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Τιμή: Κατόπιν αίτησης

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Villa Ferraia Tuscany

Ιταλία, Τοσκάνη, Περιοχή Σιένα


Villa Ferraia Τοσκάνη, η οποία προσφέρει μια γεύση από την παλιά Τοσκάνη. Βρίσκεται στις κοιλάδες του ποταμού Merse, στα νότια της επαρχίας της Σιένα, όχι μακριά από το Montalcino και την Pienza. Δεν πρόκειται να συναντήσετε το μέρος τυχαία, βρίσκεται πολύ μακριά από την καλή διαδρομή. Εκεί η ζωή ακολουθεί τους ρυθμούς της φύσης, σύμφωνα με την αρχαία ρωμαϊκή έννοια του ωτίου, του ελεύθερου χρόνου και του χρόνου που απαιτούνται για την αποκατάσταση του σώματος και του νου. Εδώ μπορείτε να βρείτε λόφους, δάση, λίμνες, άγρια ​​ζώα, λαχανόκηπους, περιβόλια και ιδιωτικό αστρονομικό παρατηρητήριο.

Ιδανικό για φίλους σε γάμους διακοπών ή προορισμών, για συγκεντρώσεις αστέρων, μαθήματα γιόγκα ή ομάδες κινήτρων, για διευθυντές που πρέπει να φορτίσουν τις μπαταρίες τους, για προγράμματα οικοδόμησης ομάδων, μικρής κλίμακας συναντήσεις ή πρωτότυπες εκδηλώσεις. Η Villa Ferraia Tuscany δημιούργησε ξανά την έννοια του ωτίου ως μια εμπειρία για να θρέψει το πνεύμα. Οι κοινόχρηστοι χώροι ενθαρρύνουν συναντήσεις, ευκολία και επαφή μεταξύ των επισκεπτών. Η σάουνα και η πισίνα σας βοηθούν να χαλαρώσετε και να αποτοξινωθείτε. τη φύση και τα αστέρια για να έρθετε ξανά σε επαφή με τον κόσμο.

Μια κατοικία σε ένα παρθένο περιβάλλον, που προσφέρει υπερσύγχρονες ανέσεις και τεχνολογίες. Βρίσκεται στα νότια της ιστορικής πόλης της Σιένα, στην κορυφή ενός λόφου με θέα 360 μοιρών στο απαλά κυλιόμενο τοπίο της Τοσκάνης. Δεν είναι απλώς μια αποκλειστική ιδιωτική βίλα, αλλά ένα μέρος στο οποίο μπορείτε να γνωρίσετε τις αρχαίες τοπικές παραδόσεις, να μάθετε τα μυστικά της κηπουρικής λαχανικών, να απολαύσετε τα έντονα αρώματα των πολυάριθμων παλιών ποικιλιών τριαντάφυλλων που φυτρώνουν στον κήπο, αφήστε τον εαυτό σας να περιποιηθεί Τα ρωμαϊκά λουτρά και η σάουνα χτισμένη από φυσικό ξύλο, περνούν τις νύχτες κοιτώντας τα αστέρια και όμως παραμένουν συνδεδεμένες με τον υπόλοιπο κόσμο με μια ασύρματη υπηρεσία διαδικτύου.

