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Villa Filira Chania

Греции, Крит, Ханья

пляж: 1.5km

Аренда виллы для отдыха, в которой можно по-настоящему жить. Дом, в котором можно мечтать и путешествовать, не выходя из дома. Пространство, специально созданное для того, чтобы вы могли расслабиться, отдаться себе и творить. На заросших оливковыми рощами склонах Западного Крита, с видом на Средиземное море, так близко, но на идеальном расстоянии от города Ханья, всего в 20 минутах езды, и у подножия бескрайнего синего моря находится вилла Filira Chania. . Роскошная вилла в аренду возвышается на холме, элегантная, просторная, яркая и излучает любовь, артистический вкус и заботу своих владельцев, которые были вдохновлены построить ее как дом для отдыха для гостей с разборчивыми вкусами и высокой эстетикой. Его большие окна и двери позволяют теплому греческому солнцу заливать дом своим светом, неся в интерьере отблески зелени и голубизны природы, которые, в свою очередь, органично сочетаются с земными тонами, которые изобилуют внутри.

Внешнее пространство, которое окружает эту критскую виллу для сдачи в аренду на время отпуска, определяют сады: тщательно продуманные, тщательно ухоженные и соответствующие земле, на которой она расположена, в средиземноморском стиле. Большой и впечатляющий бассейн с подогревом и кристально чистой бирюзовой водой. А пейзаж, волшебный в своей природной красоте, идеально подходит для полного расслабления и хорошего самочувствия. В его интерьере каждый элемент был тщательно выбран с стремлением удовлетворить все чувства, все до мельчайших деталей источает атмосферу роскоши, профессионализма и гостеприимства, так что Villa Filira впечатляет даже самых искалеченных и взыскательных гостей.

Трехуровневая вилла Filira Chania открывается перед вами из центрального входа в просторную воздушную обстановку, с беспрепятственным видом, высокими потолками и открытыми деревянными балками. Тщательно подобранная мебель с этническими оттенками, землистые оттенки в успокаивающей цветовой гамме, индивидуальные штрихи, включая небольшие декоративные предметы, и избранные осветительные приборы, создающие теплую атмосферу - вот лишь некоторые из элементов этой роскошной виллы для отдыха, которые удовлетворяют самые разные потребности. и желания. Каменные стены или искусно обработанные вручную стены, ванны и кухня, где не было затрат на выбор материалов и деталей, - все это создает уникальный фон частного жилья, чья непоколебимая забота о благополучии гостей имеет первостепенное значение. p>

На первом этаже просторный холл открытой планировки ведет в просторную гостиную с уютным камином и дубовыми полами. Его естественным продолжением является обеденная зона с деревянным обеденным столом для всей семьи, который манит посетителей насладиться греческими застольями: кулинарными угощениями, которые останутся воспоминаниями на всю жизнь. Кроме того, кухня: оазис для тех, кто понимает важность окружающей среды в создании сытной и восхитительной трапезы. Обставленная в современном стиле с винтажным стилем, кухня готова соответствовать любому желаемому гастрономическому вдохновению, используя ингредиенты, полученные из экологически чистых огородов и многочисленных фруктовых деревьев. Планировка первого этажа дополняется самой большой из трех спален на вилле с кроватью размера «king-size», прилегающим патио и хорошо оборудованной ванной комнатой.

