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Villa Amanzi Kamala

Thailand, Phuket, Kamala Strand


Die Villa Amanzi Kamala mit sechs Schlafzimmern ist eine Designer-Villa auf drei Ebenen mit spektakulärem Meer- und Sonnenuntergangsblick und ein beeindruckender Urlaubsort. In der Nähe von Kamala Beach in einem exklusiven privaten Anwesen gelegen, verbindet die Villa faszinierendes modernes Design mit ihrer wunderschönen tropischen Hanglage zu atemberaubender Wirkung. Der 15-Meter-Pool bildet das Herzstück der Villa, während weitläufige Innen- und Außenbereiche das perfekte Partypad oder einfach eine Oase für glückselige Entspannung mit Familie und Freunden bieten. Ein Familien-/Spielzimmer, eine Gästeküche und ein Whirlpool bieten zusätzlichen Luxus, während das engagierte Team von Mitarbeitern, darunter ein Koch, Fünf-Sterne-Service bietet.

Die Villa Amanzi Kamala befindet sich auf dem exklusiven Anwesen Cape Amarin und ist eine der spektakulärsten Villen auf der Landzunge "Millionaires' Mile" zwischen den Stränden von Kamala und Patong mit herrlichem Meer- und Sonnenuntergangsblick. Eine 10-minütige Fahrt nach Norden führt zum Kamala Beach, einem bei Familien beliebten Strand mit weichem goldenem Sand, mit einer wachsenden Strandclubszene seit der Ankunft des schicken HQ und der Café Del Mar-Hotspots an seinem nördlichen Ende. Abgesehen vom zwanglosen Essen am Strand in einem der Restaurants, die den Sand säumen, ist Kamala der perfekte Ort zum Surfen, Bodyboarden oder einfach nur zum Entspannen im Sand. Etwa sieben Kilometer südlich liegt Patong Beach, Phukets geschäftigster Ferienort mit vielen Wassersportarten, Einkaufsmöglichkeiten, Restaurants und Nachtleben.

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Thailand, Phuket, Kamala Strand

Orte in der Nähe

Strand 800m
Restaurant 1 km
Supermarkt 4km
Flughafen 33 km
Hafen 27 km

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Geldautomat/Bank • Post • Lebensmittel • Wäscherei Dienstleistungen • Sportstudio • Spa • Medizinische Dienstleistungen • Krankenhaus • Babysitter • Apotheke • Polizei • Markt • Minimarkt

Lokale Sehenswürdigkeiten & Aktivitäten

Kreuzfahrten • Restaurants • Spielplätze • Kirchen • Weingut-Touren • Wassersport • Schwimmen • Surfen, Kite-Surfen • Yachtcharter • Safari-Touren • Kino • Museen • Bars • Beach Bars • Bibliothek • Yachthafen • Wasserparks • Reiten • Tauchen • Golf • Angeln • Jetski fahren • Wasserski • Segeln • Tennis • Mountainbiking • Paragliding • Tauchen • Windsurfen • Tägliche Kreuzfahrten • Clubs

Was die Gäste sagen

Bewertungen: 10 / 10

Villa Amanzi Kamala

Thailand, Phuket, Kamala Strand

Alle Bewertungen

Georgie J
Sep 2024

A Perfect Escape

From the moment you enter the property you will be in complete awe of this most amazing architectural space - and it will be all yours for the duration of your stay! Set on a cliff, it commands the most spectacular view directly over the Andaman Sea…
From the moment you enter the property you will be in complete awe of this most amazing architectural space - and it will be all yours for the duration of your stay! Set on a cliff, it commands the most spectacular view directly over the Andaman Sea. The 6-bedroom villa nestles up against an enormous feature rock and surrounded by large leafy trees which add to the character but do not detract from the vast spaces and views. The long beautiful swimming pool, cantilevered to huge effect, is where you will while away the hours, or by relaxing on the pool lounges, or playing table tennis and pool/snooker downstairs in the family room. The bedrooms each have the same stunning view as the entertainment areas, as do the en-suite bathrooms, two of which have outdoor baths. Surround-sound music are your choice as you destress in the tub, should you wish a change from the sounds of the ocean or birdsong. Finally, but just as remarkably, you will be looked after by the wonderful Amanzi Villa staff (attentive yet discreet) and Chef who presents the most beautiful and delicious meals of your choice from the in-house menu. The food really is spectacular and I would highly recommend the Thai beef salad and pomelo prawn salads, tom-yum soup or possibly a fabulous bbq. There is also a spa menu! All this will make you wonder if its even worth leaving this place of serenity for the buzzing island life just down the road in Patong village. You may simply want to "just be", and Villa Amanzi is the perfect place to do just that! I have never seen my husband more content!
Glen P
Sep 2024


