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Elvina Villa Beachfront Chania

Ελλάδα, Κρήτη, Χανιά

Παραλία: 50m

Το Elvina Villa Beachfront Chania είναι ένα ελκυστικό θέρετρο. Χτισμένη σε απόσταση μόλις 70 μέτρων από την παραλία του χωριού Δραπανιάς, που βρίσκεται μεταξύ της Γραμβούσας και των Σπαθάδων του Κόλπου της Κισσάμου στο βόρειο τμήμα της Κρήτης, η βίλα περιβάλλεται από φαράγγια, τοπία NATURA 2000, χλωρίδα και πανίδα ύψιστης σημασίας και τις διάσημες παραλίες Φαλάσαρνα, Μπάλος και Ελαφονήσι. Η βίλα περιβάλλεται από έναν υπαίθριο χώρο 3 στρεμμάτων, ο οποίος- σε συνδυασμό με τις σωστά σχεδιασμένες εγκαταστάσεις που καλύπτουν ένα ευρύ φάσμα δραστηριοτήτων και καλύπτουν τις ανάγκες και τα γούστα τόσο των δικών σας όσο και των παιδιών σας- την καθιστούν μια ελκυστική μορφή διαμονής.

Το Elvina Villa Beachfront Chania έχει σχεδιαστεί για να φιλοξενεί είτε μια ομάδα φίλων είτε μια οικογένεια. Αποτελείται από 2 ορόφους και περιλαμβάνει κυρίως υπαίθριους χώρους ώστε να μπορείτε να αισθανθείτε τον καθαρό αέρα και τη θαλασσινή αύρα που κυριαρχεί παντού. Τα παστέλ χρώματα, η διακριτική διακόσμηση του εσωτερικού καθώς και τα μοντέρνα και κομψά επιπλωμένα δωμάτια, συμπληρώνουν τη γενική αίσθηση χαλάρωσης. Το Elvina Villa Chania σας δίνει τη δυνατότητα να απολαύσετε το μπάνιο σας είτε στην πισίνα 80 m2 (12 m2 για τα παιδιά σας) είτε στη θάλασσα και να χαλαρώσετε κοιτώντας το υπέροχο ηλιοβασίλεμα. Μπορείτε επίσης να απολαύσετε το δείπνο σας κάτω από την κληματαριά ενός πέτρινου μπάρμπεκιου με θέα στη θάλασσα ή μπορείτε να έχετε την ευκαιρία να απολαύσετε μια βόλτα στον κήπο ανά πάσα στιγμή.

Η μοναδική αρχιτεκτονική της βίλας με κύριο χαρακτηριστικό την εκπληκτική θέα στη θάλασσα, μαζί με μια ιδιαίτερα λεπτή διακόσμηση του εσωτερικού, ειδικά σχεδιασμένη για να καλύψει ένα ευρύ φάσμα των αναγκών σας, έχει σχεδιαστεί για να σας προσφέρει συναρπαστικές εμπειρίες και στιγμές χαλάρωσης γεμάτες με θάλασσα, ήλιο και αναζωογονητικό καθαρό αέρα.

Στο ισόγειο, δεν θα παραλείψετε να παρατηρήσετε τον τεράστιο, ενιαίο ενιαίο χώρο που περιλαμβάνει ένα ευρύχωρο σαλόνι, ένα τζάκι, ένα WC, 2 τραπεζαρίες και μια άνετη και λειτουργική κουζίνα. Τα μεγάλα και άφθονα παράθυρα και οι γυάλινες πόρτες του κτιρίου επιτρέπουν στο φως να εισέρχεται στα δωμάτια καθιστώντας το σπίτι εκπληκτικά φωτεινό. Το εξωτερικό της βίλας είναι εξίσου εκπληκτικό. Αποτελείται από βεράντες, πέτρινους καναπέδες και έπιπλα, κατάλληλα τόσο για τη χαλάρωσή σας όσο και για την απόλαυση των γευμάτων σας. Υπάρχει επίσης μια μεγάλη πέτρινη ψησταριά που βρίσκεται κάτω από τη δροσερή, ευπρόσδεκτη σκιά του κληματαριού. Στην μπροστινή πλευρά της βίλας, μπορείτε να δείτε τον πολύχρωμο κήπο, το γκαζόν, την τοπική άγρια ​​βλάστηση και ένα είδος μεσογειακού δέντρου. Στη μέση του κήπου κατασκευάζεται μια πισίνα με περίεργο σχήμα 80 τ.μ., καθώς και ένα ξύλινο κατάστρωμα και ένα περίπτερο προστίθενται στη γύρω περιοχή για να δημιουργήσουν μια αρμονικά ήρεμη ατμόσφαιρα.

