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Villa Bayu Gita Sanur

Индонезия, Бали, Санур


Вилла Bayu Gita Sanur - это роскошная аренда с 9 спальнями и частным бассейном. Вилла Bayu Gita состоит из двух потрясающих вилл в тихой прибрежной деревне Кетевел на юго-восточном побережье Бали. Виллы можно арендовать по отдельности или вместе, обеспечивая размещение до 18 взрослых. Идеально подходит для семей и больших групп друзей, которые хотят максимально расслабляющего отдыха в самой роскошной обстановке с потрясающим видом на океан.

Виллы предлагают ряд крытых и открытых удобств с точки зрения развлечений, таких как книги, DVD-плееры, хорошо оборудованный тренажерный зал, домашний кинотеатр, док-станции для iPod, ПК, проекторы, спутниковое телевидение и стереосистемы.

Bayu Gita Residence на Бали – это просторная вилла с 3 спальнями, превосходным дизайном, современными элементами и преобладающими стильными элементами. Маленькие белые скульптуры сбрасывают воду в потрясающий бассейн, а большой забор предлагает гостям полную конфиденциальность. Большие стеклянные раздвижные двери от пола до потолка пропускают теплый солнечный свет и открывают ослепительный вид на завораживающие волны, разбивающиеся о берег. Куда бы вы ни посмотрели вокруг, присутствие природы сильно. Тропический пейзаж, гармонично сочетающийся с архитектурой виллы. Большие деревья, уникальные цветы и растения вместе со звуком текущей воды создают живописное место, способное просто оставить вас в благоговении.

Великолепная обеденная зона и верхний этаж, через который свет мягко проникает внутрь, предлагают безграничный спокойный вид на океан. Побалуйте свои чувства, отдохнув в роскошных спальнях, которые выглядят так, как будто они были построены в другую эпоху. Прогуляйтесь или покатайтесь на велосипеде по тропическому саду и окунитесь в 11-метровый частный бассейн. Нужна дополнительная релаксация? Вас ждет джакузи! В то же время освежиться на экзотическом пляже с черным песком можно всего в 100 метрах. Наслаждайтесь беззаботными моментами, пока все ваши потребности удовлетворяются профессиональным персоналом. Bayu Gita Residence расположен в очаровательной небольшой рыбацкой деревушке Кетевел на Бали. Идеальное место для любителей серфинга, которые могут воспользоваться климатическими условиями.

Поистине экзотическая роскошная вилла на настоящем тропическом пляже! Вилла Bayu Gita Beach Front с 6 спальнями и черным песком, лежащим прямо перед ней, представляет собой великолепный пляж, расположенный на пляже Пабеан на юго-восточном побережье Бали. Эта великолепная роскошная вилла с прямым доступом к великолепному пляжу и безмятежным видом на бирюзовые воды океана действительно поразит вас.

Слова не могут полностью описать уровень роскоши открытых пространств! Гигантский частный пейзажный бассейн и небольшие бассейны в двух главных спальнях предложат вам волшебные моменты расслабления и полного спокойствия, слушая шум волн всего в десяти метрах от виллы. Затененный обеденный стол на открытом воздухе с потрясающим видом на море, несомненно, захватывает дух.

Профессиональная и преданная своему делу команда всегда готова и рада выполнить любое ваше требование. Единственное, что вам нужно сделать, это оставить свои заботы и насладиться всеми удобствами, которые может предложить вилла.

Вилла Bayu Gita Beach Front предлагает настоящую роскошь и комфорт с ее удивительными удобствами. На вилле есть великолепный кинозал с удобными кожаными диванами, полностью оборудованная игровая комната и хорошо оборудованный тренажерный зал.

Уникальный дизайн виллы Bayu Gita Sanur создает идеальные условия для великолепного отдыха. Отдохните в полном комфорте и насладитесь многочисленными удобствами и развлечениями. Υнаши потребности удовлетворяются профессиональным персоналом, проведите некоторое время с любимыми людьми.

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Индонезия, Бали, Санур

Ближайшие места

пляж 10m
Ресторан 1 km
Рынок 1km
Аэропорт 22 km
Порт 21 km

Местные услуги

Банкомат/банк • Почта • Продуктовые магазины • Услуги прачечной • Фитнес-центр • Спа • Медицинские услуги • Больница • Няня • Аптека • Полиция • Рынок • Мини-рынок

Местные достопримечательности и развлечения

Морские прогулки • Рестораны • Игровые площадки • Церкви • Водные виды спорта • Плавание • Серфинг, кайтсерфинг • Аренда яхты • Сафари-туры • Кинотеатр • Музеи • Бары • Пляжные бары • Библиотека • Пристань • Аквапарки • Верховая езда • Подводное плавание с аквалангом • Гольф • Рыбалка • Катание на водных мотоциклах • Катание на водных лыжах • Плавание под парусом • Теннис • Маунтинбайкинг • Парапланеризм • Дайвинг • Виндсерфинг • Ежедневная морская прогулка • Клубы

