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Villa Votsalo Beachfront Chania

Griechenland, Kreta, Chania


In der griechischen Sprache bedeutet der Name Votsalo Kiesel, was die atemberaubende Lage dieser Villa mit drei Schlafzimmern widerspiegelt, wo die raue kretische Landschaft auf die türkisfarbene Ägäis trifft. Doch wenn Sie von der Terrasse hinabsteigen, vorbei am Infinity-Pool und dem Essbereich im Freien, und den Gehweg über die Kieselsteine ​​nehmen, treten Sie in das warme Wasser, um einen Meeresboden aus feinem Sand zu entdecken. Mit Blick auf die Bucht von Kissamos und nur wenige Meter vom Wasser entfernt, ist dies die größte unserer beiden Strandvillen mit einer geräumigen Küche und einem innovativen „Hängeinsel“-Esstisch.

Die Schlafzimmer sind hell und stilvoll mit weichen Holzböden und bieten eine ungestörte Aussicht, mit Balkonen, die durch „Segel“ vor der Mittelmeersonne geschützt sind. Mit einem 150 Meter langen Strandpanorama genießt allein die Lounge ein sechs Meter langes Fenster, das das natürliche Licht hereinlässt und gleichzeitig die erstaunlichsten Ausblicke über das Wasser bietet. Dieses Youphoria-Anwesen – an der Küste von Korfalonas – ist modern und minimalistisch im Stil und zeichnet sich durch klare Linien, hochwertige Möbel, luxuriösen Komfort und die Verwendung natürlicher Farben und Materialien wie lokalem Kalkstein und Holz aus.

Votsalo bietet Platz für 12 Gäste. Votsalo bietet einen gut positionierten Ausgangspunkt, um Westkreta zu erkunden, egal ob Sie mit dem Boot nach Gramvousa oder Balos fahren, in lokalen Fischtavernen speisen, nahe gelegene Strände wie Falasarna besuchen oder die Schluchten und archäologischen Stätten der Insel erkunden. Die Gegend um Votsalo ist reich an natürlicher Tierwelt mit Strandläufern, Reihern, Falken und anderen Greifvögeln, die in Strandnähe schweben, was perfekt zum Schnorcheln, Schwimmen und Angeln ist oder einfach nur zum Entspannen und das Ägäische Panorama genießen. p>

Gekühlt von einer sanften Meeresbrise können Sie sich vom Wellenschlag und den Felsen vor der Villa hypnotisieren lassen, die nachts verführerisch beleuchtet werden, um eine magische Küstenaura zu schaffen. In unseren Selbstversorger-Villen steht natürlich die Privatsphäre an erster Stelle. Der Service, den wir anbieten, ist erstklassig, mit einem Concierge, Restaurantreservierungen und Bootsverleih, alles untermauert mit unserer lebenslangen Ortskenntnis, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie die besten Orte auf diesem Teil der Insel kennenlernen. Und wir verraten Ihnen sogar einige der verborgenen Geheimnisse der Gegend!

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Griechenland, Kreta, Chania

Orte in der Nähe

Strand 60m
Restaurant 200 m
Supermarkt 1km
Flughafen 50 km
Hafen 45 km

Lokale Dienstleistungen

Geldautomat/Bank • Post • Lebensmittel • Wäscherei Dienstleistungen • Sportstudio • Spa • Krankenhaus • Babysitter • Apotheke • Polizei • Markt • Minimarkt

Lokale Sehenswürdigkeiten & Aktivitäten

Kreuzfahrten • Restaurants • Spielplätze • Kirchen • Weingut-Touren • Wassersport • Schwimmen • Surfen, Kite-Surfen • Yachtcharter • Safari-Touren • Kino • Museen • Bars • Beach Bars • Bibliothek • Yachthafen • Wasserparks • Reiten • Tauchen • Angeln • Jetski fahren • Wasserski • Segeln • Tennis • Mountainbiking • Paragliding • Tauchen • Windsurfen • Tägliche Kreuzfahrten • Clubs • Vogelbeobachtung • Glassbottom-Bootsfahrten