Το Elvina Villa Beachfront Chania περιλαμβάνει 4 υπνοδωμάτια και μπορεί να φιλοξενήσει έως 10 άτομα (το πολύ 10 άτομα) (σε 2 από τα οποία θα δοθεί καναπές-κρεβάτι για να κοιμηθούν). Το μεγαλύτερο υπνοδωμάτιο είναι στούντιο 35 τ.μ., το οποίο είναι ενσωματωμένο στο ισόγειο της βίλας με ξεχωριστή πόρτα εισόδου. Το υπνοδωμάτιο περιλαμβάνει ένα διπλό κρεβάτι, ένα άνετο, μικρό σαλόνι, μια μικρή κουζίνα και μπάνιο με ντους. Μια περίτεχνη ξύλινη σκάλα σας οδηγεί στον πρώτο όροφο, όπου υπάρχουν 3 ξεχωριστά υπνοδωμάτια. Ένα από αυτά προσφέρει διπλό κρεβάτι, μπάνιο και μεγάλο επιπλωμένο μπαλκόνι με θέα στη θάλασσα και την πισίνα. Τα άλλα 2 υπνοδωμάτια διαθέτουν 2 μονά κρεβάτια το καθένα που θα μπορούσαν να ενωθούν και να σχηματίσουν ένα μεγαλύτερο κρεβάτι. Αυτά τα 2 υπνοδωμάτια μοιράζονται μια κοινή, επιπλωμένη βεράντα καθώς και ένα ευρύχωρο μπάνιο. Όλα τα υπνοδωμάτια είναι εξοπλισμένα με άνετα κρεβάτια και στρώματα και κλινοσκεπάσματα υψηλής ποιότητας. Στα μπάνια, υπάρχουν μπουρνούζια, πετσέτες μπάνιου τόσο για χρήση προσώπου όσο και σώματος κατά μήκος στεγνωτήρα μαλλιών.

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Ελλάδα, Κρήτη, Χανιά

Κοντινά Σημεία

Παραλία 50m
Εστιατόριο 100m
Market 100m
Αεροδρόμιο 52km
Λιμάνι 44km

Τοπικές υπηρεσίες

ATM/Τράπεζα • Ταχυδρομείο • Παντοπωλείο • Καθαριστήριο • Γυμναστήριο • Ιατρικές υπηρεσίες • Νταντά • Φαρμακείο • Αστυνομία • Μινιμάρκετ

Τοπικά αξιοθέατα και δραστηριότητες

Κρουαζιέρες • Εστιατόρια • Εκκλησίες • Περιηγήσεις οινοποιείων • Θαλάσσια σπορ • Κολύμπι • Σερφ, Κάιτ Σερφ • Περιηγήσεις σαφάρι • Μπαρ παραλίας • Μαρίνα • Θαλάσσια πάρκα • Ψάρεμα • Τζετ σκι • Θαλάσσιο σκι • Ιστιοσανίδα • Ημερήσια κρουαζιέρα • Κλαμπ • Παρατήρηση πουλιών • Εκδρομές με σκάφος Glassbottom

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Βαθμολογία: 10 / 10

Elvina Villa Beachfront Chania

Ελλάδα, Κρήτη, Χανιά

Όλες οι κριτικές

Helen D.
Oct 2024

Lovely, clean, and modern villa by the sea.

Beautiful views and well-equipped kitchen and bathrooms. Lots of spaces for dining and close to local restaurants. During our stay, we felt really relaxed and enjoyed ourselves.
Boris R.
Sep 2024

The villa is equipped with everything one may need for having fun and relaxing time.

Beautifully decorated villa on the beach with marvelous swimming pool and jacuzzi. Very spacious and well-maintained. Very friendly owner. Highly recommended!
Paula R.
Jul 2024

You must book this house!

You must book this house! The location is great, the house is clean, communication was spot on, walking distance to decent restaurants. There is ample space for everyone, with plenty of privacy.
Nathan A.
Jul 2024

Absolutely incredible place.

This place is absolutely incredible. To have an infinity pool at the beach with a hot tub, accompanied by idyllic surroundings of flowers and fruit trees…. There is such great attention to detail. We absolutely loved our stay and would recommend it…
This place is absolutely incredible. To have an infinity pool at the beach with a hot tub, accompanied by idyllic surroundings of flowers and fruit trees…. There is such great attention to detail. We absolutely loved our stay and would recommend it to everyone!
Sep 2021


Das Haus ist modern und top ausgestattet - mit viel Liebe zum Details. Dieser Urlaub läßt keine Wünsche offen und wenn, werden sie prompt von Eleftheria erfüllt.
Aug 2021

Best holiday in Crete

Beachfront property, fabulous pool, large spaces in the villa (living rooms, bedrooms and the fabulous courtyard) We were welcomed from the minute we arrived, it's a great place to stay, spotlessly clean , very friendly owner running the business, nothing…
Beachfront property, fabulous pool, large spaces in the villa (living rooms, bedrooms and the fabulous courtyard) We were welcomed from the minute we arrived, it's a great place to stay, spotlessly clean , very friendly owner running the business, nothing was any trouble. There are 3 very good tavernas around on walking distance. We really enjoyed the place and we will definitely come back.
Rosa C.
Jul 2021

Villa Elvina is just AMAZING!