Что говорят наши клиенты

Oтзыва: 10 / 10

Villa Bayu Gita Sanur

Индонезия, Бали, Санур

Все отзывы

Jason P
Nov 2024

50th Birthday Stay

We stayed for 2 nights to celebrate my 50th birthday The staff were so helpful and friendly and nothing was too hard. 12 people stayed in comfort and every room was amazing. Some reviews I read before leaving made comment on the noise of the waves…
We stayed for 2 nights to celebrate my 50th birthday The staff were so helpful and friendly and nothing was too hard. 12 people stayed in comfort and every room was amazing. Some reviews I read before leaving made comment on the noise of the waves crashing on the break wall, however we liked it . Would highly recommend this celebrity style place to stay.
Mark A
Oct 2024

Beatiful villa

Our special thanks to the staff at bayu gita for a most memorable stay, especially Gede and Dewa with his big smile, young Will misses you and the sprite. We stayed in the smaller villa and enjoyed everything. The service, food and chef were amazing…
Our special thanks to the staff at bayu gita for a most memorable stay, especially Gede and Dewa with his big smile, young Will misses you and the sprite. We stayed in the smaller villa and enjoyed everything. The service, food and chef were amazing and nothing was a hassle. Highly recommended.
Oct 2022

Amazing trip for a large group!

We stayed here with our extended family, including 8 young children and it was a fantastic experience. Bali with kids can be stressful (especially with food) but here it was a breeze. The property itself is great, and the staff were more than happy…
We stayed here with our extended family, including 8 young children and it was a fantastic experience. Bali with kids can be stressful (especially with food) but here it was a breeze. The property itself is great, and the staff were more than happy to arrange for a large metal pool fence around the main pool and beach access for peace of mind with the young children. They were accommodating with different dietary needs and made whatever was requested. Definitely the most relaxing holiday with young kids I have ever had! It actually felt like a holiday! The staff are amazing and so lovely, the food was incredible!! Would definitely go back again!
Allan P
Sep 2022

Palmer Family Holiday Aug-Sep 2017

Our sincere thanks to Elite Havens and the staff at the Bayu Gita Villas who looked after us and made our family holiday in Bali a truly memorable event. We had a very large family group of 17 which included my 8 Grandchildren who are all under 7 with…
Our sincere thanks to Elite Havens and the staff at the Bayu Gita Villas who looked after us and made our family holiday in Bali a truly memorable event. We had a very large family group of 17 which included my 8 Grandchildren who are all under 7 with 3 of those under 2. It can be challenging holidaying anywhere with so many little people to look after and all of the staff at the Bayu Gita Villas went out of their way to ensure the adults and more particularly the children were well looked after and cared for. We opted to book out the two villas which worked very well for the size of group we had. The beach front villa was occupied by the families with kids which worked very well. The staff on our request also arranged for temporary pool fence to be erected to provide added safety for the toddlers in the group. I would highly recommend this for families with small children. The grandparents and those without children stayed at the garden villa which proved to be a very peaceful and tranquil place to chill out. It also became a popular afternoon swimming spot for the family and a great alternative to the beach front pool when the sea breeze was in. In particular I would like to thank our Butlers Gede and Wayan as well as Ayun and Aris for the excellent work they did looking after the grandkids and the adults. The impromptu cultural and language lessons as well as advice on where to visit was also very much appreciated by everyone. It is a great pleasure to be around people who greet you with a smile and are happy being of service and love caring for and interacting with children and adults. Our Chef Budi and his staff did an excellent job at catering for individual requests and needs of our whole group. With such a large family with so many kids we opted to have family breakfast, lunch and dinner at the beachfront villa for the majority of the time we were there. Breakfast and lunch were served at the same time for all of the family including children. The evening meal times were split to enable the children to eat first and be settled for the night. This was followed by an adults only dinner with time to relax over a well organised, well prepared delicious meal. The menu choices were extensive and all of the food was excellently prepared, tasted great and plentiful. Some highlight meals included the BBQ seafood and meat combination and also Gede’s suckling pig. Overall cost of food was very good. Some of our group also opted to improve their cooking knowledge by attending Budi’s lessons. Gede our Driver was excellent and always ready and happy to take us where ever we wanted to go and his local knowledge was invaluable. A special thank you also to Ayun’s Daughter who at only 8 years old put on an excellent and entertaining Balinese traditional dancing demonstration for the grand children and adults. We had a few medical issues to deal with over the 10 days we were in Bali and the staff were excellent at providing advice, assistance and access to emergency medical care and facilities. We had no serious issues but it was comforting to know that if we did then the staff at Bayu Gita are able to provide very quick and competent assistance. From the initial booking and payment through to the pre arrival information, transport pick and drop off everything ran very smoothly. The online administration staff did an excellent job in communicating with me and making sure any special needs we had were identified and easily catered for. We had families travelling from various parts of Australia on different airlines and arrival/departure times and all were seamlessly organised. Made the Villa Manager met us on arrival at the Villas and kept in touch throughout our visit to ensure we were happy with the services being provided. For me this was a once in a life time chance to get all of my family together in the one place at the same time to spend some quality time together and enjoy each other’s company. It is with this in mind that I cannot thank the front staff and all of those working behind the scenes enough for their hard work during our visit which made this family holiday such a special and memorable occasion for all of us. We all hope we can make it back soon… Best wishes and fond memories… Allan
Jason R
Sep 2022

