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Τιμή: Κατόπιν αίτησης

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Inasia Beach Villa Samui

Ταϊλάνδη, Κο Σαμούι, Λίπα Νόι


Μέσα σε μια ήσυχη κατοικημένη περιοχή στο νησί, το Inasia Beach Villa Samui είναι μια πραγματικά εκπληκτική σύγχρονη βίλα σε ταϊλανδέζικο στιλ και η τέλεια επιλογή για μια ομάδα φίλων ή οικογενειών. Αυτή η βίλα 8 υπνοδωματίων με ιδιωτικούς χώρους, περίπτερα ενιαίας διαρρύθμισης και δύο ιδιωτικές πισίνες μπορεί να φιλοξενήσει έως 16 άτομα.

Η μονάδα "Beachfront" αποτελείται από 5 deluxe pavillon. Τρία από τα οποία περιλαμβάνουν τα υπνοδωμάτια (2 Master και 2 επισκέπτες). Ένα από τα υπνοδωμάτια Master έχει εκπληκτική θέα στον κήπο και στον ωκεανό με ένα πολυτελές μπάνιο στο πίσω μέρος (ντους και μπανιέρα) που οδηγεί απευθείας σε έναν ιδιωτικό κήπο "ζεν" για να απολαύσετε ένα χαλαρωτικό μασάζ. Το δεύτερο Master είναι πάνω από 2 επίπεδα. Μια αίθουσα ψυχαγωγίας βρίσκεται στον κάτω όροφο και ο χώρος ύπνου με κρεβάτι king size με ουρανό και ιδιωτικό μπάνιο (με ντους και μπανιέρα) στον επάνω όροφο. Δύο επιπλέον υπνοδωμάτια επισκεπτών με ιδιωτικό μπάνιο με ντους (ένα κρεβάτι king size με ουρανό και 2 μονά κρεβάτια) έχουν θέα στον κήπο. Το τέταρτο pavillon στεγάζει το σαλόνι. Άνετοι καναπέδες για να βλέπετε τηλεόραση, να διαβάζετε ένα βιβλίο, ενώ μεγάλες πτυσσόμενες γυάλινες πόρτες ανοίγουν από τις δύο πλευρές, επιτρέποντας στους επισκέπτες να συνδυάζουν εύκολα τον εσωτερικό και εξωτερικό χώρο. Το αριστούργημα αυτού του δωματίου είναι το εντυπωσιακό άγαλμα του Βούδα, ύψους 2,50 μέτρων, το οποίο υπογραμμίζει το ασιατικό πνεύμα της ιδιοκτησίας.

Το υπόλοιπο Pavillon φιλοξενεί την κουζίνα και την τραπεζαρία. Οι λάτρεις του φαγητού θα απολαύσουν το μαγείρεμα ή την εκμάθηση της ταϊλανδέζικης κουζίνας σε αυτή τη μοντέρνα και κομψή κουζίνα! Τόσο το καθιστικό όσο και η κουζίνα-τραπεζαρία έχουν θέα στην πισίνα υπερχείλισης, τη λευκή αμμώδη παραλία και τα περίφημα 5 νησιά του θαλάσσιου εθνικού πάρκου Ang Thong.

Η μονάδα "Θέα στον ωκεανό" συμβιβάζεται με 3 υπνοδωμάτια με ιδιωτικό μπάνιο (όλα με κρεβάτια king size) συν ένα επιπλέον δωμάτιο για νταντάδες ή εφήβους. Ο δεύτερος όροφος, με θέα στον ωκεανό, είναι το ιδανικό μέρος για όσους επισκέπτες επιθυμούν να επωφεληθούν από ένα ήσυχο καταφύγιο. Αυτός ο γενναιόδωρος χώρος lounge φιλοξενεί κουζίνα, τραπεζαρία και σαλόνι, όλα ανοίγουν στη βεράντα με θέα στην πισίνα και τη Sala. Στον επάνω όροφο, το κύριο υπνοδωμάτιο με κρεβάτι king size με ουρανό και ένα ιδιωτικό μπάνιο ανοίγει σε μπαλκόνι με δύο άνετες πολυθρόνες που απολαμβάνουν την υπέροχη θέα στη θάλασσα.

Τα πάντα για το India Beach Villa Samui αποπνέουν πολυτέλεια και αριστεία με συνδυασμό επώνυμων επίπλων (Philippe Stark - Ιταλικές αποκλειστικές μάρκες, Ταϊλανδέζοι καλλιτέχνες "Nouvelle vague") και διακοσμητικές ταϊλανδέζικες αντίκες. Όπου και αν μείνετε, θα σας γοητεύσει η κομψότητα της διακόσμησης, η επιλογή υλικών και η απαλή επίπλωση, ο συνδυασμός των χρωμάτων και η γαλήνια ατμόσφαιρα. Η μεγάλη βεράντα με το υπαίθριο μπαρ είναι ο ιδανικός χώρος για ένα ευχάριστο βράδυ με φίλους και οικογένεια. Οι δύο πισίνες υπερχείλισης διασφαλίζουν ότι όλοι μπορούν να απολαύσουν ένα ήσυχο μπάνιο ή διασκέδαση και παιχνίδια.

