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Villa Imperia Elounda

Griechenland, Kreta, Lasithi

Strand: 200m

Villa Imperia Elounda ist eine anspruchsvolle Villa zur Miete in der Bucht von Elounda auf Kreta. Die luxuriöse Ferienvilla verbindet mühelos erhabene Schönheit und Komfort mit der schönen Umgebung des unberührten Kretas und einem großartigen Blick über die Bucht von Elounda und die Insel Spinalonga. Die erstklassigen Villen zeichnen sich durch einen eleganten Stil aus und sind bis ins kleinste Detail gepflegt, so dass auch dem anspruchsvollsten Besucher die Entspannung und das Wohlbefinden garantiert sind, die er verdient.

In der Villa Imperia Elounda erwarten Sie absolute Schönheit und Komfort, die den Mythos erstklassiger kretischer Gastfreundschaft und Charme wieder zum Leben erwecken, mit großen Terrassen und privaten Balkonen, die einen spektakulären und bezaubernden Blick über das saphirblaue Meer der Bucht von Elounda bieten . Ein Ort, an dem Luxus in der Exzellenz des Details zur Kunst wird: von Hand aufgetragene Dekorationen aus Holz, Marmor und Keramik.

Villa Imperia Elounda hat ein luxuriöseres Interieur, während die umgebende Außenfläche größer ist.

Das auf zwei Ebenen aufgeteilte Obergeschoss, in dem sich der Eingang befindet, ist ein offener Raum mit einem großzügigen Wohnbereich mit offenem Kamin, Flachbildfernseher und komfortabler Einrichtung; einen Essbereich und eine voll ausgestattete Küche mit Kühl-/Gefrierschrank, Backofen, Geschirrspüler, Kaffeemaschine, Wasserkocher, Toaster, Mixer sowie allen notwendigen Küchenutensilien; Die Terrassentüren führen auf die möblierte obere Veranda mit herrlichem Blick über die Bucht von Elounda und ihr türkisblaues Meer, mit der strategisch günstig in der Mitte platzierten Insel Spinalonga. Drei Stufen führen zum ersten Hauptschlafzimmer mit Balkon, einem Schlafzimmer mit zwei Einzelbetten und einem Badezimmer mit Toilette.

Das Erdgeschoss ist über eine Treppe erreichbar, wo sich das zweite Hauptschlafzimmer, der Wellnessraum und eine zweite Toilette befinden. Der Wellnessraum und das Hauptschlafzimmer haben Terrassentüren, die auf die ebenerdige, möblierte Terrasse mit privatem Swimmingpool und ebenfalls herrlichem Blick auf die Umgebung führen.


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Griechenland, Kreta, Lasithi

Orte in der Nähe

Strand 200m
Restaurant 300m
Supermarkt 300m
Flughafen 70km
Hafen 73km

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Kreuzfahrten • Restaurants • Spielplätze • Kirchen • Weingut-Touren • Wassersport • Schwimmen • Yachtcharter • Museen • Bars • Beach Bars • Yachthafen • Wasserparks • Reiten • Tauchen • Golf • Angeln • Jetski fahren • Wasserski • Segeln • Tennis • Windsurfen • Tägliche Kreuzfahrten • Clubs

Was die Gäste sagen

Bewertungen: 10 / 10

Villa Imperia Elounda

Griechenland, Kreta, Lasithi

Alle Bewertungen

Alex R.
Oct 2024

Well appointed villa, the location is perfect and the views over Spinalonga and the bay were spectacular.

This villa is incredible. Our four-person family thoroughly enjoyed it. This is more of a premium hotel quality thanks to prompt and kind communication with the owner family and daily service for cleaning the pool. I'm grateful. The three bedrooms and…
This villa is incredible. Our four-person family thoroughly enjoyed it. This is more of a premium hotel quality thanks to prompt and kind communication with the owner family and daily service for cleaning the pool. I'm grateful. The three bedrooms and two bathrooms in the house comfortably sleep six people. There is a lot of room. A pool, garden, terrace, and view are all fantastic additions. The environment is even more like an advertisement. From Heraklion, the trip takes 45–1 hour from the airport. Agios Nikelaous is 20 minutes away. About a 1.5 to 2 hour journey to the south. Despite being delightfully tucked away in the hills, Plaka Beach is just a short stroll away.
Mario D.
Oct 2024

Bound to return.!

