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Villa La Lagune Samui

Таиланд, Кох Самуи, Na Mueang

пляж: 10m

Вилла La Lagune Samui - это выдающийся отель, который символизирует все, чего можно ожидать от проживания в роскошном прибрежном отеле в относительно нетронутом районе острова Самуи. Стильно расположенная на пляже Лаем Сет, на южном побережье острова, вилла расположена в собственном большом тропическом саду. В нем есть частный теннисный корт, а сама вилла представляет собой лучшее из концепции внутреннего и внешнего жилья.

В нейтральных тонах виллы La Lagune Samui использованы природные элементы из дерева, стекла и камня, чтобы подчеркнуть красоту виллы и окружающей среды. Вместе эти аспекты создали действительно функциональный и привлекательный дом. Это сразу заметно, когда вы входите на территорию и встречаете огромное пространство пышной зеленой травы с тропическими грядками, ведущими к морю. Справа теннисный корт, а слева вилла. Пройдя через ворота виллы, вы попадаете в покрытый травой внутренний двор дома с видом на пять спален.

Есть три спальни с двуспальными кроватями, все с двуспальными кроватями и две спальни с двумя односпальными кроватями. Во всех спальнях есть ванные комнаты с крытым душем на открытом воздухе и большими встроенными шкафами. В главной спальне с потрясающим видом на море есть плазменный телевизор и домашний кинотеатр, а также большая джакузи в ванной комнате.

В конце центрального двора вы попадаете в большую гостиную / столовую и кухню с огромными двойными складывающимися дверями, открывающими вид, запахи и звуки моря, которое только отступает. . Из этой элегантной гостиной зоны также открывается вид на большой белокаменный внутренний дворик / зону для барбекю и бассейн виллы с прилегающей Залой. С еще одним телевизором с плоским экраном и аудиосистемой Bose в гостиной; Изысканная кухня и обеденный стол на 12 человек - это пространство идеально подходит для развлечения или просто скоротать дни в этом тропическом раю.

Большой тропический сад виллы идеально подходит для развлечений или игр, а с собственным залом в тайском стиле, расположенным на пляже, он также идеально подходит для отдыха. В зависимости от времени года из любой части виллы можно любоваться восходом или закатом; близлежащие прибрежные острова создают потрясающий фон.

Вилла La Lagune Samui - это продуманная, практичная и многофункциональная вилла. Его стильный дизайн и планировка, а также качественная отделка повсюду удовлетворят даже самых взыскательных гостей. Его уединение и уединение добавят комфорта и удовольствия любому отдыху и, несомненно, оставят прекрасные воспоминания о Самуи и Ла Лагуне!

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Таиланд, Кох Самуи, Na Mueang

Ближайшие места

пляж 10m
Ресторан 500 m
Рынок 1km
Аэропорт 23 km
Порт 5 km

Местные услуги

Банкомат/банк • Почта • Продуктовые магазины • Услуги прачечной • Фитнес-центр • Спа • Медицинские услуги • Больница • Няня • Аптека • Полиция • Рынок • Мини-рынок

Местные достопримечательности и развлечения

Морские прогулки • Рестораны • Игровые площадки • Церкви • Винные туры • Водные виды спорта • Плавание • Серфинг, кайтсерфинг • Аренда яхты • Сафари-туры • Кинотеатр • Музеи • Бары • Пляжные бары • Библиотека • Пристань • Аквапарки • Верховая езда • Подводное плавание с аквалангом • Гольф • Рыбалка • Катание на водных мотоциклах • Катание на водных лыжах • Плавание под парусом • Теннис • Дайвинг • Виндсерфинг • Ежедневная морская прогулка • Клубы • Казино

Что говорят наши клиенты

Oтзыва: 10 / 10

Villa La Lagune Samui

Таиланд, Кох Самуи, Na Mueang

Все отзывы

Feb 2024

A nice villa

This is a very good villa, the service staff is very good, there are beautiful scenery, and a beautiful tennis court. The housekeeper of the villa is very good, helps us buy things and helps us babysit.The cook's food was excellent.
Jul 2023


2nd visit for us and yet still exceeded our expectations. Food, comfort, environment but most of all the staff were excellent. James who keep everything ship shape and everyone feeling at home, she is truly an asset and a warm host. And her staff…
2nd visit for us and yet still exceeded our expectations. Food, comfort, environment but most of all the staff were excellent. James who keep everything ship shape and everyone feeling at home, she is truly an asset and a warm host. And her staff were kind caring contentious and gracious. We went out for a few meals but really wasn't necessary at all. In fact I dont recommend eating anywhere but James kitchen.
Mar 2023