Ο διαχειριστής της βίλας Khun Rung και η αφοσιωμένη και επαγγελματική ομάδα της είναι εκεί για να ικανοποιήσουν όλες τις προσδοκίες και τις απαιτήσεις σας. Ένας προσωπικός σεφ ετοιμάζει νόστιμα γεύματα, είτε από το ποικίλο μενού της βίλας είτε κατά παραγγελία (με επιπλέον χρέωση). Απολαύστε πολυτέλεια και ελευθερία πλήρους εξυπηρέτησης, παρασύροντας ανάμεσα στην παραλία, την πισίνα και τους υπέροχους χώρους διαβίωσης στο δικό σας σύγχρονο παραθαλάσσιο καταφύγιο.

Δεν υπάρχει αμφιβολία, η Ινάσια είναι το ιδανικό μέρος για να απολαύσετε την τροπική νησιώτικη ζωή στο έπακρο! Το μέγεθος και οι εγκαταστάσεις της βίλας καθιστούν επίσης αυτό ένα εξαιρετικό μέρος για ρομαντικό, τροπικό γάμο ή ιδιωτική γιορτή.

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Ταϊλάνδη, Κο Σαμούι, Λίπα Νόι

Κοντινά Σημεία

Παραλία 10m
Εστιατόριο 500 m
Market 500m
Αεροδρόμιο 31.5 km
Λιμάνι 1 km

Τοπικές υπηρεσίες

ATM/Τράπεζα • Ταχυδρομείο • Παντοπωλείο • Καθαριστήριο • Γυμναστήριο • Σπα • Ιατρικές υπηρεσίες • Νοσοκομείο • Νταντά • Φαρμακείο • Αστυνομία • Αγορά • Μινιμάρκετ

Τοπικά αξιοθέατα και δραστηριότητες

Κρουαζιέρες • Εστιατόρια • Παιδικές χαρές • Εκκλησίες • Θαλάσσια σπορ • Κολύμπι • Σερφ, Κάιτ Σερφ • Ναύλωση Γιοτ • Περιηγήσεις σαφάρι • Κινηματογράφος • Μουσεία • Μπαρ • Μπαρ παραλίας • Βιβλιοθήκη • Μαρίνα • Θαλάσσια πάρκα • Ιππασία • Καταδύσεις • Γκολφ • Ψάρεμα • Τζετ σκι • Θαλάσσιο σκι • Ιστιοπλοΐα • Τένις • Ποδηλασία βουνού • Αλεξίπτωτο πλαγιάς • Κατάδυση • Ιστιοσανίδα • Ημερήσια κρουαζιέρα • Κλαμπ • Καζίνο

Τι λένε οι επισκέπτες

Βαθμολογία: 10 / 10

Inasia Beach Villa Samui

Ταϊλάνδη, Κο Σαμούι, Λίπα Νόι

Όλες οι κριτικές

Sep 2024

Amazing !

We stayed for 7 nights to celebrate a group 40th birthday. 8 ladies enjoying paradise! The villa was even better than expected and every detail was perfect. The pool area and beach were amazing and the food was the best Thai I’ve ever eaten. Thanks…
We stayed for 7 nights to celebrate a group 40th birthday. 8 ladies enjoying paradise! The villa was even better than expected and every detail was perfect. The pool area and beach were amazing and the food was the best Thai I’ve ever eaten. Thanks to Rung and the amazing villa staff.
Feb 2024

Perfect Stay

We’ve stayed at villas in Bali and Koh Samui before so we’ve had experience with luxury villas in Thailand / Indonesia... even then Inasia Beach Villa was the best we’ve stayed at. First of all, this place is right by the beach and it’s a…
We’ve stayed at villas in Bali and Koh Samui before so we’ve had experience with luxury villas in Thailand / Indonesia... even then Inasia Beach Villa was the best we’ve stayed at. First of all, this place is right by the beach and it’s a very nice beach with white sand. We’ve gone into the water everyday for kayaking, paddle boarding, swimming and sea shell collect and even some crab hunting. A lot of villas advise themselves as beach villas but not all beaches are equally nice. The beach here is top notch. We chartered a boat for snorkeling one day and the boat came to pick us up right in front of the villa! Next highlight would be the staff. Rung and her crew are extremely helpful and pleasant. The chef is amazing and I think each of us gained one kilo on average during our 6-day stay here. Everyday they prepared special and healthy dishes for the kids which tasted good too! One day we say some coconut on one of the coconut tree in the yard and I half jokingly asked if we can pick two for the kids. Next thing I know they brought out a ladder and actually picked some coconuts for us. The kids absolutely loved the fact that they can pick things directly from a tree and eat them! We loved everything about the villa. Some of the rooms aren’t the biggest but then again we didn’t spend any time in the rooms except for sleeping at night and maybe naps in the afternoon. Meals are charged at cost plus a 20% service fee which is great value. The spa contacts recommended by the villa is a bit pricy (1,700 THB for 90 minutes, which by HK standards is already amazing value) so we ventured out of the villa a bit and found a massage place and got them to come in for 500 THB for an hour. All in all, this has been a perfect stay and we are already planning on coming back again!
Michael Archie A
Feb 2023

