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Villa Capricorn at Aries Villas Skiathos

Греции, Скиатос

пляж: 400m

Коллекция вилл Aries расположена в тихом, изолированном и красивом районе на восточной оконечности острова Скиатос, откуда открывается панорамный вид на бирюзовые воды Эгейского моря. Эта бутик-коллекция состоит из трех роскошных вилл: Козерог, Лев и Стрелец, каждая из которых сохраняет свою уединенность и эксклюзивность.

Каждая вилла имеет собственный бассейн, дополненный современными зонами отдыха и столовой на открытом воздухе с деревянными перголами, дающими тень. На каждой вилле есть зона барбекю и бар, что создает идеальную атмосферу для уютных семейных посиделок или незабываемых ночей под звездным небом.

Коллекция Aries Villas — это жизнь на острове во всей красе, создающая фон для незабываемых моментов, волшебных восходов и полного расслабления. Коллекция вилл Aries Villas, расположенная недалеко от города Скиатос, является идеальным выбором для семей или пар, ищущих частную индивидуальную виллу, а также для больших семей или групп, которые могут захотеть остановиться в любой комбинации коллекции вилл.

Элегантная вилла Capricorn расположена на восточной стороне комплекса Aries Villas. К услугам гостей уникальный круглый бассейн с обширной террасой, создающий потрясающую атмосферу для отдыха и развлечений. Расположенная на трех уровнях вилла Capricorn может похвастаться впечатляющей гостиной с верандой и полностью оборудованной кухней на первом этаже, откуда открывается захватывающий вид на бескрайнюю синеву Эгейского моря и все его безмятежность и покой. Верхний уровень включает в себя три просторные и светлые спальни, одна с ванной комнатой, а также большую семейную ванную комнату. Нижний уровень включает еще две спальни, просторную ванную комнату и вторую полностью оборудованную кухню с отдельным входом. Дизайн интерьера этой виллы утонченный, но деревенский, что обеспечивает комфортное и спокойное пребывание.

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Греции, Скиатос

Ближайшие места

пляж 400m
Ресторан 200 m
Рынок 3km
Аэропорт 35 km
Порт 3 km

Местные услуги

Банкомат/банк • Почта • Продуктовые магазины • Услуги прачечной • Фитнес-центр • Спа • Медицинские услуги • Больница • Няня • Аптека • Полиция • Рынок • Мини-рынок

Местные достопримечательности и развлечения

Морские прогулки • Рестораны • Игровые площадки • Церкви • Винные туры • Водные виды спорта • Плавание • Серфинг, кайтсерфинг • Аренда яхты • Музеи • Бары • Пляжные бары • Библиотека • Пристань • Аквапарки • Подводное плавание с аквалангом • Рыбалка • Катание на водных мотоциклах • Катание на водных лыжах • Плавание под парусом • Дайвинг • Виндсерфинг • Ежедневная морская прогулка • Клубы

Что говорят наши клиенты

Oтзыва: 10 / 10

Villa Capricorn at Aries Villas Skiathos

Греции, Скиатос

Все отзывы

Helen S.
Sep 2024

We don’t often return to the same place twice, but I would definitely love to visit these villas again.

We have just returned from a fabulous two week stay at Aries Villas. It was our first visit to Skiathos. The island is stunning with a selection of great beaches and Skiathos town has a great atmosphere with a wide selection of shops, tavernas and bars…
We have just returned from a fabulous two week stay at Aries Villas. It was our first visit to Skiathos. The island is stunning with a selection of great beaches and Skiathos town has a great atmosphere with a wide selection of shops, tavernas and bars. Our stay at Aries Villas surpassed our expectations. The villas are clean, spacious and well equipped. What differentiates these villas from others is the passion and kindness from the hosts in ensuring that guests have a relaxing stay. Evan and his family stay on site Evan is available for any questions, recommendations and this provides great peace of mind and lots of useful advice on places to eat/ visit. The fact that Evan and his brother Nikos are available to give lifts to the beach, supermarket or in to town made for us, the holiday really very relaxing. We loved Skiathos, the villas are amazing and without a doubt, Evan and his brother and their staff, made this stay exceptional for us.
Hayley C.
Aug 2024