Για τους επισκέπτες της αρχαίας κατοικίας, κομψοί εσωτερικοί χώροι από φυσικά υλικά: πλακάκια από τερακότα, ξύλινα δοκάρια, σφυρήλατο σίδερο και μεγάλη προσοχή στους συνδυασμούς χρωμάτων. Δεκατέσσερα από τα δωμάτια της βίλας είναι μεγάλα (15-20 τ.μ.), με ευρύχωρα μπάνια με ιδιωτικό μπάνιο, γεμάτα φως και επιπλωμένα με κομμάτια εποχής. Κάθε λεπτομέρεια είναι ένας φόρος τιμής στους λάτρεις της φύσης: τα παράθυρα ανοίγουν στο πάρκο, τις πισίνες και το δάσος, που εκτείνονται μέχρι εκεί που μπορεί να δει το μάτι. Το Villa Ferraia είναι ένας μικρός οικισμός με τρία παρακείμενα κτίρια, στα οποία βρίσκονται τα υπνοδωμάτια, πολλά από τα οποία ανοίγουν άνετα σαλόνια: εδώ οι επισκέπτες μπορούν να καθίσουν σε άνετους καναπέδες δίπλα στο τζάκι για να διαβάσουν, να ακούσουν μουσική ή να πιουν καλό τοσκάνικο κρασί. Όλοι οι χώροι συνδυάζονται με την παράδοση και την πολυτέλεια: τηλεόραση επίπεδης οθόνης με δορυφορικές συνδέσεις, γρήγορη σύνδεση στο internet, λευκά είδη τοπικής παραγωγής, προϊόντα περιποίησης από ελαιόλαδο, ιδιωτικό μπάνιο με ντους και/ή μπανιέρα, στεγνωτήρα μαλλιών, ενδοδαπέδια θέρμανση με ζεστό νερό από λέβητα που τροφοδοτείται με βιομάζα και ηλιακά φωτοβολταϊκά και θερμικά πάνελ, καθώς και σύστημα ψύξης "με εφέ κελαριού", και πάλι κάτω από το δάπεδο (κατόπιν αιτήματος).

Ένα κέντρο ευεξίας με μια ποικιλία εγκαταστάσεων όλα βρίσκονται σε μικρή απόσταση το ένα από το άλλο: εσωτερικά θερμά λουτρά, δύο πισίνες με καταρράκτες, χαμάμ, αίθουσα γιόγκα και ένα πλήρως εξοπλισμένο γυμναστήριο. Αυτό από μόνο του θα ήταν αρκετό για να αξίζει μια επίσκεψη, αλλά η Villa Ferraia είναι πολύ περισσότερο.

Μακριά από τη φωτορύπανση της πόλης, το αστρονομικό παρατηρητήριο της Villa Ferraia, που βρίσκεται σε έναν λόφο που ξεπροβάλλει από το ξύλο σε ύψος 350 μ. από την επιφάνεια της θάλασσας, προσφέρει στους επισκέπτες του αξέχαστες εμπειρίες. Από αυτήν την προνομιακή θέση, είναι δυνατό να εξερευνήσετε τον ουρανό με την υπέροχη τεχνολογία ενός επαγγελματικού παρατηρητηρίου: ένα τηλεσκόπιο Meade LX 200 R14 ’’ f/10 με GPS. Κάμερα CCD για λήψεις σε βάθος ουρανού των πλανητών και του φεγγαριού με άμεση σύνδεση με μέγιστη οθόνη. δίκτυο οπτικών ινών που συνδέεται με την αίθουσα συνεδριάσεων. αίθουσα συσκέψεων χωρητικότητας είκοσι πέντε και γρήγορη σύνδεση στο Διαδίκτυο. Ένα μοναδικό χαρακτηριστικό αυτού του τόπου, το αστεροσκοπείο έχει επιλεγεί από τους U.A.I. (Ιταλική Ένωση Ερασιτεχνών Αστρονόμων) ως εγκατάσταση κατάλληλη για τη στέγαση συναντήσεων και συνεδρίων αστρονόμων.

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Ιταλία, Τοσκάνη, Περιοχή Σιένα

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ATM/Τράπεζα • Ταχυδρομείο • Παντοπωλείο • Καθαριστήριο • Γυμναστήριο • Σπα • Ιατρικές υπηρεσίες • Νοσοκομείο • Νταντά • Φαρμακείο • Αστυνομία • Αγορά • Μινιμάρκετ

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Εστιατόρια • Παιδικές χαρές • Εκκλησίες • Περιηγήσεις οινοποιείων • Κολύμπι • Περιηγήσεις σαφάρι • Κινηματογράφος • Μουσεία • Ιππασία • Γκολφ • Τένις • Ποδηλασία βουνού

