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Ban Suriya Samui

Таиланд, Кох Самуи, Липа Ной


Ban Suriya Samui - это роскошная вилла в аренду с 6 спальнями и частным бассейном. Вилла Ban Suriya, расположенная на живописном тропическом побережье, является квинтэссенцией роскоши. Уникально элегантная и превосходная архитектура Бан Сурия не перестает удивлять. Его экстравагантный дизайн захватывает дух с самого первого момента вашего приезда. Эта роскошная вилла, подходящая для семей и групп друзей до 14 человек, превзойдет даже самые большие из ваших ожиданий.

Расположенный рядом с мягким чистым песком безмятежного пляжа Липа Ной острова Самуи, Ban Suriya - это идеальное место для отдыха на берегу моря с великолепным видом на острова и идиллическими закатами. С шестью просторными спальнями, в которых могут с комфортом разместиться до 14 человек, это идеальное место для семейного отдыха или встречи друзей.

В Ban Suriya светлые и просторные интерьеры с высококачественными тканями и декоративными элементами ярких цветов - гостиная и столовая. Уникальные формы и узоры, а также стеклянные двери от пола до потолка создают прекрасную атмосферу, наполненную свежим океанским бризом. На этой вилле на Самуи, расположенной вокруг тенистого сада, огромной террасы, идеально подходящей для свадебных вечеринок, и частного пейзажного бассейна длиной 20 метров есть все: сверхэффективный персонал из семи человек, личный шеф-повар, пятизвездочная кухня, спа-салон. , домик на дереве для массажа, и все развлечения, которые вы можете проглотить. Бильярд, книги, DVD-плеер, полностью оборудованный фитнес-зал, игровая комната, док-станция для iPod, компьютер с принтером, игровая консоль, проектор, спутниковое телевидение, стереосистема, настольный теннис и Настольный футбол находится в помещении виллы.

Ban Suriya - это идеальная вилла на берегу великолепного, но тихого пляжа острова Самуи, Липа Ной. Эта вилла на Самуи выходит окнами на запад, на Сиамский залив, откуда открываются безграничные завораживающие виды на океан, усеянный островами. Он находится всего в пяти минутах от столицы Самуи Натон (идеально подходит для простых покупок) и в 50 минутах от Чавенга, самого популярного района острова с магазинами, ресторанами и ночными клубами. Липа Ной находится в 50 минутах езды от аэропорта Самуи, а пристань, откуда отправляются автомобильные паромы на материк, - в 12 минутах езды.

Вилла Ban Suriya - это гармоничное сочетание нетронутой красоты природы, окутанной безмятежными видами, с самой элегантной и роскошной современной архитектурой. Эта вилла с бесчисленными удобствами и роскошными удобствами и профессиональным персоналом - все, что вам нужно для вашего уединенного и расслабляющего отдыха.

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Таиланд, Кох Самуи, Липа Ной

Ближайшие места

пляж 50m
Ресторан 200 m
Рынок 500m
Аэропорт 31 km
Порт 2 km

Местные услуги

Банкомат/банк • Почта • Продуктовые магазины • Услуги прачечной • Фитнес-центр • Спа • Медицинские услуги • Больница • Няня • Аптека • Полиция • Рынок • Мини-рынок

Местные достопримечательности и развлечения

Морские прогулки • Рестораны • Игровые площадки • Церкви • Водные виды спорта • Плавание • Серфинг, кайтсерфинг • Аренда яхты • Сафари-туры • Кинотеатр • Музеи • Бары • Пляжные бары • Библиотека • Пристань • Аквапарки • Верховая езда • Подводное плавание с аквалангом • Гольф • Рыбалка • Катание на водных мотоциклах • Катание на водных лыжах • Плавание под парусом • Теннис • Маунтинбайкинг • Парапланеризм • Дайвинг • Виндсерфинг • Ежедневная морская прогулка • Клубы

Что говорят наши клиенты

Oтзыва: 10 / 10

Ban Suriya Samui

Таиланд, Кох Самуи, Липа Ной

Все отзывы

M and N Dimou
Aug 2024


My family and I had the pleasure of staying at this beautiful property for 3 nights. Tik, Chef A and all the staff are the warmest, most professional and hospitable people we have come to know. Thank you so much for such a memorable time and we plan…
My family and I had the pleasure of staying at this beautiful property for 3 nights. Tik, Chef A and all the staff are the warmest, most professional and hospitable people we have come to know. Thank you so much for such a memorable time and we plan on returning for a longer stay next holiday. As discussed with my family, it’s a piece of paradise we could easily visit every year. Thanks again so much and can’t wait until we meet again!
Mar 2024

Wow what a spectacular villa and staff, truly amazing.

