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Borgo Finocchieto Estate Tuscany

Италия, Тоскана, Сиена


Borgo Finocchieto Estate Tuscany, уникальная среди роскошных вилл в Тоскане, это прекрасно и элегантно отреставрированная восьмисотлетняя деревня, или «борго», с прекрасным видом, расположенная в 30 минутах к югу от Сиены и очень близко к Монтальчино в Винодельческий район Брунелло. Джон Филлипс, владелец Borgo, американец итальянского происхождения и бывший посол США в Италии с 2013 по начало 2017 года; он приобрел недвижимость в 2001 году и следующие восемь лет провел, планируя и наблюдая за обширной реконструкцией Borgo. Пять деревенских домов, расположенных на шести акрах тосканских холмов, вмещают группы до 44 человек в 22 спальнях. Borgo специализируется на создании незабываемых индивидуальных впечатлений для собраний любого рода.

Borgo Finocchieto Estate Tuscany включает двадцать две спальни, расположенные вокруг центральной площади, что позволяет ему функционировать как отдельное сообщество. Помещения для встреч включают формальную столовую и открытую обеденную террасу, гостиную с роялем и кабинетом, медиа-комнату, библиотеку, бар, конференц-зал и бальный зал, вмещающий до 70 человек, кантину и зал для дегустации вин, профессиональную кухню для преподавателей, внутренний двор с аркадой, площадь, обширный газон и сад с различными затененными скамейками и беседкой. Удобства для отдыха включают 60-футовый овальный бассейн, полностью оборудованный тренажерный зал, спа, теннисную и баскетбольную площадку, а также площадку для игры в бочче. Индивидуальные люксы просторны, роскошны и уединены, а общественные помещения призваны поощрять объединение во всех возможных формах.

Такие собрания чаще всего включают семейные и специальные встречи, академические встречи и уединения для групп, объединенных особыми интересами, такими как вино, кулинария, искусство, архитектура, музыка, история, езда на велосипеде или другие спортивные занятия. Он также служит местом для корпоративных встреч и тимбилдинга. Наконец, это идеальное место для обмена идеями: литературное собрание, возможно, приуроченное к Миланской книжной ярмарке, политическому мозговому штурму или конференции по международным правам человека. Все эти способы использования, адаптированные к современности, соответствуют легендарной истории Борго.

Вы обнаружите, как и другие до вас, что Borgo предлагает необычный опыт среди роскошной недвижимости в Тоскане. Частный поселок с элегантной усадьбой и четырьмя уютными деревенскими домиками порадует самых взыскательных гостей. Borgo предназначен для тех, кто требует самого лучшего из того, что может предложить Тоскана, и не приемлет никакой замены. Borgo Finocchieto Estate Tuscany превосходит все требования своей историей и обстановкой, детализацией и качеством помещений, конфиденциальностью и, прежде всего, высочайшим уровнем обслуживания.

Переведено Google


Италия, Тоскана, Сиена

Ближайшие места

пляж 70km
Ресторан 1 km
Рынок 3km
Аэропорт 30 km
Порт 70 km

Местные услуги

Банкомат/банк • Почта • Продуктовые магазины • Услуги прачечной • Фитнес-центр • Спа • Медицинские услуги • Больница • Няня • Аптека • Полиция • Рынок • Мини-рынок

Местные достопримечательности и развлечения

Рестораны • Церкви • Винные туры • Плавание • Музеи • Бары • Библиотека • Верховая езда • Теннис • Клубы

Что говорят наши клиенты

Oтзыва: 9.8 / 10

Borgo Finocchieto Estate Tuscany

Италия, Тоскана, Сиена

Все отзывы

Leslie E
May 2024

Would be divine for an intimate wedding!

Our Stanford Travel walking tour stayed here for two nights in May, 2018. There are only about 21 room total, but the entire property is spectacular, and provides a spa, a large pool, a tennis court, walking paths, rustic but perfectly appointed rooms…
Our Stanford Travel walking tour stayed here for two nights in May, 2018. There are only about 21 room total, but the entire property is spectacular, and provides a spa, a large pool, a tennis court, walking paths, rustic but perfectly appointed rooms, privacy, vistas that take your breath away, and delicous food and wine. Not cheap, and mostly only booked for groups as there is NO restaurant. You arrange a caterer and they use the kitchen and you dine in this amazing 14th century dining room. The proprieters spent two years refurbishing this to much of it's VERY early glory, while updating all the plumbing and electric items as necessary. The courtyards are lovely and the flowers were stunning in May. Perfect weather too!
Oct 2023

Private; Luxurious; Absolutely fabulous

This small village from before 1000AD is remarkable. It was purchased and remodeled by former Ambassador John Phillips, with every attention to detail attended to. Wonderful rooms, fabulous dining room and chef and a remarkable pool, as well as access…
This small village from before 1000AD is remarkable. It was purchased and remodeled by former Ambassador John Phillips, with every attention to detail attended to. Wonderful rooms, fabulous dining room and chef and a remarkable pool, as well as access to terrific wineries and Sienna. So great, I got engaged here to the most remarkable woman I have met.
Paul t
May 2021