Thank you for the amazing memories we have made- we will cherish them forever

Our Aries Villas stay was incredible! Evan happily greeting us at the airport in his fantastic minibus. He instantly made us feel so welcome and comfortable, wanting to cater our every need. When we arrived at the villa (at night), Evan had kindly stocked…
Our Aries Villas stay was incredible! Evan happily greeting us at the airport in his fantastic minibus. He instantly made us feel so welcome and comfortable, wanting to cater our every need. When we arrived at the villa (at night), Evan had kindly stocked the fridge with a few essentials and left us some snacks to tide us over (that we had pre-ordered with him and paid for). We really appreciated his willingness to help us out. Evan then took us for a tour around the villa. Wow! What a place! This is by far the most beautiful villa we have ever stayed in. It definitely has a home from home feel. It was absolutely spotless and instantly made us feel relaxed and comfortable. The outside area and evening scenery instantly took our breath away. The amenities and the decoration in the villa were perfect! Each room was beautifully decorated and equipped to make it feel like home. The beds were incredibly comfortable and the aircon was bliss! We stayed in two nights at the villa and cooked on the bbq (which was amazing- and very clean!). We got our supplies from the local supermarket. It was so nice to relax around the pool and sit and eat together. The evenings were one of my favourite things. Sitting under the stars, the cool temperature, the warm breeze and the quietness and drinking wine/gin/beer was just heaven! During the lovely days at the villa, we couldn't have asked for more! The pool was perfect and a refreshing delight in the heat. The sunbeds were incredibly comfortable and we loved taking shade under the huge umbrellas. One of our favourite spots to sit in was the balcony that followed on from the living room. The views, the shade and the comfort from the cushions felt like we had our own little haven. A place I am particularly going to miss sitting in. Every morning, we had breakfast in the main communal area with stunning views! This was even better than we expected! The lovely ladies in the kitchen made any type of eggs we politely requested, there was fresh fruit, delicious pastries, sweet treats and cakes, cooked food and cereals, meats and cheeses, flavoured teas, coffees/cappuccinos, fresh juice and water to get you started for the day. My particular favourites were the mini pancakes and Evan's homemade cakes...delicious! I even got the recipe! Evan popped up in the mornings to say hello and see how things were going- something that made us feel so welcome and cared for. Evan and his brother, Nicos, also kindly dropped us off and picked us up from any destination we requested in their minibus (a service available to all 3 villas). This service is just one of the many they offerered- adding to their 'above and beyond' service. It allowed us to enjoy our evenings out as a family and relax without having to worry about driving. Their generosity blew us away! Out of respect, we would message them the day before to let them know our plans so that they felt prepared and organised. Throughout the holiday, if we ever needed anything, we would simply message Evan or Nicos and they would instantly reply and resolve or sort anything out we needed. They even translated Greek food instructions when we cooked from home :) We were very grateful! The cleaning ladies (also the breakfast ladies), did a fantastic job of cleaning the villa and providing us with fresh towels and beach towels- thank you for looking after us so well. We really appreciated it! Can't wait to return again in the future.
Hayley C.
Jul 2024

Thank you for the amazing memories we have made- we will cherish them forever

Our Aries Villas stay was incredible! Evan happily greeting us at the airport in his fantastic minibus. He instantly made us feel so welcome and comfortable, wanting to cater our every need. When we arrived at the villa (at night), Evan had kindly stocked…
Our Aries Villas stay was incredible! Evan happily greeting us at the airport in his fantastic minibus. He instantly made us feel so welcome and comfortable, wanting to cater our every need. When we arrived at the villa (at night), Evan had kindly stocked the fridge with a few essentials and left us some snacks to tide us over (that we had pre-ordered with him and paid for). We really appreciated his willingness to help us out. Evan then took us for a tour around the villa. Wow! What a place! This is by far the most beautiful villa we have ever stayed in. It definitely has a home from home feel. It was absolutely spotless and instantly made us feel relaxed and comfortable. The outside area and evening scenery instantly took our breath away. The amenities and the decoration in the villa were perfect! Each room was beautifully decorated and equipped to make it feel like home. The beds were incredibly comfortable and the aircon was bliss! We stayed in two nights at the villa and cooked on the bbq (which was amazing- and very clean!). We got our supplies from the local supermarket. It was so nice to relax around the pool and sit and eat together. The evenings were one of my favourite things. Sitting under the stars, the cool temperature, the warm breeze and the quietness and drinking wine/gin/beer was just heaven! During the lovely days at the villa, we couldn't have asked for more! The pool was perfect and a refreshing delight in the heat. The sunbeds were incredibly comfortable and we loved taking shade under the huge umbrellas. One of our favourite spots to sit in was the balcony that followed on from the living room. The views, the shade and the comfort from the cushions felt like we had our own little haven. A place I am particularly going to miss sitting in. Every morning, we had breakfast in the main communal area with stunning views! This was even better than we expected! The lovely ladies in the kitchen made any type of eggs we politely requested, there was fresh fruit, delicious pastries, sweet treats and cakes, cooked food and cereals, meats and cheeses, flavoured teas, coffees/cappuccinos, fresh juice and water to get you started for the day. My particular favourites were the mini pancakes and Evan's homemade cakes...delicious! I even got the recipe! Evan popped up in the mornings to say hello and see how things were going- something that made us feel so welcome and cared for. Evan and his brother, Nicos, also kindly dropped us off and picked us up from any destination we requested in their minibus (a service available to all 3 villas). This service is just one of the many they offerered- adding to their 'above and beyond' service. It allowed us to enjoy our evenings out as a family and relax without having to worry about driving. Their generosity blew us away! Out of respect, we would message them the day before to let them know our plans so that they felt prepared and organised. Throughout the holiday, if we ever needed anything, we would simply message Evan or Nicos and they would instantly reply and resolve or sort anything out we needed. They even translated Greek food instructions when we cooked from home :) We were very grateful! The cleaning ladies (also the breakfast ladies), did a fantastic job of cleaning the villa and providing us with fresh towels and beach towels- thank you for looking after us so well. We really appreciated it! Can't wait to return again in the future.
Helen S.
Sep 2024

