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Villa Waimarie Samui

Таиланд, Кох Самуи, Липа Ной


Villa Waimarie Samui - это роскошная вилла в аренду с 6 спальнями и частным бассейном. Потрясающая вилла Waimarie расположена в красивом и спокойном месте на берегу моря, откуда открывается великолепный вид на океан и постоянный бриз свежего воздуха. Уникальная атмосфера роскошной виллы и ее элегантный дизайн вызовут у вас трепет в момент вашего приезда. Эта аренда на отпуск идеально подходит для семей и компаний друзей, желающих провести отпуск в тропиках. Здесь могут с комфортом разместиться до 14 человек.

Великолепная вилла Waimarie на берегу океана сочетает в себе мирное уединение с превосходным расположением на южной части великолепного, но тихого пляжа острова Самуи, Липа Ной. Вилла Waimarie представляет собой выдающуюся альтернативу популярным курортам этого района. К услугам гостей великолепные жилые помещения, высококлассная бытовая техника для приготовления пищи и развлечений, а также отличный персонал на вилле.

Отель Villa Waimarie расположен рядом с белоснежным песком безмятежного пляжа Липа Ной острова Самуи. Это идеальное место для пляжного отдыха с чудесным видом на усеянное островами море и закат.

Его интерьер просто потрясающий. Качественная древесина и камень прекрасно сочетаются с яркими тканями и вместе создают роскошную и расслабляющую атмосферу. В шести просторных спальнях, окруженных очаровательными пышными тропическими садами, могут разместиться до 14 человек с абсолютным комфортом, что делает его идеальным местом для семейного отдыха, встречи друзей или корпоративного отдыха. Эта вилла на Самуи с 15-метровым частным пейзажным бассейном, украшенным драгоценными камнями, просторной открытой столовой и гостиной, а также огромной тенистой салой, имеет все: суперэффективный персонал, пятизвездочную кухню, частный теннисный корт, волейбольная площадка, каяки и доски для серфинга, а также современное развлекательное оборудование.

Вилла Waimarie - самый впечатляющий роскошный курорт из полдюжины элитных вилл на берегу моря на южной стороне острова Самуи. Вилла Waimarie расположена прямо напротив райского красивого и тихого пляжа Липа Ной. Из окон открывается захватывающий вид на запад, через Сиамский залив.

Роскошный курортный отель находится всего в шести минутах ходьбы от ближайшего города Натон (отличный вариант для простых простых покупок) и в 50 минутах от Чавенга, главного центра острова с магазинами, ресторанами и ночными клубами. Поездка до аэропорта занимает 50 минут, а до автомобильной паромной пристани - всего 6 минут.

Палитра ярких цветов в идиллическом тропическом пейзаже на берегу океана окружает чудо красоты, виллу Ваймари. Волшебный частный рай, захватывающее экзотическое место, отличный выбор для самого расслабляющего роскошного отдыха для вас и ваших близких!

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Таиланд, Кох Самуи, Липа Ной

Ближайшие места

пляж 10m
Ресторан 0.5 km
Рынок 500m
Аэропорт 32 km
Порт 1 km

Местные услуги

Банкомат/банк • Почта • Продуктовые магазины • Услуги прачечной • Фитнес-центр • Спа • Медицинские услуги • Больница • Няня • Аптека • Полиция • Рынок • Мини-рынок

Местные достопримечательности и развлечения

Морские прогулки • Рестораны • Игровые площадки • Церкви • Водные виды спорта • Плавание • Серфинг, кайтсерфинг • Аренда яхты • Сафари-туры • Кинотеатр • Музеи • Бары • Пляжные бары • Библиотека • Пристань • Аквапарки • Верховая езда • Подводное плавание с аквалангом • Гольф • Рыбалка • Катание на водных мотоциклах • Катание на водных лыжах • Плавание под парусом • Теннис • Маунтинбайкинг • Парапланеризм • Дайвинг • Виндсерфинг • Ежедневная морская прогулка • Клубы

Что говорят наши клиенты

Oтзыва: 10 / 10

Villa Waimarie Samui

Таиланд, Кох Самуи, Липа Ной

Все отзывы

Kristee C
Apr 2024

Totally bean healed~

Great location and a quiet by the sea. Nice staff , thanks for Joy, the manager here, taking care of us so well, and the special romantic dinner on the bI will never forget. Even though here is quit far from the shopping and night life street. But trust…
Great location and a quiet by the sea. Nice staff , thanks for Joy, the manager here, taking care of us so well, and the special romantic dinner on the bI will never forget. Even though here is quit far from the shopping and night life street. But trust me , all you want to do here is just relax and do nothing on the beach. Oh~ the amazing chef,plz be aware you might gain few ponds home cuz those delicious thai food.
Oct 2023