This site is incredible. Our four-person family thoroughly enjoyed it. This is more of a premium hotel quality thanks to prompt and kind communication with the owner's family and daily service for cleaning the pool. I'm grateful. The three bedrooms and…
This site is incredible. Our four-person family thoroughly enjoyed it. This is more of a premium hotel quality thanks to prompt and kind communication with the owner's family and daily service for cleaning the pool. I'm grateful. The three bedrooms and two bathrooms in the house comfortably sleep six people. There is a lot of room. A pool, garden, terrace, and view are all fantastic additions. The environment is even more like an advertisement. From Heraklion, the trip takes 45–1 hour from the airport. Agios Nikolaos is 20 minutes away. About a 1.5 to 2 hour journey to the south. Plaka Beach is just a short stroll away.
Dimitri T.
Sep 2024

It would be beneficial to stay here.

The villa is stunning and opulent, quite roomy, with an amazing outlook and a large pool. It includes all the features you need for a comfortable and happy stay. Positively, it is immaculately clean.
Katherine R.
Jun 2024

Amazing stay!

The location is convenient to the beach and a town with excellent restaurants, and the view is fantastic. The host was wonderful and easy to reach, and the villa was fantastic and immaculate. We had a lovely visit and encountered no problems at all.
Alex R.
Oct 2024

Well appointed villa, the location is perfect and the views over Spinalonga and the bay were spectacular.

10 / 10

This villa is incredible. Our four-person family thoroughly enjoyed it. This is more of a premium hotel quality thanks to prompt and kind communication with the owner family and daily service for cleaning the pool. I'm grateful. The three bedrooms and two bathrooms in the house comfortably sleep six people. There is a lot of room. A pool, garden, terrace…
This villa is incredible. Our four-person family thoroughly enjoyed it. This is more of a premium hotel quality thanks to prompt and kind communication with the owner family and daily service for cleaning the pool. I'm grateful. The three bedrooms and two bathrooms in the house comfortably sleep six people. There is a lot of room. A pool, garden, terrace, and view are all fantastic additions. The environment is even more like an advertisement. From Heraklion, the trip takes 45–1 hour from the airport. Agios Nikelaous is 20 minutes away. About a 1.5 to 2 hour journey to the south. Despite being delightfully tucked away in the hills, Plaka Beach is just a short stroll away.
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Mario D.
Oct 2024

Bound to return.!

10 / 10

This site is incredible. Our four-person family thoroughly enjoyed it. This is more of a premium hotel quality thanks to prompt and kind communication with the owner's family and daily service for cleaning the pool. I'm grateful. The three bedrooms and two bathrooms in the house comfortably sleep six people. There is a lot of room. A pool, garden,…
This site is incredible. Our four-person family thoroughly enjoyed it. This is more of a premium hotel quality thanks to prompt and kind communication with the owner's family and daily service for cleaning the pool. I'm grateful. The three bedrooms and two bathrooms in the house comfortably sleep six people. There is a lot of room. A pool, garden, terrace, and view are all fantastic additions. The environment is even more like an advertisement. From Heraklion, the trip takes 45–1 hour from the airport. Agios Nikolaos is 20 minutes away. About a 1.5 to 2 hour journey to the south. Plaka Beach is just a short stroll away.
weniger lesen...
Dimitri T.
Sep 2024

It would be beneficial to stay here.

10 / 10

The villa is stunning and opulent, quite roomy, with an amazing outlook and a large pool. It includes all the features you need for a comfortable and happy stay. Positively, it is immaculately clean.
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