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Villa Laut Bali

Indonesien, Bali, Tabanan

Strand: 50m

Fabelhafte Villa am Meer in einem kleinen Palmenhain. Die Atmosphäre dieses Ortes ist äußerst romantisch - einsame Strände, schwarz schimmernder Sand, smaragdgrüne Reisterrassen unter dem Sternenhimmel. Erbaut aus Eisenholz mit riesigen Panoramafenstern bis zum Boden, die eine atemberaubende Aussicht eröffnen. Architekturbungalow - eklektisches Spiel von Sumatra-Häusern Menang Kabo und kolonialem Charme, mit ihrem erstaunlichen Dach, das sich nach oben öffnet wie die Flügel eines magischen Vogels.

Das Interieur der Villa Laut Bali kombiniert Designermöbel und Details aus verschiedenen Epochen und Ländern, viele Unikate, erstellt nach Skizzen der Eigentümer - Architekten. Truhen Felix Monge, fließende Kronleuchter Terzani, ein Essbereich, Louis 15, chinesische Porzellanlampe, antik, Designer-Kronleuchterschiff, von den Architekten entworfen, geschnitzte Paneele und Türen, die von verschiedenen Inseln Indonesiens gesammelt wurden, viele schöne Objekte, all dies ist eine Geschichte einer wunderschönen Reise- und Romantikgeschichte.

Villa Laut Bali bietet Platz für bis zu 4 Personen und verfügt über einen 7-8 m langen privaten Pool sowie einen Kinderpool. Die Villa verfügt außerdem über zwei fantastische Badezimmer, von denen eines eine Badewanne aus Kupfer hat, und zwei Ankleidezimmer. Mit Concierge-Manager, komplettem Housekeeping und eigenem Koch.

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Indonesien, Bali, Tabanan

Orte in der Nähe

Strand 50m
Restaurant 400 m
Supermarkt 4km
Flughafen 30 km
Hafen 30 km

Lokale Dienstleistungen

Geldautomat/Bank • Post • Lebensmittel • Wäscherei Dienstleistungen • Sportstudio • Spa • Medizinische Dienstleistungen • Krankenhaus • Babysitter • Apotheke • Polizei • Markt • Minimarkt • Mietwagen wird empfohlen

Lokale Sehenswürdigkeiten & Aktivitäten

Kreuzfahrten • Restaurants • Spielplätze • Kirchen • Wassersport • Schwimmen • Surfen, Kite-Surfen • Yachtcharter • Safari-Touren • Kino • Museen • Bars • Beach Bars • Bibliothek • Yachthafen • Wasserparks • Reiten • Tauchen • Golf • Angeln • Jetski fahren • Wasserski • Segeln • Tennis • Mountainbiking • Paragliding • Tauchen • Windsurfen • Tägliche Kreuzfahrten • Clubs

Was die Gäste sagen

Bewertungen: 10 / 10

Villa Laut Bali

Indonesien, Bali, Tabanan

Alle Bewertungen

Vania S
May 2024

Amazing place

Everything is much more beautiful than in the photos. Delicious food and unforgettable sunsets. Dream vacation in real paradise! :)
Aug 2023

hidden gem in Tabanan

Fantastic villa! The best place where i ever rested. Awesome atmosphere - beautiful, lovely house, wild nature around, warm and clean ocean and, in addition, excellent service and conditions... Love everything about this villa! Will be back for sure…
Fantastic villa! The best place where i ever rested. Awesome atmosphere - beautiful, lovely house, wild nature around, warm and clean ocean and, in addition, excellent service and conditions... Love everything about this villa! Will be back for sure!
Bagus D
Jun 2023


You MUST GO HERE!!! The price are so reasonable, even i consider it as super cheap if compared to all the facilities we got. Private pool, beachfront location (although the beach is not really private, but hey the beach is freaking huge so it won't bother…
You MUST GO HERE!!! The price are so reasonable, even i consider it as super cheap if compared to all the facilities we got. Private pool, beachfront location (although the beach is not really private, but hey the beach is freaking huge so it won't bother your privacy), fully equipped kitchen (if you come with family, it would be best if you cook for yourself and then eat at the terrace which is at the beachfront so you can have your D.I.Y. luxurious dinner), there are TV with satellite channels so the kids would love the cartoons and other stuffs, the copper bathtub was fabulous, and the most important thing, THE PROPERTY IS EXTREMELY ANTIQUE AND UNIQUE. This villa is one of a kind and I don't think I could find a better place than this! The only bad thing is before we reach the villa, Google took us tu the road which has a broken bridge so we have to turn back and ask some local people to find the villa, and we realized it wasn't really hard at all, so for all the facilities and stuffs, this hotel has a really great value for money. WE DEFINITELY COMING AGAIN HERE!!!
Dec 2022

Romantic unique place

We are specifically looking for a Villa on the beach with a unique traditional architecture and design. How de we were delighted when we arrived at the Villa! The Villa is really on the beach, which is rare for Bali, with a large terrace where is served…
We are specifically looking for a Villa on the beach with a unique traditional architecture and design. How de we were delighted when we arrived at the Villa! The Villa is really on the beach, which is rare for Bali, with a large terrace where is served wonderful breakfasts and dinners , swimming pool Laguna. Every detail in the house, the nature around creates an incredibly romantic even fairytale atmosphere. Manager Gita, fulfilled all our wishes : I ordered flowers to arrange a real Spa in a copper bath , sea salt, Balinese massage , romantic dinner . This is one of those places where you can take fabulous photos in the background of the rice terraces , on the ocean, in a house where so many magical details and you can see that everything is created with love! The only thing I would advise is to remove the TV, it's like it doesn't fit the concept in my opinion. Oh, forgot to say that it serves real fresh , not diluted orange juice!
Vania S
May 2024

Amazing place

10 / 10

Everything is much more beautiful than in the photos. Delicious food and unforgettable sunsets. Dream vacation in real paradise! :)
Aug 2023

hidden gem in Tabanan

10 / 10

Fantastic villa! The best place where i ever rested. Awesome atmosphere - beautiful, lovely house, wild nature around, warm and clean ocean and, in addition, excellent service and conditions... Love everything about this villa! Will be back for sure!
Bagus D
Jun 2023


10 / 10

You MUST GO HERE!!! The price are so reasonable, even i consider it as super cheap if compared to all the facilities we got. Private pool, beachfront location (although the beach is not really private, but hey the beach is freaking huge so it won't bother your privacy), fully equipped kitchen (if you come with family, it would be best if you cook for…
You MUST GO HERE!!! The price are so reasonable, even i consider it as super cheap if compared to all the facilities we got. Private pool, beachfront location (although the beach is not really private, but hey the beach is freaking huge so it won't bother your privacy), fully equipped kitchen (if you come with family, it would be best if you cook for yourself and then eat at the terrace which is at the beachfront so you can have your D.I.Y. luxurious dinner), there are TV with satellite channels so the kids would love the cartoons and other stuffs, the copper bathtub was fabulous, and the most important thing, THE PROPERTY IS EXTREMELY ANTIQUE AND UNIQUE. This villa is one of a kind and I don't think I could find a better place than this! The only bad thing is before we reach the villa, Google took us tu the road which has a broken bridge so we have to turn back and ask some local people to find the villa, and we realized it wasn't really hard at all, so for all the facilities and stuffs, this hotel has a really great value for money. WE DEFINITELY COMING AGAIN HERE!!!
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