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Villa Florimar Seseh

Индонезия, Бали, Сесех


Супер-гладкая и сексуальная, но сказочно удобная, Villa Florimar Bali была бы не лишена места в одной из мировых столиц моды, но эта впечатляющая вилла с пятью спальнями расположена в красивой и очень традиционной балийской деревне Сесех. всего в двух шагах от пляжа.

Вилла Florimar Bali была спроектирована известным модельером, и его чувство стиля и изысканности проявляется во всей вилле, от великолепных интерьеров в темных тонах до невероятного множества азиатских древностей.

На вилле Florimar есть, казалось бы, безграничные возможности для отдыха: полежать под зонтиком на кушетке, подходящей для королевской семьи; потягивайте коктейли на закате на удобных диванах у бассейна; Отдохните в уютном саду с друзьями на бале или просто отдохните и восстановите силы на балконе своей спальни.

Благодаря огромной кухне и столовой, а также гостиной открытой планировки с видом на великолепные тропические сады и бассейн, вилла Florimar является идеальным местом для общественных мероприятий, будь то свадьба, знаменательное событие или неформальная и непринужденная встреча с друзьями или семьей. А безупречно обученный персонал, в том числе опытный менеджер виллы и частный повар, прошедший обучение в ресторане, позаботится о том, чтобы каждый момент вашего пребывания был безупречным.

Всего в нескольких метрах от виллы находится сверкающий пляж Сесеха с вулканическим песком, который манит прибой и очаровывает каменными бассейнами. Посмотрите, как местные рыбаки вылавливают свой ежедневный улов, а деревенские дети играют в футбол в сумерках. Или прогуляйтесь в местный храм, где ежедневно проводятся очаровательные церемонии на фоне океана. Для дальних приключений возьмите напрокат автомобиль Флоримара с водителем; в течение двадцати минут вы можете обедать в одном из ресторанов мирового класса Семиньяка или делать покупки в шикарном бутике.

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Индонезия, Бали, Сесех

Ближайшие места

пляж 25m
Ресторан 5 km
Рынок 2km
Аэропорт 25 km
Порт 25 km

Местные услуги

Банкомат/банк • Почта • Продуктовые магазины • Услуги прачечной • Фитнес-центр • Спа • Медицинские услуги • Больница • Няня • Аптека • Полиция • Рынок • Мини-рынок

Местные достопримечательности и развлечения

Морские прогулки • Рестораны • Игровые площадки • Церкви • Водные виды спорта • Плавание • Серфинг, кайтсерфинг • Аренда яхты • Сафари-туры • Кинотеатр • Музеи • Бары • Пляжные бары • Библиотека • Пристань • Аквапарки • Верховая езда • Подводное плавание с аквалангом • Гольф • Рыбалка • Катание на водных мотоциклах • Катание на водных лыжах • Плавание под парусом • Теннис • Маунтинбайкинг • Парапланеризм • Дайвинг • Виндсерфинг • Ежедневная морская прогулка • Клубы

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Oтзыва: 10 / 10

Villa Florimar Seseh

Индонезия, Бали, Сесех

Все отзывы

Nov 2024

Stunning Villa and Gorgeous beach surrounding around

The most incredible place for event or family gathering. It has been an awesome stay for me and family in this villa. The personnels are helpful and super in supporting to our request. Really appreciate it. And if anyone planning to stay here, you should…
The most incredible place for event or family gathering. It has been an awesome stay for me and family in this villa. The personnels are helpful and super in supporting to our request. Really appreciate it. And if anyone planning to stay here, you should try the food as well. The chef cook awesomely splendid. The taste are delicious!
Aug 2024

Gorgeous designer villa! Highly recommended!

Villa Florimar was stunning! I really loved the interior and overall sleek look of the villa. There were so many open spaces where you can just relax and read a book. My favourite part of the villa was the open living area overlooking the lush lawn and…
Villa Florimar was stunning! I really loved the interior and overall sleek look of the villa. There were so many open spaces where you can just relax and read a book. My favourite part of the villa was the open living area overlooking the lush lawn and private stone pool. I can stay there forever! While the villa was close to cafes and restaurant (really good location!), my group chose to stay in and had the private chef make a delicious Indonesian dinner for us as we were too comfortable at the villa. Staff really worked hard to make sure we were well taken cared of. When we did go out, we went to the beach just a short walk from the villa. Overall, it was a really great choice for a home away from home. Highly recommended!
Apr 2024

Sophisticated villa near the beach, with great service! Perfect place for a quick getaway to Bali!

