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Kalas Residence Zante

Греции, Занте

пляж: 2.3km

Kalas Residence Zante - это роскошная вилла с 3 спальнями и частным бассейном. Недавно построенная вилла Kalas Residence, расположенная в деревне Кери, одном из самых живописных мест на юге Закинфа, на поросшем соснами холме, в окружении пышной растительности и ауры спокойствия, является «архитектурной жемчужиной», обещающей предложить вам самое первое: первоклассное гостеприимство в «Fior Di Levante». Эта роскошная отдельная вилла с бассейном, построенная в изысканном месте, откуда открывается прекрасный вид на запад и непревзойденный закат Ионического моря, является одним из самых сокровенных секретов этого района и, несомненно, одним из лучших вариантов для вашего пребывания.

Вилла Kalas Residence, построенная в 2015 году, расположена на участке площадью 2,5 км2, на расстоянии 600 м. от первых домов поселка Кери, буквально «объятых» соснами, предлагающих необходимое уединение всем желающим «сбежать» и отдохнуть, вдали от суетливой толпы и шума шумных курортов.

Роскошная вилла Kalas Residence на Закинфе, предлагающая первоклассные удобства в своих роскошных помещениях и оснащенная всеми удобствами пятизвездочного отеля, станет вашим уединенным убежищем в исключительно спокойной обстановке. Резиденция вмещает до 6 человек, с тремя комфортабельными спальнями и благоустроенными общественными зонами – кухней, гостиной, столовой, террасой и красивым патио с баром – отличающихся изысканным стилем и отличным декором. Большой сад с лужайкой окружает виллу и большой открытый бассейн, а беспрепятственный вид на море делает его идеальным местом для наблюдения за уникальными закатами, наслаждаясь освежающим коктейлем или роскошным ужином и слушая музыку с друзьями. или семья.

Роскошная вилла Kalas Residence на Закинфе представляет собой отдельно стоящую резиденцию площадью 150 м2 (первый и второй этаж), где все спальни расположены на 1-м уровне, а на первом этаже находится кухня, гостиная, столовая и санузел. дополнительный санузел с душевой кабиной. Как в интерьере, так и в экстерьере виллы преобладают деревянные, каменные и белые тона. Светлые, просторные номера роскошно и изысканно оформлены. Существует большая спальня с 32-дюймовым телевизором и две меньшие спальни с двуспальными кроватями. В каждой спальне есть двуспальная кровать и изысканная мебель. Мягкие землистые тона способствуют безмятежности интерьера, которому свойственна атмосфера простоты и внимательности. Из спален на первом этаже открывается вид на западное побережье острова, а небольшой балкон идеально подходит для того, чтобы посидеть и полюбоваться красивейшими закатами, а в воздухе витает аромат сосен. Во всех ванных комнатах есть душ. Гостям предоставляются бесплатные туалетно-косметические принадлежности, тапочки и фен.

Прямо рядом с виллой освежающий бассейн с водопадом является одной из сильных сторон резиденции и занимает самое привилегированное положение и точку обзора, откуда вы можете любоваться великолепным видом, отдыхая на предоставленных шезлонгах. В саду есть небольшой крытый бар с кухонной раковиной, небольшим холодильником, аудиосистемой Hi-Fi, барными стульями и зоной отдыха, чтобы при желании вы могли насладиться трапезой или освежающим коктейлем. во время прослушивания музыки.

На полностью оборудованной кухне вы можете приготовить завтрак, обед или ужин и разделить их с друзьями или семьей на большой террасе (140 м2) со «встроенными» диванами и обеденной зоной на открытом воздухе.

Для вашего развлечения в гостиной есть современная аудиосистема и 40-дюймовый телевизор со спутниковыми каналами, а бесплатный Wi-Fi предоставляется во всех зонах, номерах и саду, так что вы можете поддерживать связь с друзьями и коллегами. Помимо ощущения роскоши, вы также будете чувствовать себя в полной безопасности, так как роскошная вилла в Кери огорожена забором, а ворота управляются с помощью пульта дистанционного управления.