Paradise Found

We stayed here for 3 nights for a group of 9 pax. Was well-worth the money. Excellent and efficient and friendly staff. Rung, the villa manager, attended to our every need to make us feel like home. We got the chef to do a multi-course Thai welcome dinner…
We stayed here for 3 nights for a group of 9 pax. Was well-worth the money. Excellent and efficient and friendly staff. Rung, the villa manager, attended to our every need to make us feel like home. We got the chef to do a multi-course Thai welcome dinner that did not disappoint. Some of the dishes that we tried (Masamam Curry, duck curry etc) were some of the best Thai food during our entire trip in Thailand. Second night got the villa staff to prepare for an all-white champagne dinner (one of the group members was proposing to his girlfriend). Villa staff did an amazing job with the setup by the pool, and once again produced a delicious feast for us. The daily breakfast by the chef was also excellent, with a choice of any style of eggs, cereals, juices, pastries, sausages, bacons, yogurts etc. Rooms are well-furnished and beautiful as well. Overall, 10/10. There is nothing that I could fault with the villa. Paradise found !
Aug 2022

Spectacular, better than pictures.

We were a big group of 15 (adults and children) and stayed at Inasia Villa for 2 weeks. It was nothing else but perfection. The Villa is amazing (decoration, comfy, view...) but the staff, they were as if they could reas our mind. They made al our wishes…
We were a big group of 15 (adults and children) and stayed at Inasia Villa for 2 weeks. It was nothing else but perfection. The Villa is amazing (decoration, comfy, view...) but the staff, they were as if they could reas our mind. They made al our wishes came true. Thank you Rung. Saying goodbye was very very sad.
Eric H
Nov 2021

sunset and white sand

Massive beach front villa overlooking a fine white sandy beach included a wonderful sunset. What do you need more to end the week end. The staff are so nice with us and the chef yes the chef crab delicious. The villa is so well design that even 6 of…
Massive beach front villa overlooking a fine white sandy beach included a wonderful sunset. What do you need more to end the week end. The staff are so nice with us and the chef yes the chef crab delicious. The villa is so well design that even 6 of us at privacy all over the week end.
Steven P
Feb 2021

Simply stunning!

From the villa, to the location, the staff and the food. We couldn't recommend Inasia any more. The first place i've been to where the images don't do it justice.
Jan 2021

Feeling carefree at a hotel class resort

Thanks to Philips, the director of Asia Market of Travel Keys, he introduced Villa Inasia to me. My mother in law cannot walk much. So front beach villa is just ideal for her. The villa is as good as I read from the reviews. It locates just in front…
Thanks to Philips, the director of Asia Market of Travel Keys, he introduced Villa Inasia to me. My mother in law cannot walk much. So front beach villa is just ideal for her. The villa is as good as I read from the reviews. It locates just in front of a long, nice beach where yacht can easily park / fetch passengers right in front of any villas along the beach coast! Maintenance at the villa is pretty good, not much difference from the pictures. Staff is very helpful and experience. The villa manager helped us to book a yacht to visit 5-islands, Koh Tan, Koh Massom. The yacht is amazingly clean / modern that equipped with fresh water shower, even better than yachts from the most prestige hotel - Conrad. I couldn't believe myself only went out for dinner for ONCE during our 5D/4N! So you can imagine how good is the chef, how attentive is the staff at the villa and how comfortable / carefree dining in your own private place? On my son's birthday, I had the team to organize a TREAT for him - a decent dinner with canapes as pre-dinner, a 10-minute firework plus some 'WISH' lanterns. Firework at this proximity - feeling like an ignorant kid walking in a loud, glamourous runway! The 'WISH' lanterns were a BIG surprise to everybody, can't be missed especially to one who is looking forward to something seriously. The greatest part of accommodating in a villa like this is ... I don't have to worry about what to wear, whether I am looking alright / is my make-up appropriate before I walk out my door for having my breakfast / lunch .., swimming in the commu pool (I always do whenever I lodge in a hotel, especially a classy hotel). This time, I just looked the way I am but feeling GREAT !
May 2019

