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Villa Nevaeh Phuket

Tailandia, Phuket, Spiaggia di Kamala

Camere da letto

Tagliata nella ripida collina, Villa Nevaeh Phuket comprende una serie di padiglioni in stile thailandese, collegati da passerelle e un labirinto di scale che si snodano intorno alla proprietà. L'ingresso si ottiene accanto alla palestra con aria condizionata al livello più alto. La stanza è incorniciata da finestre di vetro dal pavimento al soffitto e dispone di un tapis roulant, un'ellittica, una panca per addominali, tappetini per lo yoga, palla da pilate e pesi. Di fronte al mare, la terrazza della palestra è perfetta per sessioni di yoga all'aperto. Per chi ama allenarsi durante le vacanze, con la vista diventa un'esperienza piacevole.

Al centro dell'ultimo piano si trova il Soggiorno, ospitato in uno dei padiglioni tradizionali. L'alta inclinazione del tetto di questo stile architettonico aumenta naturalmente il flusso d'aria e la luce nella stanza. Circondata quasi completamente da finestre e porte di vetro dal pavimento al soffitto, questa stanza sfrutta appieno la brezza marina che danza costantemente attraverso. La miscela di mobili moderni e architettura tradizionale è sottile e di buon gusto, culminando in interni attraenti e armoniosi. Artefatti asiatici decorati dalla collezione personale del proprietario si trovano tra pezzi moderni tra cui un tavolino da caffè unico su misura e un lampadario capolavoro.

Il soggiorno si trova tra la camera matrimoniale e la cucina. Davanti alla cucina c'è un tavolo da pranzo formale in grado di ospitare fino a dieci persone. La cucina in acciaio inossidabile con aria condizionata vanta elettrodomestici moderni di qualità superiore e un design che facilita le lezioni di cucina.

Scendendo di un livello c'è la piscina a sfioro. Al centro di Villa Nevaeh Phuket, la piscina è fiancheggiata da un ampio bar/sala da pranzo a pianta aperta. Situato proprio accanto alla piscina, questa zona è ventilata e rilassante. Appoggiato a una parete di rocce naturali, il Bar/Sala da pranzo è il posto migliore per godersi la vista sul mare sorseggiando un cocktail e ammirando il panorama.

Adiacente alla Piscina e collegata da una stretta passerella in legno, c'è una grande Terrazza arroccata quasi a picco sul mare. Con lettini e ombrelloni reclinabili, questo è un luogo idilliaco per prendere il sole.

Scendendo di un altro livello si trova il prato Terrace a livello del mare di fronte a un'insenatura rocciosa. Sia che tu voglia leggere un libro in silenzio, ascoltare il suono delle onde, goderti una cena romantica in riva al mare o anche organizzare una cerimonia intima, la Terrazza sul mare sul prato di Villa Nevaeh Phuket offre un luogo di relax unico.

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Tailandia, Phuket, Spiaggia di Kamala

Luoghi più Vicini

Spiaggia 300m
Ristorante 500 m
Mercato 2km
Aeroporto 20 km

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Bancomat/Banca • Ufficio postale • Drogheria • Lavanderia - Con personale • Centro fitness • Spa • Servizi medici • Ospedale • Babysitter • Farmacia • Polizia • Mercato • Mini market • Noleggio auto consigliato

Attrazioni e attività locali

Crociere • Ristoranti • Parchi giochi • Chiese • Tour enologici • Sport acquatici • Nuoto • Surf, kitesurfing • Noleggio barche • Gite con safari • Cinema • Musei • Bar • Bar sulla spiaggia • Biblioteca • Porticciolo • Parchi acquatici • Equitazione • Immersioni subacquee • Golf • Pesca • Moto d'acqua • Sci d'acqua • Barca a vela • Tennis • Mountain bike • Parapendio • Immersioni • Windsurf • Crociera giornaliera • Locali notturni • Casinò

