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Villa La Semilla Tulum

Мексика, Кинтана Роо, Ривьера Майя


Вилла La Semilla Tulum - это роскошная вилла с 5 спальнями и частным бассейном. Семя — это то, что вы лелеете и любите — оно расцветает прямо на ваших глазах во что-то необычное, но невероятно простое. В Villa la Semilla мы верим в простую красоту и простые удовольствия, уважение ко всем живым существам и тихое великолепие природы, а также призываем гостей к медленному подходу к жизни, когда тихие моменты на природе позволяют вам отключиться от суеты. , быстро меняющийся мир и восстановить связь с землей, друг с другом и самим собой.

Расположенная между пышными зелеными мангровыми джунглями и уединенным пляжем залива Солиман, вилла la Semilla была создана для жизни в гармонии с природой, и гости могут насладиться уникальным опытом благодаря поддержке и обслуживанию, которые являются синонимом бренда La Semilla. . Собственность может похвастаться частным участком береговой линии с захватывающим видом на залив, которым вы можете наслаждаться с любой из террас, примыкающих к каждой спальне. Есть также 2 многоуровневые террасы на крыше, 1 из которых с бассейном, где можно загорать днем ​​и наблюдать за звездами вечером.

Гостиная на первом этаже выполнена в стиле открытой планировки с просторной кухней, столовой и жилой зоной, которая выходит на частную садовую веранду с пейзажным бассейном. Этот современный деревенский дом был создан, чтобы вызвать уединение, роскошь и природу, и является идеальным местом, чтобы погрузиться в природную красоту Мексики. Кухня, обеденный стол и гостиная представляют собой открытую концепцию, где семьи могут приятно провести время, окруженные окнами от пола до потолка, из которых открывается вид на сверкающие джунгли, окружающие виллу.

Когда вы поднимаетесь по лестнице, вас встречают 5 люксов с уникальным дизайном. В каждом люксе есть собственная ванная комната, кровать размера "king-size" и собственная терраса с видом на океан. Рядом с гостиной есть терраса, которая служит вашим личным садом с бассейном, солнечными площадями и прямым выходом на частный пляж.

Двигаясь вверх, вы доберетесь до террасы на крыше. Это место с впечатляющим 360-градусным видом на залив и мангровые джунгли. Это место, где можно любоваться звездным небом вечером или отдыхать в залитых солнцем шезлонгах днем. Когда вы входите в дом, вас встречает захватывающий вид через дом на обширный пейзажный бассейн, пока ваши глаза не встречаются с потрясающими бирюзовыми водами залива Солиман.

Чтобы гости чувствовали заботу, на вилле предусмотрены услуги по техническому обслуживанию и уборке в виде сладкой парочки, которая живет в отдельном доме у входа в собственность. Они доступны 24 часа в сутки, чтобы помочь во всем, что вам может понадобиться. Дом убирается ежедневно. Ежедневные услуги шеф-повара включены: завтрак, обед и ужин (продукты не включены).

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Мексика, Кинтана Роо, Ривьера Майя

Ближайшие места

пляж 20m
Ресторан 1.5 km
Рынок 12km
Аэропорт 108 km

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Банкомат/банк • Почта • Продуктовые магазины • Услуги прачечной • Фитнес-центр • Спа • Медицинские услуги • Больница • Няня • Аптека • Полиция • Рынок • Мини-рынок

Местные достопримечательности и развлечения

Морские прогулки • Рестораны • Игровые площадки • Церкви • Винные туры • Водные виды спорта • Плавание • Серфинг, кайтсерфинг • Аренда яхты • Сафари-туры • Кинотеатр • Музеи • Бары • Пляжные бары • Библиотека • Пристань • Аквапарки • Верховая езда • Подводное плавание с аквалангом • Гольф • Рыбалка • Катание на водных мотоциклах • Катание на водных лыжах • Плавание под парусом • Парапланеризм • Дайвинг • Виндсерфинг • Ежедневная морская прогулка • Морские прогулки на корабле с прозрачным дном • Спортивные центры • Развлечения для детей

Что говорят наши клиенты

Oтзыва: 10 / 10

Villa La Semilla Tulum

Мексика, Кинтана Роо, Ривьера Майя

Все отзывы

Sep 2024

If you are thinking about staying here, think no more!