The Ideal Location if You Want A Fantastic Bali Vacation

While the Villa Bayu Gita is quite nice, the onsite manager, Made, as well as the staff are what really made our stay at Villa Bayu Gita so special. The chefs are fantastic in the kitchen (great food) and the staff can accommodate special requests…
While the Villa Bayu Gita is quite nice, the onsite manager, Made, as well as the staff are what really made our stay at Villa Bayu Gita so special. The chefs are fantastic in the kitchen (great food) and the staff can accommodate special requests significantly better than any of the Whatever/Whenever Agents at the W Hotel. For any group on individuals who want to be able to relax during a vacation in a welcoming environment...choose Villa Bayu Gita.
Jessica H
Feb 2022

NEVER have I experienced such luxury on so many levels!

This place is incredible in every sense of the word. The villa is so beautiful, awe inspiring, quite literally. The staff is phenomenal, I was so amazed by how friendly they were. They knew all our names, always smiling and eager to help with whatever…
This place is incredible in every sense of the word. The villa is so beautiful, awe inspiring, quite literally. The staff is phenomenal, I was so amazed by how friendly they were. They knew all our names, always smiling and eager to help with whatever you may need. The chef is top notch. Their driver, Gede, is an excellent driver and very knowledgeable. Ayun is just the sweetest (she's my favorite)! Our butler Ariana was as doll as well. They all speak surprisingly good English which was a huge plus! The only thing that would have been nice is if the night staff/other staff that we didn't interact with as much spoke better English. That's the ONLY thing. I was so blown away at how perfect this vacation was for the 6 of us. It's straight out of a dream and I will never, ever forget this!
Julie G
Dec 2021

Book it, and book it now...

Our group of 10 stayed here over the New Year's holiday and had an AMAZING time. The staff here provides a first-class experience and went out of their way to ensure we had an amazing time from start to finish! Having never been to Bali before, we…
Our group of 10 stayed here over the New Year's holiday and had an AMAZING time. The staff here provides a first-class experience and went out of their way to ensure we had an amazing time from start to finish! Having never been to Bali before, we had no idea what to expect of the local culture or how difficult it would be to navigate. Crazy airport taxi scene, problem solved! With Bayu Gita, challenge solved--our driver was waiting for us as soon as we cleared customs and navigated us to our Villa Bayu Gita van to promptly take us to the house (by the way, post customs was the last time we touched our bags until it was time to unpack them). Upon arriving at the house, the staff greeted us at the door WITH drinks in hand and immediately we felt at home. An hour later--dinner was served. While our group is used to quality service, the staff at Villa Bayu Gita went above and beyond to ensure we were taken care of. Wayan, Surya, Prad, Dewa, and Chef Budi were amazing. There was literally no request or ask they weren't ready and willing to fulfill. From helping us navigate the markets, to bringing spa services to the house, to recommending quality excursions, to ensuring we had black-eyed peas on New Years Day, there wasn't a single request that went unmet. One example of how they went above and beyond for us was ensuring we had our own private fireworks display to bring in the New Year. We're talking a LOT of fireworks! The house itself is simply amazing with quality views. The linens are quality, the beds are comfortable, and again, the staff does an exceptional job of keeping everything clean and ensuring we had what we needed at every turn. While we were a group of 10, if folks wanted to separate from the group and decompress in (or outside) of the house, that was easy to do. Altogether, it was a great experience. Our group did quite a few excursions, and many times, we broke into smaller groups to do them at all hours of the day and night. That wasn't a problem for the superb Bayu Gita staff. Every need was accommodated no matter day or night. Book the Villa. Go here. And have one of the best vacations you'll ever experience. Trust me, you won't regret it!
Aug 2021

