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Villa Nefeli Skopelos

Griechenland, Skopelos

Strand: 2.2km

Villa Nefeli Skopelos liegt auf einer erhöhten Position des Hügels und eingebettet in eine majestätische Landschaft der Insel Skopelos und der Hauptstadt Skopelos Chora. Die neu erbaute Villa Nefeli ist offen für diejenigen, die wirklich einen unvergesslichen Urlaub und Entspannung suchen oder romantische Kurzurlaube, die selbst den anspruchsvollsten Geschmack befriedigen.

Villa Nefeli Skopelos ist idyllisch und die Betonung der Abgeschiedenheit macht unseren Ort zum idealen Reiseziel, das auf unbeschwerte Weise den besonderen Charakter der Tradition mit dem Komfort der Moderne verbindet. Die Villa ist Teil von „Evlalia Studios & Villas“, da sie sich im Land der Mietwohnungen befindet, aber der Punkt, der gebaut wurde, soll Ruhe für einen wirklich schönen privaten Moment mit Blick auf das schöne Skopelos bieten. p>

In dieser friedlichen Umgebung, die von unberührter Vegetation umgeben ist, die wir in unserer alleinigen Anwesenheit in der Gegend bewahrt haben, verströmt eine stark romantische Aura die Pracht der Natur. ein fabelhaftes Ziel absoluter Ruhe und Ihr unübertroffener Genuss erwartet Sie!

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Griechenland, Skopelos

Orte in der Nähe

Strand 2.2km
Restaurant 600 m
Supermarkt 950m
Hafen 1.6 km

Lokale Dienstleistungen

Geldautomat/Bank • Post • Lebensmittel • Wäscherei Dienstleistungen • Sportstudio • Spa • Medizinische Dienstleistungen • Krankenhaus • Babysitter • Apotheke • Polizei • Markt • Minimarkt

Lokale Sehenswürdigkeiten & Aktivitäten

Kreuzfahrten • Restaurants • Spielplätze • Kirchen • Weingut-Touren • Wassersport • Schwimmen • Yachtcharter • Safari-Touren • Kino • Museen • Bars • Beach Bars • Bibliothek • Yachthafen • Wasserparks • Reiten • Golf • Jetski fahren • Wasserski • Segeln • Tennis • Mountainbiking • Paragliding • Tauchen • Windsurfen • Tägliche Kreuzfahrten • Clubs

Was die Gäste sagen

Bewertungen: 10 / 10

Villa Nefeli Skopelos

Griechenland, Skopelos

Alle Bewertungen

Manuele S.
Sep 2024

We had a fantastic day, and the view is breathtaking!

The experience was the best Airbnb has had in Greece thus far. A big thank you to the hosts for their wonderful home with so many wonderful details!
David W.
Aug 2024

Our best holiday ever, for sure!

Even more wonderful than the stunning photographs suggest is Villa Nefeli. The breathtaking vistas, elegant decor, amenities, and service were unmatched. It could be challenging to find another holiday that meets this standard! It was a delight for us…
Even more wonderful than the stunning photographs suggest is Villa Nefeli. The breathtaking vistas, elegant decor, amenities, and service were unmatched. It could be challenging to find another holiday that meets this standard! It was a delight for us to have stayed at the resort because the owners clearly put their hearts into it. We really hope to go back.
Sarah E.
Jul 2024

Among the greatest locations to stay while visiting Skopelos.

Wonderful villa with lovely views of the Chora port and a tiny outdoor pool. Downtown is a 10-minute walk away. great amenities, including daily cleaning. Definitely a recommendation.
Alex R.
Jun 2024

Lovely area that almost feels secluded.

Due to the fact that the villa is a part of a hotel, daily cleaning and sheet changes are required. The harbor is magnificently visible from the first floor.
Manuele S.
Sep 2024

We had a fantastic day, and the view is breathtaking!

10 / 10

The experience was the best Airbnb has had in Greece thus far. A big thank you to the hosts for their wonderful home with so many wonderful details!
David W.
Aug 2024

Our best holiday ever, for sure!

10 / 10

Even more wonderful than the stunning photographs suggest is Villa Nefeli. The breathtaking vistas, elegant decor, amenities, and service were unmatched. It could be challenging to find another holiday that meets this standard! It was a delight for us to have stayed at the resort because the owners clearly put their hearts into it. We really hope to…
Even more wonderful than the stunning photographs suggest is Villa Nefeli. The breathtaking vistas, elegant decor, amenities, and service were unmatched. It could be challenging to find another holiday that meets this standard! It was a delight for us to have stayed at the resort because the owners clearly put their hearts into it. We really hope to go back.
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Sarah E.
Jul 2024

Among the greatest locations to stay while visiting Skopelos.

10 / 10

Wonderful villa with lovely views of the Chora port and a tiny outdoor pool. Downtown is a 10-minute walk away. great amenities, including daily cleaning. Definitely a recommendation.
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