Wow and wow and wow!! Where we we start. We had our wedding at Ban Suriya which was superb. We stayed for a week and the staff were so attentive and always there when needing help with anything. The food was one of the best meals ever, and everyone raved…
Wow and wow and wow!! Where we we start. We had our wedding at Ban Suriya which was superb. We stayed for a week and the staff were so attentive and always there when needing help with anything. The food was one of the best meals ever, and everyone raved about the chef and friends that popped by staying next door. The place is clean, Security all the time so no need to worry, and those sunsets and the entire villa and amenities was so good. I can’t recommend this place enough the staff, the location (quieter), for wedding with loads of space, for family and friends. It’s truly better than we ever expected. Can’t wait to have a reunion back there. We wish we were back there again. If you want the wow factor this has it! Thanks again to all the staff.
Jan 2024

The most amazing place!

This is one of the most amazing places I have ever stayed in (and I have stayed in a lot). The surroundings are so beautiful, the swaying palm trees in front of a quiet and clean beach. It makes you feel very relaxed and I loved walking barefoot through…
This is one of the most amazing places I have ever stayed in (and I have stayed in a lot). The surroundings are so beautiful, the swaying palm trees in front of a quiet and clean beach. It makes you feel very relaxed and I loved walking barefoot through the gardens to go to breakfast in the main villa. The rooms are all unique, which makes the "picking game" an exciting start to your stay. Has so many amenities to keep you busy throughout your stay. Stand-up paddleboard, pool table, table tennis, pool, big screen, gym and lots of hang out spots. But a place can have all these things, but wouldn't have been anything without the staff. The staff were amazing, accommodating, down to earth, and always a smile on their face. And our wedding was the most memorable day of our lives. We had about 60 people and it was absolutely magical. Thank you to Tik and her lovely staff. We said we'll be back for our 5 year anniversary, cause we want to experience it all again. =) Lots of love Nick & Sara
Jul 2023

Best villa we've stayed in

We have been lucky enough to stay in a number of villas across South East Asia, and the family agreed that Ban Suriya was our favourite. The gorgeous rooms & layout was perfect for our large family, we played soccer on the lawn, walked the beach front…
We have been lucky enough to stay in a number of villas across South East Asia, and the family agreed that Ban Suriya was our favourite. The gorgeous rooms & layout was perfect for our large family, we played soccer on the lawn, walked the beach front to Nikki Beach Club a few mins away (great food), played our own music through the speakers by the pool and most fun of all was the outdoor cinema they set up for us with beanbags. And of course the wonderful staff, led by Tik, who made the stay incredible. Our second time with Elite Havens management group, certainly the best company we've dealt with.
Ammar A
Mar 2023

Ester Break

A wonderful 6 bedroom villa which has all the amenities and comfort that you would need in a home. The staff were wonderful and at the helm was Tik who took care of all our needs without a hitch. The food was excellent, the staff were very professional…
A wonderful 6 bedroom villa which has all the amenities and comfort that you would need in a home. The staff were wonderful and at the helm was Tik who took care of all our needs without a hitch. The food was excellent, the staff were very professional and I would also like to thank Elite Havens who also took care of my daughters. I will definitely stay in this villa again and use Elite Havens again.
Julie G
Jan 2023

Loved Ban Suriya!