The Villa has an amazing living area with the cantilever pool as the focal point, there is a real sense of peace as the villa blends in with the environment of rock, sea and and natural forest. There is also a great downstairs TV room with table tennis…
The Villa has an amazing living area with the cantilever pool as the focal point, there is a real sense of peace as the villa blends in with the environment of rock, sea and and natural forest. There is also a great downstairs TV room with table tennis and pool table. The staff were excellent and the food exceptional.
Aug 2024

Amanzi: a villa for all seasons and all ages

Returning to Villa Amanzi is always a thrill with the spectacular architecture hugging the rocks and providing mesmerising views out over the infinity pool to the sea from dawn to dusk. Added to this are the range of facilities and excellent staff making…
Returning to Villa Amanzi is always a thrill with the spectacular architecture hugging the rocks and providing mesmerising views out over the infinity pool to the sea from dawn to dusk. Added to this are the range of facilities and excellent staff making it difficult to tear yourself away whether you are active or prefer to complelety relax. Over the years, we have enjoyed Amanzi with groups of adults, adults with children and now with teenagers. Amazingly, the villa lends itself to cater for all these groups, spending time together or separately pursuing their own interests and entertainment. Whether the backdrop is the calm, crystal clear seas of the Winter or the spectacular and ever-changing Summer seas, it is always a pleasurable escape. When the opportunity arises again, we'll be back.
Aug 2024


Unbelievable place. As you walk in you’re faced with the most incredible uninterrupted views over the infinity pool to the Andaman Sea. Beautiful rooms, really fabulous staff, great food. Was only there for 4 days but was so relaxed it felt like I’d…
Unbelievable place. As you walk in you’re faced with the most incredible uninterrupted views over the infinity pool to the Andaman Sea. Beautiful rooms, really fabulous staff, great food. Was only there for 4 days but was so relaxed it felt like I’d rested for weeks. Very private. Can’t recommend Villa Amanzi highly enough.
Georgie J
Sep 2024

A Perfect Escape

10 / 10

From the moment you enter the property you will be in complete awe of this most amazing architectural space - and it will be all yours for the duration of your stay! Set on a cliff, it commands the most spectacular view directly over the Andaman Sea. The 6-bedroom villa nestles up against an enormous feature rock and surrounded by large leafy trees…
From the moment you enter the property you will be in complete awe of this most amazing architectural space - and it will be all yours for the duration of your stay! Set on a cliff, it commands the most spectacular view directly over the Andaman Sea. The 6-bedroom villa nestles up against an enormous feature rock and surrounded by large leafy trees which add to the character but do not detract from the vast spaces and views. The long beautiful swimming pool, cantilevered to huge effect, is where you will while away the hours, or by relaxing on the pool lounges, or playing table tennis and pool/snooker downstairs in the family room. The bedrooms each have the same stunning view as the entertainment areas, as do the en-suite bathrooms, two of which have outdoor baths. Surround-sound music are your choice as you destress in the tub, should you wish a change from the sounds of the ocean or birdsong. Finally, but just as remarkably, you will be looked after by the wonderful Amanzi Villa staff (attentive yet discreet) and Chef who presents the most beautiful and delicious meals of your choice from the in-house menu. The food really is spectacular and I would highly recommend the Thai beef salad and pomelo prawn salads, tom-yum soup or possibly a fabulous bbq. There is also a spa menu! All this will make you wonder if its even worth leaving this place of serenity for the buzzing island life just down the road in Patong village. You may simply want to "just be", and Villa Amanzi is the perfect place to do just that! I have never seen my husband more content!
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Glen P
Sep 2024


10 / 10

The Villa has an amazing living area with the cantilever pool as the focal point, there is a real sense of peace as the villa blends in with the environment of rock, sea and and natural forest. There is also a great downstairs TV room with table tennis and pool table. The staff were excellent and the food exceptional.
Aug 2024

Amanzi: a villa for all seasons and all ages

10 / 10

Returning to Villa Amanzi is always a thrill with the spectacular architecture hugging the rocks and providing mesmerising views out over the infinity pool to the sea from dawn to dusk. Added to this are the range of facilities and excellent staff making it difficult to tear yourself away whether you are active or prefer to complelety relax. Over…
Returning to Villa Amanzi is always a thrill with the spectacular architecture hugging the rocks and providing mesmerising views out over the infinity pool to the sea from dawn to dusk. Added to this are the range of facilities and excellent staff making it difficult to tear yourself away whether you are active or prefer to complelety relax. Over the years, we have enjoyed Amanzi with groups of adults, adults with children and now with teenagers. Amazingly, the villa lends itself to cater for all these groups, spending time together or separately pursuing their own interests and entertainment. Whether the backdrop is the calm, crystal clear seas of the Winter or the spectacular and ever-changing Summer seas, it is always a pleasurable escape. When the opportunity arises again, we'll be back.
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