайтесь приключениями, наградами и возможными разочарованиями на поле. Это будет непросто, но будет очень весело. Найдите время для себя Вилла Амара предлагает тщательно оборудованный полностью функционирующий тренажерный зал, который удовлетворит все ваши потребности в фитнесе. Есть велотренажер, беговая дорожка, подвески TRX, скамья для сидения и многофункциональный тренажер. Вы также можете найти место для охлаждения, растяжки и йоги. В номере также есть Smart TV и Wi-Fi. Идеальный способ обеспечить релаксацию Побалуйте себя во время отпуска и начните с сауны и джакузи, а затем сделайте уход за лицом или массаж. Расслабьтесь и успокойте воспаленные мышцы под струями крытого джакузи. Затем зайдите в сухую сауну, вдохните и позвольте теплу и эфирным маслам творить свое волшебство. Свяжитесь с нами для получения более подробной информации о оздоровительных и косметических процедурах.

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Греции, Занте

Ближайшие места

пляж 2km
Ресторан 500 m
Аэропорт 35 km
Порт 32 km

Местные услуги

Банкомат/банк • Почта • Продуктовые магазины • Услуги прачечной • Фитнес-центр • Спа • Медицинские услуги • Больница • Няня • Аптека • Полиция • Рынок • Мини-рынок

Местные достопримечательности и развлечения

Морские прогулки • Рестораны • Игровые площадки • Церкви • Винные туры • Водные виды спорта • Плавание • Серфинг, кайтсерфинг • Аренда яхты • Музеи • Бары • Пляжные бары • Библиотека • Пристань • Подводное плавание с аквалангом • Гольф • Рыбалка • Катание на водных мотоциклах • Катание на водных лыжах • Плавание под парусом • Теннис • Дайвинг • Виндсерфинг • Ежедневная морская прогулка • Клубы

Что говорят наши клиенты

Oтзыва: 10 / 10

Villa Amara Zante

Греции, Занте

Все отзывы

Ondrej B.
Sep 2024

We will definitely consider going back.

Our stay at Villa Amara was amazing and I’d happily recommend the villa to anyone else… also the owner/manager Dimitris was great and helpful, the chef Dina was lovely. We will definitely consider going back.
Aug 2021


FANTASTIC! The villa is perfectly designed with every amenity you could imagine or want for. We were welcomed by the manager Dimitri on arrival and he was at the end of a phone whenever we needed him. The staff where great, there first thing in the morning…
FANTASTIC! The villa is perfectly designed with every amenity you could imagine or want for. We were welcomed by the manager Dimitri on arrival and he was at the end of a phone whenever we needed him. The staff where great, there first thing in the morning for breakfast and setting the house up for the day to come. Everything was in perfect condition, pool, spa, BBQ area, Tennis court, living spaces, gardens ( fresh vegetables a bonus) and the 18 hole Putt-Putt course. This was one of the highlights of the stay! The view from the back of the house is amazing. Every evening the sunset was the main event. The owner, Dimitrios was extremely friendly and personally helped arrange a boat trip one afternoon along with getting the shipwreck beach totally to ourselves! He also dropped off fresh seafood to us the next morning. Shops 10 min walk, local people welcoming and friendly, also small bar 100m from the front gate. We stayed at the villa for 8 nights and loved all of them. 4 Families covering all ages. Kids slept in the Tree House! Would recommend the Villa to anyone. Thank you Dimitris and everyone that made our stay memorable.
Jun 2021

What more could you want!

My wife and I stayed here with our friends in June and the villa is amazing. The location was perfect for us, situated in the North West of the island, just 5 minutes walk from the traditional Greek village of Anafonitra. The attention to detail at the…
My wife and I stayed here with our friends in June and the villa is amazing. The location was perfect for us, situated in the North West of the island, just 5 minutes walk from the traditional Greek village of Anafonitra. The attention to detail at the villa is second to none, with a lot of the interior decorations hand made by the owner, Dimitri. All of the bedrooms are en-suite with sea views and each is done in it's own style. The facilities are excellent with a beautiful infinity pool, sauna, hot tub, tennis court, games room and heli pad. Worthy of a special mention is the fantastic 18 hole crazy golf course, again designed by the owner, which was played on daily by our party! The kitchen is fully equipped with double oven, microwave and built in coffee machine (needs beans which the staff can arrange for you). There aren't any big supermarkets close by so we did a huge shop in Zante town on our way from the airport. Anything we ran out of or needed we simply asked Dimitri and it turned up asap.The view from the villa is beautiful, with views down into a valley and into the sea, with a perfect sunset every night! There are a couple of Marshall bluetooth speakers so getting your music outside is no problem, and you can listen to your favourite tunes as you cook in the outdoor dining area!! The staff were amazing, so friendly and really helped to make our stay even more special, so a big thanks to Dina, Mo, Andreas, George and Dimitri x2.
May 2021


