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Flower Hill Villa Jamaica

Jamaika, Montego Bay


Willkommen in der Flower Hill Villa Jamaica, einem der luxuriösesten Ferienhäuser in Montego Bay. Die Flower Hill Villa liegt auf viereinhalb Hektar duftender Blumengärten und üppiger, grüner Landschaften. Das spektakuläre Anwesen misst üppige 20.000 Quadratfuß, einfach perfekt für die Unterbringung von bis zu sechs (6) Paaren oder Gruppen bis zu siebzehn (17) Personen.

Die Flower Hill Villa Jamaica liegt nur wenige Minuten vom Flughafen Montego Bay (MBJ) entfernt und hinterlässt bei Ihrer Ankunft einen unvergesslichen Eindruck. Wenn Sie die Tore betreten, werden Sie von einer Reihe imposanter Palmen begrüßt, deren riesige Wedel mühelos in der tropischen Brise wiegen.

Wenn Sie sich nicht entspannen und die Annehmlichkeiten der Flower Hill Villa Jamaica genießen, sind Sie nur wenige Autominuten von einigen der wichtigsten Highlights von Jamaikas zweitgrößter Stadt Montego Bay (bei den Einheimischen bekannt als „ Mobay“). Angeln, Tauchen, Schnorcheln, Reiten, Golf, geführte Plantagentouren, Shopping, Nachtleben und Seilrutschen sind nur einige der vielen Attraktionen, die Sie in und um diesen pulsierenden karibischen Hotspot entdecken werden.

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Jamaika, Montego Bay

Orte in der Nähe

Strand 800m
Restaurant 200 m
Supermarkt 1km
Flughafen 10 km
Hafen 15 km

Lokale Dienstleistungen

Geldautomat/Bank • Post • Lebensmittel • Wäscherei Dienstleistungen • Sportstudio • Spa • Medizinische Dienstleistungen • Krankenhaus • Babysitter • Apotheke • Polizei • Markt • Minimarkt

Lokale Sehenswürdigkeiten & Aktivitäten

Kreuzfahrten • Restaurants • Spielplätze • Kirchen • Weingut-Touren • Wassersport • Schwimmen • Surfen, Kite-Surfen • Yachtcharter • Kino • Museen • Bars • Beach Bars • Bibliothek • Yachthafen • Wasserparks • Reiten • Tauchen • Golf • Angeln • Jetski fahren • Wasserski • Segeln • Tennis • Mountainbiking • Tauchen • Tägliche Kreuzfahrten • Clubs

Was die Gäste sagen

Bewertungen: 10 / 10

Flower Hill Villa Jamaica

Jamaika, Montego Bay

Alle Bewertungen

Sep 2024

Flower Hill was beyond what we expected!

Flower Hill was beyond what we expected. From the moment you drive into the white gates of this property you feel like royalty. The grounds are beautifully maintained and the Villa views are heavenly. You are pampered from the moment you get out of your…
Flower Hill was beyond what we expected. From the moment you drive into the white gates of this property you feel like royalty. The grounds are beautifully maintained and the Villa views are heavenly. You are pampered from the moment you get out of your car with the Flower Hill staff. They are attentive to your every need. By the time you leave, you feel as if the staff has become part of your family. We had a wonderful 5 day visit. It was sad to leave it all behind. The Villa is top notch and I will say one thing I really loved was the electronics throughout the house. Very user friendly. Music and speakers throughout the villa and in each bedroom. The home is beautifully done, well built (we are in the construction industry) and well thought out. A wonderful space to enjoy with friends and family. You also have access to the Half Moon Resort that has water sports and other activities to choose from. The Luxury Retreat staff proved to be 5 star once again. Thanks to all.
Jan 2024

Our stay at Flower Hill was truly amazing!