Внешний вид виллы Filira с ее просторными внутренними двориками, крытыми жилыми помещениями на открытом воздухе и уютными уголками, включая впечатляющую площадку для барбекю в тени широколистного тутового дерева, ароматы средиземноморских растений и набор ярких цветов на фоне на фоне пышной зеленой лужайки, создайте еще одну декорацию для незабываемого отдыха. Погрузитесь в эту обстановку: деревянную террасу, беседку, мебель из ротанга, пейзажный бассейн, серебристые оливковые деревья, море и небо, которые встречаются, когда вы смотрите на край горизонта. Деревянная лестница, шикарная в своей простоте и абсолютно безопасная, ведет на второй этаж, где находятся еще две спальни, элегантно привлекательные во всех аспектах: от деревянных полов до стен, украшенных избранными произведениями искусства, до удобных кроватей размера «queen-size». в одной спальне и две раздельные кровати во второй - все с высококачественными матрасами Filira Villa Chania - Inside View и постельным бельем исключительно высокого качества и плотности. Просторные интерьеры номеров естественным образом выходят на улицу с двумя отдельными балконами, со вкусом обставленными садовой мебелью. Пушистые халаты и полотенца, личные тапочки, ванна и средства личной гигиены, а также все, чем можно было бы оборудовать ванную комнату в частном доме, дополняют удобства общей ванной комнаты в спальнях на первом этаже.

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Греции, Крит, Ханья

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Oтзыва: 10 / 10

Villa Filira Chania

Греции, Крит, Ханья

Все отзывы

Bader G.
Oct 2024

Villa Filira is a very relaxing elegant place to stay with an unbeatable view

a view which will make you forget the world and just enjoy every single second of calmness and beauty. The villa itself is on the level of a luxury 5 stars hotel...the owner took care of the smallest detail even bath amenities. The landscaping of the…
a view which will make you forget the world and just enjoy every single second of calmness and beauty. The villa itself is on the level of a luxury 5 stars hotel...the owner took care of the smallest detail even bath amenities. The landscaping of the villa is wonderful with so many aromatic flowers and some orang, lemon and olives tress. A car is a must....many restaurants and supermarket nearby, about 5min by car. Very recommended and the owner Mrs. Roula is kind and helpful.
Nicola D.
Oct 2024

Wonderful time spend at the villa

What a beautiful villa! Very clean and comfortable. He is a great communicator and very helpful. We would very much recommend staying again at the property.
Joey C.
Aug 2024

Incredible stay!

The villa was incredible and the owners were extremely helpful, accommodating and a pleasure to deal with. I would recommend this villa to anyone who is looking for a luxurious and extremely accommodating stay in Crete.
Maris D.
Aug 2024

We highly recommend it and will definitely be back!

We stayed for a week at Villa Filira with a group of friends and it really was one of the most beautiful vacations we've had! Wonderful villa with high aesthetic attention to every detail. Amazing owners, welcoming and helpful. A place we didn't want…
We stayed for a week at Villa Filira with a group of friends and it really was one of the most beautiful vacations we've had! Wonderful villa with high aesthetic attention to every detail. Amazing owners, welcoming and helpful. A place we didn't want to leave.
Sep 2021

Stunning villa! Highly recommended

Enjoy this beautiful villa with stunning views and amazing furnishing. The hosts are lovely and very helpful. We enjoyed the infinity pool, outdoor bbq and patio. You will see the sunrise right from one of the upper bedrooms. The next time we are in…
Enjoy this beautiful villa with stunning views and amazing furnishing. The hosts are lovely and very helpful. We enjoyed the infinity pool, outdoor bbq and patio. You will see the sunrise right from one of the upper bedrooms. The next time we are in Crete, we will stay at the same place. What a treat!
Aug 2021


Not only is the house beautiful, comfortable and charming but the village in which it is located is a gem as well. The people are lovely, the history abundant and the food is fabulous. And if that is not enough for you the five star hotel down the road…
Not only is the house beautiful, comfortable and charming but the village in which it is located is a gem as well. The people are lovely, the history abundant and the food is fabulous. And if that is not enough for you the five star hotel down the road has a first rate spa.
Jul 2021

Wonderful 5 star villa with outstanding hospitality from the owner

We would highly recommend this villa to anyone visiting Crete. The villa is a lovely size, high spec, nicely furnished and every little detail has been thought about. You ideally need a car even to get into the nearby village but its such a lovely…
We would highly recommend this villa to anyone visiting Crete. The villa is a lovely size, high spec, nicely furnished and every little detail has been thought about. You ideally need a car even to get into the nearby village but its such a lovely villa we didn't want to leave for long. The owner, was lovely and very helpful, ensuring we had everything we needed plus some well received extras including local wine, home made preserves and olive oil. We were also able to benefit from the produce grown in the gardens including melons, tomatoes, courgettes to name a few. We would not hesitate to return and hope we will next year.
Jun 2021

It could not have been better!!!