STUNNING! The villa is beautifuly designed with an individual, artistic and loving touch, very warm and welcoming. We stayed at Amara for a few days and felt at home right away. We saw some breathtaking sunsets at the villa and had amazing time on our…
STUNNING! The villa is beautifuly designed with an individual, artistic and loving touch, very warm and welcoming. We stayed at Amara for a few days and felt at home right away. We saw some breathtaking sunsets at the villa and had amazing time on our cruise organized only for us by the manager! The breakfast prepared everyday was beyond anything we could imagine: everything fresh, cooked for us by our own chef, so many options of meals to choose from, we were spoiled! The staff was really helpful and friendly. We had so much fun playing mini golf and tennis. You can’t get bored in this place! Highly recommend! Thank you for everything Dimitris! For sure we will come back again!
Mariska V
May 2021

Most amazing stay ever!

We have picked this villa to celebrate our wedding and we couldn't have been more lucky! Absolutely everything is thought through. So many great details that not only gave you a very luxurious feeling but it also feels like home! The beautiful infinity…
We have picked this villa to celebrate our wedding and we couldn't have been more lucky! Absolutely everything is thought through. So many great details that not only gave you a very luxurious feeling but it also feels like home! The beautiful infinity pool with a great view of the sea and mountains behind it was the perfect location for our wedding. All of our guests (young and old) had the best time ever! The midgetgolf course, the pool table and the jacuzzi were frequently used by everyone. The owner (and the rest of the staff) went above and beyond to help us and we couldn't wish for better service! We definitely hope to return one day, and re-live one of the best days of our lives.
Andrin H
Oct 2020

Just Luxurious

We have been in Villa Amara in October 18 (14 people) Villa Amara is a fabulous house with a lot of space inside and outside. No bedroom and bathroom are like the others furnishes with a great taste. There is also a modern kitchen, living room and…
We have been in Villa Amara in October 18 (14 people) Villa Amara is a fabulous house with a lot of space inside and outside. No bedroom and bathroom are like the others furnishes with a great taste. There is also a modern kitchen, living room and a playroom...absolutely more than you need! The owner was very friendly and helpful all the time and the housekeepers did their work perfectly with health. Also included was a private boat tour to the shipwreck, which was very beautiful. It's a peaceful place to relax with a nice view to the sea. We liked it very much there!
Jul 2020

Stunning in every way

We not only stayed in the stunning Villa Amara in July but also had our wedding there. It was the perfect place for the most special day. The owners are fantastic and couldn't have been more helpful. The villa itself was beyond our dreams, finished to…
We not only stayed in the stunning Villa Amara in July but also had our wedding there. It was the perfect place for the most special day. The owners are fantastic and couldn't have been more helpful. The villa itself was beyond our dreams, finished to such a high standard and really beautiful design details making it that much more special for our wedding day. It is located in the north with a few lovely little tavernas within easy reach. It's also right by the stunning monastery and famous ship wreck view. The view from the pool area is idyllic and we saw many a stunning sunset. I would highly recommend this villa and if you are getting married then I think it is the most perfect private venue. We can't wait to go back and celebrate our anniversary. Thank you Dimitris and Kamila
Jun 2020

A great experience!

De locatie is prachtig, shipwreck beach (een van de toplocaties van het eiland) ligt om de van de villa. Daarnaast is de gastvrijheid van de schoonmaakster en eigenaren van de villa uitstekend. Top villa en we gaan zeker nog eens terug!
Jun 2020

Perfect stay in amazing villa!

This is a perfect villa for getting away from it all and living in pure luxury! The hosts couldn’t have been more helpful, picking us up from the airport and even sorting a rental car within half an hour because ours had been cancelled without notification…
This is a perfect villa for getting away from it all and living in pure luxury! The hosts couldn’t have been more helpful, picking us up from the airport and even sorting a rental car within half an hour because ours had been cancelled without notification! The location is close to the paradise beach ‘Shipwreck Beach’ and the free half day boat trip that was included with the villa meant we got to spend half a day there and also see the blue caves along the coastline. The villa itself has everything you could possibly need while on holiday with amazing views down to the coastline. Make sure you get Dina to cook you some of her amazing Greek food fresh from the garden at the villa (you won’t be disappointed). Our family would love to come back one day and stay again! Five out of five :)
Jun 2020