Our family spent the most amazingly perfect week at Villa Elvina!! There were 6 of us, my husband and I, our 2 sons, and their girlfriends. The property is just as beautiful as the pictures, plenty of space for all of us. It was spotless and had everything…
Our family spent the most amazingly perfect week at Villa Elvina!! There were 6 of us, my husband and I, our 2 sons, and their girlfriends. The property is just as beautiful as the pictures, plenty of space for all of us. It was spotless and had everything you need or want. Eleftheria, the owner, was a wonderful hostess. She checked on us often to make sure we had everything we needed. One of our son's got engaged while we were there and Eleftheria brought a cake and a bottle of champagne to celebrate! There are tavernas a couple of minutes away and we had quite a few dinners at the one recommended by her. We will definitely return to this amazing villa!! Just perfect!
Jul 2021

Just arrived and "being at home"

We spend our holiday in the seaside-villa with the whole family (three generations). A very nice location and the villa delivers the best comfort. Also the organistion by Eleftheria has been at its best - very friendly and with a focus on the children…
We spend our holiday in the seaside-villa with the whole family (three generations). A very nice location and the villa delivers the best comfort. Also the organistion by Eleftheria has been at its best - very friendly and with a focus on the children, who loved her. It's been a place where we had so much fun (especially with the kids) and at the other side: simply relaxing and comfortable.
Jun 2021

Vacation at Villa Elvina

Villa Elvina was perfect for our vacation, we were 8 people altogether. The Villa was spacious, it had even a separate studio with shower and a fridge. The kitchen was well equipped and there was a freezer with ice cubes provided. Also coffee capsules…
Villa Elvina was perfect for our vacation, we were 8 people altogether. The Villa was spacious, it had even a separate studio with shower and a fridge. The kitchen was well equipped and there was a freezer with ice cubes provided. Also coffee capsules were included in the price. The outdoor pool was big enough for all of us, there was a heated jacuzzi as well, and the sea (water was really warm) was only 70 m away from the villa. The garden was beautiful and the lawn was green (not burnt) as there was a watering system in place which was activated automatically in the night time. There were many terraces and patios which were quite nice, too. The owner of the villa was really friendly and offered us a traditional Greek dinner one evening, brought us various presents and gave us information on the surroundings, restaurants and super markets. Basically, whatever we needed, she provided us. In the middle of our stay, all the rooms were cleaned. The pool guys also came to clean the pool and there was a gardener who cut the lawn. All in all, a perfect place for a vacation. We will definately come back!
May 2021

An enjoyable stay

We hired the villa for two families and had a wonderful time there. Our host Eleftheria and her husband were exceptional hosts and most generous. The villa, interior, bedding and toiletries were of very high standard and there was no shortage of water…
We hired the villa for two families and had a wonderful time there. Our host Eleftheria and her husband were exceptional hosts and most generous. The villa, interior, bedding and toiletries were of very high standard and there was no shortage of water fun whether it was the pool or the sea directly outside the villa. Thank you for our lovely time out there and for experiencing your lovely Cretan hospitality.
Anita K
Apr 2021

Best vacation ever!!!

I strongly recommend this house. Lots of space for a big family. Nice pool and wonderful beach. Very well cleaned. Best vacation ever - thank you! A rental car is recommended.
Oct 2020

Perfect Villa, Perfect, Vacation, Perfect Host 5+ Stars!

We spend two weeks with our two kids and parents (in total 8) in this beautiful Villa right next to the ocean. Our so lovely and kind host Eleftheria welcomed us warmly and gave us wonderful tipps for restaurants, places to visit, and things to do. There…
We spend two weeks with our two kids and parents (in total 8) in this beautiful Villa right next to the ocean. Our so lovely and kind host Eleftheria welcomed us warmly and gave us wonderful tipps for restaurants, places to visit, and things to do. There is everything and more you need for a perfect stay. We enjoyed every minute of our stay in this beautiful, luxury house. Our kids did not want to leave and at least want to come back every year from now on! Thank you for making our visit to Crete so special!
The Lark
Sep 2020

5* Luxury

5* luxury in a villa. Villa Elvina is perfect in every way. The villa was spotlessly clean and had plenty of space - both indoors and out - for our family group of five. It had all of the facilities we could want and more; we appreciated the welcome…
5* luxury in a villa. Villa Elvina is perfect in every way. The villa was spotlessly clean and had plenty of space - both indoors and out - for our family group of five. It had all of the facilities we could want and more; we appreciated the welcome pack, the unlimited supply of coffee etc, the toiletries, the bath robes and of course the delicious chocolate cake! We loved the pool and the jacuzzi, the pizza oven and the proximity to the beautiful beach. There are three restaurants and a mini-market within a short walk of the villa. However, I would recommend hiring a car so that you can visit the nearby town of Kissamos, local beaches, etc.
May 2020

