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Baan Kilee Samui

Таиланд, Кох Самуи, Липа Ной

пляж: 10m

Отель Baan Kilee Samui расположен на нетронутом западном побережье Самуи и может похвастаться 30-метровым превосходным пляжем с видом на знаменитые Пять островов с прекрасными закатами, которые открываются прямо с многочисленных террас отеля. Baan Kilee Samui - это потрясающая вилла с впечатляющей главной спальней и 4 главными спальнями, отличающимися уникальными дизайнерскими особенностями. Открытая планировка выходит на новый уровень и стирает границы между внутренним и внешним миром.

Спальные места полностью приспособлены для детей. В главной спальне есть 2 односпальные кровати в нише с раздвижными дверями, детская игровая комната может быть преобразована в 3 односпальные кровати и отдельную ванную комнату, а в 2 главных спальнях есть мезонин над собственной ванной комнатой, в которую можно попасть через складная лестница (не рекомендуется для детей до 12 лет), наконец, в передней главной спальне есть дополнительная кровать в нише в большой спальне. Настоящая тропическая жизнь позволяет насладиться нежным морским бризом Самуи и теплой погодой. В Baan Kilee специально спроектированные двери и окна можно откинуть назад, а мир природы также приветствуется благодаря выбору черепицы из кедрового дерева для крыш, которая помогает вилле тонко гармонировать с окружающей средой. Полоса лужайки у пляжа обрамляет жилые зоны, образуя естественную границу между большим бассейном, пляжем и морем.

Войдя в эту просторную виллу через большую раздвижную дверь, которая обеспечивает один из самых грандиозных входов на Самуи, вы попадаете в красивый сад с увитой орхидеями дорожкой, которая проходит мимо красивого пруда с лилиями и ведет в главную столовую. . Внутри к потолку на цепях свисают два подвесных сиденья, а большой обеденный стол - прекрасное место для развлечения друзей или гостей. Выйдя за пределы этого впечатляющего зала, вы спуститесь по декоративным ступеням в другой сад, по обе стороны от которого располагаются беседки. Слева в этих отдельных зданиях находятся главная гостиная, гостиная и кухня виллы, а с правой стороны находятся две большие, комфортабельно меблированные гостевые спальни со специально спроектированными ниспадающими деревянными лестницами, ведущими к двум комнатам в мансарде. идеальное жилье для детей.

Во всех спальнях есть кондиционер, спутниковое телевидение, DVD и IPOD, а для настоящих меломанов и киноманов в IT / AV-зале есть 2-метровый экран, объемный звук и библиотеки видео / CD - прекрасная альтернатива. к полуденному солнцу. Некоторые особые возможности значительно увеличивают привлекательность для тех, кто предпочитает развлекаться в Baan Kilee. Рядом с главным бассейном гости могут потягивать коктейли, сидя на утопленных стульях в небольшом бассейне с собственным баром и выдвижным проекционным экраном. Это, безусловно, единственное место на Самуи, где можно посмотреть фильмы в бассейне. Здесь также есть большая площадка для барбекю, а также большая вышеупомянутая двойная кухня, позволяющая нескольким поварам работать одновременно и, таким образом, готовить достаточно еды для банкета.

Детям понравится эта вилла, потому что на ней есть игровая комната и детские бассейны. На самом деле, молодые или старые, гости размещаются в роскоши высочайшего качества, и трудно представить, что еще можно было бы добавить к этому богато украшенному и универсальному дому. Даже помещения для персонала были хорошо спланированы и спроектированы, а сады в Baan Kilee были искусно благоустроены и залиты экзотической зеленью, что делает жизнь на свежем воздухе очень успокаивающей.

В Baan Kilee Samui работают одни из лучших многоязычных сотрудников в регионе. Их обучают не только реагировать на потребности клиентов, но и внутренне понимать необходимый уровень обслуживания. Одни гости ценят высокопоставленный персонал, другие предпочитают осмотрительность и изящество дворецкого в старинном стиле. На вилле также есть собственный шеф-повар, который готовит блюда как тайской, так и западной кухни, а также шоферы, няни, охранники, уборщики и обслуживающий персонал. Baan Kilee - это не просто дом для отпуска, а самые лучшие услуги, расположение и удобства. Он предлагает сенсационный роскошный образ жизни.