I recently visited Ban Suriya over the new year's holidays with a group of 12 friends and we had a blast! I can't say enough about Tik, the house manager or the level of service the broader staff gave our group. The villa itself is well though out and…
I recently visited Ban Suriya over the new year's holidays with a group of 12 friends and we had a blast! I can't say enough about Tik, the house manager or the level of service the broader staff gave our group. The villa itself is well though out and suits itself to both families or groups of friends. On New Year's Eve, we had fire dancers come and give us a private show on our beach, sent lanterns up into the sky, and had an amazing dinner put on for us by the staff. I stayed in the Wave room which is situated separate from the house (I was part of the only couple that attended). It was great--we woke up every morning with the beach as our main view. And we really weren't that far away from the house at all. Lazy days by the pool, on the beach, or sitting around the family style table in the main house talking and playing cards--we had an amazing and relaxing time! Highly recommend.
Laura G
Dec 2022

AMAZING STAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My wife and I chose Ban Suriya for our wedding venue. The year before our wedding, we traveled to Koh Samui to look at venues throughout the island. Being that it was occupied on the day that we were looking at different places, we were not able to tour…
My wife and I chose Ban Suriya for our wedding venue. The year before our wedding, we traveled to Koh Samui to look at venues throughout the island. Being that it was occupied on the day that we were looking at different places, we were not able to tour the grounds. We actually just walked across the private beach and look at the grounds from the beach! We absolutely fell in love and booked it immediately after we got back. Fast forward a year later, we checked in to Ban Suriya and that's when the magic started. We were traveling with very close friends and there were 8 of is that were staying there and everyone said that it was a trip of a lifetime (5 night booking). The villa was amazing in itself, the grounds, the accommodations, and the most important, the STAFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The staff is what made this place magical!!!!! They are truly there to make sure that you have a wonderful experience!!! the ENTIRE staff helped each other out and this is why it was just awesome. Our wedding was an amazing day and we had all our close friends and family (50 people) attend. It was on the grounds and everyone had such a great time. My wife and I and our close friends will be back surely. Thank you Tik (villa manager) and your wonderful staff in helping make our stay the best experience ever!!!
Michael B
Sep 2022

Amazing Villa, Amazing Staff, Amazing Food, Amazing Wedding Location

I wanted to give this 100 Star however it only goes to 5 Max. We recently had our wedding here and it was such an amazing spot for it. The Villa is located on the west side of the island so is away from the busy tourist areas and makes for some very…
I wanted to give this 100 Star however it only goes to 5 Max. We recently had our wedding here and it was such an amazing spot for it. The Villa is located on the west side of the island so is away from the busy tourist areas and makes for some very nice sunsets. Each of the rooms is kept to a very high standard and there is no need to argue over which room you stay as each is fantastic and all windows have a photo portrait outlook, whether it be onto the beach or another part of the villa / pool. The staff are what really make the villa.... Tik and her team are first class. The attention to detail, level of service, personality and willingness to please make the entire stay feel like you are a presidential VIP. They think of everything you are thinking about steps ahead and so when you do ask for something it is only a matter of providing a time and its done. From organizing in house massages, getting person rides down to the shops, changing money, preparing all meals, assisting with wedding related queries... its all soooo easy here. If a friend stumbles in from the beach to say hello and a quick swim there is all of a sudden a new towel sitting beside the pool, they are like magicians. And it would be a sin for me not to mention the food here! it was seriously the best food we had eaten on the island, which is a massive call out as all the thai food on ko samui is exceptional. They even provide cooking lessons which everyone really enjoyed, although it was hard not to test the food before it was finished. The cost of the food was also very very reasonable with it working out to be about $5/pp for each meal. I wish i had more photos of the cooking to share here. Following our wedding it was almost depressing having to leave to go on our Honeymoon to Koh Tao as we knew nothing could possibly beat our experience at Ban Suriya. Although the cost is quiet high to book the villa, if you are sharing the $$ between quests it is actually reasonable considering the facilities and upkeep not to mention a full time staff taking care of you. Kawl even does the night time roster and patrols the villa to ensure security and assist with any requests in the middle of the night. I highly recommend you book this Villa if staying in Ko Samui, and if having a wedding, then you MUST!! book this villa.... nothing else will compare.... All the best wishes, and if you do book please send my love to Tik and the team.... my Koh Samui family. Mike, Hsinyu & Family
Sara S
Apr 2022

Amazing villa

I stayed at Ban Suriya for 5 nights with family and friends and my brother got married at the villa. It is absolutely breathtaking!! Tik and her staff we amazing, nothing was too much for them! They organised taxis and trips for us all and were there…
I stayed at Ban Suriya for 5 nights with family and friends and my brother got married at the villa. It is absolutely breathtaking!! Tik and her staff we amazing, nothing was too much for them! They organised taxis and trips for us all and were there whenever we needed anything. I would highly recommend Ban Suriya! All of the villas were gorgeous - my husband and I stayed in the wave villa which opened up onto the private beach - it was perfect! Thank you to Tik and all of the staff for making our stay so special and memorable!
Kaitlin F
Mar 2022

