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3 Bedroom Villa at Southrock Villas Rhodes

Griechenland, Rhodos

Strand: 150m

Southrock Villas Rhodes bietet eine bezaubernde Atmosphäre und herzliche Gastfreundschaft. Einwirklich idyllischer und einzigartiger Rückzugsort besteht aus zwei luxuriösen Villen, die mit größtem Respekt vor der traditionellen dodekanesischen Architektur in perfekter Harmonie mit der natürlichen Umgebung gebaut wurden.

Indem wir strahlend weiß getünchte Oberflächen mit dem weißen Stein der Insel vermischten, haben wir einen traditionellen Komplex luxuriöser Villen geschaffen, deren schöne Steinmetzarbeiten ein Gefühl von rauer Erhabenheit hervorrufen. Das Ergebnis beweist, dass der Respekt vor der Tradition in perfekter Harmonie mit dem Luxus moderner Annehmlichkeiten koexistieren kann. Die Innenräume der Villa sind wunderbar geräumig, geschmackvoll eingerichtet und dennoch einfach und elegant, ausgestattet mit allen modernen Annehmlichkeiten, die ein echtes Gefühl von Autonomie, Komfort und Luxus vermitteln. Private Veranden bieten Zugang zu einem fantastischen Pool mit freiem Blick auf die Ägäis und den spektakulären Sonnenaufgang. Southrock Villas Rhodes ist ein wirklich authentischer Ort, der ruhige Privatsphäre bietet und einen entspannenden und erholsamen Aufenthalt garantiert.

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Griechenland, Rhodos

Orte in der Nähe

Strand 150m
Restaurant 2.8 km
Supermarkt 3.5km
Flughafen 75 km
Hafen 73 km

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Geldautomat/Bank • Post • Lebensmittel • Wäscherei Dienstleistungen • Sportstudio • Spa • Medizinische Dienstleistungen • Krankenhaus • Babysitter • Apotheke • Polizei • Markt • Minimarkt

Lokale Sehenswürdigkeiten & Aktivitäten

Kreuzfahrten • Restaurants • Spielplätze • Kirchen • Weingut-Touren • Wassersport • Schwimmen • Surfen, Kite-Surfen • Yachtcharter • Safari-Touren • Kino • Museen • Bars • Beach Bars • Bibliothek • Yachthafen • Wasserparks • Reiten • Tauchen • Golf • Angeln • Jetski fahren • Wasserski • Segeln • Tennis • Mountainbiking • Paragliding • Tauchen • Windsurfen • Tägliche Kreuzfahrten • Clubs

Was die Gäste sagen

Bewertungen: 10 / 10

3 Bedroom Villa at Southrock Villas Rhodes

Griechenland, Rhodos

Alle Bewertungen

Yann R.
Sep 2024

I can only suggest staying here, and we will do so if we visit Rhodes the next year.

Extremely great setting. With a private pool and close proximity to the beach. We reserved this for 5 nights and enjoyed the sense of luxury it provided. The internet connection was excellent, and the TV had Netflix and other streaming services pre-installed…
Extremely great setting. With a private pool and close proximity to the beach. We reserved this for 5 nights and enjoyed the sense of luxury it provided. The internet connection was excellent, and the TV had Netflix and other streaming services pre-installed for those who can't stay off the grid. The closest beach cafe is 800 meters away, so you have the beach to yourself.
Alexandra E.
Aug 2024

It was a wonderful holiday, and the villa is lovely and well-equipped.

We all loved being so close to the sea, and the kids loved the pool. We began each morning with a swim in the sea because it is close by and is within walking distance. Very pleasant tiny towns and bars around the area, which is itself very nice. We…
We all loved being so close to the sea, and the kids loved the pool. We began each morning with a swim in the sea because it is close by and is within walking distance. Very pleasant tiny towns and bars around the area, which is itself very nice. We appreciate the outstanding service and communication, and we would love to stay at the villa once more.
Tracey T.
Jun 2024

A lovely and tidy location!

Absolutely nothing was lacking. Very much enjoyed cooking while sitting by the pool or the sea, which was adjacent to a quiet beach.
Yann R.
Sep 2024

I can only suggest staying here, and we will do so if we visit Rhodes the next year.

10 / 10

Extremely great setting. With a private pool and close proximity to the beach. We reserved this for 5 nights and enjoyed the sense of luxury it provided. The internet connection was excellent, and the TV had Netflix and other streaming services pre-installed for those who can't stay off the grid. The closest beach cafe is 800 meters away, so you have…
Extremely great setting. With a private pool and close proximity to the beach. We reserved this for 5 nights and enjoyed the sense of luxury it provided. The internet connection was excellent, and the TV had Netflix and other streaming services pre-installed for those who can't stay off the grid. The closest beach cafe is 800 meters away, so you have the beach to yourself.
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Alexandra E.
Aug 2024

It was a wonderful holiday, and the villa is lovely and well-equipped.

10 / 10

We all loved being so close to the sea, and the kids loved the pool. We began each morning with a swim in the sea because it is close by and is within walking distance. Very pleasant tiny towns and bars around the area, which is itself very nice. We appreciate the outstanding service and communication, and we would love to stay at the villa once more…
We all loved being so close to the sea, and the kids loved the pool. We began each morning with a swim in the sea because it is close by and is within walking distance. Very pleasant tiny towns and bars around the area, which is itself very nice. We appreciate the outstanding service and communication, and we would love to stay at the villa once more.
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Tracey T.
Jun 2024

A lovely and tidy location!

10 / 10

Absolutely nothing was lacking. Very much enjoyed cooking while sitting by the pool or the sea, which was adjacent to a quiet beach.
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