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Греции, Занте

Ближайшие места

пляж 2.3km
Ресторан 700 m
Рынок 2.3km
Аэропорт 14 km
Порт 18 km

Местные услуги

Банкомат/банк • Почта • Продуктовые магазины • Услуги прачечной • Фитнес-центр • Спа • Медицинские услуги • Больница • Няня • Аптека • Полиция • Рынок • Мини-рынок

Местные достопримечательности и развлечения

Морские прогулки • Рестораны • Игровые площадки • Церкви • Винные туры • Водные виды спорта • Плавание • Серфинг, кайтсерфинг • Аренда яхты • Сафари-туры • Кинотеатр • Музеи • Бары • Пляжные бары • Библиотека • Пристань • Аквапарки • Подводное плавание с аквалангом • Гольф • Рыбалка • Катание на водных мотоциклах • Катание на водных лыжах • Плавание под парусом • Теннис • Дайвинг • Виндсерфинг • Ежедневная морская прогулка • Клубы

Что говорят наши клиенты

Oтзыва: 10 / 10

Kalas Residence Zante

Греции, Занте

Все отзывы

Sep 2024


 We were two couples of friends staying for (only unfortunately) 4 nights at Kalas residence. Everything was perfect: the host, the villa, the landscape, the amenities and the swimming pool! I really recommend this villa!
Jul 2024

Highly Recommended!

We travel a lot in entire world to discover places to remember , without more people, with relaxed atmosphere .From New Zealand to Patagonia ( Argentina ) we enjoyed holiday in speciale places . We didn't realise that we can find this type of place like…
We travel a lot in entire world to discover places to remember , without more people, with relaxed atmosphere .From New Zealand to Patagonia ( Argentina ) we enjoyed holiday in speciale places . We didn't realise that we can find this type of place like Kalas Residence , so close to our country. Kalas residence is a fantastic place where you can recharge your bateries, wich it is so important specialy in this period. The atmosphere of villa (poolview, bar view , terase for breakfast /dinner ) inspires a home mood . The cleanesse was special , sometimes you can not find this type of services to 5 stars resort. The owners ( Maria and Babis) are a very nice family . So , if you need a place to clean your mind , Kalas Residence is definitly the best place.
Wouter B
Aug 2023

Great Great Great

Probably one of the best locations stayed ever. Great luxury house, 3 beautiful sleeping rooms. Fantastic living room and superb swimming pool. Great hospitality of the owners. But the best of all a free sunset every evening. Simply beautiful.
Sep 2022

Amazing view, comfortable and warm hospitality

The view is just superb, with swimming pool and a full eye of sea. Very cozy environment and friendly host. The host shared with us many local food and we cooked a lot! Had amazing time there and a very unique experience to start our honeymoon.
Sep 2022

An absolutely idyllic retreat

We stayed for two weeks, for the second year, and are booking again for the next two years. This is out September retreat and it is so relaxing. The villa is beautiful, with everything we could possibly want, secluded and private with a beautiful view…
We stayed for two weeks, for the second year, and are booking again for the next two years. This is out September retreat and it is so relaxing. The villa is beautiful, with everything we could possibly want, secluded and private with a beautiful view, in a quiet part of Zakynthos not far from Keri Village. There are a number of excellent tavernas nearby so mostly breakfast and lunch at the villa apart from occasional trips out, and dinner at a taverna. Maria and Babis, the owners, and Eleni, Maria's sister, who comes in to clean, are all so friendly and helpful. The villa is suitable for couples and families with children over maybe 4 or 5, there are steps which make it too dangerous for very young children. There is a large pool deck with loungers and grass surrounding, a huge patio with a large table which is where we spend the whole time when not by the pool, virtually never using the large inside lounge and dining area. I cannot recommend it enough although I hesitate to do so in case too many people go and we can't get a booking.
Graeme D
May 2022