If you are thinking about staying here, think no more! I am a really picky person and this Villa more than met my expectations. The house in person is even more beautiful than the pictures. I was so concerned about the seaweed and there was NO SEAWEED…
If you are thinking about staying here, think no more! I am a really picky person and this Villa more than met my expectations. The house in person is even more beautiful than the pictures. I was so concerned about the seaweed and there was NO SEAWEED on the beach at all, what a great surprise. Chef Edwin was beyond amazing! Every meal was top-notch, we all wanted to take him home! :) Isa our house manager was super sweet and attentive. Jeremie, thanks for welcoming us here and if anyone ever asks where to stay while in Tulum I will send them to your properties! This was the stay and Birthday trip of a lifetime. I will never forget Villa La Smeilla
Anjali S
May 2024

Piece of beach front paradise

I had my bachelorette in Tulum in May and we were 12 girls at Villa la Semilla. The villa is beyond incredible. It is built with so much attention to the nature surrounding it. There are trees around which the dining table and the living room are built…
I had my bachelorette in Tulum in May and we were 12 girls at Villa la Semilla. The villa is beyond incredible. It is built with so much attention to the nature surrounding it. There are trees around which the dining table and the living room are built. There is an indoor hermit crab. The Tulum breeze carries through all parts of the villa. The view of the beach from the main floor is breathtaking. The rooftop is one of the most phenomenal parts of this villa where you can see sunrise and the sunset while having a view of the jungle on one side and the ocean on the other side. The staff especially Edwin the chef are so kind and hardworking and every meal we had was so delicious and made with so much love. The beauty and spirit of this villa have forever marked all of us who stayed here and I would strongly recommend this villa.
Samantha K
Jan 2024

Absolutely amazing beachfront property!

This place was just pure heaven. The rooms were gorgeous and all almost exactly the same in amenities (private balcony and private giant bathroom) which helps when traveling with a large group. The common areas were also cozy and impeccable. Loved having…
This place was just pure heaven. The rooms were gorgeous and all almost exactly the same in amenities (private balcony and private giant bathroom) which helps when traveling with a large group. The common areas were also cozy and impeccable. Loved having access to the beach along with the kayaks they provided. By far though the cherry on top was the private in house chef. Edwin was the best and the food was perfect! A level of luxury I had never experienced before this trip. Also an easy 20 minute drive to Tulum proper if you want to shop or try some other restaurants or visit the ruins.
Aaron K
Jan 2024

Just like heaven

When you first enter the facility, you are tired from a long flight, screaming kid that kept you from enjoying your book, the negotiations at the car rental and the stress of driving in an unfamiliar country are completely vaporized by the beauty that…
When you first enter the facility, you are tired from a long flight, screaming kid that kept you from enjoying your book, the negotiations at the car rental and the stress of driving in an unfamiliar country are completely vaporized by the beauty that is Villa La Semilla. The connection the home has to the natural earth is relaxing and impressive. Trees growing inside the house? Sure! A tree speckled entrance to your own personal beach? FAB. A balcony that lets you feel a million miles from your office and inches from a spiritual experience, gazing at the ocean as you sit atop the trees. Check. As you can see there are lots of trees and there are no complaints from me. My Family was happy, joyous, and free as we enjoyed the space and felt like royalty. What really cemented it for us was the amazing team that was always there and never intruding. Edwin the overseer of the house was there to greet, fix and explain with a permanent smile on his face. Marisol who kept the house tidy and clean could not have been more pleasant. As others have attested to there was no better experience than Edwin the cook and Chef Antonio. The team that prepared the foods were honest, hard working, and had a culinary talent to satisfy everyones caloric desires. Would come back, will come back and would not be spreading the gospel for my own selfishness if not for my desire to share this heaven with the world.
Oct 2023

This house is Fantastico! Location, comfort of the house and private lagoon was amazing! Can't wait to return!!

