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Marconi's Sea Side Villa Syros

Griechenland, Syros

Strand: 20m

Marconi's Sea Side Villa Syros bietet eine Vielzahl von Annehmlichkeiten, die das Gefühl eines Fünf-Sterne-Resorts verstärken. Ideal für Familien und Freunde, da es in drei geräumigen Schlafzimmern Platz für bis zu sechs Personen bietet. Inspiriert vom absoluten Kubismus und der Einfachheit der kykladischen Architektur und begleitet von modernen Akzenten, hat es der Schaffung eines praktischen und funktionalen Anwesens hohe Priorität eingeräumt.

Marconi's Sea Side Villa Syros besteht aus drei Hauptschlafzimmern, einem Wohnzimmer, einem Essbereich, einer modernen Küche, zwei Badezimmern und bietet Platz für bis zu 6 Personen. Der Außenbereich erstreckt sich über drei Ebenen, darunter ein Außen-Whirlpool und ein sauerstoffgereinigter Infinity-Pool, der einen ungehinderten Blick auf die nahe gelegenen Inseln bietet >

Marconi's Sea Side Villa Syros ist eine Ferienresidenz von 160 Quadratmetern, bestehend aus drei Hauptschlafzimmern, einem geräumigen Wohnzimmer, einem Essbereich, einer modernen Küche und zwei Badezimmern. Es gibt auch einen Außenbereich auf drei Ebenen mit vielen Veranden, die Sie zum Essen, Spaß haben und Entspannen mit Blick auf das Meer und die Inseln nutzen können. Die Villa liegt in perfekter Harmonie mit der natürlichen Umgebung und dem architektonischen Stil der Kykladen, ist aber auch mit den wesentlichen modernen Annehmlichkeiten ausgestattet (WLAN, zwei private Parkplätze, Reinigung und Handtuchwechsel alle zwei Tage, Whirlpool und eine herzliche Begrüßung durch die Besitzer)

Die Schlafzimmer von Marconi mit uneingeschränktem Blick auf die Bucht von Megas Gialos sind der ultimative Zufluchtsort der Ruhe, der Ort, an dem Sie sich wirklich entspannen werden. Ruhen Sie sich aus, schlafen Sie und genießen Sie den Komfort und die Eleganz der Zimmer unserer Villa, die den Kern des Erlebnisses ausmachen.

Es hat einen direkten Zugang, nicht nur weil es am Hauptstraßennetz liegt, sondern es kann auch über das Meer erreicht werden, da es einen Pier zum Andocken kleiner Freizeitschiffe gibt, der nur wenige Meter von der Villa entfernt ist ! Darüber hinaus ist der Außenbereich auf drei Ebenen mit vielen Veranden gestaltet, die den Hochzeitsempfang in einer einzigartigen und privilegierten Gegend beherbergen können, nur einen Atemzug vom herrlichen Meer entfernt. Die Marconi’s Sea Side Villa gilt als kinder-, haustier- und LGBT-freundliche Residenz.

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Griechenland, Syros

Orte in der Nähe

Strand 20m
Restaurant 300 m
Supermarkt 150m
Flughafen 10 km
Hafen 12 km

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Was die Gäste sagen

Bewertungen: 10 / 10

Marconi's Sea Side Villa Syros

Griechenland, Syros

Alle Bewertungen

Nick J.
Sep 2024

A great stay

The Hosts were super accommodating and were willing to meet us when it best suited us. Due to the ferry time changing, they were also willing to change the time at the last moment, which was very much appreciated.
Peter S.
Aug 2024

We hope to visit again soon!

For a week of work vacation, we traveled to the villa. The house is wonderful, brand-new, and tastefully furnished and adorned with a lot of care and affection. It is really roomy, exquisitely furnished, and fully furnished. The exterior spaces of the…
For a week of work vacation, we traveled to the villa. The house is wonderful, brand-new, and tastefully furnished and adorned with a lot of care and affection. It is really roomy, exquisitely furnished, and fully furnished. The exterior spaces of the property are its strongest feature, with more than five roomy terraces that offer views of the stunning Megas Gialos bay that are even better in person than they appear in the images. The house was immaculately maintained and clean. At least twice each week, the swimming pool and jacuzzi receive expert cleaning and maintenance. We thoroughly liked our time in the villa and were hesitant to venture out to explore the island.
George E.
Aug 2024

I recommend it with children or without..

it has a perfect jacuzzi, and very friendly owners, they don't bother you at all and are very willing to help you with anything you need. Clean and many corners to relax ... we will definitely go again as a family ... I didn't have shampoo etc. they…
it has a perfect jacuzzi, and very friendly owners, they don't bother you at all and are very willing to help you with anything you need. Clean and many corners to relax ... we will definitely go again as a family ... I didn't have shampoo etc. they had everything for us there and even from a pharmacy ... I forgot to mention the wonderful welcome with various products ... there was also a swimming pool ... I had an update but I didn't find this year to go...next year..
Nick D.
Jul 2024

Marconi Seaside Villa was a real gem.

It is fantastically close to a beach and a great area to swim. the facilities are fantastic and the hosts are extremely kind and helpful.
Nick J.
Sep 2024

A great stay

10 / 10

The Hosts were super accommodating and were willing to meet us when it best suited us. Due to the ferry time changing, they were also willing to change the time at the last moment, which was very much appreciated.
Peter S.
Aug 2024

We hope to visit again soon!

10 / 10

For a week of work vacation, we traveled to the villa. The house is wonderful, brand-new, and tastefully furnished and adorned with a lot of care and affection. It is really roomy, exquisitely furnished, and fully furnished. The exterior spaces of the property are its strongest feature, with more than five roomy terraces that offer views of the stunning…
For a week of work vacation, we traveled to the villa. The house is wonderful, brand-new, and tastefully furnished and adorned with a lot of care and affection. It is really roomy, exquisitely furnished, and fully furnished. The exterior spaces of the property are its strongest feature, with more than five roomy terraces that offer views of the stunning Megas Gialos bay that are even better in person than they appear in the images. The house was immaculately maintained and clean. At least twice each week, the swimming pool and jacuzzi receive expert cleaning and maintenance. We thoroughly liked our time in the villa and were hesitant to venture out to explore the island.
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George E.
Aug 2024

I recommend it with children or without..

10 / 10

it has a perfect jacuzzi, and very friendly owners, they don't bother you at all and are very willing to help you with anything you need. Clean and many corners to relax ... we will definitely go again as a family ... I didn't have shampoo etc. they had everything for us there and even from a pharmacy ... I forgot to mention the wonderful welcome with…
it has a perfect jacuzzi, and very friendly owners, they don't bother you at all and are very willing to help you with anything you need. Clean and many corners to relax ... we will definitely go again as a family ... I didn't have shampoo etc. they had everything for us there and even from a pharmacy ... I forgot to mention the wonderful welcome with various products ... there was also a swimming pool ... I had an update but I didn't find this year to go...next year..
weniger lesen...
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