Vacation in Paradise

Our group of 19 stayed at Villa Bayu Gita and the close-by Bayu Gita Residence in Bali--we needed 2 houses to accommodate . These were some of the most beautiful houses that we have ever stayed in. The large house accommodated 8 children and 6 adults…
Our group of 19 stayed at Villa Bayu Gita and the close-by Bayu Gita Residence in Bali--we needed 2 houses to accommodate . These were some of the most beautiful houses that we have ever stayed in. The large house accommodated 8 children and 6 adults and the residence accommodated our 5 other adults. For breezy action, we swam at the beachside pool at the Villa. Visiting the calmer, more enclosed pool at the Residence gave us an opportunity to soak in peace. The staff at Bayu Gita is exceptional. The Butlers, Wyen, Artana and Ayun made sure our every need was taken care of. They worked with us to craft delicious meals which they prepared to perfection. They are friendly, helpful and interesting to talk with. They really made our trip special. Transportation is included with the houses. And the staff worked with us to arrange massage therapists, a yoga teacher and a henna artist. The rooms are beautiful, spacious and the outdoor/indoor bathrooms make you feel like you're in the tropics while on the lap of luxury.
Vibhor G
Aug 2021

Awesome Bayu Gita Bali

We had gone to Bali for the birthday celebrations of a friend and stayed at this awesome villa for 5 days. Situated in a serene and quiet part of bali in ketewal , this 6 bedroom villa was a home for all of us. The celebrations were made special by…
We had gone to Bali for the birthday celebrations of a friend and stayed at this awesome villa for 5 days. Situated in a serene and quiet part of bali in ketewal , this 6 bedroom villa was a home for all of us. The celebrations were made special by the lovely and lively staff of the villa. A special thanks to the Villa manager Made and to Artha, Surya and everyone else. The villa is spacious , has multiple pools and is the perfect destination for a family / friends holiday. Since it's not close to the hotspots of bali , it is not meant for the club hopping travellers. We really enjoyed our stay and hope to return some day soon .
Ashley R
May 2021

Perfect sunrise wedding

Bayu Gita Villa will always have a special place in my heart. My husband and I got married there at Sunrise in May. We had never been to Bali before and actually found it in the internet. Sari organised the whole trip (elite havens) and was just wonderful…
Bayu Gita Villa will always have a special place in my heart. My husband and I got married there at Sunrise in May. We had never been to Bali before and actually found it in the internet. Sari organised the whole trip (elite havens) and was just wonderful. Made the manager was always there to help. Gede was our trusty driver and your leader and I don't think our trip would have been the same without him. The villa was beautiful and secretly hidden away from all the tourists, so it was nice and peaceful. The staff were incredible and knew what we needed even before we knew ourselves. We got married at 6am so the florist arrived at 2am to start setting up, so everyone was busy the whole day. The had the most incredible time and cannot wait go back and visit. I would highly highly recommend it to anyone. My favorite place.
Jason P
Nov 2024

50th Birthday Stay

10 / 10

We stayed for 2 nights to celebrate my 50th birthday The staff were so helpful and friendly and nothing was too hard. 12 people stayed in comfort and every room was amazing. Some reviews I read before leaving made comment on the noise of the waves crashing on the break wall, however we liked it . Would highly recommend this celebrity style place…
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We stayed for 2 nights to celebrate my 50th birthday The staff were so helpful and friendly and nothing was too hard. 12 people stayed in comfort and every room was amazing. Some reviews I read before leaving made comment on the noise of the waves crashing on the break wall, however we liked it . Would highly recommend this celebrity style place to stay.
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Mark A
Oct 2024

Beatiful villa

10 / 10

Our special thanks to the staff at bayu gita for a most memorable stay, especially Gede and Dewa with his big smile, young Will misses you and the sprite. We stayed in the smaller villa and enjoyed everything. The service, food and chef were amazing and nothing was a hassle. Highly recommended.
Oct 2022

Amazing trip for a large group!

9.8 / 10

We stayed here with our extended family, including 8 young children and it was a fantastic experience. Bali with kids can be stressful (especially with food) but here it was a breeze. The property itself is great, and the staff were more than happy to arrange for a large metal pool fence around the main pool and beach access for peace of mind with…
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We stayed here with our extended family, including 8 young children and it was a fantastic experience. Bali with kids can be stressful (especially with food) but here it was a breeze. The property itself is great, and the staff were more than happy to arrange for a large metal pool fence around the main pool and beach access for peace of mind with the young children. They were accommodating with different dietary needs and made whatever was requested. Definitely the most relaxing holiday with young kids I have ever had! It actually felt like a holiday! The staff are amazing and so lovely, the food was incredible!! Would definitely go back again!
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