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Villa Kardous Aelia Skopelos

Греции, Скопелос

пляж: 6km

Расположенная в районе Дитропона - в собственном саду и в окружении множества оливковых и сосновых деревьев - вилла Kardous Aelia предложит вам сдержанную роскошную атмосферу для незабываемого отдыха на острове Скопелос.

Эта потрясающая вилла площадью ок. В 2 км от Панормоса, одного из самых красивых пляжей Скопелоса. Вилла Kardous Aelia Skopelos может вместить до 10 человек и предлагает элегантность и роскошь в сочетании с традиционной архитектурой на площади 160 м². Первый этаж включает в себя большую, полностью оборудованную кухню с обеденной зоной, гостиную и гостевой туалет, а также главную спальню с ванной комнатой. Вторая спальня с просторной ванной комнатой, доступной для инвалидных колясок и идеально подходящая для людей с ограниченными возможностями, также находится на первом этаже.

Лестница ведет на второй этаж, где для вас доступны вторая главная спальня и четвертая спальня, обе с ванными комнатами. Все комнаты оснащены кондиционерами, а удачно расположенные окна обеспечат легкий ветерок в жаркие летние месяцы. Огромные балконы и большие открытые пространства вокруг дома обеспечат уединение и пригласят вас расслабиться и насладиться чистым ощущением этой великолепной природы. Панорамный бассейн-водопад размером 12 х 4 м, облицованный мозаикой и мрамором, дополнит вашу мечту о необыкновенном отдыхе.

Переведено Google


Греции, Скопелос

Ближайшие места

пляж 6km
Ресторан 3.5 km
Рынок 8km
Аэропорт 32 km
Порт 7.7 km

Местные услуги

Банкомат/банк • Почта • Продуктовые магазины • Услуги прачечной • Фитнес-центр • Спа • Медицинские услуги • Больница • Няня • Аптека • Полиция • Рынок • Мини-рынок

Местные достопримечательности и развлечения

Рестораны • Церкви • Винные туры • Водные виды спорта • Плавание • Серфинг, кайтсерфинг • Бары • Аквапарки • Подводное плавание с аквалангом • Рыбалка • Катание на водных мотоциклах • Катание на водных лыжах • Плавание под парусом • Дайвинг • Виндсерфинг • Ежедневная морская прогулка • Клубы

Что говорят наши клиенты

Oтзыва: 10 / 10

Villa Kardous Aelia Skopelos

Греции, Скопелос

Все отзывы

Vicki E.
Sep 2024

A beautiful, carefree, and cozy week.

The kids spent hours swimming in the pool, and we had access to several fantastic beaches. very helpful and kind owners. Light, airy, and cool home. very clean all over, with a gorgeous, large pool that was cleaned every day. Nicely appointed, good-sized…
The kids spent hours swimming in the pool, and we had access to several fantastic beaches. very helpful and kind owners. Light, airy, and cool home. very clean all over, with a gorgeous, large pool that was cleaned every day. Nicely appointed, good-sized bedrooms with all-en-suite bathrooms. fully stocked kitchen
Dianne R.
Sep 2024

We spent ten nights here at this lovely house. The home was just as described, was spotless, and had a well-equipped kitchen with everything we required for self-catering. We frequently utilized the BBQ because there was lots of cover outside, as well as

The home was just as described, was spotless, and had a well-equipped kitchen with everything we required for self-catering. We frequently utilized the BBQ because there was lots of cover outside, as well as tables, seats, and deck chairs for everyone…
The home was just as described, was spotless, and had a well-equipped kitchen with everything we required for self-catering. We frequently utilized the BBQ because there was lots of cover outside, as well as tables, seats, and deck chairs for everyone. The pool was immaculate, and our almost 2-year-old had little trouble climbing the corner steps to enter. The host graciously set up temporary fencing when we expressed our worries about the pool's lack of a barrier; it worked well and was really appreciated. We adored the area because it was very tranquil. To go into Skopelos town or to the closest beaches, you will need a car or a bus. For parties of adults or families, this property is ideal.
Jeffrey F.
Aug 2024

The host and villa are in every way were exceptional.

The hostess and her family were incredibly helpful and knowledgable about the island. The house was lovely and ideal for our 10-person family gathering.
Susan E.
Aug 2024

lovely villa

We had a wonderful time during our stay at the Villa on Skopelos because it was so incredibly lovely. We would love to go back to this peaceful, quiet home with its lovely yard and sparkling pool.
Fiona S.
Jul 2024

Our hopes were exceeded in every way.

The location and villa were ideal. Our gracious hosts looked after us the entire time we were in Skopelos and even after we had left the villa.
Vicki E.
Sep 2024

A beautiful, carefree, and cozy week.

10 / 10

The kids spent hours swimming in the pool, and we had access to several fantastic beaches. very helpful and kind owners. Light, airy, and cool home. very clean all over, with a gorgeous, large pool that was cleaned every day. Nicely appointed, good-sized bedrooms with all-en-suite bathrooms. fully stocked kitchen
Dianne R.
Sep 2024

We spent ten nights here at this lovely house. The home was just as described, was spotless, and had a well-equipped kitchen with everything we required for self-catering. We frequently utilized the BBQ because there was lots of cover outside, as well as

10 / 10

The home was just as described, was spotless, and had a well-equipped kitchen with everything we required for self-catering. We frequently utilized the BBQ because there was lots of cover outside, as well as tables, seats, and deck chairs for everyone. The pool was immaculate, and our almost 2-year-old had little trouble climbing the corner steps to…
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The home was just as described, was spotless, and had a well-equipped kitchen with everything we required for self-catering. We frequently utilized the BBQ because there was lots of cover outside, as well as tables, seats, and deck chairs for everyone. The pool was immaculate, and our almost 2-year-old had little trouble climbing the corner steps to enter. The host graciously set up temporary fencing when we expressed our worries about the pool's lack of a barrier; it worked well and was really appreciated. We adored the area because it was very tranquil. To go into Skopelos town or to the closest beaches, you will need a car or a bus. For parties of adults or families, this property is ideal.
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Jeffrey F.
Aug 2024

The host and villa are in every way were exceptional.

10 / 10

The hostess and her family were incredibly helpful and knowledgable about the island. The house was lovely and ideal for our 10-person family gathering.
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