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Akemi Luxury Villa Zante

Греции, Занте

пляж: 850m

Роскошная вилла Akemi на острове Закинф - это новая вилла с прекрасным видом на море, идеально спроектированная, чтобы предложить как роскошные услуги размещения, так и уникальное чувство уединения. Роскошная вилла Akemi Zante вмещает 8 гостей, которые наверняка оценят ее современный дизайн и функциональные жилые помещения.

Вход в роскошную виллу Akemi Zante находится на первом этаже и располагает полностью оборудованной кухней, обеденной зоной со столом и стульями, красивой гостиной, патио и спальней.

На первом этаже есть еще три спальни (одна с ванной), еще одна ванная и внутренний балкон с кабинетом. Роскошная вилла Akemi имеет подвал, оборудованный фитнес-студией и ванной комнатой, а также уютную гостиную на чердаке. Что больше всего нравится нашим гостям, так это внешнее пространство виллы, где есть пейзажный бассейн, окруженный красочным садом с прекрасным видом на темно-синее Ионическое море. Наслаждайтесь незабываемыми моментами расслабления и покоя и ощутите гармонию, которую может предложить Akemi Luxury Villa Zante.

Переведено Google


Греции, Занте

Ближайшие места

пляж 850m
Ресторан 300 m
Рынок 300m
Аэропорт 11 km
Порт 7,5 km

Местные услуги

Банкомат/банк • Почта • Продуктовые магазины • Услуги прачечной • Фитнес-центр • Спа • Больница • Няня • Аптека • Полиция • Рынок

Местные достопримечательности и развлечения

Морские прогулки • Рестораны • Игровые площадки • Церкви • Винные туры • Водные виды спорта • Плавание • Серфинг, кайтсерфинг • Аренда яхты • Сафари-туры • Кинотеатр • Музеи • Бары • Пляжные бары • Библиотека • Пристань • Аквапарки • Верховая езда • Подводное плавание с аквалангом • Рыбалка • Катание на водных мотоциклах • Катание на водных лыжах • Плавание под парусом • Теннис • Маунтинбайкинг • Парапланеризм • Дайвинг • Виндсерфинг • Ежедневная морская прогулка • Клубы

Что говорят наши клиенты

Oтзыва: 9.8 / 10

Akemi Luxury Villa Zante

Греции, Занте

Все отзывы

Sep 2024

A wondeful Villa

A really great villa, which is well laid out and really well equipped with great sea views and within easy walking distance to the local town, or if you don't want to leave the luxury of the Villa, had many local restaurants that will deliver to the…
A really great villa, which is well laid out and really well equipped with great sea views and within easy walking distance to the local town, or if you don't want to leave the luxury of the Villa, had many local restaurants that will deliver to the Villa. We had hired a car but if you intend staying local to the area, one isn't really needed and the owner even offers to shuttle you to/from the airport (20 min drive). We were also really pleasantly surprised by how well provided we were by the welcome pack and at the efficiency of the cleaning and pool maintenance (always crystal clear) through out our stay. The WiFi isn't that great but then that's a problem that affects the whole island, and there is a 20 meter up hill stretch when walking to the villa that's quite steep (especially after a few Peaky Blinder cocktails - a speciality of a local bar) but other than that, its a great place to holiday.
Ulrich Basse
Aug 2024

If we could give more than 5 stars - this should have 6

Wonderful beautiful house. Everything is 100% perfect. We had the pleasure for a week and felt very comfortable in this unique residence. The incredibly friendly owners regularly followed up to make sure we were satisfied and everything was alright.…
Wonderful beautiful house. Everything is 100% perfect. We had the pleasure for a week and felt very comfortable in this unique residence. The incredibly friendly owners regularly followed up to make sure we were satisfied and everything was alright. Upon arrival we were greeted with a delicious lunch and champagne. If we could give more than 5 stars - this should have 6
Aug 2024

The owners of the Villa and their team made out stay quite simply the best holiday we have ever had.

The communication from the owners was fantastic which took all of the stress associated with going on holiday away. The villa was cleaned everyday by the friendly maid. The pool was easily big enough for all 7 of us to go in it at the same time. We felt…
The communication from the owners was fantastic which took all of the stress associated with going on holiday away. The villa was cleaned everyday by the friendly maid. The pool was easily big enough for all 7 of us to go in it at the same time. We felt safe and secure in the property as the location was secluded but still only a 5 min walk in to the resort. Quite simply if you book up this villa for your holiday you will not be disappointed.
May 2024

Très confortable avec une excellente situation géographique et des propriétaires tellement gentils

La grande qualité de service et la gentillesse des hôtes . Nous avons été traités aux petits soins et répondaient très rapidement à toutes nos demandes. Déjeuner complet prêt à notre arrivée.
Sep 2024

A wondeful Villa

9.2 / 10

A really great villa, which is well laid out and really well equipped with great sea views and within easy walking distance to the local town, or if you don't want to leave the luxury of the Villa, had many local restaurants that will deliver to the Villa. We had hired a car but if you intend staying local to the area, one isn't really needed and the…
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A really great villa, which is well laid out and really well equipped with great sea views and within easy walking distance to the local town, or if you don't want to leave the luxury of the Villa, had many local restaurants that will deliver to the Villa. We had hired a car but if you intend staying local to the area, one isn't really needed and the owner even offers to shuttle you to/from the airport (20 min drive). We were also really pleasantly surprised by how well provided we were by the welcome pack and at the efficiency of the cleaning and pool maintenance (always crystal clear) through out our stay. The WiFi isn't that great but then that's a problem that affects the whole island, and there is a 20 meter up hill stretch when walking to the villa that's quite steep (especially after a few Peaky Blinder cocktails - a speciality of a local bar) but other than that, its a great place to holiday.
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Ulrich Basse
Aug 2024

If we could give more than 5 stars - this should have 6

10 / 10

Wonderful beautiful house. Everything is 100% perfect. We had the pleasure for a week and felt very comfortable in this unique residence. The incredibly friendly owners regularly followed up to make sure we were satisfied and everything was alright. Upon arrival we were greeted with a delicious lunch and champagne. If we could give more than 5 stars…
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Wonderful beautiful house. Everything is 100% perfect. We had the pleasure for a week and felt very comfortable in this unique residence. The incredibly friendly owners regularly followed up to make sure we were satisfied and everything was alright. Upon arrival we were greeted with a delicious lunch and champagne. If we could give more than 5 stars - this should have 6
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Aug 2024

The owners of the Villa and their team made out stay quite simply the best holiday we have ever had.

10 / 10

The communication from the owners was fantastic which took all of the stress associated with going on holiday away. The villa was cleaned everyday by the friendly maid. The pool was easily big enough for all 7 of us to go in it at the same time. We felt safe and secure in the property as the location was secluded but still only a 5 min walk in to the…
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The communication from the owners was fantastic which took all of the stress associated with going on holiday away. The villa was cleaned everyday by the friendly maid. The pool was easily big enough for all 7 of us to go in it at the same time. We felt safe and secure in the property as the location was secluded but still only a 5 min walk in to the resort. Quite simply if you book up this villa for your holiday you will not be disappointed.
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