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Таиланд, Кох Самуи, Липа Ной

Ближайшие места

пляж 10m
Ресторан 400 m
Рынок 500m
Аэропорт 31.5 km
Порт 1 km

Местные услуги

Банкомат/банк • Почта • Продуктовые магазины • Услуги прачечной • Фитнес-центр • Спа • Медицинские услуги • Больница • Няня • Аптека • Полиция • Рынок • Мини-рынок

Местные достопримечательности и развлечения

Морские прогулки • Рестораны • Игровые площадки • Церкви • Винные туры • Водные виды спорта • Плавание • Серфинг, кайтсерфинг • Аренда яхты • Сафари-туры • Кинотеатр • Музеи • Бары • Пляжные бары • Библиотека • Пристань • Аквапарки • Верховая езда • Подводное плавание с аквалангом • Гольф • Рыбалка • Катание на водных мотоциклах • Катание на водных лыжах • Плавание под парусом • Теннис • Маунтинбайкинг • Парапланеризм • Дайвинг • Виндсерфинг • Ежедневная морская прогулка • Клубы • Морские прогулки на корабле с прозрачным дном

Что говорят наши клиенты

Oтзыва: 10 / 10

Baan Kilee Samui

Таиланд, Кох Самуи, Липа Ной

Все отзывы

George M
Aug 2024

Incredible gym

Used the gym facilities on my 10 day stay in Koh Samui. The equipment was second to none, brand new. Ticked all the boxes for what I needed. Also fitted with air conditioning, water and music machines and toilets. Gym is in the middle of a well maintained…
Used the gym facilities on my 10 day stay in Koh Samui. The equipment was second to none, brand new. Ticked all the boxes for what I needed. Also fitted with air conditioning, water and music machines and toilets. Gym is in the middle of a well maintained garden which makes for a great place to be.
Jul 2024

Incredible villa and surroundings!

Like other guests have mentioned, Chai Talay Estate is even better than the photographs. All of the staff were incredibly friendly and helpful, particularly Rose the villa manager who also gave us her personal number for when we were exploring Koh Samui…
Like other guests have mentioned, Chai Talay Estate is even better than the photographs. All of the staff were incredibly friendly and helpful, particularly Rose the villa manager who also gave us her personal number for when we were exploring Koh Samui incase we had any questions or needed any help! The villa staff can arrange almost anything for you, paddle boarding, elephant sanctuary tours, market visits, restaurant booking, boat and bicycle hire which is incredibly helpful! we stayed here with three couples and the space was perfect! Pool has an absolutely stunning view and the place was clean and well kept. Check in was easy and communication before hand with the villa management was great. Perfect location as is a short distance away from the local town but close enough if you want to head in for an evening. Lots of restaurants near by as well. Would highly recommend and plan on coming back!
Paolo G
Jun 2024

Amazing place to enjoy Koh Samui

I had the pleasure of spending ten days at the Chai Talay Estate in June of 2019 for a social entrepreneurship bootcamp. We were there with a group of 24, taking up all three villas. The setting is spectacular, the accommodations are extremely well appointed…
I had the pleasure of spending ten days at the Chai Talay Estate in June of 2019 for a social entrepreneurship bootcamp. We were there with a group of 24, taking up all three villas. The setting is spectacular, the accommodations are extremely well appointed and luxurious, the amenities are great. Most of all I have to say the staff are truly amazing! Rose is an amazing manager, always making sure everything was running smoothly and that we had all we needed... and then some. We ate all the time! They went to the market each morning and prepared the meals from fresh ingredients. We always had fresh fruit and other delights at every break. The rest of the staff was incredibly nice and hospitable. They learned our names, and were always happy to help. One small warning: bring water shoes if you plan to swim at the beach. The water is very shallow and after a stretch of sandy bottom there is an area with low coral/rock formations that has a lot of sea urchins - not something you want to step on. I hope some day to go back with my wife and kids!
Libby Elliott
Sep 2023

Heaven on earth!

