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Superior Suite at Katikies Santorini

Griechenland, Santorin


Das Katikies Luxushotel in Oia Santorini, das tiefe Emotionen der Verzauberung und Faszination hervorruft, ist bekannt für seinen unvergleichlichen Service, seine warme Atmosphäre und sein romantisches Gefühl, die in einer außergewöhnlichen Umgebung und einer natürlichen Umgebung einzigartig kombiniert werden und seine Gäste einladen, Momente puren Luxus zu erleben in einem der besten Hotels in Oia Santorini. Der atemberaubende Blick auf die Caldera und das azurblaue Meer aus allen Luxussuiten, die erhabenen Sonnenuntergänge von Santorin und perfekt gepflegte rosa Bougainvilleas bilden die herrliche Kulisse für dieses immer wieder strahlend weiße Luxushotel, das sich über die Klippen der magischen Caldera erstreckt. Ein Luxushotel, das zu Recht als eines der besten Hotels in Oia Santorini gilt für seinen maßgeschneiderten Service und seine erstklassigen Unterkunftsmöglichkeiten.

Katikies Santorini vereint auf harmonische Weise die Ästhetik der luxuriösen Caldera, die in einer der prächtigsten natürlichen Umgebungen der Welt lebt, in einer herrlichen Umgebung, die jeden Luxus bietet. Sorgfältige Aufmerksamkeit wurde allen Annehmlichkeiten und Dienstleistungen gewidmet, die den Gästen zur Verfügung stehen, von der Auswahl an gehobenen Restaurants, den 3 Infinity-Pools, dem Indoor-Whirlpool, der Sonnenterrasse mit Open-Air-Whirlpool und einer kleinen Bibliothek mit Interneteinrichtungen.

Die Schönheit des großzügigen Raums und die laszive Liebe zum Detail schaffen eine ruhige Umgebung zum Entspannen und Nachdenken. Private, weitläufige Terrassen überfluten diese Luxussuiten mit den sich ständig ändernden Farbtönen vom Rand der Caldera. Opulente Badezimmer bieten Whirlpool-Badewannen kombiniert mit einem organischen, reinen Ambiente.

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Griechenland, Santorin

Orte in der Nähe

Strand 4km
Restaurant 50m
Supermarkt 50m
Flughafen 8km
Hafen 9km

Lokale Dienstleistungen

Geldautomat/Bank • Post • Lebensmittel • Wäscherei Dienstleistungen • Sportstudio • Spa • Medizinische Dienstleistungen • Krankenhaus • Babysitter • Apotheke • Polizei • Markt • Minimarkt

Lokale Sehenswürdigkeiten & Aktivitäten

Kreuzfahrten • Restaurants • Spielplätze • Kirchen • Weingut-Touren • Wassersport • Schwimmen • Surfen, Kite-Surfen • Museen • Bars • Beach Bars • Yachthafen • Wasserparks • Reiten • Tauchen • Angeln • Jetski fahren • Wasserski • Segeln • Mountainbiking • Paragliding • Tauchen • Windsurfen • Tägliche Kreuzfahrten • Clubs

Was die Gäste sagen

Bewertungen: 10 / 10

Superior Suite at Katikies Santorini

Griechenland, Santorin

Alle Bewertungen

Connor S.
Aug 2024

The top hotel in Santorini is this one

The service was outstanding the entire time we were there. From the moment we arrived, the hotel staff was incredibly welcoming and accommodating. In addition, the concierge was incredibly helpful in reserving an ATV and confirming our supper plans.…
The service was outstanding the entire time we were there. From the moment we arrived, the hotel staff was incredibly welcoming and accommodating. In addition, the concierge was incredibly helpful in reserving an ATV and confirming our supper plans. We spent a lot of time in the jacuzzi and private balcony in our room (number 4), which was quite private and well-kept. The complementary breakfast was fantastic and offered a wide variety of selections.
Kelsey R.
Jul 2024

Fantastic view from our Santorini suite

From check-in to breakfast to transportation, the personnel was excellent. Only here would I stay if I came back! lovely discovery The rooms are cozy and quiet away from the noise of the nightlife and tourists, but only a short staircase away from the…
From check-in to breakfast to transportation, the personnel was excellent. Only here would I stay if I came back! lovely discovery The rooms are cozy and quiet away from the noise of the nightlife and tourists, but only a short staircase away from the excitement!
Arianna T.
Sep 2023

a unique stay!

gorgeous setting excellent attentive staff amazing cuisine There are many stairs to walk up and down and depending on how much you drink, they might be quite dangerous, so get ready for a daily journey. I exercise six days a week, and I'm in decent shape…
gorgeous setting excellent attentive staff amazing cuisine There are many stairs to walk up and down and depending on how much you drink, they might be quite dangerous, so get ready for a daily journey. I exercise six days a week, and I'm in decent shape. Just so you know, those stairs were awful. Even while it wouldn't stop me from returning, I would just find the travel to be unappealing. Again, the entire crew was outstanding. Our room was tidy and roomy.
Connor S.
Aug 2024

The top hotel in Santorini is this one

10 / 10

The service was outstanding the entire time we were there. From the moment we arrived, the hotel staff was incredibly welcoming and accommodating. In addition, the concierge was incredibly helpful in reserving an ATV and confirming our supper plans. We spent a lot of time in the jacuzzi and private balcony in our room (number 4), which was quite private…
The service was outstanding the entire time we were there. From the moment we arrived, the hotel staff was incredibly welcoming and accommodating. In addition, the concierge was incredibly helpful in reserving an ATV and confirming our supper plans. We spent a lot of time in the jacuzzi and private balcony in our room (number 4), which was quite private and well-kept. The complementary breakfast was fantastic and offered a wide variety of selections.
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Kelsey R.
Jul 2024

Fantastic view from our Santorini suite

10 / 10

From check-in to breakfast to transportation, the personnel was excellent. Only here would I stay if I came back! lovely discovery The rooms are cozy and quiet away from the noise of the nightlife and tourists, but only a short staircase away from the excitement!
Arianna T.
Sep 2023

a unique stay!

10 / 10

gorgeous setting excellent attentive staff amazing cuisine There are many stairs to walk up and down and depending on how much you drink, they might be quite dangerous, so get ready for a daily journey. I exercise six days a week, and I'm in decent shape. Just so you know, those stairs were awful. Even while it wouldn't stop me from returning, I would…
gorgeous setting excellent attentive staff amazing cuisine There are many stairs to walk up and down and depending on how much you drink, they might be quite dangerous, so get ready for a daily journey. I exercise six days a week, and I'm in decent shape. Just so you know, those stairs were awful. Even while it wouldn't stop me from returning, I would just find the travel to be unappealing. Again, the entire crew was outstanding. Our room was tidy and roomy.
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