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Villa Tangram Seminyak

Indonesien, Bali, Seminyak

Strand: 600m

Villa Tangram Seminyak ist ein einzigartiger Urlaubsort mit 6 Schlafzimmern in hervorragender Lage im Zentrum von Seminyak, nur einen kurzen Spaziergang vom Strand entfernt. Diese Villa hat einen coolen Vintage-Look, der durch tropische und traditionelle Elemente bereichert wird. Der Garten ist üppig grün und sehr friedlich, perfekt um den Tag mit Schwimmen und Chillen in der balinesischen Sonne zu verbringen. Es gibt 5 sehr komfortable Schlafzimmer und das 6. Schlafzimmer verfügt über Etagenbetten, die speziell für Familien mit Kindern entworfen wurden. Villa Tangram ist ein perfekter Kurzurlaub für eine große Gruppe, die zusammen in der angesagtesten Stadt Balis Urlaub machen möchte. Die Gäste haben auch die Möglichkeit, diese Villa zusammen mit ihrer Nachbarvilla Abakoi zu mieten, um sie in eine riesige private Urlaubsoase von Seminyak zu verwandeln.

Villa Tangram Seminyak liegt versteckt in einer friedlichen Gasse in der Nähe der Jalan Drupadi, mitten im Herzen des schicken und trendigen Seminyak. Gäste können diesen lebhaften Strandort zu Fuß erkunden, in Boutiquen einkaufen, in schicken Restaurants speisen und Cocktails in renommierten Strandclubs wie KU DE TA und Potato Head schlürfen. In die Villa Tangram nach Hause zu kommen, ist wie in eine friedliche Oase nach Hause zu kommen, weit weg von all dem Lärm und Geschäft. Ein wahr gewordener Traum für alle Reisenden!

Die Gäste der Villa Tangram Seminyak werden im stilvollen und geräumigen Wohnzimmer mit offenem Konzept begrüßt, das mit einem hohen traditionellen Dach, maßgefertigten Möbeln, hellen Farben und einer großartigen Sammlung zeitgenössischer und traditioneller Kunstwerke ausgestattet ist. Von der hohen luftigen Decke kaskadieren handgeschlagene Designer-Lampen aus Kupfer und Rattan und von überall im Wohnzimmer können Sie den herrlichen Blick auf den Garten und den Pool genießen. Der rohe Teakholzboden ist ebenfalls wunderschön und die Kunstsammlung umfasst Originalgemälde, traditionelle Artefakte und Skulpturen in der Wand. In der Mitte des Wohnzimmers steht ein wunderschöner Esstisch aus Teakholz, an dem die ganze Familie zu jeder Tageszeit zusammensitzen und eine Mahlzeit genießen kann. In der Ecke befindet sich eine bequeme Sofalounge mit Plüschkissen, die einen Couchtisch auf einem Rattanteppich umgibt.

Die hochmoderne Küche ist mit allem Notwendigen und mehr ausgestattet und die Frühstücksbar mit Hockern ist ein idealer Ort, um an einem entspannten Nachmittag Cocktails zu schütteln und zu schlürfen. Der Garten der Villa Tangram ist einfach wunderbar! Im Herzen glitzert ein privater 12 x 4 Swimmingpool, flankiert von tropischen Palmen und blühenden Pflanzen. Auf dem Holzdeck stehen viele Liegestühle und Sonnenschirme, die sowohl Sonnenhungrige als auch Schattensuchende beruhigen. Der Pavillon mit Alang-Alang-Dach ist der perfekte Ort, um den Tag mit einem guten Buch zu faulenzen, Cocktails zu schlürfen, den Kindern beim Wasserspaß zuzusehen oder sich bei einer traditionellen balinesischen Massage im Freien zu erholen. Alles ist möglich und alles ist wunderbar!

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Indonesien, Bali, Seminyak

Orte in der Nähe

Strand 600m
Restaurant 350 m
Supermarkt 350m
Flughafen 10 km
Hafen 9 km

Lokale Dienstleistungen

Geldautomat/Bank • Post • Lebensmittel • Wäscherei Dienstleistungen • Sportstudio • Spa • Medizinische Dienstleistungen • Krankenhaus • Babysitter • Apotheke • Polizei • Markt • Minimarkt

Lokale Sehenswürdigkeiten & Aktivitäten

Kreuzfahrten • Restaurants • Spielplätze • Kirchen • Wassersport • Schwimmen • Surfen, Kite-Surfen • Yachtcharter • Safari-Touren • Kino • Museen • Bars • Beach Bars • Bibliothek • Yachthafen • Wasserparks • Reiten • Tauchen • Golf • Angeln • Jetski fahren • Wasserski • Segeln • Tennis • Mountainbiking • Paragliding • Tauchen • Windsurfen • Tägliche Kreuzfahrten • Clubs

Was die Gäste sagen

Bewertungen: 10 / 10

Villa Tangram Seminyak

Indonesien, Bali, Seminyak

Alle Bewertungen

Stan K
Jun 2024

A fantastic place to stay in Bali

The Tangram Villa with Nala and all the staff were the best experience we had. The Villa is most secure with security on site especially the evenings. The staff most friendly and courteous to all our needs. A great place to relax play own music pick…
The Tangram Villa with Nala and all the staff were the best experience we had. The Villa is most secure with security on site especially the evenings. The staff most friendly and courteous to all our needs. A great place to relax play own music pick meals as required or eat out. Napa the site manager also arranged for day trips. The pool was great as were all the rooms. Close to main steer of Seminyak and fine dining or even a burger at Wackos. The family of 10 enjoyed the whole experience. We thoroughly recommend the Tangram and will certainly return in the future with next Bali holiday The shopping was great as Bali is still inexpensive Have a Great time and enjoy, pamper yourself.
Pierre A
Apr 2024

Bali Paradise !

