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Calma Villa Crete

Griechenland, Kreta, Lasithi

Strand: 650m

Erleben Sie wahren Luxus in unseren Villen, während Sie sowohl die Privatsphäre einer abgelegenen Gegend als auch den einfachen Zugang zur örtlichen Gemeinde Sisi-Lasithi genießen. Ob Sie am Pool sitzen und sich entspannen oder am nur 700 m entfernten Strand sonnenbaden, die neu gebauten modernen Villen sind die perfekte Wahl für eine kleine Gruppe von Freunden oder eine Familie.

Abgesehen von den bekannteren Gegenden sind die neu gebauten modernen Villen ein idealer Ausgangspunkt, um die Insel Kreta und ihre authentischen Landschaften zu entdecken, während die erhöhte Lage einen Blick auf die Sisi-Bucht und die Bergkette bietet. Die Villen sind als zwei separate Komplexe gebaut und bieten völlige Unabhängigkeit und Privatsphäre. In nur wenigen Gehminuten erreichen Sie das Zentrum des Dorfes Sisi und den schönen minoischen Naturhafen. Spazieren Sie durch die kleinen Gassen, um die lokalen Sehenswürdigkeiten mit Tavernen, Cafés, Bäckereien und Souvenirläden zu entdecken.

Die minimalistische und helle Einrichtung folgt einem modernen Konzept, das sich nahtlos in die lokale felsige Umgebung einfügt. Der Außenbereich ist um den Poolbereich herum mit Chill-out-Spots und gastronomischen Einrichtungen gebaut. Im Inneren ist die Dekoration minimalistisch mit modernen Geräten, einem offenen Küchenbereich und einem gemütlichen Sofa. Ein Aufenthalt in den luxuriösen Calma Villas garantiert Ihnen Momente der absoluten Freude und Entspannung.

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Griechenland, Kreta, Lasithi

Orte in der Nähe

Strand 650m
Restaurant 500 m
Supermarkt 350m
Flughafen 39 km
Hafen 42 km

Lokale Dienstleistungen

Geldautomat/Bank • Post • Lebensmittel • Wäscherei Dienstleistungen • Sportstudio • Spa • Medizinische Dienstleistungen • Krankenhaus • Babysitter • Apotheke • Polizei • Markt • Minimarkt

Lokale Sehenswürdigkeiten & Aktivitäten

Kreuzfahrten • Restaurants • Spielplätze • Kirchen • Weingut-Touren • Wassersport • Schwimmen • Surfen, Kite-Surfen • Yachtcharter • Kino • Museen • Bars • Beach Bars • Bibliothek • Yachthafen • Wasserparks • Reiten • Tauchen • Golf • Angeln • Jetski fahren • Wasserski • Segeln • Tennis • Paragliding • Tauchen • Windsurfen • Tägliche Kreuzfahrten • Clubs

Was die Gäste sagen

Bewertungen: 10 / 10

Calma Villa Crete

Griechenland, Kreta, Lasithi

Alle Bewertungen

Julia H.
Sep 2024

We stayed at Calma Villas for a wonderful week in September.

We are two families with 3 kids in total. We enjoyed our stay to the fullest! The house is new and very tastefully furnished. There was nothing missing, the owner payed a lot attention to all the details. There is an AC in every room, the beds are absolutely…
We are two families with 3 kids in total. We enjoyed our stay to the fullest! The house is new and very tastefully furnished. There was nothing missing, the owner payed a lot attention to all the details. There is an AC in every room, the beds are absolutely comfortable and the kitchen is fully equiped. The pool is heated and has a perfect size. Everything was very clean, the cleaning staff came every other day and they were more than thorough. Everybody was very kind, the owner brought brand new toys for our kids, they provided diapers in every size for us to make sure that the right size is included. Octavian was our contact person and we could contact him around the clock with any kind of questions. He arranged appointments for us at the dentist, made restaurant recommendations and reservations for us and he arranged the shuttle service for every single trip we made. Thank you so much for all of our help! We highly recommend Calma Villas either for families or for a group of friends as it has all amenities you need to feel good all over. We will definitely come back someday. Thank you again for being such a perfect host! Kind regards and see you soon
Verena F.
Aug 2024

The perfect place for a relaxing holiday in north-east Crete.

