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Villa Aiko Bali

Indonesien, Bali, Jimbaran

Strand: 40m

Eine einzigartige moderne Villa mit einem majestätischen Blick über die Jimbaran Bay. Die auf dem Hügel gelegene Villa Aiko Bali verkörpert die alte chinesische Philosophie von Yin und Yang. Atemberaubende Ausblicke und ‌ Zutaten wie Marmor, Granit und Holz vermischen sich zu einem atemberaubenden Ergebnis. Villa Aiko Bali umfasst alle Ihre Sinne durch ein komplettes Erwachenserlebnis vom Moment Ihrer Ankunft an.

Die Architektur der Villa lässt die Sonne in fast jeden Raum des Anwesens, während die vier Schlafzimmer mit ihren eigenen Badezimmern alle geräumig und privat sind und zwei von ihnen einen herrlichen Blick direkt von ihren riesigen Betten aus haben.

Verwöhnen Sie sich mit der Hilfe des erfahrenen Personals, zu dem der Villa-Manager, der hauseigene Koch, die Haushälterinnen und der Sicherheitsdienst gehören, die alle bereit sind, Ihnen zu dienen. Die Villa Aiko ist ideal für die kleinen Gäste, da sie viel Platz zum Spielen, Poolvergnügen und ein eigenes Spielzimmer mit Puppenhaus, Büchern, kleiner Küche, Spielzeug und vielen Spielen haben.

Villa Aiko verspricht durch Einfachheit und Eleganz ein Erlebnis, das Ihre Sinne weckt! Die wenigen Eingeweihten auf der Suche nach Reinheit, Gelassenheit und Perfektion, nach einem einzigartigen Ort, der auf den Gipfeln thront und weit über die Grenzen des Gewöhnlichen hinausgeht, werden in der Villa Aiko Bali das finden, wonach sie sich insgeheim sehnen.

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Indonesien, Bali, Jimbaran

Orte in der Nähe

Strand 40m
Restaurant 0.6 km
Supermarkt 600m
Flughafen 25 km
Hafen 20 km

Lokale Dienstleistungen

Geldautomat/Bank • Post • Lebensmittel • Wäscherei Dienstleistungen • Sportstudio • Spa • Medizinische Dienstleistungen • Krankenhaus • Babysitter • Apotheke • Polizei • Markt • Minimarkt

Lokale Sehenswürdigkeiten & Aktivitäten

Kreuzfahrten • Restaurants • Spielplätze • Kirchen • Wassersport • Schwimmen • Surfen, Kite-Surfen • Yachtcharter • Safari-Touren • Kino • Museen • Bars • Beach Bars • Bibliothek • Yachthafen • Wasserparks • Reiten • Tauchen • Golf • Angeln • Jetski fahren • Wasserski • Segeln • Tennis • Mountainbiking • Paragliding • Tauchen • Windsurfen • Tägliche Kreuzfahrten • Clubs

Was die Gäste sagen

Bewertungen: 9.7 / 10

Villa Aiko Bali

Indonesien, Bali, Jimbaran

Alle Bewertungen

Feb 2024

Spacious haven and very friendly staffs

Our family had stayed multiple times at this amazing villa. It is very near to samasta movenpick hotel. We love their professional and super friendly staffs. We double love their cooking service. They have great menu and it really taste so good that…
Our family had stayed multiple times at this amazing villa. It is very near to samasta movenpick hotel. We love their professional and super friendly staffs. We double love their cooking service. They have great menu and it really taste so good that we hardly go out to eat. Usually we come as a big group but they are able to serve us with no difficulty whatsoever. They have game room, bbq area, library and very big pool with amazing view.
Jan 2023

Cliff top luxury villa overlooking Jimbaran Bay

Beautiful and spacious luxury villa located higher on cliff overlooking Jimbaran bay. We had amazing stay, villa is beautiful, spacious, has though through details and yet has cozy homey feeling. Staff is very welcoming and well trained, taking good…
Beautiful and spacious luxury villa located higher on cliff overlooking Jimbaran bay. We had amazing stay, villa is beautiful, spacious, has though through details and yet has cozy homey feeling. Staff is very welcoming and well trained, taking good care of this amazing property.
Nov 2022

A GEM of a residence

Imagine a beautiful house with an incredible view of Bali, and with some of the best food you'll find on the island. We had to stop going out to eat because the food they prepared every night was just so good. Putu, the head of the household, is very…
Imagine a beautiful house with an incredible view of Bali, and with some of the best food you'll find on the island. We had to stop going out to eat because the food they prepared every night was just so good. Putu, the head of the household, is very knowledgable and easy to talk to. The staff is super friendly. For what you are getting, it is a steal. They even have a kids room our daughter fell in love with.
Jul 2021

