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Le Cannicelle Villa Mediterranea Villammare

Италия, Салерно, Вилламмаре

пляж: 600m

Le Cannicelle Villa Mediterranea — это роскошная вилла в аренду с 5 спальнями и частным бассейном. Вилла Le Cannicelle, расположенная над оживленным городом Вилламмаре, является идеальным местом для отдыха, где можно позагорать и насладиться Средиземным морем. Откройте для себя побережье Чиленто во всей его красе - среди очаровательных садов, бесконечных террас, видов на море и панорамного бассейна с Вилламмаре у ваших ног.

Современная трехэтажная вилла, построенная в традиционном стиле, расположена на высоте 124 фута над уровнем моря, откуда открывается потрясающий вид на побережье Чиленто на многие мили. Он удобно обставлен в современном стиле, и каждый уровень является автономным, что делает его идеальным для больших групп. Снаружи есть достаточно места для всех, чтобы собраться вместе и насладиться потрясающим видом на море с одной из многочисленных террас, отдохнуть в тени огромного средиземноморского дуба, понежиться на солнце у бассейна или насладиться едой в деревенском стиле. обеденная терраса таверны. Все номера имеют легкую, светлую и просторную атмосферу и оформлены в оригинальном и элегантном стиле. Это идеальное решение для семейных встреч на пляже в Италии. Это дает возможность разделить отпуск с любимым человеком, а также сохранить конфиденциальность, когда это необходимо.

Он находится под непосредственным управлением владельцев и расположен на панорамном склоне холма с видом на море, всего в 600 метрах от протяженного песчаного пляжа Санта-Мария-ле-Пьяне. С виллы открывается захватывающий вид на Средиземное море - виды простираются до самых дальних гор региона Калабрия (горный массив, возвышающийся над Диаманте и Паолой) с одной стороны и до Пунта (мыса) Инфрески и дикой прибрежной тропы. с таким же названием между Скарио и Марина ди Камерота с другой стороны. Две трети поместья покрыты густым лесом, густым зарослями пробкового дуба, типичным растением для экологической ниши, простирающейся вдоль береговой линии залива Поликастро между Санта-Марина и Сапри. Окруженный большим огороженным садом, он идеально подходит для семей с детьми.

Вилла очень просторная и хорошо оборудованная, с многочисленными террасами, на которых можно расслабиться с бокалом вина и полюбоваться видами, прежде чем поужинать вместе в прекрасной крытой таверне с традиционной итальянской дровяной печью для пиццы и барбекю. Маленький райский уголок для семей и друзей, желающих сбежать от городской суеты и ощутить настоящую итальянскую сладкую жизнь и поистине незабываемый отпуск на вилле на пляже.

Не упустите возможность посетить один или несколько кулинарных мастер-классов со знаменитым шеф-поваром Марией Риной. Она шеф-повар старой школы, работает в своем ресторане всего в 10 минутах езды от виллы. Предварительно договорившись, вы также можете рассмотреть возможность пригласить ее на виллу для ваших занятий. Пожалуйста, не стесняйтесь погуглить о ней. В качестве эксклюзивной услуги для гостей, проживающих на вилле Le Cannicelle, местный офис AVIS может организовать трансфер в одну сторону или обратно из аэропорта на виллу. Они также могут доставить ваш арендованный автомобиль прямо в сад виллы в день прибытия. Пожалуйста, не стесняйтесь спрашивать контактную информацию местного менеджера.

«Пристань» Вилламмаре находится менее чем в 1 миле, поэтому вы можете прогуляться пешком, но автомобиль рекомендуется, потому что последняя часть дороги к вилле крутая (поэтому с виллы открываются такие приятные виды!). Летом Вилламаре оживлен, здесь есть бары, шале и магазины. Это не место, испорченное массовым туризмом, и вы найдете дружелюбную атмосферу вокруг и подлинный взгляд на Италию. Ближайшие рестораны, а также "траттория" и "пиццерия" предлагают очень хорошую местную кухню.

Кроме того, вилла находится в «Национальном парке Чиленто» (всемирное наследие ЮНЕСКО), поэтому вы можете совершить множество экскурсий по живописным природным и историческим местам, будь то в горах или на море. По запросу могут быть организованы частные лодки со шкипером для поездок на пляжи Сапри, Палинуро, Порто Инфрески, Аквафредда, Скарио или Маратеа, где вы сможете полюбоваться закатом или посетить некоторые из многочисленных естественных морских пещер с их завораживающими красочными отражениями. Это воспоминания о праздниках, которые останутся с вами на всю жизнь.

Для тех, кто любит изучать языки у бассейна, возможны уроки итальянского языка на вилле по предварительной договоренности с местным учителем.

Очень рекомендуются однодневные туры в Неаполь, Помпеи, Геркуланум, Матеру. В летние месяцы вы также можете добраться до побережья Амальфи, Позитано, Сорренто и острова Капри на подводных крыльях из гавани Сапри — идеальный способ провести день на побережье Амальфи, не оставаясь в туристической суете!