I loved this house and our vacation! The location was so private. Being able to kayak and snorkel without crowds was amazing! The staff was so great...I highly recommend and can't wait to return!
Oct 2023

Magical and perfect

This is by far the best property we have stayed at on the East Coast of the Yucatan Peninsula! The in-house team, the chef and his team, the property manager (Jose) - all of them were incredibly professional, attentive and lovely. The property itself…
This is by far the best property we have stayed at on the East Coast of the Yucatan Peninsula! The in-house team, the chef and his team, the property manager (Jose) - all of them were incredibly professional, attentive and lovely. The property itself - rooms, amenities, pool, equipment, furniture, the roof - all of it was so tastefully and beautifully decorated and appointed - I used it all and LOVED IT ALL! I was particularly impressed with the hammocks on the balcony's and the comfort and decor of the bedrooms - spacious, uncluttered and peaceful - AMAZING! We also had the pleasure of doing a tour with Living Dreams, again this year and they are outstanding!
Jan 2023

Sublime! We could have stayed forever!

The villa is absolutely beautiful, and I have no doubt we chose the best! The architecture, the decor, the views, the amenities, all were perfect. The chef and her team were fantastic, we ate fresh, healthy, tasty food all week, and didn't put on weight…
The villa is absolutely beautiful, and I have no doubt we chose the best! The architecture, the decor, the views, the amenities, all were perfect. The chef and her team were fantastic, we ate fresh, healthy, tasty food all week, and didn't put on weight! There are kayaks, a paddle board, surf board and plenty to keep you amused, or just relax. We were in heaven all week and didn't want to leave!
Anne W
Jul 2022

Amazing peace of paradise!

Our family had such an amazing time paddle boarding, canoeing and snorkling right from our personal beach. The house is decorated with such consideration for peace and tranquility. Every detail from the booking to the concierge was handled smoothly,…
Our family had such an amazing time paddle boarding, canoeing and snorkling right from our personal beach. The house is decorated with such consideration for peace and tranquility. Every detail from the booking to the concierge was handled smoothly, professionally and personally. We enjoyed a few amazing outings that allowed us to see the area and get a local feel for the area Lastly, the staff. Just amazing. Irma (the chef) and her staff created a home feeling with an authentic gourmet touch. We we're planning our return before we had even left our stay there.
Jul 2022

Simply stunning home in a beautiful spot

Beach house minimalism at it's finest. If you like the photos, you'll love the house. We had two families of 4, and the house easily accommodated our raucous playtime, as well as our privacy needs. Kayaks, a stand up paddle board and snorkels are…
Beach house minimalism at it's finest. If you like the photos, you'll love the house. We had two families of 4, and the house easily accommodated our raucous playtime, as well as our privacy needs. Kayaks, a stand up paddle board and snorkels are all provided. All the staff were fantastic - friendly, courteous, helpful & unobtrusive. Our chef, Irma, was amazing. We will definitely ask for her again. Soliman Bay is not one of the major destinations, so it's a little hard to find (it's down the dirt road directly opposite Oscar y Lalo restaurant :), and the bay is very quiet - perfect swimming for kids and a bit of lazy paddling or snorkeling. But it's a short drive to Tulum for shopping (Chedraui is by far the best).
Feb 2022


I am very particular about the property that I rent as I am an interior designer and the style, decor and amenities have to be very special! La Villa Semilla was absolutely perfect in every way. The Villa has a simple elegance to it . The architecural…
I am very particular about the property that I rent as I am an interior designer and the style, decor and amenities have to be very special! La Villa Semilla was absolutely perfect in every way. The Villa has a simple elegance to it . The architecural details , design and furnishings were lovely.....and the location was out of this world!! The Villa is situated on Soliman Bay which is protected by a large barrier reef that affords a magnicent Bay to swim in. The beach has white fine sand which is not always the case in most resorts. The Villa comes with a chef that was Fabulous in her ability to make heathy,delicious meals that were a delight to the eye! Her creativity never ceased to amaze all of us. The concierge checked in everyday to help us Plan excursions . When he discovered it was mine and my husbands Birthday he surprised us with a Mariachi, flowers , piñata and champagne!! I just booked the Villa for a week in 2018 and we can't wait to explore more of the area just enjoy the Villa and all it has to offer!! Susie Mitchell
Jacqui B
Feb 2022

