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Eden Villas Santorini

Griechenland, Santorin


Eden Villas Santorini ist ein Komplex mit drei Villen. Diese Luxusmiete ist der perfekte unberührte Ort, um sich in absoluter Privatsphäre vollständig zu entspannen und zu entspannen. Alle drei Villen bieten einen beeindruckenden, unverbauten Blick auf den Vulkan, den Skaros-Felsen und den Sonnenuntergang.

Neben allen VIP-Annehmlichkeiten und Services, die Sie sich wünschen können, finden Sie Ihren eigenen privaten Whirlpool auf Ihrem Balkon. Die Villa mit zwei Schlafzimmern, Tauchbecken im Freien und Blick auf die Caldera ist der perfekte Ort, um sich in einer ruhigen und privaten Umgebung zu entspannen. Es bietet einen spektakulären, ungehinderten Blick auf den Vulkan, den Skaros-Felsen und den Sonnenuntergang sowie einen Whirlpool auf dem Balkon.

Die Executive Villa mit 3 Schlafzimmern, Außenpool und Blick auf die Caldera ist der perfekte Ort, um sich in einer ruhigen und privaten Umgebung zu entspannen. Es bietet einen spektakulären, unverbauten Blick auf den Vulkan, den Skaros-Felsen und den Sonnenuntergang sowie einen Whirlpool auf dem Balkon. Die Superior-Villa mit zwei Schlafzimmern, Tauchbecken im Freien und Blick auf die Caldera ist der perfekte Ort, um sich in einer ruhigen und privaten Umgebung zu entspannen. Es bietet einen spektakulären, unverbauten Blick auf den Vulkan, den Skaros-Felsen und den Sonnenuntergang sowie einen Whirlpool auf dem Balkon. Jedes Zimmer hat seinen eigenen Balkon mit Blick auf die Caldera und die Aegean Sea Eden Villas Santorini sind ideal für Familien und Freunde oder werden als ganzes Anwesen mit 7 Schlafzimmern für Gruppen gebucht, um einen privaten und intimen Raum zu genießen.

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Griechenland, Santorin

Orte in der Nähe

Strand 3km
Restaurant 400 m
Supermarkt 600m
Flughafen 7 km
Hafen 6 km

Lokale Dienstleistungen

Geldautomat/Bank • Post • Lebensmittel • Wäscherei Dienstleistungen • Sportstudio • Spa • Medizinische Dienstleistungen • Krankenhaus • Babysitter • Apotheke • Polizei • Markt • Minimarkt • Mietwagen wird empfohlen

Lokale Sehenswürdigkeiten & Aktivitäten

Kreuzfahrten • Restaurants • Kirchen • Weingut-Touren • Wassersport • Schwimmen • Surfen, Kite-Surfen • Yachtcharter • Museen • Bars • Beach Bars • Bibliothek • Yachthafen • Tauchen • Angeln • Jetski fahren • Wasserski • Segeln • Tauchen • Windsurfen • Tägliche Kreuzfahrten • Clubs

Was die Gäste sagen

Bewertungen: 10 / 10

Eden Villas Santorini

Griechenland, Santorin

Alle Bewertungen

Tom E.
Aug 2024

Wonderful villas!

This place was fantastic in every way! Great rooms were provided. The setting was quite cozy. Furthermore, the location was ideal because it was just outside of Fira town but far enough away (a five-minute walk) for us to feel like we had the place to…
This place was fantastic in every way! Great rooms were provided. The setting was quite cozy. Furthermore, the location was ideal because it was just outside of Fira town but far enough away (a five-minute walk) for us to feel like we had the place to ourselves. The view from the expansive terrace on the cliff was breathtaking. We could see the entire Caldera region, including the volcano, in its entirety. We could see several blue domes and white structures on either side of us. Every day or every evening, we could view three to four cruise ships docked in the harbor area from our magnificent infinity pool hot tub.
Eve D.
Jul 2024

Will undoubtedly return to this specific Villa.

All hopes were exceeded by this paradise. The villa manager welcomed our family (with wine and freshly cut fruit) and took care of everything. Everything from the delectable breakfast buffet to the shuttles and the impeccable daily housekeeping. They…
All hopes were exceeded by this paradise. The villa manager welcomed our family (with wine and freshly cut fruit) and took care of everything. Everything from the delectable breakfast buffet to the shuttles and the impeccable daily housekeeping. They provided us a 3-bedroom villa (ideal for families) as well as a free late checkout. The position was considerably quieter than other areas of the island, and the view was beautiful.
Tom E.
Aug 2024

Wonderful villas!

10 / 10

This place was fantastic in every way! Great rooms were provided. The setting was quite cozy. Furthermore, the location was ideal because it was just outside of Fira town but far enough away (a five-minute walk) for us to feel like we had the place to ourselves. The view from the expansive terrace on the cliff was breathtaking. We could see the entire…
This place was fantastic in every way! Great rooms were provided. The setting was quite cozy. Furthermore, the location was ideal because it was just outside of Fira town but far enough away (a five-minute walk) for us to feel like we had the place to ourselves. The view from the expansive terrace on the cliff was breathtaking. We could see the entire Caldera region, including the volcano, in its entirety. We could see several blue domes and white structures on either side of us. Every day or every evening, we could view three to four cruise ships docked in the harbor area from our magnificent infinity pool hot tub.
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Eve D.
Jul 2024

Will undoubtedly return to this specific Villa.

10 / 10

All hopes were exceeded by this paradise. The villa manager welcomed our family (with wine and freshly cut fruit) and took care of everything. Everything from the delectable breakfast buffet to the shuttles and the impeccable daily housekeeping. They provided us a 3-bedroom villa (ideal for families) as well as a free late checkout. The position was…
All hopes were exceeded by this paradise. The villa manager welcomed our family (with wine and freshly cut fruit) and took care of everything. Everything from the delectable breakfast buffet to the shuttles and the impeccable daily housekeeping. They provided us a 3-bedroom villa (ideal for families) as well as a free late checkout. The position was considerably quieter than other areas of the island, and the view was beautiful.
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