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Antonio Villa Zante

Греции, Занте

пляж: 3.5km

Вилла Antonio Zante расположена в отличном месте, на территории частной огороженной оливковой рощи и сада площадью более 2 000 кв. м с собственным открытым бассейном с подогревом. Эта стильная вилла предлагает комфорт и захватывающий вид в тихом месте. Эта роскошная квартира на возвышенности состоит из трех спален и двух ванных комнат, кухни открытой планировки, гостиной и веранды. Он окружен фруктовыми и оливковыми деревьями и весь день наслаждается солнечным теплом. Антонио Вилла подходит для 7-8 человек.

Помещения огорожены со всех сторон, обеспечивая уединенное и приватное пребывание. На первом этаже находится уютная гостиная/столовая с дровяной печью, полностью оборудованная кухня (стиральная машина-автомат) и гардеробная. Также на этом этаже находится спальня с двуспальной кроватью.

Деревянная лестница ведет на второй этаж, где есть еще две спальни с двуспальными кроватями и туалет/душевая.

Из спален на верхнем этаже открывается прекрасный вид на вершины оливковых рощ на город Закинф, скалы на пляже Кристал и небольшой остров Пелузо. Снова спускаясь вниз, мы выходим через заднюю дверь в большой приподнятый внутренний дворик, который идеально подходит для трапезы на свежем воздухе и отдыха на жарком летнем солнце. Вы будете проводить большую часть своего времени на вилле в этом пространстве, ели, пили, отдыхали и коротали вечернюю звезду, глядя в предрассветные часы.

В переднем и заднем садах выращивают разнообразные фрукты, овощи и травы, а короткая прогулка в тени оливковой рощи приведет вас к хобби-ферме, на которой живут разнообразные мелкие животные (сезоны если позволяет), включая кур, индеек, кроликов, некоторых овец и коз. Вы можете сами собрать свежие яйца на завтрак

Переведено Google


Греции, Занте

Ближайшие места

пляж 5km
Ресторан 1km
Рынок 1.5km
Аэропорт 5.5km
Порт 7km

Местные услуги

Банкомат/банк • Почта • Продуктовые магазины • Услуги прачечной • Фитнес-центр • Спа • Медицинские услуги • Больница • Аптека • Полиция • Рынок • Мини-рынок

Местные достопримечательности и развлечения

Морские прогулки • Рестораны • Игровые площадки • Церкви • Винные туры • Водные виды спорта • Плавание • Серфинг, кайтсерфинг • Аренда яхты • Кинотеатр • Музеи • Бары • Пляжные бары • Библиотека • Пристань • Аквапарки • Верховая езда • Подводное плавание с аквалангом • Рыбалка • Катание на водных мотоциклах • Катание на водных лыжах • Плавание под парусом • Теннис • Маунтинбайкинг • Парапланеризм • Дайвинг • Виндсерфинг • Ежедневная морская прогулка • Клубы • Морские прогулки на корабле с прозрачным дном

Что говорят наши клиенты

Oтзыва: 10 / 10

Antonio Villa Zante

Греции, Занте

Все отзывы

Dec 2020

Comfortable house in the countryside with a cool pool

The property is really great looking and comfortable house with a nice outside seating area in a quiet area, near to the airport and to Laganas. We enjoyed the pool very much, it was a great pleasure to wake up in the morning and jump into it straight…
The property is really great looking and comfortable house with a nice outside seating area in a quiet area, near to the airport and to Laganas. We enjoyed the pool very much, it was a great pleasure to wake up in the morning and jump into it straight away and refresh ourselves for the day. There is a supermarket (Lidl) 10 minutes drive away from the house. We enjoyed our breakfast every day on the terrace. Antonio is a great host who waited for us with freshly picked grapes from the garden and water and even arranged a boat trip for us in one of the days. The view from the upstairs terrace is amazing, the AC working well. The villa is a great choice for a family and for a group of friends too who does not want to stay in the crowded areas of the island and enjoys the sounds and calmness of the country.
Oct 2019

Lovely Stay!