completely awesome in every way possible

Our Family of 11 could not have had a better vacation. The villa is spectacular and so tastefully decorated. The staff, all of them, were helpful, friendly, accommodating and Irma is really an excellent, chef. Christian worked hard to make sure we had…
Our Family of 11 could not have had a better vacation. The villa is spectacular and so tastefully decorated. The staff, all of them, were helpful, friendly, accommodating and Irma is really an excellent, chef. Christian worked hard to make sure we had everything we could possibly need. The setting is wonderful on a warm cove with excellent snorkeling We hardly left the villa since we found it so relaxing and perfect but we did go to the adventure park with the kids one day and to a nearby cenote and the white sand beach at Tulum on another day. On the way home we stopped at playa del carmen for little shopping and lunch.
Sep 2024

If you are thinking about staying here, think no more!

10 / 10

If you are thinking about staying here, think no more! I am a really picky person and this Villa more than met my expectations. The house in person is even more beautiful than the pictures. I was so concerned about the seaweed and there was NO SEAWEED on the beach at all, what a great surprise. Chef Edwin was beyond amazing! Every meal was top-notch…
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If you are thinking about staying here, think no more! I am a really picky person and this Villa more than met my expectations. The house in person is even more beautiful than the pictures. I was so concerned about the seaweed and there was NO SEAWEED on the beach at all, what a great surprise. Chef Edwin was beyond amazing! Every meal was top-notch, we all wanted to take him home! :) Isa our house manager was super sweet and attentive. Jeremie, thanks for welcoming us here and if anyone ever asks where to stay while in Tulum I will send them to your properties! This was the stay and Birthday trip of a lifetime. I will never forget Villa La Smeilla
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Anjali S
May 2024

Piece of beach front paradise

10 / 10

I had my bachelorette in Tulum in May and we were 12 girls at Villa la Semilla. The villa is beyond incredible. It is built with so much attention to the nature surrounding it. There are trees around which the dining table and the living room are built. There is an indoor hermit crab. The Tulum breeze carries through all parts of the villa. The view…
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I had my bachelorette in Tulum in May and we were 12 girls at Villa la Semilla. The villa is beyond incredible. It is built with so much attention to the nature surrounding it. There are trees around which the dining table and the living room are built. There is an indoor hermit crab. The Tulum breeze carries through all parts of the villa. The view of the beach from the main floor is breathtaking. The rooftop is one of the most phenomenal parts of this villa where you can see sunrise and the sunset while having a view of the jungle on one side and the ocean on the other side. The staff especially Edwin the chef are so kind and hardworking and every meal we had was so delicious and made with so much love. The beauty and spirit of this villa have forever marked all of us who stayed here and I would strongly recommend this villa.
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Samantha K
Jan 2024

Absolutely amazing beachfront property!

10 / 10

This place was just pure heaven. The rooms were gorgeous and all almost exactly the same in amenities (private balcony and private giant bathroom) which helps when traveling with a large group. The common areas were also cozy and impeccable. Loved having access to the beach along with the kayaks they provided. By far though the cherry on top was the…
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This place was just pure heaven. The rooms were gorgeous and all almost exactly the same in amenities (private balcony and private giant bathroom) which helps when traveling with a large group. The common areas were also cozy and impeccable. Loved having access to the beach along with the kayaks they provided. By far though the cherry on top was the private in house chef. Edwin was the best and the food was perfect! A level of luxury I had never experienced before this trip. Also an easy 20 minute drive to Tulum proper if you want to shop or try some other restaurants or visit the ruins.
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