Great getaway beach holiday destination

Great location and great facilities for a quiet holiday experience by the sea. Beach and land toys for the kids are available for the adults and kids plus a tennis court if that takes your fancy. If you need to get away for a night near by is Nikki Beach…
Great location and great facilities for a quiet holiday experience by the sea. Beach and land toys for the kids are available for the adults and kids plus a tennis court if that takes your fancy. If you need to get away for a night near by is Nikki Beach for an upmarket dining and party experience if needed.
May 2023


Waimarie was amazing. We were all amazed at the beauty of the villa. The beach front access was fantastic with only a few other places near us. The ocean water was very warm and when it got too hot, you could hop in the pool to cool down and find some…
Waimarie was amazing. We were all amazed at the beauty of the villa. The beach front access was fantastic with only a few other places near us. The ocean water was very warm and when it got too hot, you could hop in the pool to cool down and find some shade from the huge tree. The food was absolutely amazing and for me, it was the highlight. Every dish of every meal was so delicious, I get hungry just thinking about it. Joy and her team were great, they helped us organize transportation for trips to town or the magic garden. The staff kept the villa very clean and tidy and made us feel very welcome and relaxed. They had everything taken care of so we could enjoy a very relaxing week in this island paradise. No doubt we'll be back, I can't wait to return! Thanks so much for an amazing experience!
Tom B
May 2023

Superb villa, amazing staff and great food

Located right on the beach, on the western side of Koh Samui, Waimarie is a great villa. It has a pool area overlooking the beach, spacious living room overlooking the pool and beach. The staff are superb and the food is some of the best Thai I have…
Located right on the beach, on the western side of Koh Samui, Waimarie is a great villa. It has a pool area overlooking the beach, spacious living room overlooking the pool and beach. The staff are superb and the food is some of the best Thai I have had. Accommodation is a series of separate rooms, with twins and doubles. Highly recommend
Sue W
Apr 2023

Amazing villa, great location, incredible service!

We spent 10 days in heaven at this Villa. The location was perfect. The beach only steps away from the pool. The villas were wonderful, a perfect setup for families or couples and everything was comfortable and luxurious. The staff were friendly and…
We spent 10 days in heaven at this Villa. The location was perfect. The beach only steps away from the pool. The villas were wonderful, a perfect setup for families or couples and everything was comfortable and luxurious. The staff were friendly and incredible arranging all our requests at short notice. The chef could create anything we could dream of - although we enjoyed the staff suggestions and the local dishes the most. Don’t forget to ask for the chocolate crepe cake! We stayed with two other families and could not recommend the accommodation highly enough for both a peaceful escape and a family holiday, as there was so much to do. We travelled all over the island and had a wonderful time. Sitting under the pagoda sipping mojitos watching the children in the pool was wonderful. We visited in September/October and the weather was perfect.
Kristee C
Apr 2024

Totally bean healed~

10 / 10

Great location and a quiet by the sea. Nice staff , thanks for Joy, the manager here, taking care of us so well, and the special romantic dinner on the bI will never forget. Even though here is quit far from the shopping and night life street. But trust me , all you want to do here is just relax and do nothing on the beach. Oh~ the amazing chef,plz…
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Great location and a quiet by the sea. Nice staff , thanks for Joy, the manager here, taking care of us so well, and the special romantic dinner on the bI will never forget. Even though here is quit far from the shopping and night life street. But trust me , all you want to do here is just relax and do nothing on the beach. Oh~ the amazing chef,plz be aware you might gain few ponds home cuz those delicious thai food.
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Oct 2023

Great getaway beach holiday destination

10 / 10

Great location and great facilities for a quiet holiday experience by the sea. Beach and land toys for the kids are available for the adults and kids plus a tennis court if that takes your fancy. If you need to get away for a night near by is Nikki Beach for an upmarket dining and party experience if needed.
May 2023


10 / 10

Waimarie was amazing. We were all amazed at the beauty of the villa. The beach front access was fantastic with only a few other places near us. The ocean water was very warm and when it got too hot, you could hop in the pool to cool down and find some shade from the huge tree. The food was absolutely amazing and for me, it was the highlight. Every…
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Waimarie was amazing. We were all amazed at the beauty of the villa. The beach front access was fantastic with only a few other places near us. The ocean water was very warm and when it got too hot, you could hop in the pool to cool down and find some shade from the huge tree. The food was absolutely amazing and for me, it was the highlight. Every dish of every meal was so delicious, I get hungry just thinking about it. Joy and her team were great, they helped us organize transportation for trips to town or the magic garden. The staff kept the villa very clean and tidy and made us feel very welcome and relaxed. They had everything taken care of so we could enjoy a very relaxing week in this island paradise. No doubt we'll be back, I can't wait to return! Thanks so much for an amazing experience!
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