Τι λένε οι επισκέπτες

Βαθμολογία: 10 / 10

Villa Ferraia Tuscany

Ιταλία, Τοσκάνη, Περιοχή Σιένα

Όλες οι κριτικές

Paula J
Mar 2024

Lovely early spring equestrian vacation

A beautiful place with lovely rooms and in great surroundings on top of a hill. In early March, the place was a bit quiet (only me and my friends), but the staff had all the more attention for us. Outside of the wind, which was strong at times, the weather…
A beautiful place with lovely rooms and in great surroundings on top of a hill. In early March, the place was a bit quiet (only me and my friends), but the staff had all the more attention for us. Outside of the wind, which was strong at times, the weather was also great and the temperature just right for trail riding. We had excellent meals and really fun long rides all over the hills, did lots of interesting sightseeing in the area guided by the manager Vittorio (who is quite a personality) and even had a lesson in astronomy on a wonderfully clear night. Warmly recommended!
Jul 2023

Worth every penny/euro.......doesn't get better than this!

My review will sound much like the others. The Villa is absolutely divine, lots of special indoor and outdoor spaces, stunning views, awesome pool(s), star gazing, yoga, and the most delicious food cooked right from their amazing farm and garden. As…
My review will sound much like the others. The Villa is absolutely divine, lots of special indoor and outdoor spaces, stunning views, awesome pool(s), star gazing, yoga, and the most delicious food cooked right from their amazing farm and garden. As many other folks have shared.....the owners made it incredible and accommoded all of our food allergies. They worked SO hard to serve us delicious breakfasts and dinners. I used to sneak into the kitchen just to watch them prepare. But here is the crazy thing. This was an extended family trip with 21 adults and 10 kids under 8. This Villa set up was perfect because the kids could roam and the parents could enjoy themselves. We ate every dinner under the stars and it was awesome because some kids went to bed, others played, watched a movie or danced outside. We could all be together or we could have our privacy. Day trips to Sienna, Florence or small tuscan towns was a breeze. I hope we can come back soon...and I hope Patrizia and Anna can come to California so we can spoil them!
Jul 2023

Worth every penny/euro.......doesn't get better than this!

My review will sound much like the others. The Villa is absolutely divine, lots of special indoor and outdoor spaces, stunning views, awesome pool(s), star gazing, yoga, and the most delicious food cooked right from their amazing farm and garden. As…
My review will sound much like the others. The Villa is absolutely divine, lots of special indoor and outdoor spaces, stunning views, awesome pool(s), star gazing, yoga, and the most delicious food cooked right from their amazing farm and garden. As many other folks have shared.....the owners made it incredible and accommoded all of our food allergies. They worked SO hard to serve us delicious breakfasts and dinners. I used to sneak into the kitchen just to watch them prepare. But here is the crazy thing. This was an extended family trip with 21 adults and 10 kids under 8. This Villa set up was perfect because the kids could roam and the parents could enjoy themselves. We ate every dinner under the stars and it was awesome because some kids went to bed, others played, watched a movie or danced outside. We could all be together or we could have our privacy. Day trips to Sienna, Florence or small tuscan towns was a breeze. I hope we can come back soon...and I hope Patrizia and Anna can come to California so we can spoil them!
Jun 2023

It was a most memorable experience!!!

I shy away from hyperbole, but there is no way to minimize our experience at Villa Ferraia in June of 2018. We descended on poor Vittorio, Patricia and Anna with a group of 29 people. Nothing was a problem for them. The food, the hospitality and the…
I shy away from hyperbole, but there is no way to minimize our experience at Villa Ferraia in June of 2018. We descended on poor Vittorio, Patricia and Anna with a group of 29 people. Nothing was a problem for them. The food, the hospitality and the setting the Villa were spectacular. We had parties inside and outside and it continued for a week. From the opening Cocktail party to the chef for a participatory cooking lesson/feast, recommendations on local places to visit, excellent breakfasts daily, gorgeous facilities, nightly fires by the fire pit, clean and modern amenities – – right up to the farewell dinner prepared by Patricia and Anna – – it simply could not have been better. We had good weather for day trips but the atmosphere at the Villa provided the base for the group members to relax, coalesce and enjoy. I think we expected to have a good time but the end result exceeded any possible expectations going in.
Jul 2022

It was an unforgettable experience!

