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Villa GG Crete

Греции, Крит, Ираклион

пляж: 2km

Villa GG Crete отличается уникальным стилем, который не следует трендам, а сам создает тренд! Вилла GG Crete расположена на оконечности Ираклиона, над красивой бухтой деревни Коккини Хани. Вилла GG Crete Heraklion воплощает в себе изящество и красоту окружающей среды. Размещение на вилле предлагает безопасные и современные удобства, великолепный вид на море и моменты отдыха в ярких цветах от восхода до заката.

Этот роскошный минималистичный архитектурный дизайн представляет собой смесь дерева и бетона, а уникальный промышленный экстерьер гармонично сочетается с ландшафтом, в результате чего достигается идеальный баланс между человеком и природой.

Два роскошных сада ждут вас, чтобы провести время беззаботно независимо от погоды: один ‌ расположен на северной стороне бассейна, а другой - на юге, с традиционной каменной печью. Барбекю королевского размера окружено красивыми критскими деревьями.

Наслаждайтесь ультрасовременным бассейном с подогревом или гидромассажем и расслабьтесь, любуясь великолепным панорамным видом, в то время как в зимние месяцы наслаждайтесь плаванием в воде бассейна с подогревом утром и моментами отдыха в гостиной рядом. к камину в сумерках.

Окунитесь в атмосферу гостиной в одном из самых расслабляющих пространств с изысканными декоративными элементами, которые имеют значение.

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Греции, Крит, Ираклион

Ближайшие места

пляж 2km
Ресторан 500 m
Рынок 1km
Аэропорт 7 km
Порт 9,8 km

Местные услуги

Банкомат/банк • Почта • Продуктовые магазины • Услуги прачечной • Фитнес-центр • Спа • Медицинские услуги • Больница • Няня • Аптека • Полиция • Рынок • Мини-рынок

Местные достопримечательности и развлечения

Морские прогулки • Рестораны • Игровые площадки • Церкви • Винные туры • Водные виды спорта • Плавание • Серфинг, кайтсерфинг • Аренда яхты • Сафари-туры • Кинотеатр • Музеи • Бары • Пляжные бары • Библиотека • Пристань • Аквапарки • Верховая езда • Подводное плавание с аквалангом • Гольф • Рыбалка • Катание на водных мотоциклах • Катание на водных лыжах • Плавание под парусом • Теннис • Маунтинбайкинг • Парапланеризм • Дайвинг • Виндсерфинг • Ежедневная морская прогулка • Клубы

Что говорят наши клиенты

Oтзыва: 9.9 / 10

Villa GG Crete

Греции, Крит, Ираклион

Все отзывы

Dimitris E.
May 2024

The best place to be for summer in Creta!

The place is so clean, everything was as we wanted it to be! It's worth every last cent.Giorgos and Geli are very polite. The sauna, gym, and everything worked just fine! I will choose again this villa for sure! Thank you for the hospitality!!!
Oct 2021

Very nice and tastefully decorated.

Modern and thoughtfully designed, we immediately felt at home and were especially thrilled by the luxury beds. Great location with a clear view of the sea. Definitely recommended.
Aug 2021

Stunning Villa with gorgeous views, all amenities and wonderful hosts!

Absolutely gorgeous Villa, loved everything about it! Luxurious accommodations, where everything is thought out to the smallest details. The interior is very modern and new with very cool decor. Outside area is so beautiful, whether you are just hanging…
Absolutely gorgeous Villa, loved everything about it! Luxurious accommodations, where everything is thought out to the smallest details. The interior is very modern and new with very cool decor. Outside area is so beautiful, whether you are just hanging out by the pool or relaxing in the back garden surrounded by olive and citrus trees, you are guaranteed to feel absolute enjoyment and relaxation. The views from the pool are beyond description, uninterrupted view stretching all the way to the sea and surrounding neighborhoods makes you feel like you are on top of Crete (literally:) We had daily breakfast cooked for us by the owners fiancé, who is a head chef at one of the top Heraklion restaurants and it was a perfect way to start each morning. And of course, not enough could be said about the owner!!! She went far and beyond what was expected to make us have an incredible stay in Crete. She recommended and booked wonderful restaurants for us, in-villa massages, recommended sight-seeing destinations, and even printed out ferry tickets which she delivered in early hours of the morning. Maria’s concierge skills are top notch and she made our stay at this already gorgeous villa with nothing left to be desired!!! We would definitely be back again!
Jun 2021


What a loving place. Such beautiful view. You feel the love and passion of the owners in every tiny detail. There was even breakfast in the fridge. If you love feeling pampered, this is the place to be. Thank you so much giorgos for taking such good…
What a loving place. Such beautiful view. You feel the love and passion of the owners in every tiny detail. There was even breakfast in the fridge. If you love feeling pampered, this is the place to be. Thank you so much giorgos for taking such good care of us.
May 2021

Fantastic experience!

Excellent, luxurious accommodation in a great location overlooking the sea, tasteful decor with many extras and lovely details. An ideal place to relax and explore the island.
Dimitris E.
May 2024

The best place to be for summer in Creta!

10 / 10

The place is so clean, everything was as we wanted it to be! It's worth every last cent.Giorgos and Geli are very polite. The sauna, gym, and everything worked just fine! I will choose again this villa for sure! Thank you for the hospitality!!!
Oct 2021

Very nice and tastefully decorated.

10 / 10

Modern and thoughtfully designed, we immediately felt at home and were especially thrilled by the luxury beds. Great location with a clear view of the sea. Definitely recommended.
Aug 2021

Stunning Villa with gorgeous views, all amenities and wonderful hosts!

9.8 / 10

Absolutely gorgeous Villa, loved everything about it! Luxurious accommodations, where everything is thought out to the smallest details. The interior is very modern and new with very cool decor. Outside area is so beautiful, whether you are just hanging out by the pool or relaxing in the back garden surrounded by olive and citrus trees, you are…
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Absolutely gorgeous Villa, loved everything about it! Luxurious accommodations, where everything is thought out to the smallest details. The interior is very modern and new with very cool decor. Outside area is so beautiful, whether you are just hanging out by the pool or relaxing in the back garden surrounded by olive and citrus trees, you are guaranteed to feel absolute enjoyment and relaxation. The views from the pool are beyond description, uninterrupted view stretching all the way to the sea and surrounding neighborhoods makes you feel like you are on top of Crete (literally:) We had daily breakfast cooked for us by the owners fiancé, who is a head chef at one of the top Heraklion restaurants and it was a perfect way to start each morning. And of course, not enough could be said about the owner!!! She went far and beyond what was expected to make us have an incredible stay in Crete. She recommended and booked wonderful restaurants for us, in-villa massages, recommended sight-seeing destinations, and even printed out ferry tickets which she delivered in early hours of the morning. Maria’s concierge skills are top notch and she made our stay at this already gorgeous villa with nothing left to be desired!!! We would definitely be back again!
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