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Nuez Villa II Crete

Griechenland, Kreta, Lasithi

Strand: 650m

Die zweistöckige Villa Nuez auf Kreta erinnert gleichzeitig an eine raue und glatte Ästhetik, die Strukturen wurden mit einer Mischung aus warmem elfenbeinfarbenem Beton und traditionellen Steinen der Insel zusammen mit den geometrischen Linien durchdrungen, was zu einer mühelosen Verbindung mit der Natur führt.

Nuez Villas sind ein echter Beweis dafür, dass Schönheit in der Einfachheit liegt. Die Macher hinter diesem brandneuen Projekt ließen sich von der natürlichen Umgebung sowie der rauen Schönheit der kretischen Landschaft inspirieren. Die Nähe zum Meer und das Gefühl der salzigen Luft entlang der erdigen und balsamischen Düfte der lokalen aromatischen Kräuter fügen sich harmonisch in die architektonische Sprache der beiden Anwesen ein. Eine Mischung aus Bio-Stoffen, Baumwolle und Leinen schmückt das Bett und die Vorhänge, während die Holzmöbel und erdigen Farbmuster einen privaten, entspannten Rückzugsort schaffen. Das Gefühl von Ruhe und Entspannung wird dank der Holzmöbel, des Mörtelbodens und des Zimmers verstärkt Kontrast zwischen dem neutralen Grau, den Sand- und Elfenbeintönen“

Die natürlichen Oberflächen und eine beruhigende Farbpalette sind in den Badezimmern konsistent, wo die eingebaute Badewanne und die luxuriösen Regenduschen das verführerische Ambiente der Innenräume erhöhen. Fügen Sie den schwarzen Metalloberflächen eine zusätzliche Schicht Tiefe hinzu und bieten Sie ein elegantes und minimalistisches Gefühl. Von außen zu den Innenräumen übergehend, wird das Konzept des Innen-Außen-Lebens in eine Struktur mit massiven Schiebetüren übersetzt, die das Innere mit der Landschaft verbinden und die Illusion vermitteln, in der Natur zu leben

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Griechenland, Kreta, Lasithi

Orte in der Nähe

Strand 650m
Restaurant 600m
Supermarkt 600m
Flughafen 29km
Hafen 29.5km

Lokale Dienstleistungen

Geldautomat/Bank • Post • Lebensmittel • Wäscherei Dienstleistungen • Sportstudio • Spa • Medizinische Dienstleistungen • Krankenhaus • Babysitter • Apotheke • Polizei • Markt • Minimarkt

Lokale Sehenswürdigkeiten & Aktivitäten

Restaurants • Spielplätze • Kirchen • Weingut-Touren • Wassersport • Schwimmen • Surfen, Kite-Surfen • Yachtcharter • Museen • Beach Bars • Bibliothek • Yachthafen • Wasserparks • Tauchen • Angeln • Jetski fahren • Wasserski • Segeln • Tauchen • Windsurfen

Was die Gäste sagen

Bewertungen: 10 / 10

Nuez Villa II Crete

Griechenland, Kreta, Lasithi

Alle Bewertungen

Corey R.
Oct 2024

Loved the place, absolutely beautiful

everything you see in the photos don’t amount to the real life. Angelina and crew were amazing, fabulous hostess. Thank you for everything and I will be returning and to the peaceful town of Mochlos
Shay P.
Sep 2024

Thank you for a vacation that exceeded all expectations.

The village itself, a real gem, of pleasant peace and good people. And the villa, oh the villa, is built with good taste while paying attention to the smallest details, it is felt that a lot of love was invested in it. The pool is refreshing, the view…
The village itself, a real gem, of pleasant peace and good people. And the villa, oh the villa, is built with good taste while paying attention to the smallest details, it is felt that a lot of love was invested in it. The pool is refreshing, the view leaves you speechless, and the refreshments basket was spectacular. We were blessed with an extraordinary week that we will never forget
Keonna T.
Jul 2024

We can’t wait to come back soon!

I cannot say enough about how amazing Angelina was as a host! She answered all of my questions and assisted me with everything I needed in Greece. She gave us great tips for food and travel and we were greeted by her and a beautiful welcome basket. The…
I cannot say enough about how amazing Angelina was as a host! She answered all of my questions and assisted me with everything I needed in Greece. She gave us great tips for food and travel and we were greeted by her and a beautiful welcome basket. The house was so awesome and the views were breathtaking. We spent so much time at the home and even enjoyed getting massages by an amazing masseuse. The village town of Mochlos was so nice and we enjoyed eating at a different tavern everyday. The local people were so kind and welcoming to our family. We fell in love with Mochlos and this property. Thank you again Angelina for being so great! I’ve never meet a host like her!
Cole F.
Jul 2024

A perfect place!

A perfect location and a wonderful staff. Clean and private. Exactly as beautiful as the pictures show. Private and only a short walk from town.
Corey R.
Oct 2024

Loved the place, absolutely beautiful

10 / 10

everything you see in the photos don’t amount to the real life. Angelina and crew were amazing, fabulous hostess. Thank you for everything and I will be returning and to the peaceful town of Mochlos
Shay P.
Sep 2024

Thank you for a vacation that exceeded all expectations.

10 / 10

The village itself, a real gem, of pleasant peace and good people. And the villa, oh the villa, is built with good taste while paying attention to the smallest details, it is felt that a lot of love was invested in it. The pool is refreshing, the view leaves you speechless, and the refreshments basket was spectacular. We were blessed with an extraordinary…
The village itself, a real gem, of pleasant peace and good people. And the villa, oh the villa, is built with good taste while paying attention to the smallest details, it is felt that a lot of love was invested in it. The pool is refreshing, the view leaves you speechless, and the refreshments basket was spectacular. We were blessed with an extraordinary week that we will never forget
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Keonna T.
Jul 2024

We can’t wait to come back soon!

10 / 10

I cannot say enough about how amazing Angelina was as a host! She answered all of my questions and assisted me with everything I needed in Greece. She gave us great tips for food and travel and we were greeted by her and a beautiful welcome basket. The house was so awesome and the views were breathtaking. We spent so much time at the home and even…
I cannot say enough about how amazing Angelina was as a host! She answered all of my questions and assisted me with everything I needed in Greece. She gave us great tips for food and travel and we were greeted by her and a beautiful welcome basket. The house was so awesome and the views were breathtaking. We spent so much time at the home and even enjoyed getting massages by an amazing masseuse. The village town of Mochlos was so nice and we enjoyed eating at a different tavern everyday. The local people were so kind and welcoming to our family. We fell in love with Mochlos and this property. Thank you again Angelina for being so great! I’ve never meet a host like her!
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