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Villa 353 Degrees North Bali

Индонезия, Бали, Нуса Лембонган

пляж: 700m

Вилла 353 Degrees North Bali создана для вашего отдыха в непринужденной и непринужденной обстановке. Поскольку в 353 Degrees North нет отдельной столовой, гости могут выбирать, как и где они хотели бы пообедать, будь то у бассейна, в гостиной на открытом воздухе или на великолепных стульях из коровьей кожи на скамейке с плавающим островом на кухне. .

Терраса на крыше идеально подходит для романтического ужина при свечах или непринужденной коктейльной вечеринки. Персонал с радостью подготовит для вас столы и места для сидения по запросу. В главном здании огромная гостиная открытой планировки с красиво оформленной дизайнерской отделкой пропускает много естественного света и просто создана для легкого развлечения.

Стены стеклянных дверей открываются на террасу у бассейна и подчеркивают потрясающие виды и тропическую обстановку изнутри. Двери полностью отодвигаются, чтобы жить под открытым небом, дышащим морским бризом. В центральной части есть большой негабаритный встроенный диван с кремовыми подушками сиденья, набитыми перьями, стильным деревом и скрытыми случайными стульями с подставками для ног, пуфами и набором небольших передвижных столиков, приглашающих гостей использовать зону для отдыха или развлекательный.

Марокканские ковры украшают полы в гостиных и спальнях виллы. Сделанные вручную ловушки для ловли рыбы оживают ночью, отбрасывая тени на стены и потолки. На кухне есть облицованные тиковым покрытием шкафы и столешницы из белого камня, а также большая островная скамья для повседневной трапезы и развлечений. Гости могут расслабиться на вилле и самостоятельно приготовить еду на полностью оборудованной кухне.

Роскошный, хорошо оборудованный люкс с главной спальней с кроватью размера «king-size», кондиционером, потолочным вентилятором и огромной ванной комнатой. Из главной спальни открывается вид на гору Агунг. Она может похвастаться роскошной ванной комнатой с садовым душем и мебелью, изготовленной по индивидуальному заказу в марокканском стиле. Красивые филигранные латунные настенные светильники из Марокко украшают стены, пол и потолок в главной спальне экзотическими узорами.

Восточное крыло, которое отделено от гостиной и главной спальни на 353 градусе северной широты, состоит из 2 гостевых люксов. Оба мастерски оснащены кроватями размера «king-size». В первом есть большой сад с ванной и декоративные подвесные светильники. Изголовье кровати - это половина пары старинных дверей с потертостями; другая половина висит на стене у входа в виллу. Номер оснащен телевизором, DVD-плеером, мини-баром и принадлежностями для чая / кофе. Второй гостевой люкс с видом на океан выходит к бассейну и предлагает захватывающий вид на гору Агунг, не поднимая головы с подушки. В номере также есть ванная комната и бар-холодильник. Все 3 спальни великолепно оборудованы роскошными туалетными принадлежностями.

Пейзажный бассейн размером 14 х 5 м с погруженным сиденьем идеально подходит для тех, кто хочет насладиться видом с бокалом вина или шампанского в руке. Мягкие подушки, шезлонги и кушетки у бассейна приглашают вас расслабиться. В нескольких шагах от бассейна находится обширная лужайка, ведущая к балийским храмам виллы. В лаундже на открытом воздухе есть встроенные кресла, где гости могут расслабиться и полюбоваться великолепными видами или насладиться послеобеденной сиестой.

Ночью местность преображается, благодаря окружающему освещению от большого марокканского кулона, который окрашивает территорию в жемчужные цвета. Наслаждайтесь коктейлями на террасе на крыше, пока солнце тихо заходит в океан, а огни Бали мерцают на горизонте - идеальный способ завершить день или начать вечер.

Переведено Google


Индонезия, Бали, Нуса Лембонган

Ближайшие места

пляж 700m
Ресторан 0.3 km
Рынок 500m
Аэропорт 35 km
Порт 1 km

Местные услуги

Банкомат/банк • Почта • Продуктовые магазины • Услуги прачечной • Фитнес-центр • Спа • Медицинские услуги • Больница • Няня • Аптека • Полиция • Рынок • Мини-рынок

Местные достопримечательности и развлечения

Морские прогулки • Рестораны • Игровые площадки • Церкви • Водные виды спорта • Плавание • Серфинг, кайтсерфинг • Аренда яхты • Сафари-туры • Кинотеатр • Музеи • Бары • Пляжные бары • Библиотека • Пристань • Аквапарки • Верховая езда • Подводное плавание с аквалангом • Гольф • Рыбалка • Катание на водных мотоциклах • Катание на водных лыжах • Плавание под парусом • Теннис • Маунтинбайкинг • Парапланеризм • Дайвинг • Виндсерфинг • Ежедневная морская прогулка • Клубы

