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Nuez Villa II Crete

Греции, Крит, Лассити

пляж: 650m

Двухэтажная вилла Nuez на Крите сочетает в себе одновременно грубую и гладкую эстетику. Структуры были наполнены смесью теплого бетона цвета слоновой кости и традиционных камней острова, а геометрические линии создают непринужденную связь с природой.


Виллы Nuez — настоящее доказательство того, что красота заключается в простоте. Создатели этого совершенно нового проекта были вдохновлены природным окружением, а также нетронутой красотой критского пейзажа. Воздействие моря и ощущение соленого воздуха вместе с землистыми и бальзамическими ароматами местных ароматических трав гармонично сочетаются с архитектурным языком двух объектов. Смесь органических тканей, хлопка и льна украшает кровать и шторы, а деревянная мебель и узоры землистых тонов создают уединенное убежище для расслабления. контраст между нейтральным серым, песочным и оттенками слоновой кости»

Натуральные поверхности и палитра успокаивающих оттенков сочетаются в ванных комнатах, где встроенная ванна и роскошный тропический душ придают интерьеру соблазнительную атмосферу. Добавьте дополнительный слой глубины черной металлической отделке и создайте гладкий и минималистичный вид. Перемещаясь снаружи во внутренние помещения, концепция жизни внутри и снаружи воплощается в структуре с массивными раздвижными дверями, которые соединяют внутреннюю часть с ландшафтом и создают иллюзию жизни на природе

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Греции, Крит, Лассити

Ближайшие места

пляж 650m
Ресторан 600m
Рынок 600m
Аэропорт 29km
Порт 29.5km

Местные услуги

Банкомат/банк • Почта • Продуктовые магазины • Услуги прачечной • Фитнес-центр • Спа • Медицинские услуги • Больница • Няня • Аптека • Полиция • Рынок • Мини-рынок

Местные достопримечательности и развлечения

Рестораны • Игровые площадки • Церкви • Винные туры • Водные виды спорта • Плавание • Серфинг, кайтсерфинг • Аренда яхты • Музеи • Пляжные бары • Библиотека • Пристань • Аквапарки • Подводное плавание с аквалангом • Рыбалка • Катание на водных мотоциклах • Катание на водных лыжах • Плавание под парусом • Дайвинг • Виндсерфинг

Что говорят наши клиенты

Oтзыва: 10 / 10

Nuez Villa II Crete

Греции, Крит, Лассити

Все отзывы

Corey R.
Oct 2024

Loved the place, absolutely beautiful

everything you see in the photos don’t amount to the real life. Angelina and crew were amazing, fabulous hostess. Thank you for everything and I will be returning and to the peaceful town of Mochlos
Shay P.
Sep 2024

Thank you for a vacation that exceeded all expectations.

The village itself, a real gem, of pleasant peace and good people. And the villa, oh the villa, is built with good taste while paying attention to the smallest details, it is felt that a lot of love was invested in it. The pool is refreshing, the view…
The village itself, a real gem, of pleasant peace and good people. And the villa, oh the villa, is built with good taste while paying attention to the smallest details, it is felt that a lot of love was invested in it. The pool is refreshing, the view leaves you speechless, and the refreshments basket was spectacular. We were blessed with an extraordinary week that we will never forget
Keonna T.
Jul 2024

We can’t wait to come back soon!

I cannot say enough about how amazing Angelina was as a host! She answered all of my questions and assisted me with everything I needed in Greece. She gave us great tips for food and travel and we were greeted by her and a beautiful welcome basket. The…
I cannot say enough about how amazing Angelina was as a host! She answered all of my questions and assisted me with everything I needed in Greece. She gave us great tips for food and travel and we were greeted by her and a beautiful welcome basket. The house was so awesome and the views were breathtaking. We spent so much time at the home and even enjoyed getting massages by an amazing masseuse. The village town of Mochlos was so nice and we enjoyed eating at a different tavern everyday. The local people were so kind and welcoming to our family. We fell in love with Mochlos and this property. Thank you again Angelina for being so great! I’ve never meet a host like her!
Cole F.
Jul 2024

A perfect place!

A perfect location and a wonderful staff. Clean and private. Exactly as beautiful as the pictures show. Private and only a short walk from town.
Corey R.
Oct 2024

Loved the place, absolutely beautiful

10 / 10

everything you see in the photos don’t amount to the real life. Angelina and crew were amazing, fabulous hostess. Thank you for everything and I will be returning and to the peaceful town of Mochlos
Shay P.
Sep 2024

Thank you for a vacation that exceeded all expectations.

10 / 10

The village itself, a real gem, of pleasant peace and good people. And the villa, oh the villa, is built with good taste while paying attention to the smallest details, it is felt that a lot of love was invested in it. The pool is refreshing, the view leaves you speechless, and the refreshments basket was spectacular. We were blessed with an extraordinary…
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The village itself, a real gem, of pleasant peace and good people. And the villa, oh the villa, is built with good taste while paying attention to the smallest details, it is felt that a lot of love was invested in it. The pool is refreshing, the view leaves you speechless, and the refreshments basket was spectacular. We were blessed with an extraordinary week that we will never forget
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Keonna T.
Jul 2024

We can’t wait to come back soon!

10 / 10

I cannot say enough about how amazing Angelina was as a host! She answered all of my questions and assisted me with everything I needed in Greece. She gave us great tips for food and travel and we were greeted by her and a beautiful welcome basket. The house was so awesome and the views were breathtaking. We spent so much time at the home and even…
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I cannot say enough about how amazing Angelina was as a host! She answered all of my questions and assisted me with everything I needed in Greece. She gave us great tips for food and travel and we were greeted by her and a beautiful welcome basket. The house was so awesome and the views were breathtaking. We spent so much time at the home and even enjoyed getting massages by an amazing masseuse. The village town of Mochlos was so nice and we enjoyed eating at a different tavern everyday. The local people were so kind and welcoming to our family. We fell in love with Mochlos and this property. Thank you again Angelina for being so great! I’ve never meet a host like her!
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