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Villa Islander Turks and Caicos

Теркс и Кайкос, Провиденсиалис


Добро пожаловать на виллу Islander на острове Теркс и Кайкос, расположенную в нескольких шагах от пляжа Грейс-Бэй. Эта новая вилла с четырьмя спальнями является воплощением тропической жизни. Благодаря элегантным модернистским линиям и открытой планировке, которые органично объединяют внутреннее и внешнее пространство, это идеальное место для спокойного отдыха с друзьями и семьей. Изысканная архитектура, основанная на гладкой палитре бетона и дерева, с большими пространствами из стекла и изысканным интерьером, делает эту виллу шикарными воротами для островного образа жизни, основанного на море, песке и солнечном свете.

Вилла Islander занимает более 6000 кв. футов жилой площади и была спроектирована таким образом, чтобы обеспечить максимальную прозрачность и высокую степень конфиденциальности. Планировка состоит из главного здания, содержащего две спальни и одну большую гостиную открытой планировки, столовую и кухню с 14-дюймовыми высокими потолками, обращенными к бассейну с одной стороны, и столовую на открытом воздухе, построенную над отражающим бассейном с другой, и несколько отдельных садовых крыльев. футов, вмещая еще две спальни-люксы с их охватывающими террасами.

Окруженные пышными садами с пальмами и местными растениями, жилые помещения расположены вокруг бассейна, выложенного сверкающей мозаикой. Абсолютный комфорт и уединение характеризуют четыре спальни в минималистском стиле. Во всех номерах есть кровати размера «king-size», большие коврики, льняное белье и плотные шторы, а также множество декоративных светильников. В просторных ванных комнатах есть отдельно стоящие ванны, кабины с тропическим душем, большие гардеробы и персональные сейфы.

До всемирно известного пляжа Грейс-Бэй можно дойти пешком по песчаной дорожке. Пудровым песком и кристально чистой водой можно наслаждаться в комфорте частных пляжных шезлонгов и зонтиков, предназначенных для исключительного использования гостями. Популярный «Коралловый сад», охраняемая территория для сноркелинга с яркими морскими обитателями, находится в нескольких футах от берега.

Вилла Islander находится в одном квартале от пляжа, в центральной части 12-мильного залива Грейс-Бэй, рядом с множеством заведений: обязательно посетить пляжный ресторан и бар Somewhere в 5 минутах ходьбы вдоль пляжа, Курорт Gansevoort, клуб West Bay и пляжи также находятся в нескольких минутах ходьбы. Бутики, магазины и супермаркеты Грейс-Бэй находятся в 5 минутах езды на машине, как и гольф-клуб Provo с 18 лунками. Международный аэропорт (PLS) находится в 8 км. расстояние. До многих других прекрасных пляжей острова можно добраться за несколько минут на автомобиле.

Терраса на крыше с видом на океан охлаждается постоянным морским бризом и затенена деревянной беседкой. Здесь секционный диван предоставляет достаточно места для отдыха с компанией друзей, любуясь прямым видом на бирюзовые воды залива Грейс. Особый и уникальный характер этой резиденции обусловлен текстурой дерева и бетона и тесной связью с окружающими садами, которые в сочетании с отличным расположением и квалифицированным и сдержанным персоналом создают незабываемые впечатления от образа жизни.

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Теркс и Кайкос, Провиденсиалис

Ближайшие места

пляж 50m
Ресторан 300 m
Рынок 1km
Аэропорт 8 km
Порт 8 km

Местные услуги

Банкомат/банк • Почта • Продуктовые магазины • Услуги прачечной • Фитнес-центр • Спа • Медицинские услуги • Больница • Няня • Аптека • Полиция • Рынок • Мини-рынок

Местные достопримечательности и развлечения

Морские прогулки • Рестораны • Игровые площадки • Церкви • Винные туры • Водные виды спорта • Плавание • Серфинг, кайтсерфинг • Аренда яхты • Сафари-туры • Кинотеатр • Музеи • Бары • Пляжные бары • Библиотека • Пристань • Аквапарки • Подводное плавание с аквалангом • Гольф • Рыбалка • Катание на водных мотоциклах • Катание на водных лыжах • Плавание под парусом • Теннис • Маунтинбайкинг • Дайвинг • Виндсерфинг • Ежедневная морская прогулка • Клубы • Казино

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Oтзыва: 10 / 10

Villa Islander Turks and Caicos

Теркс и Кайкос, Провиденсиалис

Все отзывы

Jan 2024

The villa was fabulous!!!

The owner went out of his way to make sure we were comfortable and welcome. The villa itself was fabulous. The spaces are well appointed and immaculate. The staff was friendly and helpful. We would not hesitate to go back there.
Dec 2023

We can't wait to return.!

From the airport arrival and pick up by Antoinette to the greeting at Villa Islander from Alessandro, our vacation started smoothly and seamlessly. Villa Islander is stunning with a great layout, dramatic views and easy access to the beach. The home…
From the airport arrival and pick up by Antoinette to the greeting at Villa Islander from Alessandro, our vacation started smoothly and seamlessly. Villa Islander is stunning with a great layout, dramatic views and easy access to the beach. The home is well equipped and Alessandro, Richard and Zelma took care of any of our needs. We can't wait to return.
Dec 2022

We loved the Villa Islander...!!!