What I loved about the villa was its sophisticated design and great ambiance (both inside with its sleek black interiors and outside with its emerald pool!). Rooms were spacious, elegant and comfortable, each with its own en-suite bathroom. Just a short…
What I loved about the villa was its sophisticated design and great ambiance (both inside with its sleek black interiors and outside with its emerald pool!). Rooms were spacious, elegant and comfortable, each with its own en-suite bathroom. Just a short walk around the Balinese village will take you to a Seseh beach where you can go surfing with not much crowds. The service was exceptional too! Private chef made delicious breakfast for us and served us the freshest fruits. The villa manager was also very helpful and accommodating. We felt really relaxed and comfortable all throughout our stay. Overall, our stay was at Villa Florimar was nothing short of amazing! Will stay here again when we come back to Bali.
Sep 2023

Amazing stay

Villa Florimar is amazing! I stayed there for 3 nights with my friends and we had a wonderful experience in the villa. The villa staff are super attentive to our needs and provide good recommendations to restaurants/attractions around Bali. They also…
Villa Florimar is amazing! I stayed there for 3 nights with my friends and we had a wonderful experience in the villa. The villa staff are super attentive to our needs and provide good recommendations to restaurants/attractions around Bali. They also helped us to arrange transport and the breakfast prepared in the villa was really delicious! The rooms are clean and the villa is huge which is perfect for an event. I will definitely stay in this villa again when I'm back in Bali in the future. Highly recommend this to everyone.
Apr 2023

Beautiful villa conveniently located in the beautiful village of Seseh!

Villa Florimar was only a few metres away from Seseh's volcanic-sand beach where you can surf and enjoy the rock pools. Interior of the villa was modern and sleek, with an expansive garden. Enormous kitchen and living/dining spaces. Staff were impeccably…
Villa Florimar was only a few metres away from Seseh's volcanic-sand beach where you can surf and enjoy the rock pools. Interior of the villa was modern and sleek, with an expansive garden. Enormous kitchen and living/dining spaces. Staff were impeccably warm and polite. Enjoyed hanging out by the pool and taking in the tranquil views and surroundings. Can't wait to be back here again!
Apr 2023

Beautiful villa in the middle of a Balinese village!

Stayed here for a few days and it's a perfect place to experience a true Balinese village living! I like how the interior is sleek and sophisticated with black decors and lots of Asian antiques too. The beach (volcanic sand) is just a short walk from…
Stayed here for a few days and it's a perfect place to experience a true Balinese village living! I like how the interior is sleek and sophisticated with black decors and lots of Asian antiques too. The beach (volcanic sand) is just a short walk from the villa but there's a 18m river-stone swimming pool. Very relaxing and amazing service from the staff. Highly recommended and can't wait to go back again!
Apr 2023

The Best Pool Ever!

We had planned a trip around Bali but found it hard to leave our villa because it was so perfect! It had the most beautiful, big pool and extremely elegant ebony furnishings. We also made a visit to the Seseh Village to see the black sand beach and it…
We had planned a trip around Bali but found it hard to leave our villa because it was so perfect! It had the most beautiful, big pool and extremely elegant ebony furnishings. We also made a visit to the Seseh Village to see the black sand beach and it was gorgeous. Love how the interior of the villa complemented the black sand beach.
Nov 2024

Stunning Villa and Gorgeous beach surrounding around

10 / 10

The most incredible place for event or family gathering. It has been an awesome stay for me and family in this villa. The personnels are helpful and super in supporting to our request. Really appreciate it. And if anyone planning to stay here, you should try the food as well. The chef cook awesomely splendid. The taste are delicious!
Aug 2024

Gorgeous designer villa! Highly recommended!

10 / 10

Villa Florimar was stunning! I really loved the interior and overall sleek look of the villa. There were so many open spaces where you can just relax and read a book. My favourite part of the villa was the open living area overlooking the lush lawn and private stone pool. I can stay there forever! While the villa was close to cafes and restaurant (really…
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Villa Florimar was stunning! I really loved the interior and overall sleek look of the villa. There were so many open spaces where you can just relax and read a book. My favourite part of the villa was the open living area overlooking the lush lawn and private stone pool. I can stay there forever! While the villa was close to cafes and restaurant (really good location!), my group chose to stay in and had the private chef make a delicious Indonesian dinner for us as we were too comfortable at the villa. Staff really worked hard to make sure we were well taken cared of. When we did go out, we went to the beach just a short walk from the villa. Overall, it was a really great choice for a home away from home. Highly recommended!
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Apr 2024

Sophisticated villa near the beach, with great service! Perfect place for a quick getaway to Bali!

10 / 10

What I loved about the villa was its sophisticated design and great ambiance (both inside with its sleek black interiors and outside with its emerald pool!). Rooms were spacious, elegant and comfortable, each with its own en-suite bathroom. Just a short walk around the Balinese village will take you to a Seseh beach where you can go surfing with not…
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What I loved about the villa was its sophisticated design and great ambiance (both inside with its sleek black interiors and outside with its emerald pool!). Rooms were spacious, elegant and comfortable, each with its own en-suite bathroom. Just a short walk around the Balinese village will take you to a Seseh beach where you can go surfing with not much crowds. The service was exceptional too! Private chef made delicious breakfast for us and served us the freshest fruits. The villa manager was also very helpful and accommodating. We felt really relaxed and comfortable all throughout our stay. Overall, our stay was at Villa Florimar was nothing short of amazing! Will stay here again when we come back to Bali.
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