La villa est superbe et spacieuse (pour 16 personnes !!!!). Le personnel est juste adorable et souriant. Un conseil cependant acheter au marché et faites préparer plutôt que le « food service ». Vous ne serez pas déçu...
Kate B
Mar 2024

Best Place EVER!!! Great location, TOP Service.

We could not be happier with our stay at Villa Tangram. I booked this place for 6 of us who were travelling from Sydney, Melbourne and Singapore. We wanted a location we could work from with no interruptions, that was close to "life" but far away from…
We could not be happier with our stay at Villa Tangram. I booked this place for 6 of us who were travelling from Sydney, Melbourne and Singapore. We wanted a location we could work from with no interruptions, that was close to "life" but far away from it so we could get things done. That is exactly what we got. The best rooms, pools, accommodation and super fast Wifi. Onto the staff, WOW, I have never received such amazing service. Every single person we dealt with was so professional, friendly, attentive, ready to help us with anything we needed and also just let us do our thing. They learnt our names, made sure we were ok and that we weren't "wanting" for anything. We had breakfast and lunch in and the food was delicious. Every single one of us were beyond happy with the 4 nights we spent there and the way everyone went above and beyond. If you're looking for an aesthetically pleasing retreat with top service where nothing is too much trouble, Villa Tangram is your place. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED 10/10
Shirley S
Aug 2022

Exceeded all expectations

There really are no negatives which is pretty incredible. We travelled as a group of 30+ adults and children. We stayed for a week at the end of August and had a ball. Service… .The staff at Villa Tangram and Abakoi should be very proud of how…
There really are no negatives which is pretty incredible. We travelled as a group of 30+ adults and children. We stayed for a week at the end of August and had a ball. Service… .The staff at Villa Tangram and Abakoi should be very proud of how they care and accommodate their guests. I am especially impressed with their instant responses to any requests we made. For example we requested fences around the pools. No problem. We requested cots - easy. Banquets - great chef and kitchen staff. Western food no problem. Free Wi-Fi plus each room had international powerpoints. Accommodation… The great thing is that there are many rooms with many different configurations to choose from. Our friends with 5 children had two bedroom with two bathrooms. We had a smaller room for our little family. This rooms are super clean and full of comforts. Thank you To the staff
Sarah E
Apr 2022

Our own private oasis

Our stay at Villa Tangram was faultless. The amenities are first rate and nothing is too much trouble for the friendly and professional staff. They attended to our every need so discretely that we felt like we were in your own private oasis. We can't…
Our stay at Villa Tangram was faultless. The amenities are first rate and nothing is too much trouble for the friendly and professional staff. They attended to our every need so discretely that we felt like we were in your own private oasis. We can't wait to return and would highly recommend staying here to other discerning travellers who want to be close to all the best that Seminyak has to offer, while still feeling like you're a million miles from it all.
Stan K
Jun 2024

A fantastic place to stay in Bali

10 / 10

The Tangram Villa with Nala and all the staff were the best experience we had. The Villa is most secure with security on site especially the evenings. The staff most friendly and courteous to all our needs. A great place to relax play own music pick meals as required or eat out. Napa the site manager also arranged for day trips. The pool was great…
The Tangram Villa with Nala and all the staff were the best experience we had. The Villa is most secure with security on site especially the evenings. The staff most friendly and courteous to all our needs. A great place to relax play own music pick meals as required or eat out. Napa the site manager also arranged for day trips. The pool was great as were all the rooms. Close to main steer of Seminyak and fine dining or even a burger at Wackos. The family of 10 enjoyed the whole experience. We thoroughly recommend the Tangram and will certainly return in the future with next Bali holiday The shopping was great as Bali is still inexpensive Have a Great time and enjoy, pamper yourself.
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Pierre A
Apr 2024

Bali Paradise !

10 / 10

La villa est superbe et spacieuse (pour 16 personnes !!!!). Le personnel est juste adorable et souriant. Un conseil cependant acheter au marché et faites préparer plutôt que le « food service ». Vous ne serez pas déçu...
Kate B
Mar 2024

Best Place EVER!!! Great location, TOP Service.

10 / 10

We could not be happier with our stay at Villa Tangram. I booked this place for 6 of us who were travelling from Sydney, Melbourne and Singapore. We wanted a location we could work from with no interruptions, that was close to "life" but far away from it so we could get things done. That is exactly what we got. The best rooms, pools, accommodation…
We could not be happier with our stay at Villa Tangram. I booked this place for 6 of us who were travelling from Sydney, Melbourne and Singapore. We wanted a location we could work from with no interruptions, that was close to "life" but far away from it so we could get things done. That is exactly what we got. The best rooms, pools, accommodation and super fast Wifi. Onto the staff, WOW, I have never received such amazing service. Every single person we dealt with was so professional, friendly, attentive, ready to help us with anything we needed and also just let us do our thing. They learnt our names, made sure we were ok and that we weren't "wanting" for anything. We had breakfast and lunch in and the food was delicious. Every single one of us were beyond happy with the 4 nights we spent there and the way everyone went above and beyond. If you're looking for an aesthetically pleasing retreat with top service where nothing is too much trouble, Villa Tangram is your place. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED 10/10
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