Что говорят наши клиенты

Oтзыва: 10 / 10

Villa 353 Degrees North Bali

Индонезия, Бали, Нуса Лембонган

Все отзывы

Nov 2024

Friendliest Staff in an Amazing Villa

Having been to Nusa Lembongan quite a few times, its always a delight to go back. Villa 353 Degrees North is one of the nicest of the Villas we've stayed at. Being in the hills was different than our previous beach side experiences. The location in…
Having been to Nusa Lembongan quite a few times, its always a delight to go back. Villa 353 Degrees North is one of the nicest of the Villas we've stayed at. Being in the hills was different than our previous beach side experiences. The location in the hills was fantastic. Views, breezes, seclusion all added to this Luxurious experience. Kiri and her staff were a delight. Helpful and unobtrusive. Breakfast was great and the Villa was really well appointed. Highly recommended
Sacha R
Aug 2024

Stunning villa with the friendliest staff

Where can I start with this villa! We spent 4 nights here on our honeymoon and it was absolutely perfect. Before our arrival the staff arranged our transfer from our previous hotel to the villa so we had no worries about getting to the island. We were…
Where can I start with this villa! We spent 4 nights here on our honeymoon and it was absolutely perfect. Before our arrival the staff arranged our transfer from our previous hotel to the villa so we had no worries about getting to the island. We were warmly greeted and given a tour of the villa, and then Kiri helped us arrange our dinner that evening and a day trip to Nusa Penida the next day. Nothing was too much trouble for the staff and we felt extremely well looked after throughout the whole of our stay. The villa is stunning, exactly like the photos. It's extremely good value for money and we felt very lucky to stay here. Thank you!
Damien C
Mar 2024

One word..Amazing

I have been to Bali many times over the last 25 years and this stay at 353 degrees North in March was the best by far.In fact it was the most awesome holiday I’ve ever had.I could go on and on but I’ll just say this...I’ll be back for sure cause…
I have been to Bali many times over the last 25 years and this stay at 353 degrees North in March was the best by far.In fact it was the most awesome holiday I’ve ever had.I could go on and on but I’ll just say this...I’ll be back for sure cause I love the place
Michelle L
Oct 2023

My absolute favourite villa in Indonesia

Located on one of the most beautiful islands in Indonesia, 353 Degrees North exceeded every one of my expectations. I absolutely felt like I was in heaven with such a modern and stylish villa, a huge infinity pool and priceless views. It is close to…
Located on one of the most beautiful islands in Indonesia, 353 Degrees North exceeded every one of my expectations. I absolutely felt like I was in heaven with such a modern and stylish villa, a huge infinity pool and priceless views. It is close to the beach, close to town, easy to travel to Nuse Penida and a scooter ride from Nusa Ceningan. This is definitely my favourite villa in Indonesia and hope to be back soon!
Andrew R
Oct 2023


Architecture - palatial & open plan Decor - modern & easy on the eye Staff - knowledgeable, caring. Most importantly they knew when to disappear so you could be alone. View - unending wonder. The landscape was always changing with different weather…
Architecture - palatial & open plan Decor - modern & easy on the eye Staff - knowledgeable, caring. Most importantly they knew when to disappear so you could be alone. View - unending wonder. The landscape was always changing with different weather. Pool - perfect temperature and the perfect aid to the view. Kiri, Budi, Kadek & Eka. - Superb staff.
Oct 2023

The perfect holiday destination

This place is just as it is the online advertising. Picture perfect, just stunning. We were made to feel very welcome by the staff. The pool is amazing the rooms were lovely. We shared this holiday with close firends and it was just perfenct for all…
This place is just as it is the online advertising. Picture perfect, just stunning. We were made to feel very welcome by the staff. The pool is amazing the rooms were lovely. We shared this holiday with close firends and it was just perfenct for all of us.
Sophie B
Jul 2023


I don’t even know where to begin with this villa, spectacular doesn’t even describe it! We had a group of 7 and it was perfect. Everyone has there own space, Kiri and staff attended to everything and where always very helpful. The layout is amazing…
I don’t even know where to begin with this villa, spectacular doesn’t even describe it! We had a group of 7 and it was perfect. Everyone has there own space, Kiri and staff attended to everything and where always very helpful. The layout is amazing and the view is breathtaking! We were lucky enough to have a nice clear day which meant we could see mount agung. Thank you for having us we will definitely be back :)
Beth W
Apr 2023