What a dream!! The house, the view, garden, pool, absolutely everything has exceeded our expectations. We have spent an unforgettable week at Villa Filira. Everything fits perfect and you feel the loving details of the owners. The warm and bright friendly…
What a dream!! The house, the view, garden, pool, absolutely everything has exceeded our expectations. We have spent an unforgettable week at Villa Filira. Everything fits perfect and you feel the loving details of the owners. The warm and bright friendly welcome gave us immediately the feeling of beeing at home. The owners have created a jewel at Crete, and we can only be thankful that the both of them share it with their guests. We say thank you again! Thank you for everything and we would love to come back any time but then for a longer stay!
Deb Bilak
May 2021

Villa Filira

We just spent 4 nights in Crete at this Villa. Loved it! Located in a quiet location and has a lovely owner. The Villa has everything we needed and the owner provided us some extras (olive oil, jam, honey, and wine that are branded with the Villas…
We just spent 4 nights in Crete at this Villa. Loved it! Located in a quiet location and has a lovely owner. The Villa has everything we needed and the owner provided us some extras (olive oil, jam, honey, and wine that are branded with the Villas name). This was our favorite place we stayed during our 2 week vacation.
Claire Neve L
Aug 2020


We’ve just come back from a two week stay at villa Filira in Kolymvari - we had such a great time, the villa is beautifully presented, beds comfortable (really important!) and fabulous infinity pool looking out towards the sea. There’s plenty to…
We’ve just come back from a two week stay at villa Filira in Kolymvari - we had such a great time, the villa is beautifully presented, beds comfortable (really important!) and fabulous infinity pool looking out towards the sea. There’s plenty to do in the area and the host couldn’t have done more for us to make our stay enjoyable. We will definitely be back!
Ken L
May 2020

Outstanding villa in magnificent setting

We were a family of 6 with two little boys we have stayed in many great villas but villa Felicita surpassed our expectations. Fresh vegetables and oranges to pick in the garden, the property has everything as well as great location for touring beautiful…
We were a family of 6 with two little boys we have stayed in many great villas but villa Felicita surpassed our expectations. Fresh vegetables and oranges to pick in the garden, the property has everything as well as great location for touring beautiful island and charming Hania.Also nearby small village of Kolimbari offers everything you need.Two other great highlights were the cook a great experience for a couple of nights of local cuisine but also the great hospitality of the owner Roula who was a wonderful host,I am sure one of our 3 generations will return if not all three ! Ken and Irene and family
Brian D
Sep 2019

Don't Think Twice.....Book It Now!

