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Villa Gils Candidasa

Индонезия, Бали, Чандидаса

пляж: 100m

Вилла Gils Candidasa - это красивая вилла на берегу океана, расположенная на берегу моря и на берегу Канди Даса. Эта потрясающая вилла с 4 спальнями излучает тропический шарм изнутри благодаря прекрасному жилому пространству открытой планировки и просторному саду, где сверкает частный 25-метровый бассейн в сочетании с детским бассейном. В окружении тропических кокосовых пальм вы можете насладиться морским бризом и пышной зеленью острова Бали. Прекрасный дом для отдыха для семьи или компании друзей! Поужинайте в помещении или на свежем воздухе, пока небо превращается из синего в оранжевое и залитое звездами. Наслаждайтесь безупречным обслуживанием внимательной команды сотрудников и исследуйте прекрасные окрестности Кандидаса для идеального отдыха на Бали.

Вилла Gils Candidasa - это прекрасное место для семейного отдыха, спрятанное в тихом районе Канди Даса, прямо у моря и песка восточного побережья Бали. Все необходимое, чтобы полностью расслабиться в этом празднике на Острове Богов! Вилла Gils Candidasa сочетает в себе современные и традиционные элементы, позволяя гостям отдыхать в тропическом стиле, не упуская из виду современные удобства. Жилой павильон Villa Gils спроектирован с открытой планировкой, выходящей в сад, с видом на кристально чистую воду бассейна.

Коктейль-бар - отличное место, чтобы посидеть и выпить несколько напитков вместе с близкими, пока дети бегают по ухоженной лужайке в саду или плавают в бассейне. Удобные кушетки и диваны по бокам коктейль-бара - прекрасные места, где можно свернуться калачиком и что-нибудь почитать или собраться на уютный вечер кино, просматривая блокбастер по телевизору с плоским экраном и DVD-плеером. Любители сладкого тропического островного образа жизни будут проводить много времени в саду, обедать на свежем воздухе в обеденном зале у бассейна, читать книгу в тенистой беседке, заправленной кушетками, или даже заниматься традиционным балийским массажем.

Пышно-зеленый и совершенно мирный сад засажен высокими пальмами и цветущими растениями. В самом центре сада находится привлекательный 25-метровый бассейн, где вы можете плавать кругами, в то время как дети развлекаются в мелководном бассейне, отделенном от основного бассейна ступеньками в воде. После того, как охладитесь в освежающей воде, понежьтесь на солнце, чтобы поймать великолепный загар, чтобы взять с собой домой, или вздремните днем ​​в тени зонтика.

Переведено Google


Индонезия, Бали, Чандидаса

Ближайшие места

пляж 100m
Ресторан 200 m
Рынок 500m
Аэропорт 60 km
Порт 59 km

Местные услуги

Банкомат/банк • Почта • Продуктовые магазины • Услуги прачечной • Фитнес-центр • Спа • Медицинские услуги • Больница • Няня • Аптека • Полиция • Рынок • Мини-рынок

Местные достопримечательности и развлечения

Морские прогулки • Рестораны • Игровые площадки • Церкви • Водные виды спорта • Плавание • Серфинг, кайтсерфинг • Аренда яхты • Сафари-туры • Кинотеатр • Музеи • Бары • Пляжные бары • Библиотека • Пристань • Аквапарки • Верховая езда • Подводное плавание с аквалангом • Гольф • Рыбалка • Катание на водных мотоциклах • Катание на водных лыжах • Плавание под парусом • Теннис • Маунтинбайкинг • Парапланеризм • Дайвинг • Виндсерфинг • Ежедневная морская прогулка • Клубы

Что говорят наши клиенты

Oтзыва: 10 / 10

Villa Gils Candidasa

Индонезия, Бали, Чандидаса

Все отзывы

Sep 2024


This is the second time we have stayed here, if you want relaxing please stay here, staff the best..
May 2024

Amazing villa

We had a wonderful vacation at villa Gils! The villa is well maintained and very clean. It is just as beautiful as in the pictures. The staff is amazing, so friendly and helpful. We really enjoyed the breakfast! Thank you very much for the lovely…
We had a wonderful vacation at villa Gils! The villa is well maintained and very clean. It is just as beautiful as in the pictures. The staff is amazing, so friendly and helpful. We really enjoyed the breakfast! Thank you very much for the lovely time!!
Apr 2024