Переведено Google


Италия, Салерно, Вилламмаре

Ближайшие места

пляж 600m
Ресторан 800 m
Рынок 800m
Аэропорт 180 km
Порт 5 km

Местные услуги

Банкомат/банк • Почта • Продуктовые магазины • Услуги прачечной • Фитнес-центр • Спа • Медицинские услуги • Больница • Няня • Аптека • Полиция • Рынок • Мини-рынок

Местные достопримечательности и развлечения

Морские прогулки • Рестораны • Игровые площадки • Церкви • Винные туры • Водные виды спорта • Плавание • Серфинг, кайтсерфинг • Аренда яхты • Кинотеатр • Музеи • Бары • Пляжные бары • Библиотека • Пристань • Верховая езда • Подводное плавание с аквалангом • Гольф • Рыбалка • Катание на водных мотоциклах • Катание на водных лыжах • Плавание под парусом • Теннис • Маунтинбайкинг • Парапланеризм • Дайвинг • Виндсерфинг • Ежедневная морская прогулка • Клубы

Что говорят наши клиенты

Oтзыва: 10 / 10

Le Cannicelle Villa Mediterranea Villammare

Италия, Салерно, Вилламмаре

Все отзывы

Maire c.
Oct 2024

We could not recommend Le Cannicelle highly enough.

Our stay at this wonderful villa was one of the best holidays we have had. The villa's situation means you have panoramic views of the sea and the mountains. Marzio is a very attentive host and has made a map to make getting to all the recommended…
Our stay at this wonderful villa was one of the best holidays we have had. The villa's situation means you have panoramic views of the sea and the mountains. Marzio is a very attentive host and has made a map to make getting to all the recommended sights very straight forward. He looks after his guests very well with lots of restaurant recommendations and things to do. The pool is wonderful and has a spectacular view too.
Dorothy K.
Aug 2021


This was an incredible place to vacation for my family. If you want to escape to the real Italy, away from the tourists but experience the best of the Italian coast - this is a gem! The pictures do no justice to this place. The villa is full of all the…
This was an incredible place to vacation for my family. If you want to escape to the real Italy, away from the tourists but experience the best of the Italian coast - this is a gem! The pictures do no justice to this place. The villa is full of all the luxuries we needed. The bedrooms were all very large with good design and great amenities. The bathrooms were well stocked and extremely clean - as was the whole houses immaculate. The kitchen was great and a fun place to prepare food. The outdoor kitchen was also a real treasure at night for long dinners with our large group. There are many eating areas and balconies with well appointed seating for morning coffees, afternoon reading and evening cocktails. Lots of space to get some quiet time. Our family enjoyed so much time at the pool. It’s huge and has great steps leading into if you have little ones. There was a box full of pool toys too which was brilliant for our group. There was also a great slide and swing set in the garden - it is an endless activity center for a family. The villa is surrounded with lots of delicious fruit trees and everyday we picked lemons, plums, peaches as we played in the garden. It was magic. Perhaps the best part of the trip was our host Marzio and his team. He was incredible helping us plan activities before and during our stay (definitely recommend the boat trip and booking dinner at his local favorites). He shared with us his family wine - which tasted even better with the stories he shared about his family. Maria the housekeeper keeps the home immaculate and always there to help with anything we needed. They really made us feel welcome and shared the best of Italian hospitality. We will be back to stay again - it was heaven.
Shelly S.
Jun 2021

Wonderful villa!!!

The villa is wonderful. A fantastic location with sea views and private surrounds. Marzio our host made sure all our needs were fully met. Gardens pretty with apricot orchards set against blue sea vistas. The pool was hard to clamber out of. Perfect…
The villa is wonderful. A fantastic location with sea views and private surrounds. Marzio our host made sure all our needs were fully met. Gardens pretty with apricot orchards set against blue sea vistas. The pool was hard to clamber out of. Perfect temperature (June) Equally the nearby sea was so clean and clear and delicious to swim in. Heavenly. Diversity of activities in this area. Cilento national park has stunning mountain scenery tumbling down to the sea. Hiking to waterfalls. Boat trips. One of the best family holidays we have ever had.
Renu S.
Aug 2020