So Good Its Hard to Believe

I have stayed at the Borgo several times over the previous 12 years. It has matured and improved each year. The managers, Franco and Pascale, are true professionals with a wonderful personal touch. Every room is well appointed and functional. All of…
I have stayed at the Borgo several times over the previous 12 years. It has matured and improved each year. The managers, Franco and Pascale, are true professionals with a wonderful personal touch. Every room is well appointed and functional. All of the flowers, grass, bocci court, etc are perfect, and the chef is a genius. I had a group of 42 people there, and everyone loved it.
Aug 2020


The Borgo is a unique and gorgeous property. We came as part of a group and experienced wonderful service throughout. Franco and Pascale were extremely helpful in every respect. The food was delectable, and careful attention was paid to special requests…
The Borgo is a unique and gorgeous property. We came as part of a group and experienced wonderful service throughout. Franco and Pascale were extremely helpful in every respect. The food was delectable, and careful attention was paid to special requests. We hope to return at some point.
Jun 2020

Paradise is the Borgo

The new managers, Franco and Pascale are more than up to the task of meeting the high standards set by the prior managers. The Borgo retains its charm, functionality and integrity. The rooms are superb and the Borgo is a tranquil paradise. Cannot say…
The new managers, Franco and Pascale are more than up to the task of meeting the high standards set by the prior managers. The Borgo retains its charm, functionality and integrity. The rooms are superb and the Borgo is a tranquil paradise. Cannot say enough good things about this property. Highly recommend.
May 2020

Tuscany at Its Finest!

We spent a week at the Borgo as part of a larger group. We found it to be the perfect balance of Tuscan charm and luxury accommodation. Franco and Pascale and their entire staff were excellent hosts, making it a truly memorable week. The food and wine…
We spent a week at the Borgo as part of a larger group. We found it to be the perfect balance of Tuscan charm and luxury accommodation. Franco and Pascale and their entire staff were excellent hosts, making it a truly memorable week. The food and wine onsite was wonderful and they arranged the perfect daily excursions and restaurant choices offsite as well. We cannot say enough good things about this property and would highly recommend a stay here.
Apr 2019

Trip Of A Lifetime

Attention to detail would be the best way to describe this property. Marco and his wife Carolyn with there staff make this a very enjoyable experience. The evenings were most memorable with the aperitifs and amazing 5 star meals prepared by there chef…
Attention to detail would be the best way to describe this property. Marco and his wife Carolyn with there staff make this a very enjoyable experience. The evenings were most memorable with the aperitifs and amazing 5 star meals prepared by there chef. The beautiful surroundings and relaxed atmosphere made this a hard place to leave. Will always be a great memory.
Leslie E
May 2024

Would be divine for an intimate wedding!

10 / 10

Our Stanford Travel walking tour stayed here for two nights in May, 2018. There are only about 21 room total, but the entire property is spectacular, and provides a spa, a large pool, a tennis court, walking paths, rustic but perfectly appointed rooms, privacy, vistas that take your breath away, and delicous food and wine. Not cheap, and mostly only…
Our Stanford Travel walking tour stayed here for two nights in May, 2018. There are only about 21 room total, but the entire property is spectacular, and provides a spa, a large pool, a tennis court, walking paths, rustic but perfectly appointed rooms, privacy, vistas that take your breath away, and delicous food and wine. Not cheap, and mostly only booked for groups as there is NO restaurant. You arrange a caterer and they use the kitchen and you dine in this amazing 14th century dining room. The proprieters spent two years refurbishing this to much of it's VERY early glory, while updating all the plumbing and electric items as necessary. The courtyards are lovely and the flowers were stunning in May. Perfect weather too!
Oct 2023

Private; Luxurious; Absolutely fabulous

10 / 10

This small village from before 1000AD is remarkable. It was purchased and remodeled by former Ambassador John Phillips, with every attention to detail attended to. Wonderful rooms, fabulous dining room and chef and a remarkable pool, as well as access to terrific wineries and Sienna. So great, I got engaged here to the most remarkable woman I have…
This small village from before 1000AD is remarkable. It was purchased and remodeled by former Ambassador John Phillips, with every attention to detail attended to. Wonderful rooms, fabulous dining room and chef and a remarkable pool, as well as access to terrific wineries and Sienna. So great, I got engaged here to the most remarkable woman I have met.
Paul t
May 2021

So Good Its Hard to Believe

10 / 10

I have stayed at the Borgo several times over the previous 12 years. It has matured and improved each year. The managers, Franco and Pascale, are true professionals with a wonderful personal touch. Every room is well appointed and functional. All of the flowers, grass, bocci court, etc are perfect, and the chef is a genius. I had a group of 42 people…
I have stayed at the Borgo several times over the previous 12 years. It has matured and improved each year. The managers, Franco and Pascale, are true professionals with a wonderful personal touch. Every room is well appointed and functional. All of the flowers, grass, bocci court, etc are perfect, and the chef is a genius. I had a group of 42 people there, and everyone loved it.

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