Beautiful villa in quiet village

Three generations had a wonderful week at Villa Gils! The villa is just as beautiful as in the pictures and the rooms and facilities wholly as described. The staff were really friendly and helpful. Breakfasts were great and the choice of (optional)…
Three generations had a wonderful week at Villa Gils! The villa is just as beautiful as in the pictures and the rooms and facilities wholly as described. The staff were really friendly and helpful. Breakfasts were great and the choice of (optional) lunches, dinners and drinks were made to suit all ages (old, middle and young).
Mark B
Dec 2023

Paradise in Bali

We stayed 5 days with our friends in the villa. Our trip was for 3 weeks and we did various villas arround the island. Ville Gils and the especially tthe team lead by Wayan became always our reference. The best food was coocked by her team. The nicest…
We stayed 5 days with our friends in the villa. Our trip was for 3 weeks and we did various villas arround the island. Ville Gils and the especially tthe team lead by Wayan became always our reference. The best food was coocked by her team. The nicest team, yes the bench mark towards other places was set very high. WE particullary enjoyed the breakfasts and dinners nea the pool. Just relaxing and shilling out. If we wanted to visit seomthing, Wayan would be the best organiser and take care of everything. Our son went for 3 days to Gilly islands and she did all the bookings which made it so easy for them. It is an absolute must and we give a 5 star note to this great place. Thanks a lot and we hope to be back soon. Mark and Sabine
Tara M
Aug 2023

Most wonderful family holiday, this place is a must DO!!!!!

I can not praise this place or the staff more, our family holiday here was outstanding and we can't wait to go back!! From the moment we were picked up we were treated so well and when we arrived at the pristine villa and met the gorgeous staff we instantly…
I can not praise this place or the staff more, our family holiday here was outstanding and we can't wait to go back!! From the moment we were picked up we were treated so well and when we arrived at the pristine villa and met the gorgeous staff we instantly fell in love. We learnt so much about the village and surrounding areas and were able to get a true understanding of the culture. Nothing was ever too much trouble for Wayan and her fabulous staff, from arranging tours, a yoga teacher, daily massages, special fruits and the most wonderful food every day!!! We definately felt like royalty and we can not wait to go back!!
Jul 2023

Most relaxing holiday ever

We just finished up a far too short 5 nights at Villa Gil’s near Candidasa. The location offered a respite from the heat with beautiful ocean breezes and the stunning, humongous pool. It’s location also offers an excape from the rat race of what…
We just finished up a far too short 5 nights at Villa Gil’s near Candidasa. The location offered a respite from the heat with beautiful ocean breezes and the stunning, humongous pool. It’s location also offers an excape from the rat race of what most people consider “Bali” and offers a more traditional village feel whilst still enjoying absolute luxury. The staff, led by Wayan, are helpful and loving and even offer to help you when they’ve finished work and see you in town. They give great advice on things like what you should pay for a taxi ($3 - wow were we getting ripped off prior) and also offer to buy any groceries you want and only charge you what they pay for those groceries and even provide receipts. We felt safe, spoilt and were treated like kings and queens. Wayan organised massages at the villa every day for a mere $12 p/hr. The photos are exactly what you get and are not “what it used to be in its heyday”! I could go on and on, needless to say we have absolutely no complaints. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Oct 2020

Lovely Villa

This Villa was really beautiful, by the sea in a beautiful slice of (relatively) out-of-the-way Bali. Made all the more better by the brilliant service and advice from manager Ibu Wayan
Sep 2024


10 / 10

This is the second time we have stayed here, if you want relaxing please stay here, staff the best..
May 2024

Amazing villa

10 / 10

We had a wonderful vacation at villa Gils! The villa is well maintained and very clean. It is just as beautiful as in the pictures. The staff is amazing, so friendly and helpful. We really enjoyed the breakfast! Thank you very much for the lovely time!!
Apr 2024

Beautiful villa in quiet village

10 / 10

Three generations had a wonderful week at Villa Gils! The villa is just as beautiful as in the pictures and the rooms and facilities wholly as described. The staff were really friendly and helpful. Breakfasts were great and the choice of (optional) lunches, dinners and drinks were made to suit all ages (old, middle and young).
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