This is my third visit to Baal Kilee and it is amazing as always! The villa is gorgeous and always kept up to an amazing standard. It is decorated beautifully and has lots of smaller villas so you can have your own privacy which is great. The pool…
This is my third visit to Baal Kilee and it is amazing as always! The villa is gorgeous and always kept up to an amazing standard. It is decorated beautifully and has lots of smaller villas so you can have your own privacy which is great. The pool area is so lovely and while your sat there the staff are so attentive always offering drinks and checking you are okay. Pooh, Rose and the rest of the staff at Baan Kilee are so lovely and always happy to help with anything you need. They come and discuss the food you want to choose for that day or they pick for you which is good so you can try different things. The food is outstanding and we were never disappointed! One night the chef cooked in the main kitchen so we could see the process and we got involved which was so much fun. They get the food every morning so it’s always so fresh and Rose now has a vegetable patch behind the villa so often you have fresh veg from their! Her sweetcorns are amazing! There was loads to do as well! Would definitely reccomend the elephant sanctuary, a trip to the fisherman’s village, get a massage, a round of golf, fishing trips, take the paddle boards or kayaks out and a night out in chawing! All of which can be organised by the staff We had the best stay here and I can’t wait to come back again! Thank you so much for the most wonderful stay!
Jamil Akbar
Sep 2022

Fantastic villa on the beach for large groups

We were a family of 20, including half adults and half kids ranging from 3 to 15 yrs. The 8 rooms were perfect, with an amazing infinity pool and beach, were we pretty much stayed all of 5 days we were there to celebrate a birthday. The hostesses Pooh…
We were a family of 20, including half adults and half kids ranging from 3 to 15 yrs. The 8 rooms were perfect, with an amazing infinity pool and beach, were we pretty much stayed all of 5 days we were there to celebrate a birthday. The hostesses Pooh and Rose and their team looked after us most graciously and meals were high standard restaurant level (and great value). This was in our opinion as close as gets to paradise on earth!
Rachel N
May 2022

Absolute paradise

We booked Baan Kilee and the neighboring Baan Ora Chon and Baan Puri for my husband's 40th birthday. We had 40 guests total, and yet, everything went perfectly. The staff were phenomenal, as were the villas, the food, the beach - everything! The off-site…
We booked Baan Kilee and the neighboring Baan Ora Chon and Baan Puri for my husband's 40th birthday. We had 40 guests total, and yet, everything went perfectly. The staff were phenomenal, as were the villas, the food, the beach - everything! The off-site coordinators, Peter and Maggie, were also tremendously helpful and on top of everything in the months and weeks leading up to the party. Can't recommend this place enough.
Mei Mei Y
Dec 2021

Wonderful Christmas break and very spoilt

Words can not describe the experience that Baan Kilee provides. The villa location, beach and facilities are amazing. All staff were excellent. Every request and concern were immediately met. We also rented out the villa next door, Baan Ora Chon as…
Words can not describe the experience that Baan Kilee provides. The villa location, beach and facilities are amazing. All staff were excellent. Every request and concern were immediately met. We also rented out the villa next door, Baan Ora Chon as we were a big group. Villas are constantly kept clean and in working order. The floors were constantly wiped as the kids were running in and out of the pool to the kitchen etc. The food was excellent. It could be adjusted to cater for the younger kids and the elderly. The in-villa massages were a dream. We had so many. We could not have asked for a more perfect family christmas gathering.
Eric H
Nov 2021

dream sunset

Wow what a wonderful sunset we had yesterday evening overlooking a white sand beach just superb. Villa included a big pool with 5 bedrooms all private. Staff are so professional and the Chef cook us nice thai food Yammi. Ask the fresh crab very nice…
Wow what a wonderful sunset we had yesterday evening overlooking a white sand beach just superb. Villa included a big pool with 5 bedrooms all private. Staff are so professional and the Chef cook us nice thai food Yammi. Ask the fresh crab very nice.
Hamish E
Aug 2021

Stunning Villa with a lovely quiet beach.