Incredible birthday party

We booked Amara Villa back in June for my 50th birthday party and it was a fantastic memory. Dimitri and Camila met us at the airport and provided a big van to take us to the villa stopping at the supermarket on the way so we could load up on food and…
We booked Amara Villa back in June for my 50th birthday party and it was a fantastic memory. Dimitri and Camila met us at the airport and provided a big van to take us to the villa stopping at the supermarket on the way so we could load up on food and drinks. They were so welcoming and happy to help us with any questions and suggestions for our stay there. The villa was even better than the photos and everyone was amazed at how beautiful and spacious our accommodation was. Dimitri provided a boat for our group for a private tour of Shipwreck Beach and got us in touch with a party planner for a birthday celebration that was amazing including a dj and fireworks. Camila also helped us with our future travel to another island and with renting another boat for a half day tour to the Blue Caves. I couldn't have been happier in choosing Amara Villa for such a memorable experience!
May 2020


I cannot say enough great things about Villa Amara. From the time we landed to the time we left, Kamila and Demetrios were there every step of the way for whatever we needed. The Villa was absolutely breathtaking and beautifully decorated. We were a…
I cannot say enough great things about Villa Amara. From the time we landed to the time we left, Kamila and Demetrios were there every step of the way for whatever we needed. The Villa was absolutely breathtaking and beautifully decorated. We were a big group and did not feel that we were on top of each other. It was so spacious and serene. The most beautiful sunset in Greece overlooking the infinity pool. We will for sure be returning. Thank you to the staff of Villa Amara for giving us such a special welcome and a wonderful experience.
Ondrej B.
Sep 2024

We will definitely consider going back.

10 / 10

Our stay at Villa Amara was amazing and I’d happily recommend the villa to anyone else… also the owner/manager Dimitris was great and helpful, the chef Dina was lovely. We will definitely consider going back.
Aug 2021


10 / 10

FANTASTIC! The villa is perfectly designed with every amenity you could imagine or want for. We were welcomed by the manager Dimitri on arrival and he was at the end of a phone whenever we needed him. The staff where great, there first thing in the morning for breakfast and setting the house up for the day to come. Everything was in perfect condition…
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FANTASTIC! The villa is perfectly designed with every amenity you could imagine or want for. We were welcomed by the manager Dimitri on arrival and he was at the end of a phone whenever we needed him. The staff where great, there first thing in the morning for breakfast and setting the house up for the day to come. Everything was in perfect condition, pool, spa, BBQ area, Tennis court, living spaces, gardens ( fresh vegetables a bonus) and the 18 hole Putt-Putt course. This was one of the highlights of the stay! The view from the back of the house is amazing. Every evening the sunset was the main event. The owner, Dimitrios was extremely friendly and personally helped arrange a boat trip one afternoon along with getting the shipwreck beach totally to ourselves! He also dropped off fresh seafood to us the next morning. Shops 10 min walk, local people welcoming and friendly, also small bar 100m from the front gate. We stayed at the villa for 8 nights and loved all of them. 4 Families covering all ages. Kids slept in the Tree House! Would recommend the Villa to anyone. Thank you Dimitris and everyone that made our stay memorable.
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Jun 2021

What more could you want!

10 / 10

My wife and I stayed here with our friends in June and the villa is amazing. The location was perfect for us, situated in the North West of the island, just 5 minutes walk from the traditional Greek village of Anafonitra. The attention to detail at the villa is second to none, with a lot of the interior decorations hand made by the owner, Dimitri.…
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My wife and I stayed here with our friends in June and the villa is amazing. The location was perfect for us, situated in the North West of the island, just 5 minutes walk from the traditional Greek village of Anafonitra. The attention to detail at the villa is second to none, with a lot of the interior decorations hand made by the owner, Dimitri. All of the bedrooms are en-suite with sea views and each is done in it's own style. The facilities are excellent with a beautiful infinity pool, sauna, hot tub, tennis court, games room and heli pad. Worthy of a special mention is the fantastic 18 hole crazy golf course, again designed by the owner, which was played on daily by our party! The kitchen is fully equipped with double oven, microwave and built in coffee machine (needs beans which the staff can arrange for you). There aren't any big supermarkets close by so we did a huge shop in Zante town on our way from the airport. Anything we ran out of or needed we simply asked Dimitri and it turned up asap.The view from the villa is beautiful, with views down into a valley and into the sea, with a perfect sunset every night! There are a couple of Marshall bluetooth speakers so getting your music outside is no problem, and you can listen to your favourite tunes as you cook in the outdoor dining area!! The staff were amazing, so friendly and really helped to make our stay even more special, so a big thanks to Dina, Mo, Andreas, George and Dimitri x2.
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