We felt very much at home from the first moment and Manolis and Octavian took care of us with all our wishes. It was the most beautiful rental house we have ever visited. The location is perfect as it combines the natural beauty of Crete, the mountains…
We felt very much at home from the first moment and Manolis and Octavian took care of us with all our wishes. It was the most beautiful rental house we have ever visited. The location is perfect as it combines the natural beauty of Crete, the mountains and the sea nearby.
San P.
Aug 2024

Perfect holiday rental in Sisi

Only half hour drive from heraklion airport but feels like you are on a different island so far from the buzz of the busy tourist areas. Close to all amenities. Service is outstanding, there is nothing Octavian and Manolis cannot help with or arrange…
Only half hour drive from heraklion airport but feels like you are on a different island so far from the buzz of the busy tourist areas. Close to all amenities. Service is outstanding, there is nothing Octavian and Manolis cannot help with or arrange for you. The Villas are beautiful and in perfect condition. Amazing Seaview and if you are an early bird like me you get the sunrise over the hills from your balcony.
Kagan Ergul
Jun 2021

Great Villa!

Excellent location, excellent architecture, worth money for sure...
May 2021

Thank you for the Greek hospitality!

Such a nice place for family holidays, Villa and pool area are amazing, the facilities are more than enough and the location it was exactly what we needed, calm and nice views.
Julia H.
Sep 2024

We stayed at Calma Villas for a wonderful week in September.

10 / 10

We are two families with 3 kids in total. We enjoyed our stay to the fullest! The house is new and very tastefully furnished. There was nothing missing, the owner payed a lot attention to all the details. There is an AC in every room, the beds are absolutely comfortable and the kitchen is fully equiped. The pool is heated and has a perfect size. Everything…
We are two families with 3 kids in total. We enjoyed our stay to the fullest! The house is new and very tastefully furnished. There was nothing missing, the owner payed a lot attention to all the details. There is an AC in every room, the beds are absolutely comfortable and the kitchen is fully equiped. The pool is heated and has a perfect size. Everything was very clean, the cleaning staff came every other day and they were more than thorough. Everybody was very kind, the owner brought brand new toys for our kids, they provided diapers in every size for us to make sure that the right size is included. Octavian was our contact person and we could contact him around the clock with any kind of questions. He arranged appointments for us at the dentist, made restaurant recommendations and reservations for us and he arranged the shuttle service for every single trip we made. Thank you so much for all of our help! We highly recommend Calma Villas either for families or for a group of friends as it has all amenities you need to feel good all over. We will definitely come back someday. Thank you again for being such a perfect host! Kind regards and see you soon
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Verena F.
Aug 2024

The perfect place for a relaxing holiday in north-east Crete.

10 / 10

We felt very much at home from the first moment and Manolis and Octavian took care of us with all our wishes. It was the most beautiful rental house we have ever visited. The location is perfect as it combines the natural beauty of Crete, the mountains and the sea nearby.
San P.
Aug 2024

Perfect holiday rental in Sisi

10 / 10

Only half hour drive from heraklion airport but feels like you are on a different island so far from the buzz of the busy tourist areas. Close to all amenities. Service is outstanding, there is nothing Octavian and Manolis cannot help with or arrange for you. The Villas are beautiful and in perfect condition. Amazing Seaview and if you are an early…
Only half hour drive from heraklion airport but feels like you are on a different island so far from the buzz of the busy tourist areas. Close to all amenities. Service is outstanding, there is nothing Octavian and Manolis cannot help with or arrange for you. The Villas are beautiful and in perfect condition. Amazing Seaview and if you are an early bird like me you get the sunrise over the hills from your balcony.
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