We loved the Villa Islander for our family of 7 adults and would stay again if we come back to Provo. The location was great and the house was very private. The owner had lived in Bali and the house reflected his experiences there through his use of…
We loved the Villa Islander for our family of 7 adults and would stay again if we come back to Provo. The location was great and the house was very private. The owner had lived in Bali and the house reflected his experiences there through his use of objects, lamps and artwork to decorate the house and through the beautiful landscaping that made the house private. Great sunsets and ocean view from the upper area. Windows created a "glass house" and walls and ceilings were concrete that resembled aged wood. Bedrooms and bathrooms were all very private and spotless. Since our children are all adults, the separate two bedroom guest house worked well for us. We spent time together by the pool or in the large open living room/dining room/kitchen space. The beach was only about a 3-4 minute walk down a sandy path. We appreciated the staff's friendliness and hard work (Zelma the housekeeper and Richard the caretaker). Our vacation was free of any stress and we had a wonderful trip. Thank you!
Nov 2022

It would be the perfect place for a vacation!

My fashion photo crew was there to work, but the care taken and the wonderful people attached to Villa Islander were incredible! The Villa offered a peaceful, stunningly designed & relaxing ambiance for the clients and photographer to unwind at end of…
My fashion photo crew was there to work, but the care taken and the wonderful people attached to Villa Islander were incredible! The Villa offered a peaceful, stunningly designed & relaxing ambiance for the clients and photographer to unwind at end of day. I can not say enough great things about the Villa. It would be the perfect place for a vacation, as well as a base for those traveling for business.
Jan 2022

We highly recommend Villa Islander!

Turks and Caicos is an island with extraordinarily beautiful waters. They Villa Islander is a contemporary property well furnished and stocked. It is a very short walk to the beach. The home has security personnel from 6pm-dawn and daily house keeping…
Turks and Caicos is an island with extraordinarily beautiful waters. They Villa Islander is a contemporary property well furnished and stocked. It is a very short walk to the beach. The home has security personnel from 6pm-dawn and daily house keeping. We were greeted by Alejandro, the owner, at the car rental location and escorted to the villa where he gave us a thorough tour of the home and all of it's many features including, Net flicks, Hulu, surround sound... He had Prosecco, coffee, creamer, some snacks and smoked salmon waiting in the kitchen. He made several restaurant recommendations of which he was spot on! The owner, his security details and house keeper were very accommodating. We had a wonderful time full of laughs, sun, water sports, fun, food and rest. We highly recommend Villa Islander.
Jan 2021

Exceptionally beautiful property...!!!

Exceptionally beautiful property which was well located just steps off the Grace Bay Beach. Very interesting Kundig inspired architecture. Property is very new and is well suited to entertaining a nice sized group of family or friends. Very well appointed…
Exceptionally beautiful property which was well located just steps off the Grace Bay Beach. Very interesting Kundig inspired architecture. Property is very new and is well suited to entertaining a nice sized group of family or friends. Very well appointed with everything you need on site. Kind and courteous staff make the vacation effortless. Snorkeling is available right out front with much to see in the crystal clear water. The House and pool are gorgeous and indeed look as good as the website photos. It is tempting to never leave the property but much is actually available within easy walking distance whether you are looking to hangout at a local beach bar or take long walks on the Grace Bay Beach. 15 minute stroll up the beach can get you to a largely undeveloped and empty beach. We were met at the Rental car facility by Alessandro who took us straight to the home and offered his assistance with any thing we might need during the week. Great personal touch.
Jan 2024

The villa was fabulous!!!

10 / 10

The owner went out of his way to make sure we were comfortable and welcome. The villa itself was fabulous. The spaces are well appointed and immaculate. The staff was friendly and helpful. We would not hesitate to go back there.
Dec 2023

We can't wait to return.!

10 / 10

From the airport arrival and pick up by Antoinette to the greeting at Villa Islander from Alessandro, our vacation started smoothly and seamlessly. Villa Islander is stunning with a great layout, dramatic views and easy access to the beach. The home is well equipped and Alessandro, Richard and Zelma took care of any of our needs. We can't wait to return…
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From the airport arrival and pick up by Antoinette to the greeting at Villa Islander from Alessandro, our vacation started smoothly and seamlessly. Villa Islander is stunning with a great layout, dramatic views and easy access to the beach. The home is well equipped and Alessandro, Richard and Zelma took care of any of our needs. We can't wait to return.
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Dec 2022

We loved the Villa Islander...!!!

10 / 10

We loved the Villa Islander for our family of 7 adults and would stay again if we come back to Provo. The location was great and the house was very private. The owner had lived in Bali and the house reflected his experiences there through his use of objects, lamps and artwork to decorate the house and through the beautiful landscaping that made the…
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We loved the Villa Islander for our family of 7 adults and would stay again if we come back to Provo. The location was great and the house was very private. The owner had lived in Bali and the house reflected his experiences there through his use of objects, lamps and artwork to decorate the house and through the beautiful landscaping that made the house private. Great sunsets and ocean view from the upper area. Windows created a "glass house" and walls and ceilings were concrete that resembled aged wood. Bedrooms and bathrooms were all very private and spotless. Since our children are all adults, the separate two bedroom guest house worked well for us. We spent time together by the pool or in the large open living room/dining room/kitchen space. The beach was only about a 3-4 minute walk down a sandy path. We appreciated the staff's friendliness and hard work (Zelma the housekeeper and Richard the caretaker). Our vacation was free of any stress and we had a wonderful trip. Thank you!
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