The villa was absolutely amazing! The staff there was so friendly, helpful and great with our kids! We were very well-fed every day by the amazing chefs and we loved the gigantic pool! Swimming while surrounded by a field of lavender was truly relaxing…
The villa was absolutely amazing! The staff there was so friendly, helpful and great with our kids! We were very well-fed every day by the amazing chefs and we loved the gigantic pool! Swimming while surrounded by a field of lavender was truly relaxing. The staff took such good care of us. Ana especially was very attentive and always available to help. They were such special people! We would recommend the villa and the staff to anyone looking to travel to Italy--it was an unforgettable experience!
May 2022

A Very Special Experience!

My wife and i have traveled on equestrian getaways around the world. The week we spent at Villa Ferraia is one of the more memorable and enjoyable we have ever had. Vittorio, Patrizia and Anna were incredible hosts. Vittorio is larger than life, very…
My wife and i have traveled on equestrian getaways around the world. The week we spent at Villa Ferraia is one of the more memorable and enjoyable we have ever had. Vittorio, Patrizia and Anna were incredible hosts. Vittorio is larger than life, very engaging and funny. Patrizia's cooking was exceptional and Anna, so kind and helpful, led us on some wonderful rides. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. The Villa is outstanding. Very relaxing and beautiful, and the horses were exceptional. The Villa is approx 25 minutes from Siena, truly in the countryside. You have to drive approx 3 km on dirt roads to get there which adds to the remote nature, charm and security of the location. Once there, it is an oasis beyond imagination with spectacular views and privacy. Suffice to say, we loved it! Undoubtedly, you will to. You are in for a special treat! George & Debbie Lake Oswego, OR
George & Debbie
May 2022

A Very Special Experience!

My wife and i have traveled on equestrian getaways around the world. The week we spent at Villa Ferraia is one of the more memorable and enjoyable we have ever had. Vittorio, Patrizia and Anna were incredible hosts. Vittorio is larger than life, very…
My wife and i have traveled on equestrian getaways around the world. The week we spent at Villa Ferraia is one of the more memorable and enjoyable we have ever had. Vittorio, Patrizia and Anna were incredible hosts. Vittorio is larger than life, very engaging and funny. Patrizia's cooking was exceptional and Anna, so kind and helpful, led us on some wonderful rides. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. The Villa is outstanding. Very relaxing and beautiful, and the horses were exceptional. The Villa is approx 25 minutes from Siena, truly in the countryside. You have to drive approx 3 km on dirt roads to get there which adds to the remote nature, charm and security of the location. Once there, it is an oasis beyond imagination with spectacular views and privacy. Suffice to say, we loved it! Undoubtedly, you will to. You are in for a special treat! George & Debbie Lake Oswego, OR
David W
May 2022

Exceeded all expectations

Our recent stay at Villa Ferraia for a 5 day equestrian based holiday exceeded all expectations on all fronts! As a regular user of Trip Adviser for making holiday and business destination decisions, I would not lightly use 'excellent' and 'five star'…
Our recent stay at Villa Ferraia for a 5 day equestrian based holiday exceeded all expectations on all fronts! As a regular user of Trip Adviser for making holiday and business destination decisions, I would not lightly use 'excellent' and 'five star', but our recent experience at Villa Ferraia deserves no less!!! If you are considering a high quality, equestrian based holiday in Tuscany, you will not be disappointed! Accommodation, meals, horses and tack, trails, guides, hosts and extra activities and visits all excellent and 5 star! Thank you Vittorio, Pattrizia and Anna for a wonderful and most memorable experience! David and Jodi (Australia)
Paula J
Mar 2022

Lovely early spring equestrian vacation

A beautiful place with lovely rooms and in great surroundings on top of a hill. In early March, the place was a bit quiet (only me and my friends), but the staff had all the more attention for us. Outside of the wind, which was strong at times, the weather…
A beautiful place with lovely rooms and in great surroundings on top of a hill. In early March, the place was a bit quiet (only me and my friends), but the staff had all the more attention for us. Outside of the wind, which was strong at times, the weather was also great and the temperature just right for trail riding. We had excellent meals and really fun long rides all over the hills, did lots of interesting sightseeing in the area guided by the manager Vittorio (who is quite a personality) and even had a lesson in astronomy on a wonderfully clear night. Warmly recommended!
Oct 2021

The most beautiful place in the world.