Perfect accomodation for our first holiday in Chania

Villa Elvina was perfect for our large group of 11 ( 8 adults between 35 and 65 years old and 3 children from 4 to 13 years old). Eleftheria was so Kind adding two beds for children and we had plenty of space for everybody and we enjoy staying convivialy…
Villa Elvina was perfect for our large group of 11 ( 8 adults between 35 and 65 years old and 3 children from 4 to 13 years old). Eleftheria was so Kind adding two beds for children and we had plenty of space for everybody and we enjoy staying convivialy All together around the pool or having barbecue dinner on the large terrace behind the house. Eleftheria wellcome us with a delicious dinner in our first evening and she greated us with wine, juce and other food stuffs During our staying that we highly apreciated. We found the house perfect clean, the bedding and towels of very good quality ( a plus are the bathrobes for everybody very useful) and the administrative team did a very good job with the pool maintenance, with the second cleaning and with small stuffs that were solved promptly. The kitchen had All facilities to prepare with pleasure and in leisure various breakfast ( with stuffs that we bought from Kissamos where there are plenty of shops for fresh meat, cretan sweets, cretan cheese and vegetables). Nearby Elvina there are three tavernas with very good and genuine cretan food. We had dinners there but we ,also ,ordered food directly to the villa. The weather was very good middle of May with mild temperatures and good sea for long swimming, specialy in the evening in Drapanias golf, in front of the house, watching the sunset alone, only All of us on the beach. Elvina was a good base for going to Elafonisi, to Balos ( by our jeep), to Falasarna ( for paragliding), to Agia Marina ( for parasailing) or to splendid Chania city. I am glad to have booked long time in advance Elvina villa for having such opportunity of spending our holiday in a genuine cretan but styled and comfortable place. Thank you Eleftheria and All the best to you and to your guests.
Nov 2019


Hebergement très bien équipé et bien aménagé. Literie très confortable. Jardin agréable Repas local et plusieurs petits cadeaux de bienvenu offerts par la propriétaire
Nigel J
Aug 2019

Perfect family villa

We stayed at this beautiful villa with our older children, their partners and a toddler. The outside area is enclosed ideal for a lively child to run about and explore. Very clean and well thought out pools for young ones to play in safely. All bedrooms…
We stayed at this beautiful villa with our older children, their partners and a toddler. The outside area is enclosed ideal for a lively child to run about and explore. Very clean and well thought out pools for young ones to play in safely. All bedrooms were situated in separate areas with their own bathrooms, this gave us all privacy and space. The property is well maintained and cared for, exceptionally clean and full of essentials needed for your stay. Well situated with a local taverna for breakfast and dinner, who also delivered food orders to the home. I would highly recommend staying here.
May 2019

Traumhafte 2 Wochen

Die Villa leigt in ruhiger Lage direkt am Strand. Besser geht es nicht. Die sehr nette Vermieterin kümmert sich liebevoll um Ihre Gäste. Die Villa ist stilvoll eingerichtet und sehr gepflegt. Es fehlt an nichts! Der Garten, Pool und das ganze Anwesen…
Die Villa leigt in ruhiger Lage direkt am Strand. Besser geht es nicht. Die sehr nette Vermieterin kümmert sich liebevoll um Ihre Gäste. Die Villa ist stilvoll eingerichtet und sehr gepflegt. Es fehlt an nichts! Der Garten, Pool und das ganze Anwesen sind wie auf den Bildern zu sehen, eher sogar noch besser. Hier bekommt man das was man auf den Bildern sieht, das ist nicht immer so. Wir kommen gerne wieder, mit Sicherheit. Wir hatten einen wunderschönen 2-wöchigen Urlaub, vielen Dank dafür.
Helen D.
Oct 2024

Lovely, clean, and modern villa by the sea.

10 / 10

Beautiful views and well-equipped kitchen and bathrooms. Lots of spaces for dining and close to local restaurants. During our stay, we felt really relaxed and enjoyed ourselves.
Boris R.
Sep 2024

The villa is equipped with everything one may need for having fun and relaxing time.

10 / 10

Beautifully decorated villa on the beach with marvelous swimming pool and jacuzzi. Very spacious and well-maintained. Very friendly owner. Highly recommended!
Paula R.
Jul 2024

You must book this house!

10 / 10

You must book this house! The location is great, the house is clean, communication was spot on, walking distance to decent restaurants. There is ample space for everyone, with plenty of privacy.
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