Unforgettable family reunion

We spent a week at Le Cannicelle in August 2018 for a family reunion and holiday. We were 5 adults and 5 children (aged 6 to 15). We had an amazing week at Le Cannicelle - one that we will remember forever! The Villa is a gorgeous 3 floor structure…
We spent a week at Le Cannicelle in August 2018 for a family reunion and holiday. We were 5 adults and 5 children (aged 6 to 15). We had an amazing week at Le Cannicelle - one that we will remember forever! The Villa is a gorgeous 3 floor structure and we rented the entire villa. On the first floor (or ground) are 3 bedrooms (one facing the sea, and the other two facing inwards), a large living and dining space, 2 full bathrooms and a nice spacious kitchen. There are two doors that open up to a covered patio that looks over some lovely flowers and out down over the sea. There is also an outdoor dining area and then at a lower level a complete outdoor kitchen. The 2nd floor has a contained 1 bedroom unit with its own living room (with a sofa bed), kitchen, dining area and a bathroom - and the 3rd floor is also another independent bedroom unit (smaller than 2nd floor) but also with a small outdoor patio. The villa is luxurious and comes with a housekeeper who shows up every day from 9am to 1pm (except Thursdays). This is a huge help as it kept the villa clean and many chores done allowing us to spend more time with our families. From my earliest interactions with Marzio (the owner) I felt just incredibly comfortable in speaking to him. He is a genuinely caring person who goes out of his ways to ensure that his guests have an amazing time and he is always accessible (we had him on whatsapp). He went above and beyond to make the house comfortable and accessible for each of our family members. The villa has the most stunning views from all floors looking out towards the hills further south and out into the beautiful sea. The pool is incredibly well kept and we spent at least 3 days lounging by the pool. There is plenty to do (boat excursions, beaches, driving to nearby villages or further out to Pompeii or Naples) or not do and just chill at Villamare. It is a little out of the way - but we loved that as it allowed us to experience a part of Italy that most foreign tourists never get to. The people of Villamare and surrounding villages are incredibly friendly even though they may not speak much English. The food and wine is amazing. -Marzio connected us to a chef who came and cooked many delicious 3 course meals for us. Upon our return I asked one of our 9 year old twins what was his favorite part of his stay at the villa, and he responded "Everything!". Yes, we all agree. Thanks Marzio for an unforgettable family reunion.
Maire c.
Oct 2024

We could not recommend Le Cannicelle highly enough.

10 / 10

Our stay at this wonderful villa was one of the best holidays we have had. The villa's situation means you have panoramic views of the sea and the mountains. Marzio is a very attentive host and has made a map to make getting to all the recommended sights very straight forward. He looks after his guests very well with lots of restaurant recommendations…
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Our stay at this wonderful villa was one of the best holidays we have had. The villa's situation means you have panoramic views of the sea and the mountains. Marzio is a very attentive host and has made a map to make getting to all the recommended sights very straight forward. He looks after his guests very well with lots of restaurant recommendations and things to do. The pool is wonderful and has a spectacular view too.
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Dorothy K.
Aug 2021


10 / 10

This was an incredible place to vacation for my family. If you want to escape to the real Italy, away from the tourists but experience the best of the Italian coast - this is a gem! The pictures do no justice to this place. The villa is full of all the luxuries we needed. The bedrooms were all very large with good design and great amenities. The bathrooms…
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This was an incredible place to vacation for my family. If you want to escape to the real Italy, away from the tourists but experience the best of the Italian coast - this is a gem! The pictures do no justice to this place. The villa is full of all the luxuries we needed. The bedrooms were all very large with good design and great amenities. The bathrooms were well stocked and extremely clean - as was the whole houses immaculate. The kitchen was great and a fun place to prepare food. The outdoor kitchen was also a real treasure at night for long dinners with our large group. There are many eating areas and balconies with well appointed seating for morning coffees, afternoon reading and evening cocktails. Lots of space to get some quiet time. Our family enjoyed so much time at the pool. It’s huge and has great steps leading into if you have little ones. There was a box full of pool toys too which was brilliant for our group. There was also a great slide and swing set in the garden - it is an endless activity center for a family. The villa is surrounded with lots of delicious fruit trees and everyday we picked lemons, plums, peaches as we played in the garden. It was magic. Perhaps the best part of the trip was our host Marzio and his team. He was incredible helping us plan activities before and during our stay (definitely recommend the boat trip and booking dinner at his local favorites). He shared with us his family wine - which tasted even better with the stories he shared about his family. Maria the housekeeper keeps the home immaculate and always there to help with anything we needed. They really made us feel welcome and shared the best of Italian hospitality. We will be back to stay again - it was heaven.
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Shelly S.
Jun 2021

Wonderful villa!!!

10 / 10

The villa is wonderful. A fantastic location with sea views and private surrounds. Marzio our host made sure all our needs were fully met. Gardens pretty with apricot orchards set against blue sea vistas. The pool was hard to clamber out of. Perfect temperature (June) Equally the nearby sea was so clean and clear and delicious to swim in. Heavenly…
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The villa is wonderful. A fantastic location with sea views and private surrounds. Marzio our host made sure all our needs were fully met. Gardens pretty with apricot orchards set against blue sea vistas. The pool was hard to clamber out of. Perfect temperature (June) Equally the nearby sea was so clean and clear and delicious to swim in. Heavenly. Diversity of activities in this area. Cilento national park has stunning mountain scenery tumbling down to the sea. Hiking to waterfalls. Boat trips. One of the best family holidays we have ever had.
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