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The Amilla Villa Estate Maldives

Мальдивы, Атолл Баа


Великолепная вилла Amilla Estate Maldives с 6 спальнями - одна из восьми частных роскошных резиденций на этом окаймленном кораллами тропическом острове-курорте на атолле Баа на Мальдивах - биосферном заповеднике ЮНЕСКО. Подумайте об абсолютном расположении на берегу моря, кристальных лагунах, чистейшем белом песке, частном бассейне, великолепном жилом пространстве, а также личном спа-салоне, тренажерном зале и игровых комнатах. Затем добавьте великолепные удобства ультрасовременного курорта Amilla Fushi: рестораны, спа, индивидуальные тренировки, детский клуб, дайвинг, крупную рыбалку и водные виды спорта, профессиональный теннис, футбол и многие другие увлекательные мероприятия. Это «рай, самое идиллическое и расслабляющее место на земле», - говорит супермодель Кейт Мосс.

Amilla Villa Estate Maldives возвышается на краю атолла Баа, где находятся одни из самых богатых вод на Мальдивах и биосферный заповедник, охраняемый как объект Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО с 2011 года. Домашний риф, всего в нескольких шагах от отеля. от пляжа, предлагает легкий доступ к волшебному подводному миру; короткое плавание приведет как любителей подводного плавания, так и дайверов к Голубой дыре, удивительному природному явлению, населенному бесчисленным множеством морских обитателей, обеспечивающему захватывающие подводные впечатления. А всего в нескольких минутах езды на катере находятся некоторые из самых известных морских мест Мальдив, в том числе залив Ханифару, известный как феноменальное место кормления скатов манта и китовых акул в определенные сезоны.

Переведено Google


Мальдивы, Атолл Баа

Ближайшие места

пляж 10m
Ресторан 200 m
Рынок 200m
Порт 300 m

Местные услуги

Банкомат/банк • Фитнес-центр • Спа • Медицинские услуги

Местные достопримечательности и развлечения

Морские прогулки • Рестораны • Водные виды спорта • Плавание • Серфинг, кайтсерфинг • Кинотеатр • Пляжные бары • Подводное плавание с аквалангом • Рыбалка • Катание на водных мотоциклах • Катание на водных лыжах • Теннис • Дайвинг • Виндсерфинг • Ежедневная морская прогулка

Что говорят наши клиенты

Oтзыва: 10 / 10

The Amilla Villa Estate Maldives

Мальдивы, Атолл Баа

Все отзывы

Prashant G
Jan 2024

BEST ever!!

Everything about this place is just amazing!! We traveled from India and loved this place. I am thinking of buying a property here. Fingers crossed.
Oct 2022

Thank you Amilla for the best experience!

Jean Noel and the team at Amilla Fushi have delivered on a grand scale. The Maldives for us like most people is a lifetime destination and as such you have a vision of the exceptional experience that must be delivered, that’s exactly what the team…
Jean Noel and the team at Amilla Fushi have delivered on a grand scale. The Maldives for us like most people is a lifetime destination and as such you have a vision of the exceptional experience that must be delivered, that’s exactly what the team at Amilla have done. On arrival through Male the airport meet and greet worked very well right through to your arrival in room. We stayed in an Ocean View Reef House and we were more than pleasantly surprised to see the size of the rooms, all with a private pools and direct access to the reef. Truely one of the best rooms we have ever stayed in. The decor is reminiscent of French Riviera chic and each detail is first class. The Jaava Spa also delivered with great therapists and we would definitely recommend a visit. The food and beverage option gives great choice and the food and service was excellent throughout. Although the Fish Shop was our favourite with postcard views and low key but delicious dishes. For those who like activities on holiday there are also plenty on offer- all very well run and highly personalised in a small group setting. The JetSki Dolphin tour and the Manta Ray snorkel were highlights, although the reef snorkel from your deck was also hard to beat. Staff are exceptional – attentive yet unobtrusive . The guests are made to feel part of the Amilla family. It is a difficult place to leave. If you after a resort that delivers an amazing island experience of rest, relaxation and outstanding service then this is the place.
Prashant G
Jan 2024

BEST ever!!

10 / 10

Everything about this place is just amazing!! We traveled from India and loved this place. I am thinking of buying a property here. Fingers crossed.
Oct 2022

Thank you Amilla for the best experience!

10 / 10

Jean Noel and the team at Amilla Fushi have delivered on a grand scale. The Maldives for us like most people is a lifetime destination and as such you have a vision of the exceptional experience that must be delivered, that’s exactly what the team at Amilla have done. On arrival through Male the airport meet and greet worked very well right…
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Jean Noel and the team at Amilla Fushi have delivered on a grand scale. The Maldives for us like most people is a lifetime destination and as such you have a vision of the exceptional experience that must be delivered, that’s exactly what the team at Amilla have done. On arrival through Male the airport meet and greet worked very well right through to your arrival in room. We stayed in an Ocean View Reef House and we were more than pleasantly surprised to see the size of the rooms, all with a private pools and direct access to the reef. Truely one of the best rooms we have ever stayed in. The decor is reminiscent of French Riviera chic and each detail is first class. The Jaava Spa also delivered with great therapists and we would definitely recommend a visit. The food and beverage option gives great choice and the food and service was excellent throughout. Although the Fish Shop was our favourite with postcard views and low key but delicious dishes. For those who like activities on holiday there are also plenty on offer- all very well run and highly personalised in a small group setting. The JetSki Dolphin tour and the Manta Ray snorkel were highlights, although the reef snorkel from your deck was also hard to beat. Staff are exceptional – attentive yet unobtrusive . The guests are made to feel part of the Amilla family. It is a difficult place to leave. If you after a resort that delivers an amazing island experience of rest, relaxation and outstanding service then this is the place.
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