We just completed our week at the Villa Filira. You know how sometimes the pictures you see of a property don't really turn out as an accurate portrayal? Well that is definitely not the case here. The pictures we saw online were totally accurate and…
We just completed our week at the Villa Filira. You know how sometimes the pictures you see of a property don't really turn out as an accurate portrayal? Well that is definitely not the case here. The pictures we saw online were totally accurate and in fact it was more beautiful than expected. Villa Filira exceeded our expectations in every way. The villa itself is noting less than spectacular. An amazing combination of old world grace with a modern feel as well. It is only 8 years old and in amazing condition. There are so many things to mention about this property that I'm afraid I'll miss something in this review. One of the coolest things about it is the fact that not only is there a garden from which you can pick fresh eggplant, peppers, etc but there are also both orange and lime trees on the property as well. I so enjoyed picking a fresh lime off of the tree to cut up and put in my drink. Never had that experience anywhere before. One night we cooked a meal using all the ingredients from the garden. Such a cool thing to be able to do. Roula the villa owner, met us when we arrived and walked us through the property. She was very helpful and quickly responded to any queries we had either by phone or text. On two nights, Roula arranged for us to have someone come in and cook us an authentic Cretan meal. It was definitely worth the very reasonable expense. Antonia the cook was very charming and you could tell she really enjoyed cooking for us. Would definitely recommend this. The view from the Villa is simply amazing. One of my favorite things about it was to be able to sit at the big wooden table outside on the deck and do some work, looking out at the expanse of the sea an mountains. We also took walks up the hill every morning, which was a great workout. There is also a cave at the top of the hill that is worth checking out. The people along the way were very friendly and waved and greeted us warmly every morning we went for our walk. The small town of Kolymbria is only a 5 minute drive from the villa and there are some very good restaurants and supermarkets there. I would also recommend renting a car. Roula recommended a local agency that dropped off the car right to the villa and picked it up on the day before we left. The price for the rental for the entire week was only around 200 Euros including mileage. We did take a day trip to Elafonissi beach. About an hour and a half drive from the Villa and worth it for sure. Not that far in distance, but the drive takes you through the mountains and several small villages. Very windy road and very high up in some parts, but well worth it. We actually enjoyed the drive as much as the beach. So if you are considering this Villa, then don't hesitate. Book it. Definitely one of the most relaxing vacations we've ever taken and with incredible accommodations and scenic views. Didn't want to leave and would come back in a millisecond.
Simon C
Aug 2019

5 star luxury in picturesque Crete

Villa Filira is the ideal backdrop for a perfect, tranquil holiday retreat. Everything you need has been thought of and provided. The pool is fantastic, the view is even better. The villa is faultless and it was truly a luxury week away. The beaches…
Villa Filira is the ideal backdrop for a perfect, tranquil holiday retreat. Everything you need has been thought of and provided. The pool is fantastic, the view is even better. The villa is faultless and it was truly a luxury week away. The beaches and local village are a perfect match to the style and luxurious setting of the villa. We had the most relaxing week we've ever had. A return visit next year is definitely on the cards. Roula is the perfect host and the villa was just beautiful.
May 2019

Elegant and stylish villa set in olive groves

We had a wonderful week here and especially enjoyed having orange trees and the vegetable garden to harvest. The pool was stunning and a great view of both sea and mountains. It's very spacious for 6 people and every part of the property was beautiful…
We had a wonderful week here and especially enjoyed having orange trees and the vegetable garden to harvest. The pool was stunning and a great view of both sea and mountains. It's very spacious for 6 people and every part of the property was beautiful. The owner Roula did a great job of looking after us and ensuring we had a good stay, including recommending some very good local restaurants (Argentina and Dictyna) which made our stay particularly enjoyable.
Bader G.
Oct 2024

Villa Filira is a very relaxing elegant place to stay with an unbeatable view

10 / 10

a view which will make you forget the world and just enjoy every single second of calmness and beauty. The villa itself is on the level of a luxury 5 stars hotel...the owner took care of the smallest detail even bath amenities. The landscaping of the villa is wonderful with so many aromatic flowers and some orang, lemon and olives tress. A car is a…
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a view which will make you forget the world and just enjoy every single second of calmness and beauty. The villa itself is on the level of a luxury 5 stars hotel...the owner took care of the smallest detail even bath amenities. The landscaping of the villa is wonderful with so many aromatic flowers and some orang, lemon and olives tress. A car is a must....many restaurants and supermarket nearby, about 5min by car. Very recommended and the owner Mrs. Roula is kind and helpful.
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Nicola D.
Oct 2024

Wonderful time spend at the villa

10 / 10

What a beautiful villa! Very clean and comfortable. He is a great communicator and very helpful. We would very much recommend staying again at the property.
Joey C.
Aug 2024

Incredible stay!

10 / 10

The villa was incredible and the owners were extremely helpful, accommodating and a pleasure to deal with. I would recommend this villa to anyone who is looking for a luxurious and extremely accommodating stay in Crete.
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