Perfect Pre-Wedding Villa stay

My now wife and family stayed at Kalas for a week last May whilst getting married in Keri. We absolutely loved this villa and the picturesque setting provide some simply stunning photos for bride and bridesmaid whilst getting ready. We also spent our…
My now wife and family stayed at Kalas for a week last May whilst getting married in Keri. We absolutely loved this villa and the picturesque setting provide some simply stunning photos for bride and bridesmaid whilst getting ready. We also spent our wedding night here and was great to wake up to the view and have the relaxing peaceful surroundings after a busy and hectic day. We are actually heading out again in a weeks time and cannot wait to spend more time here and soak in the sun whilst lounging by the pool watching the swallows duck and dive into the water. A MUST STAY IF VISITING KERI.
Nov 2021


Jun 2021

Paradise in a Greece

My husband and I booked both a hotel and the Kalas Residence to break up our two-week stay on Zykanthos back in June and were so happy we did. Hotel living is nice, but nothing compares to the relaxing stay we had in the residence. It was off the beaten…
My husband and I booked both a hotel and the Kalas Residence to break up our two-week stay on Zykanthos back in June and were so happy we did. Hotel living is nice, but nothing compares to the relaxing stay we had in the residence. It was off the beaten track just enough to make you feel like you were the only people on the island, although great restaurants and beautiful attraction were right around the corner. The house is magnificent. We thoroughly enjoyed our peaceful time away and my husband is always asking when we can go back. We travelled from Canada with our 11 month old baby who adjusted well having his own air-conditioned, blackout room to nap and sleep in. The house isn't able to be childproofed so I wouldn't recommend staying if you have very active toddlers, but for us, with a crawling baby we could both keep an eye on, it was just fine. In fact, we loved the hospitality of nearby restaurants who would go crazy over him. Our hosts were very kind and generous who provided an extremely thoughtful welcome package filled with loads of local, meaningful gifts. Our host even bought some special snacks just for our baby. Daily housekeeping was great as that's not something typically offered in house rentals. With baby #2 on the way, we can't wait to return for our next (much needed) vacation!
May 2021

Amazing retreat!

This residence had wonderful hilltop views overlooking the plains of Keri and you are guaranteed to get sunset views from the veranda or the balconies which is super lovely! Excellent lodging for quiet retreat for couples or family. I strongly recommend…
This residence had wonderful hilltop views overlooking the plains of Keri and you are guaranteed to get sunset views from the veranda or the balconies which is super lovely! Excellent lodging for quiet retreat for couples or family. I strongly recommend you to stay a few more nights to fully enjoy the peaceful environment especially if you love the peace and tranquillity this villa has to offer. The owners of this property was warm and hospitable and there was one evening we forgotten our keys after leaving and were locked out of the villa! We called the owner and he rush down to assist us despite having a tight schedule with his family event that evening. We were absolutely thankful for that! The entire stay was fabulous and i am glad we found this wonderful place!
Sep 2024


10 / 10

 We were two couples of friends staying for (only unfortunately) 4 nights at Kalas residence. Everything was perfect: the host, the villa, the landscape, the amenities and the swimming pool! I really recommend this villa!
Jul 2024

Highly Recommended!

10 / 10

We travel a lot in entire world to discover places to remember , without more people, with relaxed atmosphere .From New Zealand to Patagonia ( Argentina ) we enjoyed holiday in speciale places . We didn't realise that we can find this type of place like Kalas Residence , so close to our country. Kalas residence is a fantastic place where you can recharge…
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We travel a lot in entire world to discover places to remember , without more people, with relaxed atmosphere .From New Zealand to Patagonia ( Argentina ) we enjoyed holiday in speciale places . We didn't realise that we can find this type of place like Kalas Residence , so close to our country. Kalas residence is a fantastic place where you can recharge your bateries, wich it is so important specialy in this period. The atmosphere of villa (poolview, bar view , terase for breakfast /dinner ) inspires a home mood . The cleanesse was special , sometimes you can not find this type of services to 5 stars resort. The owners ( Maria and Babis) are a very nice family . So , if you need a place to clean your mind , Kalas Residence is definitly the best place.
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Wouter B
Aug 2023

Great Great Great

10 / 10

Probably one of the best locations stayed ever. Great luxury house, 3 beautiful sleeping rooms. Fantastic living room and superb swimming pool. Great hospitality of the owners. But the best of all a free sunset every evening. Simply beautiful.
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