I stayed at the Villa in October. What a breathtaking experience. The beauty of the countryside is some of the most beautiful in Tuscany. From hiking, star gazing in the observatory, swimming, horse riding, wine tasting, and sight seeing, this Villa…
I stayed at the Villa in October. What a breathtaking experience. The beauty of the countryside is some of the most beautiful in Tuscany. From hiking, star gazing in the observatory, swimming, horse riding, wine tasting, and sight seeing, this Villa has it all. The beds are comfortable, the bath rooms are beautiful, and the view out every window is incredible. The food is outstanding. Is it possible to give a review 6 stars?
Paula J
Mar 2024

Lovely early spring equestrian vacation

10 / 10

A beautiful place with lovely rooms and in great surroundings on top of a hill. In early March, the place was a bit quiet (only me and my friends), but the staff had all the more attention for us. Outside of the wind, which was strong at times, the weather was also great and the temperature just right for trail riding. We had excellent meals and really…
δείτε περισσότερα...
A beautiful place with lovely rooms and in great surroundings on top of a hill. In early March, the place was a bit quiet (only me and my friends), but the staff had all the more attention for us. Outside of the wind, which was strong at times, the weather was also great and the temperature just right for trail riding. We had excellent meals and really fun long rides all over the hills, did lots of interesting sightseeing in the area guided by the manager Vittorio (who is quite a personality) and even had a lesson in astronomy on a wonderfully clear night. Warmly recommended!
διαβάστε λιγότερα...
Jul 2023

Worth every penny/euro.......doesn't get better than this!

10 / 10

My review will sound much like the others. The Villa is absolutely divine, lots of special indoor and outdoor spaces, stunning views, awesome pool(s), star gazing, yoga, and the most delicious food cooked right from their amazing farm and garden. As many other folks have shared.....the owners made it incredible and accommoded all of our food allergies…
δείτε περισσότερα...
My review will sound much like the others. The Villa is absolutely divine, lots of special indoor and outdoor spaces, stunning views, awesome pool(s), star gazing, yoga, and the most delicious food cooked right from their amazing farm and garden. As many other folks have shared.....the owners made it incredible and accommoded all of our food allergies. They worked SO hard to serve us delicious breakfasts and dinners. I used to sneak into the kitchen just to watch them prepare. But here is the crazy thing. This was an extended family trip with 21 adults and 10 kids under 8. This Villa set up was perfect because the kids could roam and the parents could enjoy themselves. We ate every dinner under the stars and it was awesome because some kids went to bed, others played, watched a movie or danced outside. We could all be together or we could have our privacy. Day trips to Sienna, Florence or small tuscan towns was a breeze. I hope we can come back soon...and I hope Patrizia and Anna can come to California so we can spoil them!
διαβάστε λιγότερα...
Jul 2023

Worth every penny/euro.......doesn't get better than this!

10 / 10

My review will sound much like the others. The Villa is absolutely divine, lots of special indoor and outdoor spaces, stunning views, awesome pool(s), star gazing, yoga, and the most delicious food cooked right from their amazing farm and garden. As many other folks have shared.....the owners made it incredible and accommoded all of our food allergies…
δείτε περισσότερα...
My review will sound much like the others. The Villa is absolutely divine, lots of special indoor and outdoor spaces, stunning views, awesome pool(s), star gazing, yoga, and the most delicious food cooked right from their amazing farm and garden. As many other folks have shared.....the owners made it incredible and accommoded all of our food allergies. They worked SO hard to serve us delicious breakfasts and dinners. I used to sneak into the kitchen just to watch them prepare. But here is the crazy thing. This was an extended family trip with 21 adults and 10 kids under 8. This Villa set up was perfect because the kids could roam and the parents could enjoy themselves. We ate every dinner under the stars and it was awesome because some kids went to bed, others played, watched a movie or danced outside. We could all be together or we could have our privacy. Day trips to Sienna, Florence or small tuscan towns was a breeze. I hope we can come back soon...and I hope Patrizia and Anna can come to California so we can spoil them!
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