Best vacation over

This blew us away! We stayed here for 5 nights for our friends' wedding and had the whole place to ourselves.The villa itself is stunning, and the staff are unbelievably wonderful. Tik, our manager, was so friendly and helpful, organizing everything…
This blew us away! We stayed here for 5 nights for our friends' wedding and had the whole place to ourselves.The villa itself is stunning, and the staff are unbelievably wonderful. Tik, our manager, was so friendly and helpful, organizing everything from meals to taxis to whole day excursions. The chef was amazing and made the most delicious meals I've ever eaten, and made anything we requested. He even showed us how to cook our favourite Thai dishes. Our rooms were beautiful, each a separate building with their own bathroom, a/c, vaulted ceilings, and giant windowed sliding doors. My room was the butterfly room on the pool deck and view over the grass towards the beach. It was private and quiet enough that I could nap in the afternoon but central so I could go in and out without hassle. There were so many activities including ping pong, giant chess, pool table, even a weight room and games room but we opted to stay outside most of the time. Since the weather was so hot someone was always in the pool but the deck was shaded by some palm trees so it was never unbearable. With all our friends together, we were never bored. Overall, one of the best vacations I've ever taken.
M and N Dimou
Aug 2024


10 / 10

My family and I had the pleasure of staying at this beautiful property for 3 nights. Tik, Chef A and all the staff are the warmest, most professional and hospitable people we have come to know. Thank you so much for such a memorable time and we plan on returning for a longer stay next holiday. As discussed with my family, it’s a piece of paradise…
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My family and I had the pleasure of staying at this beautiful property for 3 nights. Tik, Chef A and all the staff are the warmest, most professional and hospitable people we have come to know. Thank you so much for such a memorable time and we plan on returning for a longer stay next holiday. As discussed with my family, it’s a piece of paradise we could easily visit every year. Thanks again so much and can’t wait until we meet again!
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Mar 2024

Wow what a spectacular villa and staff, truly amazing.

10 / 10

Wow and wow and wow!! Where we we start. We had our wedding at Ban Suriya which was superb. We stayed for a week and the staff were so attentive and always there when needing help with anything. The food was one of the best meals ever, and everyone raved about the chef and friends that popped by staying next door. The place is clean, Security all…
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Wow and wow and wow!! Where we we start. We had our wedding at Ban Suriya which was superb. We stayed for a week and the staff were so attentive and always there when needing help with anything. The food was one of the best meals ever, and everyone raved about the chef and friends that popped by staying next door. The place is clean, Security all the time so no need to worry, and those sunsets and the entire villa and amenities was so good. I can’t recommend this place enough the staff, the location (quieter), for wedding with loads of space, for family and friends. It’s truly better than we ever expected. Can’t wait to have a reunion back there. We wish we were back there again. If you want the wow factor this has it! Thanks again to all the staff.
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Jan 2024

The most amazing place!

9.8 / 10

This is one of the most amazing places I have ever stayed in (and I have stayed in a lot). The surroundings are so beautiful, the swaying palm trees in front of a quiet and clean beach. It makes you feel very relaxed and I loved walking barefoot through the gardens to go to breakfast in the main villa. The rooms are all unique, which makes the "picking…
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This is one of the most amazing places I have ever stayed in (and I have stayed in a lot). The surroundings are so beautiful, the swaying palm trees in front of a quiet and clean beach. It makes you feel very relaxed and I loved walking barefoot through the gardens to go to breakfast in the main villa. The rooms are all unique, which makes the "picking game" an exciting start to your stay. Has so many amenities to keep you busy throughout your stay. Stand-up paddleboard, pool table, table tennis, pool, big screen, gym and lots of hang out spots. But a place can have all these things, but wouldn't have been anything without the staff. The staff were amazing, accommodating, down to earth, and always a smile on their face. And our wedding was the most memorable day of our lives. We had about 60 people and it was absolutely magical. Thank you to Tik and her lovely staff. We said we'll be back for our 5 year anniversary, cause we want to experience it all again. =) Lots of love Nick & Sara
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