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Villa Hanna Marie Chania

Греции, Крит, Ханья

пляж: 300m

Вилла Hanna Marie Chania - это роскошная вилла с 6 спальнями и частным бассейном. Вилла расположена на холме, в 200 м от моря, и имеет потрясающий вид. Высококачественная скандинавская вилла оформлена с использованием светлых тонов, дерева, стекла, мебели и произведений искусства из Норвегии, Дании и Швеции.

Расположение идеальное, так как в нескольких минутах ходьбы есть супермаркеты, таверны и пекарни. Для проживания здесь не нужна машина. Есть 6 спален, все с собственной ванной комнатой, некоторые спальни имеют выход на крытые террасы, а одна предназначена для ГК или для семей с детьми, во всех комнатах есть кондиционер и телевизор, есть кухня/гостиная открытой планировки с выходом на фантастическая веранда и открытая обеденная зона на 12 человек. На вилле есть пейзажный бассейн с морской водой, частный теннисный корт, большая площадка для барбекю с летней кухней с холодильником и раковиной, а также огород позади теннисного корта.

В цокольном этаже есть прачечная со стиральной машиной и моющими средствами. Частная парковка на 5 автомобилей. На всей территории есть забор и автоматические ворота, система вызова и сигнализация. На вилле есть свой персонал: менеджер, уборщик, садовник и работник бассейна.

Переведено Google


Греции, Крит, Ханья

Ближайшие места

пляж 300m
Ресторан 500 m
Рынок 300m
Аэропорт 33 km
Порт 30 km

Местные услуги

Банкомат/банк • Почта • Продуктовые магазины • Услуги прачечной • Фитнес-центр • Спа • Медицинские услуги • Больница • Няня • Аптека • Полиция • Рынок • Мини-рынок

Местные достопримечательности и развлечения

Морские прогулки • Рестораны • Игровые площадки • Церкви • Винные туры • Водные виды спорта • Плавание • Серфинг, кайтсерфинг • Аренда яхты • Сафари-туры • Кинотеатр • Музеи • Бары • Пляжные бары • Библиотека • Пристань • Аквапарки • Верховая езда • Подводное плавание с аквалангом • Гольф • Рыбалка • Катание на водных мотоциклах • Катание на водных лыжах • Плавание под парусом • Теннис • Маунтинбайкинг • Парапланеризм • Дайвинг • Виндсерфинг • Ежедневная морская прогулка • Клубы

Что говорят наши клиенты

Oтзыва: 10 / 10

Villa Hanna Marie Chania

Греции, Крит, Ханья

Все отзывы

Annika P.
Oct 2024

We would recommend a stay at this wonderful Villa!

Amazing Villa! With a party of eleven friends, we had a great time and a pleasant stay. A great beach was close by, and there were also some small supermarkets and cafes in the area. The entire villa was spotless and very well-furnished. We enjoyed numerous…
Amazing Villa! With a party of eleven friends, we had a great time and a pleasant stay. A great beach was close by, and there were also some small supermarkets and cafes in the area. The entire villa was spotless and very well-furnished. We enjoyed numerous pleasant evenings with BBQ because the kitchen was excellent. We could always contact the very amiable management if there were any issues (which during our stay were only a few Wi-Fi issues).
Georgina E.
Oct 2024

Both inside and outside of the villa were stunning!

Both inside and outside of the villa were stunning! Unfortunately, we visited a little out of season, which made the neighborhood empty and made it difficult to find restaurants open nearby. Fortunately, the villa was quite well equipped with everything…
Both inside and outside of the villa were stunning! Unfortunately, we visited a little out of season, which made the neighborhood empty and made it difficult to find restaurants open nearby. Fortunately, the villa was quite well equipped with everything you could possibly need in the kitchen to prepare meals. Another nice addition was the outdoor barbecue. Each room in the villa had its own private bathroom, making it ideal for large families. My family and I adored the villa, and the kids adored all of the outside games and sporting facilities. The common spaces are charming and cozy. Definitely, we would suggest it. Thank you.
Alexandra I.
Sep 2024

We would definitely recommend the villa to friends.