Dreamy Weekend Getaway

With gorgeous blue skies this weekend we got to enjoy the breathtaking view of Nusa Lembongan and Mt Agung. This was my second trip to Lembongan and of course I couldn’t think of any place better to take my friends than 353 Degrees North. This private…
With gorgeous blue skies this weekend we got to enjoy the breathtaking view of Nusa Lembongan and Mt Agung. This was my second trip to Lembongan and of course I couldn’t think of any place better to take my friends than 353 Degrees North. This private villa is gorgeous. The staff are so friendly, kind and make you feel well looked after. The minibar is also fully stocked up which is helpful when you don’t feel like leaving the house for a drink or snack. Everything about our stay was incredibly organised. Amazing communication between Michael and Kiri the manager. The beds are incredibly comfortable with beautiful bed spreads and each room is fitted with AC. Breakfast is included in the mornings at whatever time you request. I must say it was extra delicious this trip. Thanks once again for having me. This will be my go to choice when I visit Nusa Lembongan
Emily N
Mar 2023

353 degree Heaven

Hi Jodie, Michael, Kiri and all the staff Thank you for the most amazing stay at 353degrees villa! The house is magical, the views are spectaluar and the service fabulous. Can't recommend staying here enough - we will be back! We didn't want to leave…
Hi Jodie, Michael, Kiri and all the staff Thank you for the most amazing stay at 353degrees villa! The house is magical, the views are spectaluar and the service fabulous. Can't recommend staying here enough - we will be back! We didn't want to leave!!
Oct 2022

353 degrees north villa was truly a heaven on earth!Also great service and location

Me and my wife stayed in 353 degrees north villa for two days. I travel a lot and I've been stay in many hotels before, but still 353 degrees north villa was more than amazing! Besides the fancy and cute villa decor, we also love the peoples who work…
Me and my wife stayed in 353 degrees north villa for two days. I travel a lot and I've been stay in many hotels before, but still 353 degrees north villa was more than amazing! Besides the fancy and cute villa decor, we also love the peoples who work here. They are really helpful and will arrange everything for you. Me and my wife went to surfing, snorkeling which were arranged by manager Kiri,Its perfect !! I'd like to thanks all the people who work for 353 degrees north villa agian, they help me a lot and I totally felt its my home. See ya all next year my friends!! (say hi to the dogs molly and Macy for me)
Nov 2024

Friendliest Staff in an Amazing Villa

10 / 10

Having been to Nusa Lembongan quite a few times, its always a delight to go back. Villa 353 Degrees North is one of the nicest of the Villas we've stayed at. Being in the hills was different than our previous beach side experiences. The location in the hills was fantastic. Views, breezes, seclusion all added to this Luxurious experience. Kiri…
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Having been to Nusa Lembongan quite a few times, its always a delight to go back. Villa 353 Degrees North is one of the nicest of the Villas we've stayed at. Being in the hills was different than our previous beach side experiences. The location in the hills was fantastic. Views, breezes, seclusion all added to this Luxurious experience. Kiri and her staff were a delight. Helpful and unobtrusive. Breakfast was great and the Villa was really well appointed. Highly recommended
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Sacha R
Aug 2024

Stunning villa with the friendliest staff

10 / 10

Where can I start with this villa! We spent 4 nights here on our honeymoon and it was absolutely perfect. Before our arrival the staff arranged our transfer from our previous hotel to the villa so we had no worries about getting to the island. We were warmly greeted and given a tour of the villa, and then Kiri helped us arrange our dinner that evening…
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Where can I start with this villa! We spent 4 nights here on our honeymoon and it was absolutely perfect. Before our arrival the staff arranged our transfer from our previous hotel to the villa so we had no worries about getting to the island. We were warmly greeted and given a tour of the villa, and then Kiri helped us arrange our dinner that evening and a day trip to Nusa Penida the next day. Nothing was too much trouble for the staff and we felt extremely well looked after throughout the whole of our stay. The villa is stunning, exactly like the photos. It's extremely good value for money and we felt very lucky to stay here. Thank you!
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Damien C
Mar 2024

One word..Amazing

10 / 10

I have been to Bali many times over the last 25 years and this stay at 353 degrees North in March was the best by far.In fact it was the most awesome holiday I’ve ever had.I could go on and on but I’ll just say this...I’ll be back for sure cause I love the place
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