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Villa Imperia Elounda

Греции, Крит, Лассити

пляж: 200m

Вилла Империя Элунда - это изысканная вилла в аренду, расположенная в заливе Элунда Крит. Роскошная вилла для отдыха легко сочетает в себе возвышенную красоту и комфорт с прекрасными окрестностями нетронутого Крита и великолепным видом на залив Элунда и остров Спиналонга. Виллы первого класса отличаются элегантным стилем и продуманы до мельчайших деталей, так что даже самому требовательному посетителю гарантируется отдых и хорошее самочувствие, которых он заслуживает.

Возрождение мифа о первоклассном критском гостеприимстве и обаянии, абсолютная красота и комфорт ждут вас на вилле Imperia Elounda с большими террасами и балконами, с которых открывается захватывающий и чарующий вид на сапфирово-голубое море залива Элунды. . Место, где роскошь становится искусством в совершенстве деталей: украшения ручной работы из дерева, мрамора и керамики.

Вилла Imperia Elounda отличается более роскошным интерьером и большей внешней площадью.

Двухуровневый верхний этаж, где находится вход, представляет собой открытую планировку с просторной гостиной с открытым камином, телевизором с плоским экраном и удобной мебелью; столовая и полностью оборудованная кухня с холодильником/морозильником, духовкой, посудомоечной машиной, кофеваркой, чайником, тостером, миксером, а также всеми необходимыми кухонными принадлежностями; Двери террасы ведут на меблированную верхнюю веранду с великолепным видом на залив Элунды и его бирюзово-голубое море, с островком Спиналонга, стратегически расположенным посередине. Три ступени ведут в первую главную спальню с балконом, спальню с двумя односпальными кроватями и ванную комнату с туалетом.

На уровень земли можно подняться по лестнице, где находятся вторая главная спальня, оздоровительный центр и второй туалет. В велнес-зале и главной спальне есть террасные двери, ведущие на меблированную террасу на первом этаже с частным бассейном и великолепным видом на окрестности.


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Греции, Крит, Лассити

Ближайшие места

пляж 200m
Ресторан 300m
Рынок 300m
Аэропорт 70km
Порт 73km

Местные услуги

Банкомат/банк • Услуги прачечной • Фитнес-центр • Спа • Медицинские услуги • Аптека • Рынок • Мини-рынок

Местные достопримечательности и развлечения

Морские прогулки • Рестораны • Игровые площадки • Церкви • Винные туры • Водные виды спорта • Плавание • Аренда яхты • Музеи • Бары • Пляжные бары • Пристань • Аквапарки • Верховая езда • Подводное плавание с аквалангом • Гольф • Рыбалка • Катание на водных мотоциклах • Катание на водных лыжах • Плавание под парусом • Теннис • Виндсерфинг • Ежедневная морская прогулка • Клубы

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Oтзыва: 10 / 10

Villa Imperia Elounda

Греции, Крит, Лассити

Все отзывы

Alex R.
Oct 2024

Well appointed villa, the location is perfect and the views over Spinalonga and the bay were spectacular.

This villa is incredible. Our four-person family thoroughly enjoyed it. This is more of a premium hotel quality thanks to prompt and kind communication with the owner family and daily service for cleaning the pool. I'm grateful. The three bedrooms and…
This villa is incredible. Our four-person family thoroughly enjoyed it. This is more of a premium hotel quality thanks to prompt and kind communication with the owner family and daily service for cleaning the pool. I'm grateful. The three bedrooms and two bathrooms in the house comfortably sleep six people. There is a lot of room. A pool, garden, terrace, and view are all fantastic additions. The environment is even more like an advertisement. From Heraklion, the trip takes 45–1 hour from the airport. Agios Nikelaous is 20 minutes away. About a 1.5 to 2 hour journey to the south. Despite being delightfully tucked away in the hills, Plaka Beach is just a short stroll away.
Mario D.
Oct 2024

Bound to return.!

This site is incredible. Our four-person family thoroughly enjoyed it. This is more of a premium hotel quality thanks to prompt and kind communication with the owner's family and daily service for cleaning the pool. I'm grateful. The three bedrooms and…
This site is incredible. Our four-person family thoroughly enjoyed it. This is more of a premium hotel quality thanks to prompt and kind communication with the owner's family and daily service for cleaning the pool. I'm grateful. The three bedrooms and two bathrooms in the house comfortably sleep six people. There is a lot of room. A pool, garden, terrace, and view are all fantastic additions. The environment is even more like an advertisement. From Heraklion, the trip takes 45–1 hour from the airport. Agios Nikolaos is 20 minutes away. About a 1.5 to 2 hour journey to the south. Plaka Beach is just a short stroll away.
Dimitri T.
Sep 2024

It would be beneficial to stay here.

The villa is stunning and opulent, quite roomy, with an amazing outlook and a large pool. It includes all the features you need for a comfortable and happy stay. Positively, it is immaculately clean.
Katherine R.
Jun 2024

Amazing stay!

The location is convenient to the beach and a town with excellent restaurants, and the view is fantastic. The host was wonderful and easy to reach, and the villa was fantastic and immaculate. We had a lovely visit and encountered no problems at all.
Alex R.
Oct 2024

Well appointed villa, the location is perfect and the views over Spinalonga and the bay were spectacular.

10 / 10

This villa is incredible. Our four-person family thoroughly enjoyed it. This is more of a premium hotel quality thanks to prompt and kind communication with the owner family and daily service for cleaning the pool. I'm grateful. The three bedrooms and two bathrooms in the house comfortably sleep six people. There is a lot of room. A pool, garden, terrace…
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This villa is incredible. Our four-person family thoroughly enjoyed it. This is more of a premium hotel quality thanks to prompt and kind communication with the owner family and daily service for cleaning the pool. I'm grateful. The three bedrooms and two bathrooms in the house comfortably sleep six people. There is a lot of room. A pool, garden, terrace, and view are all fantastic additions. The environment is even more like an advertisement. From Heraklion, the trip takes 45–1 hour from the airport. Agios Nikelaous is 20 minutes away. About a 1.5 to 2 hour journey to the south. Despite being delightfully tucked away in the hills, Plaka Beach is just a short stroll away.
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Mario D.
Oct 2024

Bound to return.!

10 / 10

This site is incredible. Our four-person family thoroughly enjoyed it. This is more of a premium hotel quality thanks to prompt and kind communication with the owner's family and daily service for cleaning the pool. I'm grateful. The three bedrooms and two bathrooms in the house comfortably sleep six people. There is a lot of room. A pool, garden,…
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This site is incredible. Our four-person family thoroughly enjoyed it. This is more of a premium hotel quality thanks to prompt and kind communication with the owner's family and daily service for cleaning the pool. I'm grateful. The three bedrooms and two bathrooms in the house comfortably sleep six people. There is a lot of room. A pool, garden, terrace, and view are all fantastic additions. The environment is even more like an advertisement. From Heraklion, the trip takes 45–1 hour from the airport. Agios Nikolaos is 20 minutes away. About a 1.5 to 2 hour journey to the south. Plaka Beach is just a short stroll away.
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Dimitri T.
Sep 2024

It would be beneficial to stay here.

10 / 10

The villa is stunning and opulent, quite roomy, with an amazing outlook and a large pool. It includes all the features you need for a comfortable and happy stay. Positively, it is immaculately clean.
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