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Casa Di Grimpili Chania

Греции, Крит, Ханья

пляж: 800m

Casa Di Grimpili Chania — отреставрированный особняк времен Османской империи, расположенный в районе Гримпилиана, всего в 600 метрах от моря, к западу от Ханьи, в бухте Колимвари. Придерживаясь архитектурных традиций и выбирая самые специальные материалы, вилла предлагает гостям уникальный отдых со всеми удобствами.

Casa Di Grimpili Chania создала пространство, где посетитель и его компания могут насладиться комфортным пребыванием и уединением, в котором они нуждаются. В 4 спальнях с отдельной ванной комнатой и отдельным входом могут разместиться до 8 взрослых и 2 детей до 12 лет. Места общего пользования отличаются элегантным декором и комфортом. Снаружи бассейн с подогревом подарит вам моменты расслабления и хорошего самочувствия. Есть также 3 открытых лаунджа и большая столовая, где можно приготовить барбекю с друзьями. Отличное место для требовательных клиентов.

С незапамятных времен слова Крит и гостеприимство имели тесную и неизменную связь на протяжении многих лет. Casa Di Grimpili предлагает своим гостям высококачественные услуги.

Переведено Google


Греции, Крит, Ханья

Ближайшие места

пляж 800m
Ресторан 400m
Рынок 500m
Аэропорт 42.6
Порт 31.5km

Местные услуги

Банкомат/банк • Почта • Продуктовые магазины • Услуги прачечной • Медицинские услуги • Аптека • Полиция • Рынок • Мини-рынок

Местные достопримечательности и развлечения

Морские прогулки • Рестораны • Игровые площадки • Церкви • Винные туры • Водные виды спорта • Плавание • Серфинг, кайтсерфинг • Музеи • Бары • Пляжные бары • Аквапарки • Верховая езда • Рыбалка • Катание на водных мотоциклах • Катание на водных лыжах • Плавание под парусом • Дайвинг • Виндсерфинг • Ежедневная морская прогулка • Клубы • Наблюдение за птицами • Морские прогулки на корабле с прозрачным дном

Что говорят наши клиенты

Oтзыва: 10 / 10

Casa Di Grimpili Chania

Греции, Крит, Ханья

Все отзывы

Michaela V.
Oct 2024

Just Amazing!!

We (a family of 4) have just returned from our stay at Casa di Grimpili! From the moment we walked in, we were completely blown away by the villa. It has been beautifully restored to a high standard and the space which is available is substantial. The…
We (a family of 4) have just returned from our stay at Casa di Grimpili! From the moment we walked in, we were completely blown away by the villa. It has been beautifully restored to a high standard and the space which is available is substantial. The owners had made us traditional moussaka for our arrival which was well received after travelling all day, and amazingly the fridge was stocked with what we would need for breakfast and lunch (beers too)!! They provided us with information about where to visit in the local area and were also available if we needed anything! We had hours of fun in the pool and have taken home many good memories from this villa! We would not hesitate to return, and may do so!
Celine P.
Aug 2024

Amazing summer property, ideal for unique holidays!

The house is excellent. Beautiful and well equipped, but the best was the welcome of the whole family of Kostas and Sofia, who even offered us olive oil and their good dishes.
Jesper K.
Jul 2024

Very nice and charming villa.

Beautiful restoration with a mix of old and new. Very clean and modern bathrooms. Great beds and simply lovely rooms. Great outdoors area with pool and lounge area. Perfect size for two families with kids. Fantastic hosts family who is so friendly and…
Beautiful restoration with a mix of old and new. Very clean and modern bathrooms. Great beds and simply lovely rooms. Great outdoors area with pool and lounge area. Perfect size for two families with kids. Fantastic hosts family who is so friendly and helpful. Great location, with a nice local feel and away from all the touristy stuff.
Martin G.
Jun 2024

Pure relaxation

The beautiful villa was welcomed with great hospitality. The owners were welcoming throughout our stay and always offered help and advice (for tavernas, beaches, etc.). Thanks!!! We had a wonderful time.
James U.
May 2024

Excellent stay

Beautiful property. Fantastic facilities. Sofia and Kostas were amazingly helpful and friendly.
Michaela V.
Oct 2024

Just Amazing!!

10 / 10

We (a family of 4) have just returned from our stay at Casa di Grimpili! From the moment we walked in, we were completely blown away by the villa. It has been beautifully restored to a high standard and the space which is available is substantial. The owners had made us traditional moussaka for our arrival which was well received after travelling all…
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We (a family of 4) have just returned from our stay at Casa di Grimpili! From the moment we walked in, we were completely blown away by the villa. It has been beautifully restored to a high standard and the space which is available is substantial. The owners had made us traditional moussaka for our arrival which was well received after travelling all day, and amazingly the fridge was stocked with what we would need for breakfast and lunch (beers too)!! They provided us with information about where to visit in the local area and were also available if we needed anything! We had hours of fun in the pool and have taken home many good memories from this villa! We would not hesitate to return, and may do so!
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Celine P.
Aug 2024

Amazing summer property, ideal for unique holidays!

10 / 10

The house is excellent. Beautiful and well equipped, but the best was the welcome of the whole family of Kostas and Sofia, who even offered us olive oil and their good dishes.
Jesper K.
Jul 2024

Very nice and charming villa.

10 / 10

Beautiful restoration with a mix of old and new. Very clean and modern bathrooms. Great beds and simply lovely rooms. Great outdoors area with pool and lounge area. Perfect size for two families with kids. Fantastic hosts family who is so friendly and helpful. Great location, with a nice local feel and away from all the touristy stuff.
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