Was die Gäste sagen

Bewertungen: 10 / 10

Villa Votsalo Beachfront Chania

Griechenland, Kreta, Chania

Alle Bewertungen

Leto G.
Aug 2024

Very beautiful new villa

Very clean room, in front of the beach!!Only a tiny-small road between the villa and the beach! The hosts are very friendly and always smile!They will help you a lot if you have questions etc. Thank you so much
Abigail K.
Sep 2021

Fantastic family holiday

We had a wonderful holiday here with our friends. The location was fantastic, the villa is stunning, spilling straight onto the beach or nice sized garden behind. The owner was incredibly helpful and generous with local supplies. She had thought…
We had a wonderful holiday here with our friends. The location was fantastic, the villa is stunning, spilling straight onto the beach or nice sized garden behind. The owner was incredibly helpful and generous with local supplies. She had thought of everything so we had no problems getting there and travelling around. Thoroughly recommend!
Frank Dupper
Aug 2021

How Villa Holidays should be

Just returned from a week at Votsalo villa and the whole experience was wonderful. Beautiful villa, great location in front of the beach, peaceful, the most attentive staff you could wish for all make for a great relaxing family holiday. Set in an unspoilt…
Just returned from a week at Votsalo villa and the whole experience was wonderful. Beautiful villa, great location in front of the beach, peaceful, the most attentive staff you could wish for all make for a great relaxing family holiday. Set in an unspoilt region of Crete with easy access to traditional taverna's. Just wish we could have spent another week there but we will return.
Mary D.
Jul 2021

Heaven on earth!

We just returned from another amazing stay at Votsalo villa. The philoxenia, amazing villas, views, sweet Cretan air all on the best side of the island make Votsalo a perfect place to be. Heaven on earth! Coming last year and again this year with more…
We just returned from another amazing stay at Votsalo villa. The philoxenia, amazing villas, views, sweet Cretan air all on the best side of the island make Votsalo a perfect place to be. Heaven on earth! Coming last year and again this year with more of our family members was wonderful! A Cretan home away from home. Everything was perfect. The owners treat their guests first class and like family. We could not be more happy with our stay at Votsalo villa! A special place in our hearts. We look forward to returning again!
Walker family
May 2021

Wonderful villa and superb hospitality

Had an excellent short break here in May, the villa was luxurious and comfortable with a super pool just in front of the bay. Would very highly recommend and will definitely return.
Sep 2020

Amazing villa offering peace and tranquility

We stayed at Villa Votsalo... the epitome of what a relaxing holiday should be. On arrival we received a warm welcome from our hosts, and then came the wow factor as we were introduced to the contemporary, stylish villa with amazing facilities, infinity…
We stayed at Villa Votsalo... the epitome of what a relaxing holiday should be. On arrival we received a warm welcome from our hosts, and then came the wow factor as we were introduced to the contemporary, stylish villa with amazing facilities, infinity pool and outstanding views. The owner, with a wealth of experience of everything Cretan, is only a phone call away to offer advice on the area during your stay. A truly exceptional experience that I would highly recommend!
Leto G.
Aug 2024

Very beautiful new villa

10 / 10

Very clean room, in front of the beach!!Only a tiny-small road between the villa and the beach! The hosts are very friendly and always smile!They will help you a lot if you have questions etc. Thank you so much
Abigail K.
Sep 2021

Fantastic family holiday

10 / 10

We had a wonderful holiday here with our friends. The location was fantastic, the villa is stunning, spilling straight onto the beach or nice sized garden behind. The owner was incredibly helpful and generous with local supplies. She had thought of everything so we had no problems getting there and travelling around. Thoroughly recommend!
Frank Dupper
Aug 2021

How Villa Holidays should be

10 / 10

Just returned from a week at Votsalo villa and the whole experience was wonderful. Beautiful villa, great location in front of the beach, peaceful, the most attentive staff you could wish for all make for a great relaxing family holiday. Set in an unspoilt region of Crete with easy access to traditional taverna's. Just wish we could have spent another…
Just returned from a week at Votsalo villa and the whole experience was wonderful. Beautiful villa, great location in front of the beach, peaceful, the most attentive staff you could wish for all make for a great relaxing family holiday. Set in an unspoilt region of Crete with easy access to traditional taverna's. Just wish we could have spent another week there but we will return.
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