Great place to stay and relax

Went here with a group of friends and stayed for 4 nights. The house itself is very luxurious, but the most special for me, was the service and the quality of the staff. The chef prepared some really nice breakfasts, lunches, snacks and dinners; probably…
Went here with a group of friends and stayed for 4 nights. The house itself is very luxurious, but the most special for me, was the service and the quality of the staff. The chef prepared some really nice breakfasts, lunches, snacks and dinners; probably the best food we have eaten on our trip through Thailand. Hi Pad Thai is the best evah! Rest of the staff was really friendly and always ready to help with anything. Make sure you have massages, go golfing and ask the chef to prepare his famous banana fritters with caramel sauce :-).
Sandy P
Oct 2018

Absolutely Divine

Wow what can I say.....the place is amazing with all the amenities and the staff and the chef are all very professional and go out of their way to make your stay memorable. Was there for a 50th Birthday celebrations and what fun we had. The rooms and…
Wow what can I say.....the place is amazing with all the amenities and the staff and the chef are all very professional and go out of their way to make your stay memorable. Was there for a 50th Birthday celebrations and what fun we had. The rooms and the common areas are all really top standard and kept impeccable. The beach is a stone's throw away and the pool is very nice. I would definitely stay here again on my next visit to Koh Samui.
Sep 2024

Amazing !

10 / 10

We stayed for 7 nights to celebrate a group 40th birthday. 8 ladies enjoying paradise! The villa was even better than expected and every detail was perfect. The pool area and beach were amazing and the food was the best Thai I’ve ever eaten. Thanks to Rung and the amazing villa staff.
Feb 2024

Perfect Stay

10 / 10

We’ve stayed at villas in Bali and Koh Samui before so we’ve had experience with luxury villas in Thailand / Indonesia... even then Inasia Beach Villa was the best we’ve stayed at. First of all, this place is right by the beach and it’s a very nice beach with white sand. We’ve gone into the water everyday for kayaking, paddle boarding…
δείτε περισσότερα...
We’ve stayed at villas in Bali and Koh Samui before so we’ve had experience with luxury villas in Thailand / Indonesia... even then Inasia Beach Villa was the best we’ve stayed at. First of all, this place is right by the beach and it’s a very nice beach with white sand. We’ve gone into the water everyday for kayaking, paddle boarding, swimming and sea shell collect and even some crab hunting. A lot of villas advise themselves as beach villas but not all beaches are equally nice. The beach here is top notch. We chartered a boat for snorkeling one day and the boat came to pick us up right in front of the villa! Next highlight would be the staff. Rung and her crew are extremely helpful and pleasant. The chef is amazing and I think each of us gained one kilo on average during our 6-day stay here. Everyday they prepared special and healthy dishes for the kids which tasted good too! One day we say some coconut on one of the coconut tree in the yard and I half jokingly asked if we can pick two for the kids. Next thing I know they brought out a ladder and actually picked some coconuts for us. The kids absolutely loved the fact that they can pick things directly from a tree and eat them! We loved everything about the villa. Some of the rooms aren’t the biggest but then again we didn’t spend any time in the rooms except for sleeping at night and maybe naps in the afternoon. Meals are charged at cost plus a 20% service fee which is great value. The spa contacts recommended by the villa is a bit pricy (1,700 THB for 90 minutes, which by HK standards is already amazing value) so we ventured out of the villa a bit and found a massage place and got them to come in for 500 THB for an hour. All in all, this has been a perfect stay and we are already planning on coming back again!
διαβάστε λιγότερα...
Michael Archie A
Feb 2023

Paradise Found

10 / 10

We stayed here for 3 nights for a group of 9 pax. Was well-worth the money. Excellent and efficient and friendly staff. Rung, the villa manager, attended to our every need to make us feel like home. We got the chef to do a multi-course Thai welcome dinner that did not disappoint. Some of the dishes that we tried (Masamam Curry, duck curry etc) were…
δείτε περισσότερα...
We stayed here for 3 nights for a group of 9 pax. Was well-worth the money. Excellent and efficient and friendly staff. Rung, the villa manager, attended to our every need to make us feel like home. We got the chef to do a multi-course Thai welcome dinner that did not disappoint. Some of the dishes that we tried (Masamam Curry, duck curry etc) were some of the best Thai food during our entire trip in Thailand. Second night got the villa staff to prepare for an all-white champagne dinner (one of the group members was proposing to his girlfriend). Villa staff did an amazing job with the setup by the pool, and once again produced a delicious feast for us. The daily breakfast by the chef was also excellent, with a choice of any style of eggs, cereals, juices, pastries, sausages, bacons, yogurts etc. Rooms are well-furnished and beautiful as well. Overall, 10/10. There is nothing that I could fault with the villa. Paradise found !
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