We don’t often return to the same place twice, but I would definitely love to visit these villas again.

10 / 10

We have just returned from a fabulous two week stay at Aries Villas. It was our first visit to Skiathos. The island is stunning with a selection of great beaches and Skiathos town has a great atmosphere with a wide selection of shops, tavernas and bars. Our stay at Aries Villas surpassed our expectations. The villas are clean, spacious and well equipped…
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We have just returned from a fabulous two week stay at Aries Villas. It was our first visit to Skiathos. The island is stunning with a selection of great beaches and Skiathos town has a great atmosphere with a wide selection of shops, tavernas and bars. Our stay at Aries Villas surpassed our expectations. The villas are clean, spacious and well equipped. What differentiates these villas from others is the passion and kindness from the hosts in ensuring that guests have a relaxing stay. Evan and his family stay on site Evan is available for any questions, recommendations and this provides great peace of mind and lots of useful advice on places to eat/ visit. The fact that Evan and his brother Nikos are available to give lifts to the beach, supermarket or in to town made for us, the holiday really very relaxing. We loved Skiathos, the villas are amazing and without a doubt, Evan and his brother and their staff, made this stay exceptional for us.
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Hayley C.
Aug 2024

Thank you for the amazing memories we have made- we will cherish them forever

10 / 10

Our Aries Villas stay was incredible! Evan happily greeting us at the airport in his fantastic minibus. He instantly made us feel so welcome and comfortable, wanting to cater our every need. When we arrived at the villa (at night), Evan had kindly stocked the fridge with a few essentials and left us some snacks to tide us over (that we had pre-ordered…
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Our Aries Villas stay was incredible! Evan happily greeting us at the airport in his fantastic minibus. He instantly made us feel so welcome and comfortable, wanting to cater our every need. When we arrived at the villa (at night), Evan had kindly stocked the fridge with a few essentials and left us some snacks to tide us over (that we had pre-ordered with him and paid for). We really appreciated his willingness to help us out. Evan then took us for a tour around the villa. Wow! What a place! This is by far the most beautiful villa we have ever stayed in. It definitely has a home from home feel. It was absolutely spotless and instantly made us feel relaxed and comfortable. The outside area and evening scenery instantly took our breath away. The amenities and the decoration in the villa were perfect! Each room was beautifully decorated and equipped to make it feel like home. The beds were incredibly comfortable and the aircon was bliss! We stayed in two nights at the villa and cooked on the bbq (which was amazing- and very clean!). We got our supplies from the local supermarket. It was so nice to relax around the pool and sit and eat together. The evenings were one of my favourite things. Sitting under the stars, the cool temperature, the warm breeze and the quietness and drinking wine/gin/beer was just heaven! During the lovely days at the villa, we couldn't have asked for more! The pool was perfect and a refreshing delight in the heat. The sunbeds were incredibly comfortable and we loved taking shade under the huge umbrellas. One of our favourite spots to sit in was the balcony that followed on from the living room. The views, the shade and the comfort from the cushions felt like we had our own little haven. A place I am particularly going to miss sitting in. Every morning, we had breakfast in the main communal area with stunning views! This was even better than we expected! The lovely ladies in the kitchen made any type of eggs we politely requested, there was fresh fruit, delicious pastries, sweet treats and cakes, cooked food and cereals, meats and cheeses, flavoured teas, coffees/cappuccinos, fresh juice and water to get you started for the day. My particular favourites were the mini pancakes and Evan's homemade cakes...delicious! I even got the recipe! Evan popped up in the mornings to say hello and see how things were going- something that made us feel so welcome and cared for. Evan and his brother, Nicos, also kindly dropped us off and picked us up from any destination we requested in their minibus (a service available to all 3 villas). This service is just one of the many they offerered- adding to their 'above and beyond' service. It allowed us to enjoy our evenings out as a family and relax without having to worry about driving. Their generosity blew us away! Out of respect, we would message them the day before to let them know our plans so that they felt prepared and organised. Throughout the holiday, if we ever needed anything, we would simply message Evan or Nicos and they would instantly reply and resolve or sort anything out we needed. They even translated Greek food instructions when we cooked from home :) We were very grateful! The cleaning ladies (also the breakfast ladies), did a fantastic job of cleaning the villa and providing us with fresh towels and beach towels- thank you for looking after us so well. We really appreciated it! Can't wait to return again in the future.
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Hayley C.
Jul 2024

