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Villa Kera Chania

Griechenland, Kreta, Chania

Strand: 400m

Villa Kera Chania ist eine Luxusvilla mit 4 Schlafzimmern und einem privaten Pool. Die Villa Kera liegt nur einen Katzensprung vom Strand Kera entfernt und ganz in der Nähe des Dorfes Almyrida. Es bietet Luxus und Komfort, wenn Sie entweder am Pool liegen oder sich in einem der geräumigen Schlafzimmer ausruhen möchten.

Villa Kera verfügt über 4 Schlafzimmer, 5 Badezimmer und bietet bequem Platz für bis zu 9 Gäste.

Wenn Sie die Villa betreten und die Eingangstür schließen, haben Sie sofort das Gefühl, dass diese Villa die Privatsphäre bietet, die Sie für totale Entspannung benötigen. Gebaut nach traditionellen lokalen architektonischen Merkmalen außen und mit moderner Schlichtheit innen. Genießen Sie den atemberaubenden Meerblick von den Balkonen oder am Pool. Der Aufenthalt in dieser Villa wird Ihren Urlaub definitiv unvergesslich machen. Die Villa Kera liegt an der Hauptstraße, die Kalyves und Almyrida verbindet, direkt über dem Strand von Kera. Es liegt nur 1 km vom Strand von Almyrida entfernt. Die Villa liegt nur 250 Meter vom Strand und 400 Meter vom Zentrum von Almyrida entfernt.

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Griechenland, Kreta, Chania

Orte in der Nähe

Strand 400m
Restaurant 1 km
Supermarkt 1km
Flughafen 30 km
Hafen 15 km

Lokale Dienstleistungen

Geldautomat/Bank • Post • Lebensmittel • Wäscherei Dienstleistungen • Sportstudio • Spa • Medizinische Dienstleistungen • Krankenhaus • Babysitter • Apotheke • Polizei • Markt • Minimarkt

Lokale Sehenswürdigkeiten & Aktivitäten

Kreuzfahrten • Restaurants • Spielplätze • Kirchen • Weingut-Touren • Wassersport • Schwimmen • Surfen, Kite-Surfen • Yachtcharter • Safari-Touren • Kino • Museen • Bars • Beach Bars • Bibliothek • Yachthafen • Wasserparks • Reiten • Tauchen • Golf • Angeln • Jetski fahren • Wasserski • Segeln • Tennis • Mountainbiking • Paragliding • Tauchen • Windsurfen • Tägliche Kreuzfahrten • Clubs

Was die Gäste sagen

Bewertungen: 10 / 10

Villa Kera Chania

Griechenland, Kreta, Chania

Alle Bewertungen

Stuart D.
Jun 2022

The house, location and view was fantastic.

Irina and Michalis were great hosts. They were always available to answer your questions. Plenty of bath towels and swimming pool towels were provided. From your terrace you look down over the village and the mountains in the distance. It was wonderful…
Irina and Michalis were great hosts. They were always available to answer your questions. Plenty of bath towels and swimming pool towels were provided. From your terrace you look down over the village and the mountains in the distance. It was wonderful to have a solitary morning or evening swim in the pool, and in the evening sit on the terrace and watch the sun sink over the horizon. The guests in the three other houses respected each others privacy (no parties/no loud music) so it was a perfect location for a quiet, relaxing holiday. A well stocked supermarket is 5 minutes walk from the house, and although the local Taverna looked very basic, the meals were superb. Irina and Michalis, thank you very much. We would love to come back again, and we recommend the villa to anybody wishing to have a quiet, relaxing holiday.
Stuart D.
Jun 2022

The house, location and view was fantastic.

10 / 10

Irina and Michalis were great hosts. They were always available to answer your questions. Plenty of bath towels and swimming pool towels were provided. From your terrace you look down over the village and the mountains in the distance. It was wonderful to have a solitary morning or evening swim in the pool, and in the evening sit on the terrace and…
Irina and Michalis were great hosts. They were always available to answer your questions. Plenty of bath towels and swimming pool towels were provided. From your terrace you look down over the village and the mountains in the distance. It was wonderful to have a solitary morning or evening swim in the pool, and in the evening sit on the terrace and watch the sun sink over the horizon. The guests in the three other houses respected each others privacy (no parties/no loud music) so it was a perfect location for a quiet, relaxing holiday. A well stocked supermarket is 5 minutes walk from the house, and although the local Taverna looked very basic, the meals were superb. Irina and Michalis, thank you very much. We would love to come back again, and we recommend the villa to anybody wishing to have a quiet, relaxing holiday.
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