Our stay at Flower Hill was truly amazing! The home is located a short ride from the Montego Bay airport, in a very quiet neighbourhood. The house is kept impeccably, layout is ideal for large groups. We used every part of the house from the pool to…
Our stay at Flower Hill was truly amazing! The home is located a short ride from the Montego Bay airport, in a very quiet neighbourhood. The house is kept impeccably, layout is ideal for large groups. We used every part of the house from the pool to the spa to the sauna. We had a reggae band come and play on the bottom lawn, fire dancers came and performed in the tiki hut. We practiced yoga on the upstairs patio. The house offers literally everything! As for the staff---they are OFF THE CHARTS! Everyone kind, friendly & eager to please. The are extremely considerate of food allergies and without being reminded, would prepare and deliver meals that met each persons needs. Speaking of meals, they food quality and preparation was excellent! Fresh local foods were incorporated and delicious! The property has some beautiful fruit trees that the staff collects from. We became friends with much of the staff and will 100 percent be returning to Flower Hill!
Mar 2023

Top tier

Flower Hill is top tier for well thought out design, great floor plan and 100% furnished with high quality appointments. Kudos to the attention to detail in every space of the property from the front gate to the fire pit in the back of the property and…
Flower Hill is top tier for well thought out design, great floor plan and 100% furnished with high quality appointments. Kudos to the attention to detail in every space of the property from the front gate to the fire pit in the back of the property and everything in-between. Ardale heading the kitchen served up fantastic cuisine from local, fresh produce. The grounds are impeccably maintained as is the villa itself. We will be back for sure.
Jan 2022

Best furnished and maintained Villa

The house is the best furnished and maintained Villa that we have stayed in over 30 years of travel. The staff is very professional yet pleasant to be around. The Chef is excellent and willing to accommodate in a variety ways. The quality of the furnishings…
The house is the best furnished and maintained Villa that we have stayed in over 30 years of travel. The staff is very professional yet pleasant to be around. The Chef is excellent and willing to accommodate in a variety ways. The quality of the furnishings and antiques is superior!!
Sep 2024

Flower Hill was beyond what we expected!

10 / 10

Flower Hill was beyond what we expected. From the moment you drive into the white gates of this property you feel like royalty. The grounds are beautifully maintained and the Villa views are heavenly. You are pampered from the moment you get out of your car with the Flower Hill staff. They are attentive to your every need. By the time you leave, you…
Flower Hill was beyond what we expected. From the moment you drive into the white gates of this property you feel like royalty. The grounds are beautifully maintained and the Villa views are heavenly. You are pampered from the moment you get out of your car with the Flower Hill staff. They are attentive to your every need. By the time you leave, you feel as if the staff has become part of your family. We had a wonderful 5 day visit. It was sad to leave it all behind. The Villa is top notch and I will say one thing I really loved was the electronics throughout the house. Very user friendly. Music and speakers throughout the villa and in each bedroom. The home is beautifully done, well built (we are in the construction industry) and well thought out. A wonderful space to enjoy with friends and family. You also have access to the Half Moon Resort that has water sports and other activities to choose from. The Luxury Retreat staff proved to be 5 star once again. Thanks to all.
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Jan 2024

Our stay at Flower Hill was truly amazing!

10 / 10

Our stay at Flower Hill was truly amazing! The home is located a short ride from the Montego Bay airport, in a very quiet neighbourhood. The house is kept impeccably, layout is ideal for large groups. We used every part of the house from the pool to the spa to the sauna. We had a reggae band come and play on the bottom lawn, fire dancers came and performed…
Our stay at Flower Hill was truly amazing! The home is located a short ride from the Montego Bay airport, in a very quiet neighbourhood. The house is kept impeccably, layout is ideal for large groups. We used every part of the house from the pool to the spa to the sauna. We had a reggae band come and play on the bottom lawn, fire dancers came and performed in the tiki hut. We practiced yoga on the upstairs patio. The house offers literally everything! As for the staff---they are OFF THE CHARTS! Everyone kind, friendly & eager to please. The are extremely considerate of food allergies and without being reminded, would prepare and deliver meals that met each persons needs. Speaking of meals, they food quality and preparation was excellent! Fresh local foods were incorporated and delicious! The property has some beautiful fruit trees that the staff collects from. We became friends with much of the staff and will 100 percent be returning to Flower Hill!
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Mar 2023

Top tier

10 / 10

Flower Hill is top tier for well thought out design, great floor plan and 100% furnished with high quality appointments. Kudos to the attention to detail in every space of the property from the front gate to the fire pit in the back of the property and everything in-between. Ardale heading the kitchen served up fantastic cuisine from local, fresh produce…
Flower Hill is top tier for well thought out design, great floor plan and 100% furnished with high quality appointments. Kudos to the attention to detail in every space of the property from the front gate to the fire pit in the back of the property and everything in-between. Ardale heading the kitchen served up fantastic cuisine from local, fresh produce. The grounds are impeccably maintained as is the villa itself. We will be back for sure.
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