Thank you for the amazing memories we have made- we will cherish them forever

10 / 10

Our Aries Villas stay was incredible! Evan happily greeting us at the airport in his fantastic minibus. He instantly made us feel so welcome and comfortable, wanting to cater our every need. When we arrived at the villa (at night), Evan had kindly stocked the fridge with a few essentials and left us some snacks to tide us over (that we had pre-ordered…
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Our Aries Villas stay was incredible! Evan happily greeting us at the airport in his fantastic minibus. He instantly made us feel so welcome and comfortable, wanting to cater our every need. When we arrived at the villa (at night), Evan had kindly stocked the fridge with a few essentials and left us some snacks to tide us over (that we had pre-ordered with him and paid for). We really appreciated his willingness to help us out. Evan then took us for a tour around the villa. Wow! What a place! This is by far the most beautiful villa we have ever stayed in. It definitely has a home from home feel. It was absolutely spotless and instantly made us feel relaxed and comfortable. The outside area and evening scenery instantly took our breath away. The amenities and the decoration in the villa were perfect! Each room was beautifully decorated and equipped to make it feel like home. The beds were incredibly comfortable and the aircon was bliss! We stayed in two nights at the villa and cooked on the bbq (which was amazing- and very clean!). We got our supplies from the local supermarket. It was so nice to relax around the pool and sit and eat together. The evenings were one of my favourite things. Sitting under the stars, the cool temperature, the warm breeze and the quietness and drinking wine/gin/beer was just heaven! During the lovely days at the villa, we couldn't have asked for more! The pool was perfect and a refreshing delight in the heat. The sunbeds were incredibly comfortable and we loved taking shade under the huge umbrellas. One of our favourite spots to sit in was the balcony that followed on from the living room. The views, the shade and the comfort from the cushions felt like we had our own little haven. A place I am particularly going to miss sitting in. Every morning, we had breakfast in the main communal area with stunning views! This was even better than we expected! The lovely ladies in the kitchen made any type of eggs we politely requested, there was fresh fruit, delicious pastries, sweet treats and cakes, cooked food and cereals, meats and cheeses, flavoured teas, coffees/cappuccinos, fresh juice and water to get you started for the day. My particular favourites were the mini pancakes and Evan's homemade cakes...delicious! I even got the recipe! Evan popped up in the mornings to say hello and see how things were going- something that made us feel so welcome and cared for. Evan and his brother, Nicos, also kindly dropped us off and picked us up from any destination we requested in their minibus (a service available to all 3 villas). This service is just one of the many they offerered- adding to their 'above and beyond' service. It allowed us to enjoy our evenings out as a family and relax without having to worry about driving. Their generosity blew us away! Out of respect, we would message them the day before to let them know our plans so that they felt prepared and organised. Throughout the holiday, if we ever needed anything, we would simply message Evan or Nicos and they would instantly reply and resolve or sort anything out we needed. They even translated Greek food instructions when we cooked from home :) We were very grateful! The cleaning ladies (also the breakfast ladies), did a fantastic job of cleaning the villa and providing us with fresh towels and beach towels- thank you for looking after us so well. We really appreciated it! Can't wait to return again in the future.
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