The villa was great, very comfortable and well situated to spend beautiful holidays. The pool is mainly for the entertainment of young children. But the pool lining hurts the skin very much. Many of us, both children and adults got our skin profoundly…
The villa was great, very comfortable and well situated to spend beautiful holidays. The pool is mainly for the entertainment of young children. But the pool lining hurts the skin very much. Many of us, both children and adults got our skin profoundly scratched because of the pool which very rugged (anti slippery coating). The lady in charge of assisting us during our stay at the villa was great. Friendly, helpful and available. We would definitely recommend the villa to friends.
Alexandra I.
Sep 2024

We would definitely recommend the villa to friends.

The villa was great, very comfortable and well situated to spend beautiful holidays. The pool is mainly for the entertainment of young children. But the pool lining hurts the skin very much. Many of us, both children and adults got our skin profoundly…
The villa was great, very comfortable and well situated to spend beautiful holidays. The pool is mainly for the entertainment of young children. But the pool lining hurts the skin very much. Many of us, both children and adults got our skin profoundly scratched because of the pool which very rugged (anti slippery coating). The lady in charge of assisting us during our stay at the villa was great. Friendly, helpful and available. We would definitely recommend the villa to friends.
Belindaq T.
May 2024

Best villa

The trip was extremely fantastic. Everything was as described, and the host was really pleasant.
Annika P.
Oct 2024

We would recommend a stay at this wonderful Villa!

10 / 10

Amazing Villa! With a party of eleven friends, we had a great time and a pleasant stay. A great beach was close by, and there were also some small supermarkets and cafes in the area. The entire villa was spotless and very well-furnished. We enjoyed numerous pleasant evenings with BBQ because the kitchen was excellent. We could always contact the very…
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Amazing Villa! With a party of eleven friends, we had a great time and a pleasant stay. A great beach was close by, and there were also some small supermarkets and cafes in the area. The entire villa was spotless and very well-furnished. We enjoyed numerous pleasant evenings with BBQ because the kitchen was excellent. We could always contact the very amiable management if there were any issues (which during our stay were only a few Wi-Fi issues).
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Georgina E.
Oct 2024

Both inside and outside of the villa were stunning!

10 / 10

Both inside and outside of the villa were stunning! Unfortunately, we visited a little out of season, which made the neighborhood empty and made it difficult to find restaurants open nearby. Fortunately, the villa was quite well equipped with everything you could possibly need in the kitchen to prepare meals. Another nice addition was the outdoor barbecue…
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Both inside and outside of the villa were stunning! Unfortunately, we visited a little out of season, which made the neighborhood empty and made it difficult to find restaurants open nearby. Fortunately, the villa was quite well equipped with everything you could possibly need in the kitchen to prepare meals. Another nice addition was the outdoor barbecue. Each room in the villa had its own private bathroom, making it ideal for large families. My family and I adored the villa, and the kids adored all of the outside games and sporting facilities. The common spaces are charming and cozy. Definitely, we would suggest it. Thank you.
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Alexandra I.
Sep 2024

We would definitely recommend the villa to friends.

10 / 10

The villa was great, very comfortable and well situated to spend beautiful holidays. The pool is mainly for the entertainment of young children. But the pool lining hurts the skin very much. Many of us, both children and adults got our skin profoundly scratched because of the pool which very rugged (anti slippery coating). The lady in charge of…
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The villa was great, very comfortable and well situated to spend beautiful holidays. The pool is mainly for the entertainment of young children. But the pool lining hurts the skin very much. Many of us, both children and adults got our skin profoundly scratched because of the pool which very rugged (anti slippery coating). The lady in charge of assisting us during our stay at the villa was great. Friendly, helpful and available. We would definitely recommend the villa to friends.
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