I stayed at Ban Kilee for the second time this summer. It's an amazing villa on a lovely secluded beach. The food was fab and there were cool bars walking distance away or the staff were happy to make you a cocktail for lounging round the pool with!…
I stayed at Ban Kilee for the second time this summer. It's an amazing villa on a lovely secluded beach. The food was fab and there were cool bars walking distance away or the staff were happy to make you a cocktail for lounging round the pool with! My girlfriend and I met lots of people and would love to go back, would definitely recommend!
Ron E
Aug 2021

Amazing, beautiful villa with charming, attentive staff

We stayed at Baan Kilee with my family in August 2016. Our room was right on the beach and was just gorgeous, as were the bathrooms (one indoor, one outdoor). The whole villa complex is very well laid out for whatever you would like to do here - family…
We stayed at Baan Kilee with my family in August 2016. Our room was right on the beach and was just gorgeous, as were the bathrooms (one indoor, one outdoor). The whole villa complex is very well laid out for whatever you would like to do here - family holidays, parties, weddings - whatever! The staff (led by the wonderful Rose and Pooh) were wonderful and look after your every need, even staying up into the wee small hours to serve drinks etc. The food was just wonderful - you can choose your (very varied) menu for the day at breakfast and the chefs buy it fresh for you and cook it up for lunch and dinner. The pool and other activities were excellent - yoga, exercise classes, massage, cookery demonstrations etc - you just have to ask the staff and it will all be laid on. We hope to be back!
George M
Aug 2024

Incredible gym

10 / 10

Used the gym facilities on my 10 day stay in Koh Samui. The equipment was second to none, brand new. Ticked all the boxes for what I needed. Also fitted with air conditioning, water and music machines and toilets. Gym is in the middle of a well maintained garden which makes for a great place to be.
Jul 2024

Incredible villa and surroundings!

10 / 10

Like other guests have mentioned, Chai Talay Estate is even better than the photographs. All of the staff were incredibly friendly and helpful, particularly Rose the villa manager who also gave us her personal number for when we were exploring Koh Samui incase we had any questions or needed any help! The villa staff can arrange almost anything for…
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Like other guests have mentioned, Chai Talay Estate is even better than the photographs. All of the staff were incredibly friendly and helpful, particularly Rose the villa manager who also gave us her personal number for when we were exploring Koh Samui incase we had any questions or needed any help! The villa staff can arrange almost anything for you, paddle boarding, elephant sanctuary tours, market visits, restaurant booking, boat and bicycle hire which is incredibly helpful! we stayed here with three couples and the space was perfect! Pool has an absolutely stunning view and the place was clean and well kept. Check in was easy and communication before hand with the villa management was great. Perfect location as is a short distance away from the local town but close enough if you want to head in for an evening. Lots of restaurants near by as well. Would highly recommend and plan on coming back!
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Paolo G
Jun 2024

Amazing place to enjoy Koh Samui

10 / 10

I had the pleasure of spending ten days at the Chai Talay Estate in June of 2019 for a social entrepreneurship bootcamp. We were there with a group of 24, taking up all three villas. The setting is spectacular, the accommodations are extremely well appointed and luxurious, the amenities are great. Most of all I have to say the staff are truly amazing…
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I had the pleasure of spending ten days at the Chai Talay Estate in June of 2019 for a social entrepreneurship bootcamp. We were there with a group of 24, taking up all three villas. The setting is spectacular, the accommodations are extremely well appointed and luxurious, the amenities are great. Most of all I have to say the staff are truly amazing! Rose is an amazing manager, always making sure everything was running smoothly and that we had all we needed... and then some. We ate all the time! They went to the market each morning and prepared the meals from fresh ingredients. We always had fresh fruit and other delights at every break. The rest of the staff was incredibly nice and hospitable. They learned our names, and were always happy to help. One small warning: bring water shoes if you plan to swim at the beach. The water is very shallow and after a stretch of sandy bottom there is an area with low coral/rock formations that has a lot of sea urchins - not something you want to step on. I hope some day to go back with my wife and kids!
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