Cosa dicono gli ospiti

Recensioni: 9.9 / 10

Villa Nevaeh Phuket

Tailandia, Phuket, Spiaggia di Kamala

Tutte le recensioni

Nov 2024


the pictures of the place don't do it justice, inside and out. the staff was amazing as well. they were there to help us and cook too it was awesome! we enjoyed talking with them too, they were the sweetest. the rooms were so nice and spacious and each…
the pictures of the place don't do it justice, inside and out. the staff was amazing as well. they were there to help us and cook too it was awesome! we enjoyed talking with them too, they were the sweetest. the rooms were so nice and spacious and each room had a view. the stairs aren't a joke especially if you have the lowest room, but we planned it so that the 'young' legs were on the bottom. the walk to beach isn't easy but it's not too hard. definitely not for the elderly. make sure you wear shoes because you're walking on rocks unless you take the road to the beach. either way is not far at all.
Nov 2024

Beautiful views

This villa offers beautiful views from every room and space on the property. The staff is amazing to say the least, they are very accommodating and cook the most amazing food. We could not have asked for a better experience!
Jan 2024

Memorable stay

We were a group of 10, who had a very memorable stay in the villa. The location is perfect on a cove, with water views from every part of the house. Beach access and shops are a 3 minute drive. I would suggest having transportation with you. The property…
We were a group of 10, who had a very memorable stay in the villa. The location is perfect on a cove, with water views from every part of the house. Beach access and shops are a 3 minute drive. I would suggest having transportation with you. The property is 5 star, immaculately maintained by a dedicated staff. Look no further for your dinner, because the chef is outstanding. The staff are very attentive to all your needs and very kind.
Dec 2023


This place was magical. Highly recommend.
Nov 2023

Highly recommend!

An epic villa with amazing views, specifically of sunset from the pool. All the rooms were amazing and the staff was excellent. Great communication and organization. Definitely do the chef prepared Thai menu. One of the best dinners I had in a month…
An epic villa with amazing views, specifically of sunset from the pool. All the rooms were amazing and the staff was excellent. Great communication and organization. Definitely do the chef prepared Thai menu. One of the best dinners I had in a month of traveling around Thailand. BEST Pad Thai I've ever had. Highly recommend!
Maggie And Adam
Feb 2023

Great stay

We had a great stay at the villa! We had multiple meals prepared by the chefs who were great! The views are unbeatable! The only negative was the music at the hotel next door, but we all got used to it and had a fantastic stay! I would highly recommend…
We had a great stay at the villa! We had multiple meals prepared by the chefs who were great! The views are unbeatable! The only negative was the music at the hotel next door, but we all got used to it and had a fantastic stay! I would highly recommend booking this if you have a group of people
Nov 2024


10 / 10

the pictures of the place don't do it justice, inside and out. the staff was amazing as well. they were there to help us and cook too it was awesome! we enjoyed talking with them too, they were the sweetest. the rooms were so nice and spacious and each room had a view. the stairs aren't a joke especially if you have the lowest room, but we planned…
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the pictures of the place don't do it justice, inside and out. the staff was amazing as well. they were there to help us and cook too it was awesome! we enjoyed talking with them too, they were the sweetest. the rooms were so nice and spacious and each room had a view. the stairs aren't a joke especially if you have the lowest room, but we planned it so that the 'young' legs were on the bottom. the walk to beach isn't easy but it's not too hard. definitely not for the elderly. make sure you wear shoes because you're walking on rocks unless you take the road to the beach. either way is not far at all.
leggi meno...
Nov 2024

Beautiful views

10 / 10

This villa offers beautiful views from every room and space on the property. The staff is amazing to say the least, they are very accommodating and cook the most amazing food. We could not have asked for a better experience!
Jan 2024

Memorable stay

10 / 10

We were a group of 10, who had a very memorable stay in the villa. The location is perfect on a cove, with water views from every part of the house. Beach access and shops are a 3 minute drive. I would suggest having transportation with you. The property is 5 star, immaculately maintained by a dedicated staff. Look no further for your dinner, because…
vedi tutto...
We were a group of 10, who had a very memorable stay in the villa. The location is perfect on a cove, with water views from every part of the house. Beach access and shops are a 3 minute drive. I would suggest having transportation with you. The property is 5 star, immaculately maintained by a dedicated staff. Look no further for your dinner, because the chef is outstanding. The staff are very attentive to all your needs and very kind.
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