The property is really great looking and comfortable house with a nice outside seating area in a quiet area, near to the airport and to Laganas. We enjoyed the pool very much, it was a great pleasure to wake up in the morning and jump into it straight…
The property is really great looking and comfortable house with a nice outside seating area in a quiet area, near to the airport and to Laganas. We enjoyed the pool very much, it was a great pleasure to wake up in the morning and jump into it straight away and refresh ourselves for the day. There is a supermarket (Lidl) 10 minutes drive away from the house. We enjoyed our breakfast every day on the terrace. Antonio is a great host who waited for us with freshly picked grapes from the garden and water and even arranged a boat trip for us in one of the days. The view from the upstairs terrace is amazing, the AC working well. The villa is a great choice for a family and for a group of friends too who does not want to stay in the crowded areas of the island and enjoys the sounds and calmness of the country.
Jun 2019


Locatie en de aandacht die we kregen van Antonio. dagelijks vroeg hij of hij iets voor ons kon doen, of dat we nog iets nodig hadden.
May 2019

Ideal Choice!

Mooi huis met zwembad, op een rustige locatie tussen olijfbomen. Zeer geschikt voor een vakantie op Zakynthos
Mar 2019

Truly Amazing!

Denia's place is absolutely amazing. Her family and herself were very accommodating and wonderful about everything! We even went on adventures/ excursions with them. They are so great they really make you feel at home and apart of their family. My friends…
Denia's place is absolutely amazing. Her family and herself were very accommodating and wonderful about everything! We even went on adventures/ excursions with them. They are so great they really make you feel at home and apart of their family. My friends and I went in March and couldn't stop raving about our stay with them. I would recommend to anyone to stay with them as you just can't get a place thats anything better then what they have!
Dec 2020

Comfortable house in the countryside with a cool pool

9.8 / 10

The property is really great looking and comfortable house with a nice outside seating area in a quiet area, near to the airport and to Laganas. We enjoyed the pool very much, it was a great pleasure to wake up in the morning and jump into it straight away and refresh ourselves for the day. There is a supermarket (Lidl) 10 minutes drive away from the…
The property is really great looking and comfortable house with a nice outside seating area in a quiet area, near to the airport and to Laganas. We enjoyed the pool very much, it was a great pleasure to wake up in the morning and jump into it straight away and refresh ourselves for the day. There is a supermarket (Lidl) 10 minutes drive away from the house. We enjoyed our breakfast every day on the terrace. Antonio is a great host who waited for us with freshly picked grapes from the garden and water and even arranged a boat trip for us in one of the days. The view from the upstairs terrace is amazing, the AC working well. The villa is a great choice for a family and for a group of friends too who does not want to stay in the crowded areas of the island and enjoys the sounds and calmness of the country.
Oct 2019

Lovely Stay!

10 / 10

The property is really great looking and comfortable house with a nice outside seating area in a quiet area, near to the airport and to Laganas. We enjoyed the pool very much, it was a great pleasure to wake up in the morning and jump into it straight away and refresh ourselves for the day. There is a supermarket (Lidl) 10 minutes drive away from the…
The property is really great looking and comfortable house with a nice outside seating area in a quiet area, near to the airport and to Laganas. We enjoyed the pool very much, it was a great pleasure to wake up in the morning and jump into it straight away and refresh ourselves for the day. There is a supermarket (Lidl) 10 minutes drive away from the house. We enjoyed our breakfast every day on the terrace. Antonio is a great host who waited for us with freshly picked grapes from the garden and water and even arranged a boat trip for us in one of the days. The view from the upstairs terrace is amazing, the AC working well. The villa is a great choice for a family and for a group of friends too who does not want to stay in the crowded areas of the island and enjoys the sounds and calmness of the country.
Jun 2019


10 / 10

Locatie en de aandacht die we kregen van Antonio. dagelijks vroeg hij of hij iets voor ons kon doen, of dat we nog iets nodig hadden.

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