Relaxing, beautiful villa with the best staff imaginable

We’re a big family that takes an annual tropical vacation and we have never been so well taken care of. With 8 adults and 3 little ones (5 and under), we were a lot to handle and yet James and her staff did so with so much grace. The Villa has beautiful…
We’re a big family that takes an annual tropical vacation and we have never been so well taken care of. With 8 adults and 3 little ones (5 and under), we were a lot to handle and yet James and her staff did so with so much grace. The Villa has beautiful grounds and the children had so much space to run and play. We enjoyed the tennis court and the pool was the perfect refreshing temperature on a hot day. The beach is quite shallow and rocky but it is easy to visit other beaches. The rooms are spacious and modern. They pushed twin beds together for us to have an extra large king. I can’t say enough about James and her staff. The chef is excellent and we were able to try unusual Thai dishes I’d never seen before. He was receptive to changes we asked for and equally adept at Thai and western style dishes. The villa was kept immaculate and our needs were anticipated with smiles and warmth. James helped us with our every request and we were all truly impressed with how smoothly everything went. You will be in the best possible hands if you stay here. Villa la Lagune is a beautiful villa but the people who work here make it extra special.
Peter K
Jul 2019

Paradise found,excellent ambiance, superb food, chilled atmosphere, Khun James and team terrific

This is the second time at the famous La Lagune in southern Ko Samui. It is faultless from a sensual environment, a relaxing atmosphere, culinary cooking and staff hospitality exceptional. We wined and dined so well thanks to the ability of Khun James…
This is the second time at the famous La Lagune in southern Ko Samui. It is faultless from a sensual environment, a relaxing atmosphere, culinary cooking and staff hospitality exceptional. We wined and dined so well thanks to the ability of Khun James and her staff. The pool is a great place to chill and the dining table near the pool was a great plus. Indoor/outdoor layout made it very chilled. We had the whole family there from Aus, UK and HK so a great spot to meet and tell stories together. Our son is wheelchair bound and the staff were able to ensure full use of the pool and transfers for him were totally smoothly handled.
Feb 2024

A nice villa

10 / 10

This is a very good villa, the service staff is very good, there are beautiful scenery, and a beautiful tennis court. The housekeeper of the villa is very good, helps us buy things and helps us babysit.The cook's food was excellent.
Jul 2023


10 / 10

2nd visit for us and yet still exceeded our expectations. Food, comfort, environment but most of all the staff were excellent. James who keep everything ship shape and everyone feeling at home, she is truly an asset and a warm host. And her staff were kind caring contentious and gracious. We went out for a few meals but really wasn't necessary…
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2nd visit for us and yet still exceeded our expectations. Food, comfort, environment but most of all the staff were excellent. James who keep everything ship shape and everyone feeling at home, she is truly an asset and a warm host. And her staff were kind caring contentious and gracious. We went out for a few meals but really wasn't necessary at all. In fact I dont recommend eating anywhere but James kitchen.
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Mar 2023

Relaxing, beautiful villa with the best staff imaginable

10 / 10

We’re a big family that takes an annual tropical vacation and we have never been so well taken care of. With 8 adults and 3 little ones (5 and under), we were a lot to handle and yet James and her staff did so with so much grace. The Villa has beautiful grounds and the children had so much space to run and play. We enjoyed the tennis court and…
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We’re a big family that takes an annual tropical vacation and we have never been so well taken care of. With 8 adults and 3 little ones (5 and under), we were a lot to handle and yet James and her staff did so with so much grace. The Villa has beautiful grounds and the children had so much space to run and play. We enjoyed the tennis court and the pool was the perfect refreshing temperature on a hot day. The beach is quite shallow and rocky but it is easy to visit other beaches. The rooms are spacious and modern. They pushed twin beds together for us to have an extra large king. I can’t say enough about James and her staff. The chef is excellent and we were able to try unusual Thai dishes I’d never seen before. He was receptive to changes we asked for and equally adept at Thai and western style dishes. The villa was kept immaculate and our needs were anticipated with smiles and warmth. James helped us with our every request and we were all truly impressed with how smoothly everything went. You will be in the best possible hands if you stay here. Villa la Lagune is a beautiful villa but the people who work here make it extra special.
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