Toller Urlaub mit Einschränkungen, die änderbar sind

Wir haben an sich 11 schöne Tage in der Villa Aiko verbracht. Das Haus ist sehr schön, super aufgeteilt. Ein super Koch, der lecker für uns alle gekocht hat. Management und Staff sehr bemüht und sehr freundlich. Die Sauberkeit könnte etwas besser…
Wir haben an sich 11 schöne Tage in der Villa Aiko verbracht. Das Haus ist sehr schön, super aufgeteilt. Ein super Koch, der lecker für uns alle gekocht hat. Management und Staff sehr bemüht und sehr freundlich. Die Sauberkeit könnte etwas besser sein; als wir dies mitgeteilt haben, wurde alles umgesetzt was bemängelt wurde. Die Staff ist für balinesische Verhältnisse sicher top, für europäische Verhältnisse bräuchte sie noch einige Anregungen; aber sicher machbar. Unser Manko war, dass wir nach 2 Tagen mitbekamen, dass der Pool die Haarfarbe verändert und zwar wurden meine Haare grünstichig, 2 Tage später auch meine Fingernägel. Somit tauchte ich mit meinem blonden Haaren gar nicht mehr im Pool. Das Wasser hatte aber ansonsten keine Beeinträchtigung; weder brennen in den Augen noch gab es Hautprobleme. Als unsere Freude später für 1 Woche hinzukamen, stellten wir sehr schnell fest, dass das Poolwasser unser Problem war. Unsere ganzen Schwimmsachen wurden grünlich, die gräuliche Brustbehaarung ebenfalls und die angegrauten Haare der Herren auch noch. Wir teilte das dem Management mit, leider gab es für uns keine befriedigende Rückmeldung. Es wurde uns gesagt, dass das Wasser kein Problem wäre, vermutlich wären wir versehentlich an den Rand des Pools gekommen, wo ggf. Ablagerungen waren. Wir durften leider 7 Schwimmsachen nach dem Urlaub wegwerfen. Eine solche Antwort vom Management von elitehavens sowie des Eigentümers dürfte in einer solchen Situation nicht kommen, zumal wir von einem Übernachtungspreis von ca. einer Hausmiete von rd. 6000 Euro sprechen. Wir erwarten da eine andere Kommunikation. Trotz allem muss man auch sagen, dass die Villa schön ist und auch weiterempfohlen werden könnte, wenn die Sauberkeit besser wäre, das Management sich anders verhalten würde bei Problemen. Wir hatten trotzdem einen schönen Urlaub.
Fu R
May 2021

Awesome experience

It's really our lucky to choose Villa Aiko, We have never met such a good hotel like it,our whole family were satisfied with it! Completely independent villa and swimming pool, will not be disturbed.The housekeeper, chef, waiters and security,they are…
It's really our lucky to choose Villa Aiko, We have never met such a good hotel like it,our whole family were satisfied with it! Completely independent villa and swimming pool, will not be disturbed.The housekeeper, chef, waiters and security,they are all friendly.three days stay was too short,we are looking forward for the next time!
Feb 2021

Modern villa with great views and attentive staff

We loved the layout of the villa. The master bedroom is awesome. The other rooms are great too. Best mattress in Bali so far. The TV room is very comfy, we loved the sofa. Big windows everywhere and having dinner on the terrace with the view to the beach…
We loved the layout of the villa. The master bedroom is awesome. The other rooms are great too. Best mattress in Bali so far. The TV room is very comfy, we loved the sofa. Big windows everywhere and having dinner on the terrace with the view to the beach and airport is amazing. The Crew is great and took good care of us. The only let downs are that some materials are getting old and that a construction just started beside the villa.
Nov 2018

Stunning villa + attentive staff = Fantastic Holiday

I absolutely had to write a review on Villa Aiko! Traveled with a group of 9 with family, age range was between (11-60+). This villa was an absolutely oasis away tucked in the middle of Jimbaran. We initially had plans for lunch and dinner at high…
I absolutely had to write a review on Villa Aiko! Traveled with a group of 9 with family, age range was between (11-60+). This villa was an absolutely oasis away tucked in the middle of Jimbaran. We initially had plans for lunch and dinner at high reviewed restaurants/eateries from trip advisor, but all those plans were just thrown out of the window as my family LOVED the cooking by the in-house chef. The chef was extremely creative and went out of his way to create surprises every meal. The only problem is that we wished we had more room for more food. My family loved the size of the villa that though there were so many of us, but we all had our personal space and privacy. Bliss is lying on the bed in the room/pool side overlooking the sea view that the villa is able to offer.
Feb 2024

Spacious haven and very friendly staffs

10 / 10

Our family had stayed multiple times at this amazing villa. It is very near to samasta movenpick hotel. We love their professional and super friendly staffs. We double love their cooking service. They have great menu and it really taste so good that we hardly go out to eat. Usually we come as a big group but they are able to serve us with no difficulty…
Our family had stayed multiple times at this amazing villa. It is very near to samasta movenpick hotel. We love their professional and super friendly staffs. We double love their cooking service. They have great menu and it really taste so good that we hardly go out to eat. Usually we come as a big group but they are able to serve us with no difficulty whatsoever. They have game room, bbq area, library and very big pool with amazing view.
weniger lesen...
Jan 2023

Cliff top luxury villa overlooking Jimbaran Bay

10 / 10

Beautiful and spacious luxury villa located higher on cliff overlooking Jimbaran bay. We had amazing stay, villa is beautiful, spacious, has though through details and yet has cozy homey feeling. Staff is very welcoming and well trained, taking good care of this amazing property.
Nov 2022

A GEM of a residence

10 / 10

Imagine a beautiful house with an incredible view of Bali, and with some of the best food you'll find on the island. We had to stop going out to eat because the food they prepared every night was just so good. Putu, the head of the household, is very knowledgable and easy to talk to. The staff is super friendly. For what you are getting, it is a steal…
Imagine a beautiful house with an incredible view of Bali, and with some of the best food you'll find on the island. We had to stop going out to eat because the food they prepared every night was just so good. Putu, the head of the household, is very knowledgable and easy to talk to. The staff is super friendly. For what you are getting, it is a steal. They even have a kids room our daughter fell in love with.
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